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仁爱版2020届九年级下学期英语最后一次模拟考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)A little boy wrote _ u and _n on the wall. A . a; anB . an; aC . an; anD . a; a2. (2分)This is _ computer gameWhere is_?Its in the bookcaseA . my; yourB . my; yoursC . mine; yourD . mine; yours3. (2分)She along with Tom _ the door without saying goodbye to us yesterday.A . rush outB . rushes outC . rushed outD . have rushed out4. (2分)Jack will go back to his hometown tomorrow. Lets go to the airport to _. A . see off himB . see him offC . pick him upD . pick up him5. (2分)There _ a teacher and some students waiting for the school bus outside.A . areB . amC . beD . is6. (2分)Its difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.I think a bridge over the river.A . was builtB . should be bulitC . has been built7. (2分)the medicine on time, or you wont get well quickly.A . TakeB . EatC . HadD . Drink8. (2分)In our school library there a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them growing larger and larger.A . are; isB . is; areC . have; areD . has; is9. (2分)What do you _ the story.Its boring.A . think ofB . think aboutC . likeD . get to10. (2分) Did you meet Tom at the airport? No, he _ by the time I _ there. A . has left; gotB . had left; arrivedC . left; arrivedD . left; has got二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳一个答案填空。Its September 1st, and were all back to school. Its good to1 all my teachers and friends again. They all2 fine.Were in Grade Eight this year. We have3 new subjects. Im not very 4 at Chinese, but Han Mei says she can5 me. I think I can6 it better.I like English very much. Zhang Hong likes English,7. But she needs help. I8 I can help her.Mr. Hu is our new English teacher. He9 know all of us, so he has our names on a piece of paper and 10 our names before he begins his lesson.(1)A . see B . watch C . find D . look (2)A . do B . see C . look D . sound (3)A . a lot B . some C . lot D . much (4)A . well B . good C . bad D . nice (5)A . learn B . give C . help D . need (6)A . do B . play C . look D . feel (7)A . either B . very C . much D . too (8)A . am afraid B . think C . am sorry D . want (9)A . doesnt B . dont C . does D . do (10)A . gives B . calls C . asks D . tells 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共46分)12. (10分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 One day, in a heavily crowded place, a young man began shouting, People, look at me. I have the most beautiful heart in the world. All the people praised(称赞) him when they saw his beautiful heart in a perfect shape. However, there came an old man, No, I dont think so. Young man, I have got the most beautiful heart in the world!The young man asked him, Show me your heart, then! The old man showed his heart to him. The heart had scars(伤痕) all over. The young man started laughing, and said, My dear old man, are you mad? How can you say your heart is beautiful?Dear boy. Did you see the scars? Each scar represents(代表) the love I shared with a person. I share a piece of my heart with others when I share love, and in return I get a piece of heart. Since the pieces of heart I shared were neither equal(相等的) nor in the same shape or size, my heart is not in shape. The young man stood quietly and did not speak a word. Tears rolled down his face.(1)What did the young man show to the people? A . His hand.B . His head.C . His heart.D . A toy.(2)What did the people think of what the young man showed? A . It was perfect.B . It was the same as others.C . It was a bit small.D . It was too old.(3)The young man laughed because _. A . the old man was not smartB . he saw a heart full of scarsC . the old man told a storyD . the old man fell over(4)From the sixth paragraph we can infer(推断) that _. A . the young man knew the old man wellB . the old man wanted to get some moneyC . the young man was smartD . the old man often helped others(5)The best title for this passage may be _. A . A Young Man with a Gold HeartB . The Most Beautiful HeartC . A Young Man and an Old ManD . A Successful Young Man14. (10分) Mr Green is an Englishman. He teaches English well His English classes are very interesting. He likes us and we like him, too.Mr Green has two children-Mike and Nancy. Mike is eight and his sister Nancy is five. Mike goes to school but Nancy doesnt. Mr Green likes to wear a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Football is his favorite sport. After school we often have a basketball match. Sometimes Mr Green watches and joins us. He plays basketball just for us.(1)Mr Green is _.A . a Chinese teacherB . an English teacherC . a Japanese teacherD . ran English teacher(2)How many sons does Mr Green have?A . Only oneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Not any(3)Nancy doesnt go to school because _.A . she looks beautifulB . she is sevenC . she is only fiveD . she doesnt like school(4)_ is Mr Greens favorite sport.A . BasketballB . FootballC . runningD . Volleyball(5)The story is about _.A . Mr Greens sonB . Mr GreenC . Mike and NancyD . a basketball15. (10分)阅读理解。My name is Lucy and this is my grandfatherHis name is Tim and he is my best friendMy grandfather is 64 years old and he is retired now,so he has much time to be and play with meI love him very much and I know he loves me tooHe lives with memy father,my mother and my brother KevinWe live in a big houseMy grandfather is a very tall and strong man!Can you see me on his shoulders (肩膀)in this picture?He is really strong!My grandfather always knows what l want to do or to eat or what I feel inside!When I am sad,he makes me laugh with his funny facesEvery night before I go to bed,my grandfather tells me stories,and he even sings for me!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)he is retired means(意思是) he stops A . workingB . playingC . dancingD . talking(2)How many people are there in Lucys family? A . 3B . 4C . 5D . 6(3)Tim is Kevins . A . brotherB . uncleC . fatherD . grandfather(4)What does Lucy think of her grandfather? A . He is slowB . He is strongC . He is busyD . He is clever(5)when Lucy is sad,her grandfather . A . puts her on his shouldersB . makes her laughC . tells her storiesD . sings for her16. (8分)阅读理解 How green are you? Do you know how to be green?We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young,we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.ReduceReduce means use less. Dont waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary-or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.ReuseReuse means use again. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Dont use a paper cup or a paper bag. Its better to use a china(瓷器) cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.RecycleRecycle means change things into something else. Though it takes energy to change something into something else, its better than throwing things away or burning them. Find out what can be recycled in your neighborhood and take part in recycling programs. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.So please remember these three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.(1)What is the passage about? A . How to produce things.B . How to burn things.C . How to help others.D . How to be green.(2)Why is it better to use a china cup and a lunch box? A . Because you can burn them.B . Because you can use them again.C . Because you can throw them away.D . Because you can change them into something else.(3)To protect the environment, we should remember these three words: _. A . waste, reuse and recycleB . repair, burn and recycleC . reduce, reuse and recycleD . reduce, waste and recycle(4)The passage may come from_. A . a menuB . a dictionaryC . a storybookD . a magazine四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)阅读下面的材料,然后根据有关内容完成下面表格,每空词数不限。Last Friday night I went to a great party. It was a birthday party for my English teacher Mrs Brown. Students in my class all went to celebrate(庆祝) her 40th birthday. We began to prepare for(为做准备) the party two weeks before that, but Mrs. Brown didnt know anything about it.We all met at a restaurant at a quarter to seven. There were about 30 people. Mrs. Browns son took her to the restaurant and they arrived at seven oclock. Just before seven, we all stayed in one room of the restaurant and it was dark in the room.When they got to the restaurant, Mrs. Browns son asked her to go into the room first. Then we all shouted, Surprise!Mrs. Brown was really surprised. She jumped when she heard us. Then we sang Happy Birthday to You and she knew what was happening(发生). We all had a great dinner and then a delicious birthday cake.For her birthday, Mrs. Brown got a beautiful quilt. We all printed(印) our photos on it. So it was a very special quilt.Mrs. Brown enjoyed the party, and we enjoyed it, too.Information CardWhat subject does Mrs. Brown teach?_How long did the students prepare for the party?_What time did Mrs. Brown get to the restaurant?_What did they have at the birthday party?_What gift did Mrs. Brown get?_五、 阅读短文,翻译划线句子 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)Knowledge comes from questioning. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)书面表达。假如你是小华,你的母亲只希望你认真学习,将来可以找个好工作。她不支持你有音乐、体育等其它的爱好;只要你看电视或是上网,她就会阻止,并让你看书或做作业。请给母亲写一封信,表达你对她的理解和爱,同时和她谈谈你的想法。要求:1).层次清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯。2).要点齐全,可适当发挥。3).信中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校。4).词数:80词左右(信的开头已给出,不计入总词数)。5).参考词汇:理解understand v;考虑 think about v;尊重 respect v.Dear Mom,How are you now? Since I returned to school, I have always wanted to tell you about my mindsXiaohua 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共46分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 阅读短文,翻译划线句子 (共1题;共5分)17-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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