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Module 1 Unit 11. He became u_ at this bad news.2. He tried to c_ down, but the tense situation kept popping up in his head.3. Mao Zedong was c _ with the liberation cause of the Chinese people.4. This accident was done _(故意). It didnt happen by accident.5. Finally he s_ down in America, where he started a successful business.6. According to the present situation, its hard for him to r_ from this deadly disease.7. They work together to achieve this goal, so we can say they are p_.8. In fact, he had come across the cause of this incident. But he simply i_ it and so lost the chance.Module 1 Unit 21. He was late for the meeting b_ _ the traffic jam.2. John Snow b_ his theory on acute observation and analyses.3. He e_ his vocabulary by reading extensively and memorizing new words and expressions.4. You had better m_ _ _ your time wisely, or you will waste much of it.5. He wanted to get the job, so he made one r_ after another, but all of them were denied.6. An officer is one who commends _ a troop of soldiers.7. He did not r_ the man until he was introduced to him.8. Mao Zedong had a very heavy Hunan a_.9. He cannot speak English f_, for his English is rather poor and broken.10. The new-comers i_ remained a mystery until the host introduced him to the rest of the guests.Module 1-Unite 31. I was t_ into the future in a time capsule.2. Finally we p_ him to give up smoking.3. The workers finished the project ahead of s_, and was thus praised by the company.4. We are d_ to build an advanced and powerful new China.5. Once he m_ _ _, nothing can change his mind.6. What you are weak at is not your ability but your a_, which influences your performance.7. You should trust Jim, for his is very r_.8. No one can f_ what will happen in the future.9. Who o_ and led the May 4th Movement?10. Being too proud of himself is the worst s_ of Xiang Yu.Module 1-Unite 41. The cup c_ when it fell down to the ground.2. He who was sad just now b_ into laughter at the sight of the funny scene.3. His carelessness r_ his future.4. As he comes from the bottom of the society, he knows the s_ of the poor well.5. He got i_ in the car accident and had to stay in hospital.6. Nothing can d_ a man of will.7. We tried hard to r_ the man who dropped into the valley.8. The b_ treasure was washed out after the storm.9. The visiting minister e_ satisfaction about the talks.10. The d_ the storm did to the ancient tower was fatal.11. The f_ look on his face showed that he was rather timid.12. We usually say “C_ to you” when someone achieves success.Module 1-Unit 51. What q_ should we have to be an admirable journalist?2. This man is very a_. You can find him in almost everything we organize.3. Mao Zedong d_ all his life to his beloved motherland.4. Who f_ the famous company GE(通用电气)?5. Under the g_ of this principle, we finally found the cause of the problem.6. He is o_ of w_ now, so he has to find another job.7. Please v_ for Obama, for he is the right person to help the USA out.8. He was a_ by some terrorists but miraculously unhurt.9. We hold all human beings are e_, that no man is superior to another.10. Never l_ h_ even when there seems no hope left.11. He eventually managed to e_ out of the prison.12. He found it easy to make these e_ people understand new things.13. The police r_ him 5,000 dollars for the information given by him.14. Jim was s_ to death because of murder.15. In my o_, there is no such thing. Module 2 - Unit 11. He was the only passenger who s_ the accident.2. He went to Tibet i_ s_ o_ the sacred spiritual palace.3. He was a_ at the amount of new-comers to his lecture.4. Please s_ your favorite color from this panel.5. It is Mao Yisheng who d_ the Qiangtangjiang River Bridge.6. He b_ to the radical party which claims that the privileges of the upper class should be cancelled.7. The Japanese invaders r_ many valuable cultural relics from China.8. There is no d_ that he is the right person you are looking for.9. This film is w_ seeing again, for its very interesting.10. With this extra e_, John Snow was able to announce with certainty that he found the cause of Cholera.11. The bomb e_ and seven passers-by were killed.12. The two parties are d_ over who should go first.Module 2-Unit 21. The athletes are c_ for the gold medal.2. UN s_ _ the United Nations.3. He is one of our r_ customers. And he always comes here once a week and buys a lot of things.4. Japan hasnt a_ that it invaded (侵略) China.5. Its our r_ to do our best to modernize our homeland.6. He c_ Jim with stealing the banknote.7. The Microsoft Firm is a_ for talented programmers (程序员)。8. We will always see some women b_ with the vendors in Xinhua Road.9. He d_ the praise, for he had helped make up for the loss secretlily for months.10. Without a sound b_, he found it hard to make further progress.Module 2-Unit 31. The pupil attempted hard to c_ the result of one and one. 2. You can s_ this complex (复杂的) problem in this way which will enable you to get the result quite easily.3. Science and t_ is what makes China develop so rapidly.4. No one can s_ this problem, for it is beyond human beings power.5. In r_ the earth isnt the center of the universe as the Christians said.6. His a_ for this position was rejected again, so he had to turn to another company for a job.7. The North Pole is a place scarcely e_ by human beings. 8. The army leader sent out a s_ to call for help.9. In recent years many unexpected and disastrous things a_ which are said to be signs of the end of the world.10. He finds it hard to d_ w_ this dog.11. He had to w_ o_ his naughty little brother during the summer vacation.Module2-Unit41. Nowadays the Chinese government devotes more and more efforts to the p_ of cultural relics, which helps keep them safe and sound.2. The rate of illiteracy(文盲) keeps d_, which is good news to the development of China.3. These e_ animals should be protected.4. These people make their living from h_ wild animals.5. He doesnt know how to r_ to her proposal.6. Hearing this good news, he breathed out in r_.7. Some people think that as human beings are powerless they are totally at the m_ of God.8. This book c_ seven chapters.9. What he said at the meeting a_ the final decision.10. We truly a_ your timely help.11. He e_ more hands so as to expand the productivity (生产力) of his factory.12. The mayor came to our school to i_ our preparation for the coming NMT.13. He took great delight at the fact that he s_ in winning the match.14. A_ please. Our manager has something to announce.15. This u_ guest brought great chaos (混乱) into the family, as their routine (日常生活) was greatly disturbed. Module 2- Unit 51. Liu Huan is a very famous m_ in China.2. Have you ever d_ of being admitted into Tshinghua University?3. He a_ great importance to the role played by his parents in his growing-up.4. No one knew what f_ the air in ancient times, and some even thought its pure.5. As the inflation becomes worse and worse, its really hard for the ordinary to e_ a living.6. Its quite strange that a violinist should not know how to p_ the violin.7. He would rather pay in c_ than by cheque.8. The truth of his theory r_ on nothing.9. The department store offered extra discount, which made the goods more a_.10. As he has studied hard recently, he was c_ that he would get a good score.11. It is his d_ to work that wins him great honour from the students, who say no one works harder and cares for the students than he does.12. The girl is rather s_. So be careful with your words.Module 3-Unit 11. There are many strange things t_ p_ these days.2. As they have won this game, they have decided to have a c_.3. Darwins book the O_ of Species caused much sensation at that time.4. Mass (弥撒) is a r_ ceremony held by the Christians.5. Zhou Enlai had the b_ that only socialism can save China.6. These naughty boys always play t_ on their classmates.7. The a_ of winter is not felt this year as the temperature remains relatively high.8. America gained its i_ from Britain in 1774.9. At first, people mainly g_ their food instead of planting plants or feeding animals.10. The committee decided to a_ this person for his special achievement in offering first-aid.11. Today many youngsters a_ some pop stars.12. Its a c_ here to visit others houses and pay respect to the elders.13. Have you got the p_ to do this? Anyone who does this without the agreement will be punished.14. As you are doing something wrong, you should a_ to the clients.15. Its o_ that he is lying, for theres no such thing like a time machine.16. We r_ him of the students departure.M3-U21. You are so fat now. You should go on a d_.2. Those p_ measures will ensure the safety of your children.3. Its really hard for high school students to keep a b_ between study and play.4. C_ kills the cat.5. You must have l_ w_ a lot, for you are so slim now.6. The bird bit the worm into halves and ate it _.7. No one can g_ a_ w_ doing something bad, for justice shall have all.8. I have so many questions to c_ the teacher.9. “Whats your s_, running or jumping?” asked the PE teacher.10. The liver of horse is p_, so dont eat any of it.11. The once millionaire is now deeply in d_.12. In anger Jim g_ at his enemy.13. Our daily activities _ (limit) to the schoolyard.14. He b_ much from sports, and now at a very old age he still enjoys an active life.15. We can c_ our strengths together only by working as a team.16. They had to c_ d_ their expense because their income was uncertain then.17. As the c_ within the team weakened, the ability of it gradually declined.

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