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上海版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考考试试卷B卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)完形填空In the early hours of 7 September 1838, one of the worst storms in history was roaring(咆哮)along the coast of England. The lighthouse keeper1at a ship. “It will be gone in a few more minutes,” he said sadly. His daughter, Grace Darling, looking from an upstairs window, found the great ship had 2against the rocks and broken into halves.“Cant we save them?” Grace asked when she saw the3people on the ship. “Isnt there any way to help them?”“No one can take a lifeboat out in that water,” her father answered. “The waves(浪)are too large.”Grace had great4.She simply did not know how to give up. Filled with pity, she ran to the lifeboat quickly. Her father5. With tears running down his face, he begged his daughter not to get into the boat, 6she would not listen. Her father could not let her go alone. He climbed in too. The two of them rowed in a great hurry. Each wave seemed 7to throw them into the sea at any time.Suddenly there was a terrible roar. The storm had 8the ship in two. People were holding on to each half tightly(紧紧地).They had to be saved soon.Grace and her father rowed faster. Soon they reached the ship and began filling the lifeboat with9. Then father and daughter brought their lifeboat safely to shore.As news of her brave saving action reached the public, the whole country considered her as a national hero. Grace and her father received the Silver Medal10from the British government. To this day a small statue stands above the grave(墓)of Grace Darling. People still respect the young woman who refused to give up.(1)A . looked out B . looked up C . looked around D . looked down (2)A . ran B . knocked C . crashed D . rushed (3)A . worried B . scared C . excited D . mixed (4)A . pride B . attention C . confidence D . courage (5)A . stayed B . pushed C . followed D . returned (6)A . but B . and C . so D . then (7)A . mad B . close C . awful D . ready (8)A . divided B . cut C . lifted D . attacked (9)A . adults B . tourists C . victims D . survivors (10)A . award B . gift C . prize D . reward 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)2. (6分)阅读理解I am an apple. You can find me growing(生长) in many places(地方) in the world. I am like my cousins, pears and bananas. I am more round than a pear, and bananas are longer than I. I am delicious(美味的), so people all over the world like to eat me. I cost very little money and I help make people healthy. There is a saying in English : An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dont you think Im great?(1)The bananas is _ than the apple. A . shorterB . longerC . more roundD . more delicious(2)The best title of the passage is_ A . All kinds of fruitsB . Apples are deliciousC . An apple a day keeps the doctor awayD . Apples(3)The banana is the apples _. A . brotherB . fatherC . sisterD . cousin(4)Here the underlined word “saying” means_ in Chinese. A . 说话B . 谚语C . 言语D . 语言(5)The underlined sentence means _. A . the doctor goes away when he sees an appleB . the doctor runs away when you give him an appleC . you eat an apple every day and you can be healthyD . eating an apple every day can help the doctor a lot3. (8分)根据短文内容,判断正误。Wang Ping and Wang Bin are the twins. They are students. They go to school five days a week. They dont have classes on Saturday and Sundays.Today is Sunday. They want to go to the shop. Wang Ping wants to buy(买) a pen and Wang Bin wants to buy a pencilbox. In the shop there are many nice things and a lot of people. Some of them buy apples and bananas. And some of them buy food and clothes. The people in the shop are very friendly. Wang Ping and Wang Bin are very glad(高兴)to come back home with their things.(1)The twins go to school from Monday to Friday. (2)They go to the shop on Sunday. (3)Wang Bin wants to buy a pen. (4)The twins want to buy some food, too. (5)They are very glad today. 4. (8分)阅读理解Its always a happy moment when you get some pocket money. But have you ever thought about how to spend your pocket money wisely? Here is some advice.Make a list.When you get your pocket money, dont get too excited. We all have a lot of things that we want. But do you really need them? Thats why it is necessary to make a list before you spend money. Start with the thing you want most. You can also write down how much it costs or how important it is in your life. By doing this, you will see if it is really necessary to buy it.Help others.How about being more selfless and using your pocket money to help others? We all know that there are many people in the world who are in need of our help. Helping others brings out the best in us and is one of the greatest joys in our lives. So consider using your pocket money to do something useful and helpful, and feel how you can make a difference.Save as much as you can.There is an old saying that Money doesnt grow on trees. If you spend all your pocket money right away, youll have no money until your next pay day. A wallet sometimes might not be the best place to save money because it may make it easier for you to spend your money. Get a piggy bank or ask your parents to start a savings account (账户) for you. Someday when you look back, youll get a strong feeling of achievement by saving so much money by yourself!(1)Why should we make a list before spending money? A . Because it can help us buy things that we want most.B . Because it can make sure we buy everything we want.C . Because it can help us know which thing is the most expensive.D . Because it can help us know if we have enough money for the things.(2)What does the underlined sentence Money doesnt grow on trees. mean? A . Money doesnt come easily.B . Money is as important as trees.C . One can make money by growing trees.D . We should use our money to protect the environment.(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Helping others can bring us great happiness.B . We should tell our parents before we buy something expensive.C . Pocket money can be used to do something useful and helpful.D . Saving much money can make us get a strong feeling of achievement.(4)What is the best title for the passage? A . How to save pocket moneyB . How to get pocket moneyC . How to spend pocket moneyD . How to help others with pocket money5. (8分)阅读短文,下列问题BFathers Day has a very short history. It was started because there was a mothers Day,and just because some Americans thought that if we had a Mothers Day, we should also have a Fathers Day. Fathers Day has become important in North America. And businessmen found it was a good way to get people to buy a present for the fathers from their shops.By the way, very few countries have a Fathers Day, though some have Childrens Day, or a special day for boys and another for girls. More and more countries are having Mothers Day, so maybe Fathers Day will become popular before too long. Now, what do people in North America do on Fathers Day? The newspapers, radios, and TV tell children what they should buy Fathers Day presents for their fathers. They even tell a wife to buy a Fathers Day present-not for her father but for her husband, even if(即使) he is not a father. And they tell grandchildren to buy a present for their grandfathers.(1)Fathers Day was started just because .A . there was a Mothers Day.B . there was a Childrens Day.C . businessmen wanted to get a lot of money.D . people liked their father very much.(2)In North America, people have a Fathers Day to .A . buy some presents only for their fathers. B . help their fathers do something.C . let their fathers have a good rest D . show their love for their fathers or husbands.(3)On Fathers Day, businessmen always want .A . people to buy as many presents as they can.B . children to buy presents only for their fathers.C . women to buy presents only for their husbands.D . only men with children to have presents.(4)We know from the passage that .A . the writer doesnt like Fathers Day.B . many countries have a Fathers Day.C . businessmen can get more money on Fathers Day.D . Fathers Day will become more important than Mothers Day.三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)6. (3分)任务型阅读Here is some information about Sanya, Beijing and Harbin.Sanya is in Hainan Province. Its still warm in winter. Its about 15 in the daytime. Sanya has beautiful beaches. You can play on the beaches or swim in the sea in Sanya. And there are many kinds of delicious fruits for you to taste. The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.Beijing is not very cold in winter. Its about 10. It seldom rains or snows. Exploring (探索) Hutong in Beijing is very interesting. You can learn much about Chinese culture in Hutong. Hotels usually cut their prices in winter. About 200 yuan a night is enough.Harbin is in the north of China. Its very cold in winter, sometimes about 30. Visitors need to wear warm clothes. There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts about six weeks. Many wonderful ice works are on show at the festival. A hotel room is about 230 yuan a night.题完成句子;题简略回答问题;题找出并写下全文的主题句;题将文中画线句子译成汉语。(1)By exploring Beijing Hutong, people can learn much about_ (2)How much is the hotel room for a night in Harbin?_(3)Which city is the coldest city in winter in the passage?_(4)找出并写下全文的主题句_(5)将文中画线句子译成汉语。_四、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 ( (共10题;共10分)7. (1分)根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。(1)My English _/levl/ has greatly improved with my teachers help.(2)Junko Tabei _/sksi:dd/ reaching the top of Qomolangma in 1975.(3)Is the bridge strong enough to_/sp:t/ two heavy trucks at the same time?(4)Youll have more job _/t:nsiz/ if you can speak a foreign language.(5)Li Ming has been _/bsnt/ from class three times this week.(6)A classmate of mine was _/pnt/for breaking the school rules(7)What can we do to cut down air_/plu:n/?(8)Ive got a really bad_/hedeik/ and I want to have a rest.(9)My English _/levl/ has greatly improved with my teachers help.(10)Junko Tabei _/sksi:dd/ reaching the top of Qomolangma in 1975.(11)Is the bridge strong enough to_/sp:t/ two heavy trucks at the same time?(12)Youll have more job _/t:nsiz/ if you can speak a foreign language.(13)Li Ming has been _/bsnt/ from class three times this week.(14)A classmate of mine was _/pnt/for breaking the school rules8. (1分)写出下列词语的比较级形式 (1)mall _(2)red _(3)funny_(4)nice _(5)hot_(6)clever _(7)fat _(8)happy _(9)wide _(10)easy _9. (1分)Sally wants to get her ears _ (穿透), but her mother disagrees. 10. (1分)Believe us! We can finish the work with the_(最少的)money. 11. (1分)Language is a tool for c_. 12. (1分)Chinese is _(广泛地) used in the world these days. 13. (1分)Weve already walked for a long time and still have to walk for a _ two hours before we get to the top of the hill. 14. (1分)In the front of the company, there are three_(旗帜)of different countries. 15. (1分)People like (喜欢)to put their books in the_(书橱). 16. (1分)The living conditions are improving. Now more and more people can a_to buy cars. 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式go on the Internet, search for, talk to, travel plan, listen to music(1)My father likes_to buy books. (2)His sister_when she is tired. (3)He often_the American student. (4)I want to_some pictures on the computer. (5)What are your_? 六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。When talking about good people, who first comes to your _(思想)? Many Chinese might think of Lei Feng. In China, the young soldier is a symbol of the giving _(精神). People who act selflessly are sometimes referred to as living Lei Feng.Born to a rural family in Hunan in 1940, Lei grew up poor. He became a soldier in 1960. But just two years later, the young man died after being hit on the head by a falling pole(杆子)._(在期间)his short life, he did not fight in any wars, nor did he achieve any world-changing accomplishments(成就). But he has been remembered as a_(全国的)hero.Lei Feng gave his whole life to help _(别人). He carried things for the elder and gave food to children. He once gave all the money he had to the sick parents of a friend. He darned(缝补)pants and socks for his fellow soldiers and taught them how to read.Lei Feng is not a superman, but a role model for every ordinary _(人). Being kind to others is something that everyone should try to do.Lei Feng once wrote in his _(日记)that he wanted to be a screw(螺丝钉) that never rusts(生锈). This shows how humble(谦逊的)he was, although he did so many good deeds. _(根据)to Chairman Mao Zedong, Lei did more than just these good deeds - he _(服务)the people whole- heartedly throughout his life.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束!在此离别之际,恰逢中学生英语征稿,请你以“A(n)_(Lucky/Unusual/Exciting/Proud/Regretful(遗憾的)/)Thing”为题,简要描述一件你亲身经历的印象深刻的事情,并谈谈你从这件事中所获得的启示。要求:1写短文前,请用一个恰当的形容词补全下面的标题,所用形容词可以从上面括号中选取,也可以另外选择;2语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯;3文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;4词数:80100词。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。A(n)( )ThingIn the past three years, the life of middle school has impressed me deeply. Many stories happened. The following is one of them.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、四、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 ( (共10题;共10分)7-1、答案:略7-2、答案:略7-3、答案:略7-4、答案:略7-5、答案:略7-6、答案:略7-7、答案:略7-8、答案:略7-9、答案:略7-10、答案:略7-11、答案:略7-12、答案:略7-13、答案:略7-14、答案:略8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、8-6、8-7、8-8、8-9、8-10、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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