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Module 7 Unit 1:My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning.教学目标:1.知识目标:让学生基本掌握时间的英语表达方式以及一些普通职业的英语表达方式。2.能力目标:通过学习,学生可以用完整的句子表达父母的职业及上班时间。3.情感目标:使学生能够了解到父母工作的繁忙,体谅父母的辛苦,在家能够多帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务活。教学重点:1)单词:职业:policeman/worker/nurse/doctor/taxi driver其他:evening/late/factory/early2)词组时间的2种不同的表达方式:整点:at eight oclock半点:at half past eight 其他:taketo/go to work3)句型My father/mother goes to work at(时间).What does he/she do?He/She is a(职业).Thats early/late.教学难点:学会使用一般现在时。教学方法1.适当使用多媒体辅助教学,增加课堂趣味性。2. 采用“任务型”教学活动策略,合理开展role play等英语教学活动。教学过程:Step 1:Warming-up 1.和同学们进行正常问候。2.小游戏猜时间。让同学们猜PPT上播放的时钟上面的时间。3.小游戏猜职业。通过一些与各职业相关图片让学生猜出各职业。教师引出“what does he/she do?”句式,并引导学生用“He/She is a ”句式回答。Step 2:PresentationTask 1:1)要求同学们翻开书本到第38页,播放一遍课文,请学生划出课文中有关时间和职业的词句。2)请同学们回答PPT上显示的与课文相关的问题,并讲解课文中的重点词句。3)再次播放录音并要求学生们跟读课文。Task 2: 请同学们分角色表演课文内容。Step 3: PracticeActivity :“Can you help us?”请同学们帮助Amy和Sam完成介绍自己的家人的上班时间和职业。1.在PPT上展示一些有关职业和时间的图片2.引导学生根据图片用这节课学过的句子完整地介绍上班时间和职业。Step 4:Summary 1.观看视频让同学们观看一个关于尊重劳动工作者的视频2.引导同学们要尊重各行各业的劳动工作者,并懂得体谅父母。Step 5:Homework五、板书设计M7U1 My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning evening He is a policemanShe worker in a factorydoctor/nursetaxi driver. Unit 2 I will be home at seven oclock.教学目标:1.知识目标:1)识别单词: office, busy.2)学习语句: I will be home at seven oclock. I am working very hard.这类语句告诉别人自己的安排3)感知字母ch,tch,ck,kn的发音,感知这些字母组合的读音及发音规律.2.能力目标:使用目标语进行交际!3.情感目标:学习歌曲Were clever boys and girls,让学生感受其中的乐趣。教学重点:学写新单词。教学难点:了解发送电子邮件的操作程序及发布指令的表达方法。师生之间相互问候,让学生回忆写信的格式,通过课文中的图片引导学生学习如何发送电子邮件。教具准备:录音机,磁带、电脑教学过程:Step1Warming-up1.Greeting 2. Revise the times. Show the a big clock.Step2Lead-in1.Read your “Email”.2.Read the text(1.)Show the Email. Play the tape .(2.)Play the tape again.(3.)Play the tape.(4)Listen and say, then singStep3 Practice1.Write down the new words and sentences.2.Write the Email to your family or friends.3.Listen to the tape and read the textStep4Consolidations板书设计 Unit 2 I will be home at seven oclock.Office I am working very hard at the office.Busy I am very busy.w I will be home at seven oclock.Module 8 Unit1 will you help me?教学目标(1)知识目标:Key vocabulary: of course cousin present chopsticks Chinese dragon a great presentKey sentences: I think Ill make a Chinese kite. Will you help me? Of course, I will(2)技能目标:学习掌握of course 词组,单词以及如何使用will来表达自己的决定,用一般将来时来描述将要发生的事情,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。(3)情感态度目标:通过饶有情味的小故事的学习,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣,保持学习的积极性,同时培养学生要懂礼貌和关心他人的品质。教学重点I think Ill make a Chinese kite. Will you help me? Of course, I will.教学难点:如何正确使用will, 用一般将来时表达自己的决定。教学过程:Step1Warming-up1.Greetings 2. First lets play a game .Act and guess. (你表演,我来猜)I will be busy this weekend. Because , I will do lots of things .can you guess?做洗衣服的动作Yes, I will wash my clothes .Yes, I will play basketball.What about you? What will you do this weekend?Will you study?Will you go to the park ?Can you act?学生表演Who can guess?学生猜,教师引导will you?Step2 Lead-inWe will learn the new lesson. M8 U1 will you help me(出示课件)1.listen and read the words on the blackboard.2.learn the new words (读、翻译、造句)then showwhich group can read ?which group can translate?which group can make a sentences ?Step3Practice :1. listen then answer the question(听课文然后回答问题) (1)where does daming s cousin live(居住)?(2)Is Simons grandmaChinese ?(3)What dose Fanfan suggest(建议)?(4)What will daming give to his cousin ?Who can read ?(让学生把问题读一遍)2.listen and repeat3.read the text(流利地、有感情地、朗读课文、)then showStep4 Consoliditionsgroupwork : I am a school reporter我是“校园小记者”选择一个主题,进行采访,准备对话或短文并展示。(will you?Yes I will .No I wont . I think will.)Childrens Day六一儿童节 Summer Holiday暑假Fathers Day父亲节 Thisweekend周末Step5Summary What have we learnt ?Step6HomeworkBlackboard design: Unit1 will you help me?I think Ill make a Chinese kite. Will you help me? Of course, I willUnit2 I made a kite.Teaching objectives:1. Words and phrases: study hard retired2. Sentences: I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. I painted it. I tied Strings to it.3. Grammar: Talk about the past 教学重点能理解一般过去时及结构。 教学难点:能理解一般过去时及结构。 Teaching properties: word cards , PicturesTeaching procedures:Step1 Warmingup1Greeting 2Game:“What did he do?”Step2 Lead-in What did you do yesterday? Do you know how to make a kite? Look at the picture,What did he make?Step3 Practice 1. listen to the text. 2.Read and answer. How did he make a kite ?3.Make up stories according to the pictures.Step4Look and say What did Lingling do?Step5 SummaryStep6 HomeworkBlackboared design:Unit2 I made a kite.I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. I painted it. I tied Strings to it.Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.Teaching Aims:1. Vocabulary: wore ,women, actor,told,joke,funny,after,show,read 2. Sentence: We laughed a lot 3. Grammar: Simple past tense教学重点能理解一般过去时及结构。 教学难点:能理解一般过去时及结构。 Teaching properties: word cards, pictures , photos , Tape recorderTeaching steps:Step1Warming-up Act the poem: Do you agree.Step2 Lead-inTeacher takes out a photo of the show. I went to the theatre with my friend last week.What did you do last week? Do you know what did Lingling do last week?Lets listen to the radilo.Step3Practice1.Listen and look at the picture on the board.Then, let students describing the picture in their owns words.2.Write the sentence on the board, listen again.We went to a childrens theatre. The men wore womens clothes.The women wore mens clothes. The actors told lots of jokes.It was very funny. We laughed a lot.We went to a restau rant after the show. We all ate hamburgers and chips.3eacher circles the words: went wore told was laughed ate Then, give the words: go wear tell is laugh eatLet the students match then.4.Listen and repeat the text.5.Answer the questions on your paper.Where did Lingling go last week?What did the men and the women wear?What did the actors do?Where did they go after the show?Wheat did they eat?Step4 Practice Students take out their own pictures to describing what did they do .Step5Summary. Step6 Homework Talk about what you did yesterday.Blackboard design: Unit 1 We laughed a lot went laugh were eat told s was go laughed are ate tellUnit 2 Mum bought new T-Shirts for you.Teaching Aims:1. Target language: Simple future tense be going to .2. Vocabulary: soon bed room history question borrow evening 3. Sentences: We are going to see you in three weeks. Mum bought new chopsticks for you. Hes eating an apple now.4.Pronunciation: qu sh th. 教学重点:能理解一般过去时及结构。 教学难点:能理解一般过去时及结构。 Teaching properties: word cards ,sentence cards ,pictures, tape-recorderTeachingProcedures: Step1 Warming-up 1.Revise simple past tense with these words. 2. Say a tongue twisterStep2Lead-in TMy friend will visit me soon. I bought a bed and a bike for him. Now, lets see what did Simons parents buy for Daming. Step3Practic1.Stick the picture on the board.Play the tape: Look and listen.2. Play the tape again, listen and repeat. 3. Read the letter by yourself. Revise simple past tense and simple future tense.Step4Practice 1. Listen and say, thenread the letter. 2. Exercise Book. Read the answers, then write the questions.Game: Say and guessStep5 Summary Step6Homework 1. Copy new words. 2. Write a letter. Use the words in the box.Blackboard design:Module 9 Unit2 Mum bought new T-Shirts for you.We are gong to see you in three weeks. He is going to ask you some questions. Mum bought new chopsticks for you. We borrowed a bike for you. Dad is going to put another bed in my room. (顺序排序)Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going to go?Teaching objectives: 1. Words: list, airport, shoe, ticket , toothbrush 2. Sentences: Where are you going to go?What are you going to take?When are you going to go?Whos going to go with you? 3. Grammar: Simple future tense.教学重点:能理解一般将来时教学难点:能理解一般将来的句子结构。Teaching properties: Cards,pictures,tape-recorderTeaching procedures: Step1Warming-upWhat are you going to do next Sunday?Whos going to travel? What are you going to take?When are you going to go?Whos going to go with you? I hope you have a good time.Step2Lead-inDaming is going to travel. Lets have a look what he is going to do.Read the text, then find out the new words.Teacher write the new words on the blackboard.Learn the new words.Play the game with the new words.Read the text again.Listen to the tape.Find two students read the text.Read the text then find the teachers questions.Where is Daming going to go?What is Daming going to take?When is Daming going to the airport?Whos going to the airport?Step3Practice: Have two students talk their trip. Use these sentences. Where are you going to go?What are you going to take?When are you going to go?Whos going to go with you?Step4 Summary Step5 HomeworkWrite words on the exercise book.Talk your trip to your friends.Blackboard design: Module 10 Preparations Unit 1 Where are you going to go? Words: sentences: list Where are you going to go? airport What are you going to take? shoe When are you going to go? ticket Whos going to go? toothbrush Whos going to go with you Unit 2 Im in New York now.Teaching objectives:1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again2. Sentences:Grandma made Chinese food for me.I want to try American food.I will write again soon.教学重点:能理解一般将来时教学难点:能理解一般将来的句子结构。Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder,picturesTeaching proceduresSep1Warming-up1.Greetings.2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense.(1) Daming goes to New York. Daming went to New York.(2 Grandma meets Daming. Step2Lead-in1.Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?”Daming is in New York now. Lets see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat.Step3Practice1 Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books.2 Teach the new words.3 Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions:Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon)What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people)What food did he want to try? (American food)4.akeup a story according to pictures.Step3Consoliditions Practise the following sentences in pairs: Where are you from? Where are you going to go? Where are you going to go there? Where are you going to do there?Step4 SummaryStep 5Homework:Blackboard design:Module 10 PreparationsUnit 2 Im in New York now arrive Grandma mad Chinese food for me. taxi I want to try American food. flat I will write again soon. building

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