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仁爱版九年级英语Unit 1说课材料一、教材内容分析 1.教材地位Unit One The Changing world是本册书的起始单元,伴随经济的发展,世界的变化越来越大,对环境的污染及治理,对英语语言的交流发展以及科技进步等方面都带来了深远的影响。本册书共四个单元分别围绕经济,环保,语言,科技展开学习。四个单元知识结构紧凑,环环相扣。因此说本单元是重点单元。2.教学目标依据Unit 1 的教材内容及其重难点,特制定以下教学目标:本单元的教学内容主要围绕假期经历,人口问题,社会问题展开。第一话题My hometown has become more and more beautiful是起始部分,标题就显现了本单元的一个重点语法项目现在完成时。主要通过康康和他的伙伴们谈论暑期生活经历展开新知识的学习。以及通过北京的新旧变化,了解中国发生的翻天覆地的变化来复习和巩固一般现在时和现在完成时的用法和区别。第二话题China has the largest population.由康康和好友的购物经历引出了主要内容:人口问题。通过四个部分的呈现,我们了解到人口是影响社会发展的重要因素,世界人口形势严峻,中国作为世界人口大国的现状以及中国政府为此采取的措施,即carry out the one child policy的意义。本话题依旧学习现在完成时,主要学习already, just, ever, never, yet在现在完成时中的运用。另外较大的数词表达方式也是重要内容。第三话题The world has changed for the better.主要通过四个故事的解读介绍了当今社会的一些服务机构对一些社会问题的解决措施。教育我们的学生要珍惜现在的美好生活。培养他们的爱心,同情心,多一些关爱送给那些需要帮助的人。本话题学习和总结现在完成时,了解构词法。 二、重难点解析教学重点:现在完成时。教学难点:1.较大数词的表达以及运用。 2. 构词法。3. 在现在完成时的学习过程中,有几点容易引起知识上的混淆。 1).have/has been to, have/has gone to的用法。. 2).for, since 的用法差异。 3).终止性动词和延续性动词的转化问题。三、教材认识(1)功能目标:Topic1 My hometown has become more and more beautiful。Talk about the children vacation experiences。Talk about changes and their effects on society。Topic2 China has the largest population.Talking about the country life and the city life。Talking about population growth。Topic3 The world has changed for the better.Talking about social service(2)语法目标:1,have/has gone to / have/has been to的区别 2,have/has done3, already,yet,just,ever,never的应用。 4,for,since的具体运用 (3)语言目标:Where have you been,Jane?I have been to mount Huang with my parents. She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer.Have you cleaned rooms for the disabled children? Yes, I have. No, I havent.I have just called you I have never been there before. Have you found him yet?China has developed a lot already.You have been in York for a long time.The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.(4)词汇:proper, bell, shut, rope, granny, describe, education, develop, communication, quick, sort, rapid, progress, succeed, consider, tool probably, European, population, recent, policy, neither, increase, difficulty, percent, unless, couple, market discover, direct, invention, medical, provider, conversation, dead, fire, skill, purpose, war, social, abroad ,mention. 基础短语 Unit 1:1. take place 2. learn sth. from sb. 3. have no time/chance to do sth. 4. in detail 5. afford sth. for sb./ afford sb. sth. 6. give support to sb./ support sb. 7. get/receive a good education 8. with the development of China 9. see sth. oneself 10. keep in touch with sb. 11.sorts of 12.succeed in doing sth. 13. with the help of sb./ with ones help 14. Thanks to 15. at least 16. in recent years/ recently17. increase by 18. carry out 19. be short of 20. so far 21. take measures to do sth. 22. be known as 23. keep up with 24. get/ be used to sth./ doing sth. 25. as a matter of fact 26. in need 27. decide on sth./ doing sth.28. provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb. 29. steal sth. from sb. 30. aim to do sth. 31. at home and abroad四、教学策略:1,课堂设计以学生为主体,尊重学生个性,重视情知教学,激发他们的兴趣和求知欲,让其产生共鸣。2,让合理的学生活动贯穿课堂的始终,活动模式从单边向双边和多变转化。让学生在欢乐紧张的活动中体验知识发展智能.3, 重视过程教学,重视合作学习.4, 听,说,读,写的训练可根据教学实际,每节课有所偏重.五、情感态度培养:1,培养学生乐于与他人沟通的意识.2, 关注社会问题, 培养学生的爱心.3, 增强学生对人口问题的认识.4, 引导树立正确的社会意识.六,中考链接:(1)单选1.Helen loves to talk about travel. She _ many places. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. has been from 2.Two years ago, I _ this group. A . joined B. took part in C .have joined in D.have been in3.Where is our monitor? I have something important to tell him. she _the teachers office. A . has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. have gone to4.I have been in Beijing_ three years ago. A. for B. since C. in D. at 5. How long _ you _ this book? Since last week. A. have, had B. have, bought C. have, buy D. did ,buy 中考链接(2) 补全对话(假期活动)中考链接(3) 写作训练1.家乡变化 2.人口问题

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