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一、选出划线部分读音不同的单词。 ( )1. A.treat B. eat C. bread D. meat( )2. A. theseB. evening C. bed D. we( )3. A. trickB. bikeC. sit D. sister( )4. A. listen B. foot C. eight D. treat( )5. A. book B. foodC. good D. look二、补全下列表格。原级比较级最高级原级比较级最高级thickshortthinnersmallerheaviesttallestlightoldbiggestyoungerlongerfat三、按要求写出下列单词。1. thick (反义词)_ 2. tall (反义词)_3. heavy (反义词)_ 4. fat(反义词)_ 5. smaller(反义词)_ 6. you(名词性物主代词)_ 7. mine (形容词性物主代词)_8. oldest (反义词)_四、根据句意选择合适的单词,不得重复使用。do, are, than, at, so, in, one, world, of, have1. All _ them are our friends.2. Look _ my new story-book.3. Whats the brightest light in the _?4. Can I _ a look at your e-book?5. Youre taller. How can you use the shorter ?6. Here _ some skipping ropes.7. What animals _ you like?8. My bag is heavier _ yours.9. You are growing up _ fast!10. I can put it _ my pocket.五、单项选择。( ) 1. The big ball is _ than the small one. A. light B. lighter C. lightest D. the lighest( ) 2. Pass _ your rope, please.A. I B. meC. my D. mine( ) 3. My book is heavy, _ is light.A. yourB. you C. yoursD. youre( ) 4. I am _ than you.A. longerB. thicker C. bigger D. taller( ) 5. My book is _ than his.A. thinB. thinerC. thinnerD. thinnest( ) 6. We can see animals everywhere _ the world.A. inB. ofC. on D. at( ) 7. Your arms are longer than _.A. myB. I C. mine D. me( ) 8. Let me _ you.A. to help B. helping C. help D. helps六、句型转换。1. The red pen is long. The black one is short. (改写成一个句子)The red pen is _ _ the black one.2. Here are some story-books. (改写成单数句子)Here _ _ story-book. 3. Can I skip rope here? (作肯定回答)_, you _.4. His bag is heavier than her bag. (变成同义句)His bag is _ than _.5. I have a story-book. (变为一般疑问句) _ _ have a story-book?七、找出句子中的一处错误,并改正过来。( ) 1. Are you like animals? _A BC D( ) 2. I have a story-books, too. _ A BCD( ) 3. He have many toys. _ ABCD ( ) 4. The boy is tall than his sister. _A BC D ( ) 5. Im thinner than he. _AB C D八、连词成句 (注意加标点)。1. rope, is, than, my, longer, yours_. 2. can, the, how, use, shorter, you, one_? 3. world, what, the, is, horse, smallest, the, in_? 4. book, me, your, pass, please_. 5. believe, I, it, cant _!九、阅读理解并判断对错,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Wang Dong is my deskmate. Hes taller than me. Im thinner than him. His hair is shorter than mine.We both have new bags and pencil-boxes, but my bag is smaller than his. His bag is heavier than mine. He often puts some toys in it.( ) 1. Wang Dong is my teacher.( ) 2. Im shorter than Wang Dong.( ) 3. Wang Dong is heavier than me.( ) 4. I have new bags and Wang Dong has new pencil-boxes.( ) 5. Wang Dong often puts some toys in his pencil-box.第一单元(一)答案一、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B二、略三、1. thin 2. short 3. light 4. thin 5. bigger 6. yours 7. my 8. youngest/newest 四、1. of 2.at 3. world 4. have 5. one 6. are 7. do 8. than 9. so 10. in五、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C 六、1. longer, than 2. is, a 3. Yes, can 4. heavier, hers 5. Do, you 七、1. A改为 do 2. D改为 story-book 3. B改为 has 4. B改为 taller 5. D改为 him八、1. My rope is longer than yours.2. How can you use the shorter one?3. What is the smallest horse in the world?4. Pass me your book, please.5. I cant believe it!九、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. FUnit 1 测试题(二)(辽师大版)文章来自:lnjzedu.gov.cn时间:2010-04-01古塔区教师进修学校 刘颖一、选出划线部分读音不同的单词。 ( )1. A. fun B. run C. music D. sun( )2. A. wantB. whatC. nameD. watch( )3. A. knife B. sun C. nine D. monkey( )4. A. we B. bestC. let D. better( )5. A. between B. teacher C.great D. tree二、根据汉语意思,把字母组成单词。 1. 厚的_(i, t, c, k, h) 2. 重的_(a, h, v, e, y)3. 动物_(n, a, i, m, a, l)4. 绳子_(p, o, e, r)5. 胖的_(a, f, t) 6. 阳光_(s, n, i, u, h, g, t, l)7. 强壮的_(t, s, g, o, r, n)8. 快的_(s, f, t, a)9. 年轻的_(g, o, y, u, n) 10. 亮的_(h, b, i, g, r, t)三、用所给词的适当形式填空,不得重复使用。in, but, up, again, both, of, outside, to, nor, or1. What did the cat want _ say?2. They are talking _ our house.3. He is the oldest _ our class.4. Youre older than me, _ Im taller than you.5. The baby is growing _ so fast.6. Let me try _.7. The water is neither deep _ shallow.8. We _ have new e-books.9. The sun is the biggest _ the three.10. Which is bigger, the earth _ the moon?四、单项选择。( )1. _ is faster, he or she?A. which B. what C. who D. when( )2. Why dont you try _?A. you B. your C. yourselfD. yours( )3. I have many pencils, all of _ I like the blue one.A. their B. they C. theirsD. them( )4. -Id like some chicken, _?-Me, too.A. How about you B. How are youC. How do you do ( )5. Who is _, Tom, Susan or Henry?A. thinB. thinnerC. the thinest D. the thinnest( )6. Which is smaller, the basketball _ the baseball?A. and B. or C. but D. then( )7. Look at my hair, mine is shorter than _.A. his B. himC. heD. her( )8. _ are the biggest animals on land.A. Elephants B. Blue whalesC. GiraffesD. Pandas( )9. Who _ the highest?A. jumpB. jumpsC. to jump D. jumping( )10. Zhang Meng is _ cleverest _ our class.A. the, on B. /, in C. the, with D. the, in五、找出下列句子中的错误并改正过来。( ) 1. The cat is try to sleep. _A BCD( ) 2. The sun is biger and brighter than the moon _A B C D ( ) 3. She is taller than his. _AB C D( ) 4. He often put some toys in his bag. _AB C D( ) 5. He cant goes back to ask his mother. _A BC D 六、根据汉语意思完成下列各句。1. 你为什么不自己试一试呢?_ dont you try _?2. 在海里哪个是最大的动物?_ is _ _ animal in the sea?3. 我比你高。Im _ _ you.4. 我能看一看你的电子书吗?Can I _ _ _ _ your e-book?5. 这两个球同时着地。The two balls fell to the ground _ _ _ _.七、英汉互译下列句子 (注意加标点)。1. 我的腿比你的长。_2. 她妹妹的头发比她妈妈的头发短一些。_3. 这个新房子比那个旧房子要高一些。_4. We can see animals everywhere in the world. _5. All of them are our good friends._八、补全对话。(注:A-Billy B-Mom C-Dad)A: Mom, my shoes 1 tight now. I cant wear 2.B: Really? You are growing up 3 4.A: Yes, you see Im 5 than you now.B: Are you?C: Let me 6. Wow, Billy is taller than 7.B: Oh, yes! I 8 believe it!A: Mom, youre older than me, 9 Im taller than you.C: Im taller 10 older than you two. Im 11 tallest and oldest 12 our family.123456789101112第一单元(二)答案一、1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C二、略三、1. to 2. outside 3. in 4. but 5. up 6. again 7. nor 8. both 9. of 10. or四、1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D五、1. C, 改为trying 2. B, 改为bigger 3. D, 改为him 4. B, 改为puts 5. B, 改为go 六、1. Why, yourself 2. Which, the, biggest 3. taller, than 4. have, a, look, at 5. at, the, same, time 七、1. My legs are longer than yours.2. Her sisters hair is shorter than her mothers.3. The new house is taller than the old one.4. 我们在世界上每个地方都能看到动物。5.他们(它们)都是我们的好朋友。八、1 are2 them3 so4 fast5 taller6 see7 you8 cant9 but10 and11 the12 inUnit 2 测试题(一)(辽师大版)文章来自:lnjzedu.gov.cn时间:2010-04-01古塔区教师进修学校 刘颖一、根据汉语提示完成单词,使句意完整。 1.What are you going to do _ _(今天下午)?2.I want to _ _ _(借一些书)in the library. 3.He is going to _ _ _(制定一个计划) tomorrow.4.We are going to _ _(踢足球).5.Are you going to _ _ _(看电影)?6.What _ you _ _ do(打算)?7.They are going to _ _ _(吃野餐).8.My parents _(拜访)my uncle every weekend.9.My _(祖父母) are very healthy(健康的).10.Im going to _(睡觉) on a “Kang”. 二、找出下列每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项。( )1. A. like B. girl C. little D. table( )2. A. shortB. norC. doctor D. for( )3. A. grow B. brownC. slow D. borrow( )4. A. school B. slow C. glass D. nose ( )5. A. tall B. wall C. small D. Billy三、汉英互译下列短语。1. this weekend _2. 在东北部 _3.a warm place _ 4.去睡觉 _5. give up _ 6. 去海滩 _7. at last _ 8. 拜访我的祖父母 _9. in the country _10. 怎么样 _ 11. on May Day _ 12. 看日出 _ 13. take a piano lesson _14. 去旅行 _四、根据句意选择合适的单词,不得重复。with, make, over, round, in, on, next, at, have, with1. Were going to _ a picnic.2. Hes going to play basketball _ his father.3. _ last, my brother gave up.4. Are you going to _ a plan?5. Its very popular all _ the world.6. Theyre going to buy some new books _ week.7. Its my dream to stand _ the top.8. Its a warm place _ a fire in it.9. My parents are going to go all _ China.10. We like to read all books _ our library!五、单项选择。( ) 1. I get up _ about six thirty.A. for B. in C. at D. on( ) 2. My father wants _ a new car.A. buysB. buyC. to buy D. buying( ) 3.The man _ a book in his hand is my teacher.A. withB. forC. andD. of( ) 4. Is it a picture _ your family?A. and B. of C. forD. to ( ) 5. Were going to play football _.A. today afternoon B. afternoon C. this afternoon D. on this afternoon( ) 6. The fire is _ the “Kang”.A. outside B. in C. on D. of( ) 7. Im going go _. A. Shan Dong B. shang dong C. shangdongD. Shangdong( ) 8. He is going to _ a doctor.A. isB. be C. am D. are( ) 9. There are many flowers _ the tree.A. in B. with C. on D. to ( ) 10. Guilin is one of places in China.A. the most beautifulB. beautifulest C. the beautifulestD. most beautiful六、找出下列句子中的一处错误并改正过来。( ) 1. Im going to visiting my teacher. _ABC D( ) 2. Its a warm place in a fire in it. _ A B C D( ) 3. What is Li Ming and Kate going to do? _ABC D( ) 4. He is going to makes a plan. _ABCD( ) 5. Theyre going to look a movie. _ABCD七、阅读理解。Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子), Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He Likes planting flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.( ) 1. Mr Brown lives in with his wife.A. a big city B. a small town C. a small city( ) 2. Mr Brown works days a week in his office.A. four B. sixC. five( ) 3.He isnt on Saturdays and Sundays.A. busy B. free C. happy( ) 4. He likes in his garden on Saturdays and Sundays.A. walkingB. workingC. sleeping ( ) 5. Mrs Brown the flowers.A. doesnt like B. often helpsC. likes 第二单元(一)答案一、1. this, afternoon 2. borrow, some, books 3. make, a, plan 4. play, football 5. see, a, movie 6. are, going, to 7. have, a, picnic 8. visit 9. grandparents 10. sleep二、1.A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D 三、1. 这个周末 2. in the northeast 3. 一个温暖的地方 4. go to sleep 5. 放弃 6. go to the beach 7. 最后 8. visit my grandparents 9. 在乡下 10. how about 11. 在“五一” 12. see the sunrise 13.上钢琴课 14. have a trip四、1. have 2. with 3. At 4. make 5. over 6. next 7. on 8. with 9. around 10. in五、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A六、1. D 改为visit 2. C 改为with 3. B 改为are 4. C改为make 5. C 改为see七、 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. CUnit 3 测试题(一)(辽师大版)文章来自:lnjzedu.gov.cn时间:2010-04-01古塔区教师进修学校 刘颖一、根据汉语意思,把字母组成一个单词。1. 说,说话 _(k, a, p, s, e)2. 超市 _ (t, s, e, u, k, p, r, e, a, r, m)3. 家庭作业 _ (k, h, o, r, o, m, e, w)4. 开始 _ (t, s, r, t, a)5. 冰箱 _ (g, f, e, d, r, i)6. 游泳 _ (w, i, s, m)二、英汉互译下列短语。1. 在超市里 _2. speak to _3. 没问题 _4. hold on _5. 在下午三点 _6. my favorite movie _7. 上周 _8. take a message _三、根据句意选择合适的单词,不得重复使用。to , meet, or in, with, for, so, at, is, really1. Im sorry he isnt _ home.2. May I speak _ Tom?3. My grandma lives _ New York. 4. Ive gone to the station to _ your grandpa.5. You can check the fridge _ a surprise.6. Be there _ be square.7. How _ everything?8. I went to Hawaii _ my mother. 9. Its _ a wonderful place.10. It was _ hot in Hainan.四、单项选择。( ) 1. Ive _ a new DVD in the supermarket. A. get B. got C. gets D. to get( ) 2. -May I _ to Linda? - Hold on, please.A. speak B. tellC. say D. talk( ) 3. Ive gone _ the station to meet your grandma.A. inB. on C. of D. to( ) 4. _ is everything?A. WhatB. How C. When D. It( ) 5. Ill _ back soon.A. isB. amC. areD. be( ) 6. Please give _ a call at 3605432.A. I B. meC. my D. mine( ) 7. We will wait _ your at the south gate of the park.A. onB. ofC. forD. with( ) 8. Ive gone to my _ home.A. friendsB. friendC. the friends D. the friend五、句型转换。1. My sister lived in London. ( 就划线部分提问 )_ _ your sister live?2. Mr Wang is speaking. ( 就划线部分提问 )_ is speaking?3. Im sorry he isnt in now. ( 变为同义句 )Im sorry he isnt _ _ now.4. I watched TV yesterday. ( 变为一般疑问句 )_ _ _ TV yesterday?5. It takes me two hours to fly to Los Angeles. ( 就划线部分提问 )_ _ does it take you to fly to Los Angeles?六、英汉互译下列句子(注意标点)。1. 你好吗(书信开头语)?_?2. 我去超市了。_.3. 请拨打电话2336490 找她。_?4. 我将在六点钟回来。_.5. Lets share it._。6. We had a good time there._。七、补全对话, 将单词填在题后的表格里。 Tommy: Hi!May I1 2Jenny?Jenny: Hello! 3is Jenny. Who is 4?Tommy: This is Tommy. Im doing my5at home. Can you6to my home and help me7my math?Jenny: Sure! Im coming. 8you!Tommy: See you!12345678八、读短文,判断正()误()。Lisa,Weve gone to the library. Start your homework. We are going to borrow some interesting books for you.Well be back at 7:00.Your parents( )1. Lisa has gone to the library.( )2. Her parents will be back at seven.( )3. Lisa didnt do her homework yet.( )4. Lisa is with her parents at home .( )5.Lisas parents want to buy her some interesting books.第三单元(一)答案一、1. 略二、1. in the supermarket 2. 跟说话 3. no problem 4. 别挂断(电话用语) 5. at three oclock pm 6. 我最喜欢的电影 7. last week 8. 捎个口信三、1. at 2. to 3. in 4. meet 5. for 6. or 7. is 8. with 9. really 10. so四、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 五、1. Where, did 2. Who 3. in 4. Did, you, watch 5. How, long 六、1. How is everything? 2. Ive gone to the supermarket.3. Please give her a call at 2364510. 4. Ill be back at six oclock.5. 让我们一起分享吧。6. 他们在那儿玩得很高兴。七、1 speak2 to3 This4 speaking5 homework6 come7 with8 see八、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F阶段测试(一)(辽师大版) 英语 快乐英语 课题:评价试题 撰稿 保二小学 温暖审稿 王金海 录入 潘辉一、Listen and fill in the blanks.听音用所给单词填空。(每空2分,计10分)big small tall short thim thick light heavy good bad1.My cake is _. Yours is _.2.My grandmas house is _.Mine is _.3.The black bike is _. The red one is _.4.Mr. Liu is _. Mr. Wang is _.5.Its _ to be quiet in a library.Its _ to shout in a corridor.二、Read and match. 读一读,将反义词连接起来.(每空2分,计10分)thickheavylong thinlightshortbigsmalloldyoung三、Read and choose.读一读,选一选(每空3分,计15分)()1.我的书包最重。A My schoolbag is the heaviest.B My schoolbag is too heavy.()2.这座城市最古老。A This city is the oldest.B This city much older.()3.李明宇在班级最聪明。A Li Mingyu is very clever in the class.B Li Mingyu is the cleverest in the class.()4.比利跑得最快。A Billy runs very fast.B Billy runs very fastest.()5.这座楼是这个城市中最高的。A This building is the highest in this city.B This building is very high in this city.四、Lets write.写写看(每题3分,计15分)Model:Helens hair is long.(Mary) Marys hair is longer.1.Miss Liu is young.(Miss Sun)_2.Zhao Wei runs fast.(Yu Min)_3.Mount Tai is high.(Qomolongma)_4.The Yellow River is long.(The Yangtze River)_5.Dalian is big(Shanghai)_五、Reads and write.读一读,完成句子(每题3分,计15分)1.Dongdongs hands are _(big)than Mingmings.2.Liu Yang runs _(fast) than Jenny.3.Tom is _(happy) than Billy.4.Mike is _(strong)than Bob.5.The man is _(tall)than the woman.六、Read and write.读一读,写写(每题2分,计8分)I have two friends.We are in the same class.Ma Ming is _(short/shorter)than Yang Li and Yang Li is _(thin/thinner)than Ma Ming.Every day we play football together.Ma Ming runs _(fast/faster)than other boys.Yang Li runs_(slowly/more slowly).But he can catch the ball and passes it to Ma Ming.They cooperate(合作)very well,So theyre aluays on the same team.七、Read.Guess and Match(每题3分,计15分)Whats the smallest room in the world?()A sunlightWhats the shortest bridge in the world?()B sea-horseWhats the smallest horse in the world?() C mushroomWhats the longest bed in the world?()D nose bridgeWhats the brightest light in the world?()E riverbed八、Make sentences with the words given.用所给词组句子(每题3分,计12分)1.at, hippo,look,that _2.than,cars,faster,buses,run _


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