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四年级复习材料(易错题)班级: 姓名: 内容:语法及练习Art is long, life is short. 人生短暂,学艺无穷。 一、 按要求写词/词组:lets(完整形式) _ we(物主代词)_ woman(复数) _there(对应词) _ his(复数) _the girl in the tree_ 一位老厨师_ 穿一件红色夹克_ she(复数) _ 两名男士_ 那个黄色的香蕉_ 那些橙色的橘子_ 多少苹果_ 在操场上踢球_在星期六_在上午_ 在星期三上午_在七点三十_ 去游泳_画它们 _在河上_二、 适当形式填空:1、 Are_(this)your jeans?2、 Are you _(nurse)?Yes,we are.3、 Here are three_(副)of gloves for you.4、 Do you like_(蛋糕)?5、 _(you)ruler is too short.6、 _that boy with big eyes?(whose)7、 What are_(they)jobs?8、 What do you want_(be)?9、 What are_(that)?10、What a_(love) panda!11、Do you like_(puppet)? Yes,I do.12、How many_(library)can you see?三、句型转换1、猫在哪儿?_?2、I go to school at seven oclock.(画线提问)_?3、The man with big eyes is Li Lias father.(画线提问)_?4、Its time to go to school.(同义句)Its time _ _.5、This scarf is Helens(同义句) ._ _ _ scarf. 6、That girl is my friend,(一般疑问句)_7、The boy in a black jacket is my brother,(画线提问)_8I go to school on foot(画线提问). _9Are you students?(改为陈述句) _.四、选择:1.Excuse me, _your mother a teacher?A.are Bis C.am D.be2.Dont_late for class.A.be B,is Care3.The woman with_big ears is Mrs White,A.the B.a C/4.What are these?A.These are grapes. BThose are grapes CThey are grapes5.How old_you?A.be B,is Care答案:一、按要求写词/词组:lets(完整形式)let us we(物主代词)our(部分学生对物主代词的概念陌生:代词一般表示“的”,如“我”I的代词就该是“我的”my,我们我们的) woman(复数) womenthere(对应词)here his(复数) their(her的复数也是their,their可以表示:他们的,她们的,它们的)the girl in the tree在树上的女孩(长在树上on,外来物在树上in)一位老厨师an old cook(学生易忽视的是an,类似的考点还有an English book;an interesting story;an exciting game)穿一件红色夹克in a red jacket(穿着什么颜色的衣服用in,有什么样的特征用with,如:大鼻子的男孩the boy with a big nose) she(复数) they两名男士two men 那个黄色的香蕉that yellow banana那些橙色的橘子those orange oranges多少苹果how many apples在操场上踢球play football in the playground 在星期六on Saturday在上午in the morning 在星期三上午on Wednesday morning在七点三十at seven thirty(务必记熟练)去游泳go swimming(go 后面加动名词,动词必须要加ing)画它们draw them(draw是动词,后面的人称加宾格,them的主格是they)在河上on the river二、 适当形式填空:1.these(jeans牛仔裤,复数,应将this这改成these这些) 2.nurses 3.pairs(一副手套a pair of gloves;三副手套three pairs of gloves) 4.cakes(喜欢的一般是一类物品,用复数,必考) 5.Your(你的尺子,用your) 6.Whos(who谁;whose谁的;是谁who is =whos) 7.their (their jobs他们的工作) 8.to be(想要成为;未发生的动作,动词后面接to do结构) 9.those(are接复数) 10.lovely(可爱的) 11.puppets 12.libraries(in the library在图书馆里,复数将y变成i+es)三、句型转换1、猫在哪儿? Where is the cat?(the不能少)2、I go to school at seven oclock.(画线提问)What time/When do you go to school?3、The man with big eyes is Li Lias father.(画线提问)Who is the man with big eyes?4、Its time to go to school.(同义句)Its time for school.(Its time to 加动词,Its time for+名词,务必记熟练)5、This scarf is Helens(同义句). Helen has a scarf. (Helen是单数,表示“有”have要变成has)6、That girl is my friend,(一般疑问句)Is that girl your friend?(注意人称转换:那个女孩是我的朋友。疑问句:那个女孩是你的朋友吗?)7、The boy in a black jacket is my brother,(画线提问)Which boy is your brother?(哪一个男孩是你的兄弟?疑问词:哪一个,询问人或物品的特征)8I go to school on foot(画线提问). How do you go to school?(How怎样How are you?你的身体怎样?询问交通方式:你怎样去学校?用how)9Are you students?(改为陈述句)We are students.四、选择:B. 1.Excuse me, _your mother a teacher?A.are Bis C.am D.beA. 2.Dont_late for class.(do,dont后面接动词原形,be动词am,is,are的原形都是be)A.be B,is CareC. 3.The woman with_big ears is Mrs White,(大耳朵,复数,前面不能加the或a,只有一个的,必须要加a,如the woman with a big mouth)A.the B.a C/C. 4.What are these?(务必记熟练:Whats this?回答一般不说This is而该说Its;同理,What are these?回答不说These are而该说They are)A.These are grapes. BThose are grapes CThey are grapesC. 5.How old_you?A.be B,is Care


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