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Unit 2 English around the world Revision of unit 2 book1Teaching importance &difficulties:To help students master key words ,expressions and sentences patterns in this unit.To get students to consolidate what they have learned in this unit.To help students turn what they have learned into their abilityLearning tasks:Key words : base ,command,recognize ,actually,identity,frequent,usage,straight.Key expressions: because of ,come up,make use of,such as,play a part/role in .Key sentence patterns: Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present .Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.Grammar:direct & indirect speech 重点词汇1. presentn.礼物adj.在场的;目前的vt.赠送2. 典例1).Themountainbikeisabirthdaypresentfrommyparents.这辆山地自行车是父母给我的生日礼物。2).IamafraidIcanthelpyouatpresent.恐怕现在我没法帮助你。3) when Mr brown left the firm ,the director presented him with a gold watch/presented a gold watch to him.布朗先生离开这家公司时,董事送给他一块金表。4)How many people were present at the meeting?参加会议的有多少人?重点用法atpresent=atthepresenttime=now目前,现在bepresentat出席;到场(反义:beabsentfrom)presentsb.withsth=presentsth.tosb.把某物送给某人2. commandn.&v.命令;指令;掌握重点用法commandsb.todosth命令某人做某事beunderthecommandof由指挥,由控制beincommandof控制beatonescommand听任某人支配 have (a) command of 精通,掌握【特别提醒】command后接that从句时要用虚拟语气【典例】1) Theofficercommandedhissoldierstofire.那名军官命令士兵们开火。2) The army is under the command of the king.军队由国王统帅。3) In this era of globalization ,a good command of a foreign language is very important.全球化时代,精通一门外语是非常重要的。4) The teacher commanded that he (should)go out of the classroom.老师命令他离开教室。3 requestn.&v.请求;要求重点用法Make (a)request for 请求,要求.requestsb.todosth.要求某人做某事at sbs request =at the request of sb. 应某人之要求requestthatsb(should)do要求某人做某事【典例】1).They have made an urgent request for international aid.他们紧急请求国际援助。2).Irequestedhimtohelp.我请求他帮忙。3)The name of the murder victim was not published in the newspapers,at the request of the judge.依照法官的要求,被谋害者的姓名不在报上公布。4) My parents requested that I ( should )learn a second language. 我的父母要求我再学一门外语。【扩展 联想】像 command ,request 一样,其后的名词性从句谓语用“(should )+动词原形”的常用词有: 一个“坚持(insist)”;两个“命令(order,command)三个“建议(suggest,advise,propose)”;四个“要求(demand,ask,require,request)”;4.recognizevt.辨认出;承认;公认重点用法 recognize sb /sth 认出或识别某人/某事物berecognized as./to be .被认作被认为是 It is recognized that .人们公认【典例】1).You have cut your hair so short that I can hardly recognize you. 你的头发理得如此短我几乎认不出来你了。2) Lawrences novelwasrecognizedtobe/as a work of genius.劳伦斯的小说被公认为是天才之作。3) It is recognized that environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face. 人们一致认为环境污染已经成为人们面临的最严重的问题之一。 5 Base vt. 以为根据 n 基部 基地 基础Basic adj 基本的,基础的Base .on.把建立在Be based on .以为基础Be based in.设在某地【典例】1)They based their estimate on the figures for the last 3 years.他们以过去三年的的数字为根据进行估算。2)Their marketing strategy is based on on a study of consumer spending.他们的销售策略是根据对消费者花钱的情况所做的研究而制定的。3)Our company is based in Paris.我们公司设在巴黎。重点短语1. comeup走近;上来;提出(Sth.) Come up (某物)长出,升起,(出现)被提出,发生(Sb ).come up (某人)走过来,走近Come up to sb/sth走近某人或某物典例 1)I planted some lily seeds in the yard ,but they failed to come up.我在院子里种了一些百合花种子,但是他们没有2)When the moon came up,the young people started their party.当月亮升起,年轻人开始聚会。3)Ill let you know,if anything comes up.如果发生什么事,我会告诉你的。4)Itiscertainthatthequestionwillcomeupatthemeeting.这个问题在会议上一定会被提出来的。5).Thelittle boycameuptothestrangerandshowedhimhowtogettothepolicestation.小男孩向陌生人走去,并告诉他去警察局的路。短语归纳comeacross邂逅comeabout发生comefrom来自comeout出版;开花;结果是 come back 回来,再现 come over 过来Come on 催促,鼓动 come along进展,跟随 come up to 达到(标准)comeupwith想出,提出2 make use of 利用充分利用: Make full/good use of Make the most/best of Take full advantage of典例:1).MakefulluseofeverychanceyouhavetospeakEnglish.要充分利用一切机会说英语。 2).Wewillmake the best/most ofhertalents 我们要很好的发挥她的才能。知识扩展:Come into use 开始被使用Bring/put .to use加以使用Be of great use 很有用It is no use doing sth.做没有用.3 playapart(in)扮演一个角色;参与典例1).Sheplaysanactivepartinlocalpolitics.她积极参与地方政治活动。2).Sheplayedamajorpartinthesuccessofthescheme.她对该计划的成功起了重要作用。翻译:中国在当今世界扮演着重要的角色。_Chinaisplayinganimportantpart/role intheworldtoday. 4 because of 因为,由于because of的同义短语due to Owing to As a result ofThanks to On account of【特别提示】due to 不放在句首,如果放在句首要用because of 或owing to来代替典例Food prices have increased because of higher oil prices.由于油价高,食品价格也上涨了。His success is entirely due to hard work. 他的成功完全是由于努力工作。Thanks to the warm autumn ,our fuel bills have been very low. 由于今年秋天很暖和,我们的燃料费一直很低重点句型1 Believeitornot,thereisnosuchthingasstandardEnglish.信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。(1) believeitornot信不信由你。常在句中做插入语。(2) nosuchthing没有这样的事情。such与all,no,some,any,few,little,many,much,several,one等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。典例Believeitornot,herefusedtoacceptouroffer.信不信由你,他拒绝接受我们的帮助。Thereisnosuchstreetinthecity.这城市没有那样的街道。Hesaidhedidnthavetimeormadesomesuchexcuse.他说他没有时间或别的诸如此类的借口。2 It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多的是以法语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。More .than.与其说不与说More than +名词:不仅仅,不只是 +数词:超过,多于 +形容词、副词:非常,十分,与very同义No more than 仅仅(具有感情色彩)Not more than 不多于(没有感情色彩)典例She is more thoughtless than stupid .与其所她笨倒不如说她是粗心大意。Now Guo Jingming is more than a writer,he is also a film director.现在郭敬明不仅仅是作家,他还是电影导演。If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will more than happy to refund your money.如果你对买的东西不满意,我们非常乐意退给你钱。No more than 5 people applied for the job.申请这份工作的竟然未超过5人。Its not more than a mile to the sea.到海边不到一公里。3 Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.以英语为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。Even if/though 通常引导让步状语从句,意为“即使,尽管”,所引导的从句常用一般现在时代指将来。在主从句主语相同,或从句主语为it,而且谓语动词又包含be时,也可采用省略结构。典例He keep the habit of taking regular exercise ,even if/though he does not have much spare time.尽管她每天没有多少闲暇时间,他依然保持着经常锻炼的习惯。He wont come to our party even if/though ( he is) invited.即使受到邀请,他也不会来参加我们的晚会。

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