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人教版九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷B卷(4)一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Would you mind turning down the music? _ _.A . Yes, I wouldB . No, of courseC . No, not at allD . No, thanks2. (2分)I dont have money now, _, I cant pay the money back to you.A . that isB . such asC . for exampleD . so that3. (2分)The tall man is _ to the big city. He cant find his hotel now. A . newB . oldC . excitedD . happy4. (2分)Jimmy, you have to make an apology for breaking the vase.I didnt do it on purpose, Mum.A . make an excuseB . say sorryC . tell a story5. (2分)My dog is very .It is safe to touch him if you want to. A . smartB . braveC . happyD . friendly6. (2分)Its nice of you _ me.A . to helpB . to helpingC . help withD . helps with7. (2分)Excuse me, could you tell me _? Go along this road to the bus station, and take Bus No. 31.A . where is the Rice MuseumB . which the way to the Rice Museum wasC . how I can get to the Rice MuseumD . whether is the Rice Museum near here8. (2分)Miss Brown tells us to remember thatcareful we are, mistakes we will make.A . the more, the fewerB . the fewer, the moreC . the more, the less9. (2分)How many letters you to your mother? 109 in all, since 2016. A . has, writtenB . have, writtenC . did, writeD . are, writing10. (2分)Would you mind loudly at night? A . not to singB . not singC . singing notD . not singing11. (2分)_ you know the answer, please _ your hand quickly. A . If; riseB . If; raiseC . Whether; riseD . Whether; raise12. (2分)The CCTV Spring Festival Gala(春晚) of 2017 held _the eve of the lunar new year.This is _amazing and traditional ceremony, which is also one of _ most important celebration customs for all Chinese people. A . on, an,theB . on,an,aC . in,a,the13. (2分)We _ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us _. A . waited, waitB . were waiting, waitC . waited, waitingD . were waiting, waiting14. (2分)She home to tell me the news. A . hurried toB . hurriedC . hurries toD . hurrying15. (2分)My cousin has a sore throat.Shed better .A . drink water with honeyB . see a dentistC . take a showerD . get an Xray二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)16. (10分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Maddy Cullen became a heroine last month. Thanks to her quick thinking, she and Dave Lewis were saved from danger in the 1 .Maddy and Dave went to the Scottish Highlands with a group from the Music Now Festival. In the afternoon, the group went 2 on the lake, but Maddy and Dave went hang-glider(滑翔) instead. Unfortunately, above the famous lake Loch Ness, the hang-glider flew into a sudden storm and knocked on a mountain out of 3 . Both Maddy and Dave jumped off the hang-glider before it crashed down(坠毁). They dropped safely in the mountains. But Dave couldnt walk because his right leg was badly injured. He and Maddy had to stay in the mountains and waited for rescuers. They had no food or water, so they were hungry, thirsty and 4 . They felt very worried before the sun set. Then Maddy had a very good idea. She collected many stones and formed a large sign “SOS” on the ground so that pilots in the helicopter could find them 5 .Meanwhile, group leader Rob Townsend was also worried when he found Maddy and Dave didnt sail with them. There were no public 6 anywhere nearby. He had to walk a long way to call the police to look for the missing teenagers. A few minutes later, a police helicopter flew over Loch Ness, and the pilot saw Maddys message from above easily. Dave and Maddy were 7 up and flown to hospital in Inverness quickly.A week ago, Maddy spoke to a reporter from the newspaper. “We were very 8 when the helicopter arrived,” she said. “The police told Dave not to move and they carried him into the helicopter. They asked us to put on dry clothes and 9 some hot soup to us. They were great.”“It was all because of me,” Dave said. “Rob told us to wear walking boots, and he told us not to leave the group. But I did not listen. I was very silly.”The police 10 . On its radio news, they asked walkers in the Highlands to follow instructions carefully and not to take any adventures.(1)A . forest B . sea C . mountains D . lake (2)A . sailing B . fishing C . skating D . swimming (3)A . sight B . trouble C . control D . date (4)A . alone B . sad C . calm D . cold (5)A . silently B . easily C . simply D . carefully (6)A . telephones B . libraries C . websites D . bicycles (7)A . given B . put C . woken D . picked (8)A . excited B . confused C . frustrated D . scared (9)A . shared B . offered C . cooked D . provided (10)A . insisted B . agreed C . considered D . suggested 17. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。It was Monday. Mrs. Smiths dog was hungry, but there was not any 1in the house. Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper and wrote on it, Please 2my dog half a pound (磅) of meat. Then she gave the paper to 3dog and said, Take this to the butcher (肉贩), and hell give you what you want.The dog ran to the butchers with the piece of paper. The butcher read the paper 4and recognized (辨别出) that it was really the womans handwriting (笔迹). So he did as he was asked to. The dog was very 5and ate the meat up at once.At noon, the dog came to the butchers again with a piece of paper. 6reading the paper, the butcher gave it half a pound of meat once more.The next day, the dog came again at noon. And as usual, it 7a piece of paper. This time, the butcher gave it its meat without looking at the paper.The dog came again at four o clock. And the same thing 8once again. It came for the third time at six o clock. The butcher felt a little surprised. He said, This is a small dog. 9does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?Looking at the piece of paper, he 10that there were not any words on it!(1)A . milk B . meat C . water D . fruit (2)A . give B . buy C . cook D . show (3)A . their B . our C . her D . his (4)A . probably B . luckily C . clearly D . carefully (5)A . happy B . sad C . busy D . free (6)A . By B . For C . After D . With (7)A . sent B . chose C . forgot D . brought (8)A . followed B . happened C . arrived D . stayed (9)A . Where B . when C . How D . why (10)A . found B . remembered C . hoped D . heard 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)补全对话A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can buy the novel The Ordinary World ?B: Certainly._A: Im new here. I dont know the way._B: Sure. Go east along this street and turn left at the second crossing. Its next to a supermarket.A:_B: Its about three kilometers away.A:_B: Yes, you can.A: Which bus can I take?B: You can take the No. 8 bus._Look! The bus is coming!A: Thank you very much.B:Youre welcome.A. How far is it from here?B. You can buy it in Qing Tian Bookstore.C. The bookstore closes at 8:00 p.m.D. The bus stop is on the other side of the street.E. Can you tell me the way to it?F. Can I take a bus there?G. Im not sure how to get there.四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共5题;共39分)19. (8分) Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful. Fire can make water hot and house warm, give light and cook food. But fire can burn (燃烧) things, too. It can make trees, houses, animals and other things catch fire (起火). If some people cant run away from fire, it can kill them. This happens in every country every year.Sometimes big fire can burn forests. A month ago, a large forest fire broke out in Yunnan Province. It lasted nearly half a month. The forest in Heilongjiang Province and the grassland in Inner Mongolia caught fire in May, 2006. After more than ten days fight, over 30,000 people and soldiers put out (扑灭) the fire at last.Nobody knows clearly when people began to make fire, but there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man who went to the sun and brought fire down a long time ago. Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. The match can burn a piece of paper and then it can burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire, and destroy many things. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful with fire.(1)The main idea of the passage is that _.A . fire is dangerous and harmfulB . forest fire can be easily put outC . who started a fire the first timeD . every month there is a forest fire in Yunnan Province(2)Matches can be dangerous because _.A . they always burn a houseB . they can make things catch fireC . they can burn a piece of paperD . they kill many animals every year(3)The word “destroy” in the passage means _in Chinese.A . 破灭B . 炸毁C . 毁灭D . 粉碎(4)The writer of the passage wants to tell us that _.A . we know when man began to make a fireB . people should use fire carefullyC . fire can burn down all things in the worldD . all children like to play with matches20. (10分) When you watch TV and play video games you make global(全球的) warming worse! It may seem hard to believe, but when electricity is made, so are greenhouse gases(温室气体). This means that every time you use electricity you help make global warming worse!Cars are also making global warming worse. They burn fossil fuels(化石燃料) in their engines, and send lots of greenhouse gases into the air.Global warming may be a big problem, but we can all help stop it. People can try to drive their cars less. Or even get ones that run on sunlight! You can also help. Lets try one of these top ideas:(1) Try to use less electricity. Turn off lights, your television, and your computer when youve stopped using them. To make electricity, fossil fuels are burned in big factories. But burning fossil fuels also makes greenhouse gases. You should also try to watch less TV.(2) Plant trees. Not only is it a fun thing to do, but it is also a great way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air. Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air when they grow.(3) Dont throw away your rubbish, try to recycle it. If rubbish is not recycled, it is put in the ground. There it rots(腐烂) and makes a greenhouse gas called methane(甲烷).So try to recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers. Itll make you feel great! And itll help the Earth.(1)If we _, we may make global warming worse.A . use less electricityB . drive a car on sunlightC . plant treesD . throw away rubbish(2)We may use more electricity by_.A . turning off lightsB . shutting down computersC . turning up CD playersD . turning off TV(3)_ will make global warming worse.A . MethaneB . CansC . NewspapersD . Bottles(4)Using less electricity does good to global warming because_.A . the less electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are producedB . the more electricity is used, the more greenhouse gases are producedC . more electricity is used, less greenhouse gases are producedD . less electricity is used, more greenhouse gases are produced(5)Which is the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A . Driving cars on sunlight helps to stop global warmingB . When cars burn fossil fuels, they produce greenhouse gasesC . When trees grow, they send carbon dioxide into the airD . By planting more trees, we can lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air21. (6分)阅读理解Here are some important events in August in Britain. Read them and answer the following questions.Great British Beer FestivalTue. 3 Aug Sat. 7 AugLondonDrink, music and other entertainments. This is held at Earls Court./www.gbbf.orggwww.eif.co.ukEdinburgh International FestivalFri. 13 Aug. Sun. 5 Sep.Edinburgh A festival of classical music, operas and dances in Edinburgh/www.eif.co.ukBristol International Balloon FestivalThur.12 Aug.-Sun. 15 Aug. Europes largest hot-air balloon festival, with over 100 balloons taking part/www.bristolfiesta.co.ukSummer Bank HolidayMon 30 Aug. A public holiday in England, Wales and Northern Ireland People take trips or short vacations during the holiday.For more: Travel/Transport(1)Where is the Great British Beer Festival held? A . In Bristol.B . In Wales.C . At Earls Court.(2)How long does Edinburgh International Festival last? A . 43 days.B . 23 days.C . 33 days.(3)What is the Edinburgh International Festival about? A . Food.B . Clothes.C . Art.22. (10分)阅读理解 This is not a diet. Its a simple way to lose weight. And you dont have to give up your favorite t food or join a gym. You just follow some habits that thin people have. Keep them, and youll become thin. Wake upWhen you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, bend (弯曲) forward until you feel sore (酸痛) in your back. It will burn about 10 calories (卡路里). Start with soupWhen you have a meal, order a clear soup, and have it before having the main food. In this way, youll feel fuller, so you eat less when the main food comes. An apple (or more) a dayApples are full of fiber (纤维) and water, so your stomach will want less. The study shows that people who eat at least three apples a day lose weight. Stand up and walk aroundEvery time you use the mobile phone, stand up and walk around. Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more than thin people each day. This skill is very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories. Use these skills, and you will have a big weight loss. (1)What should we have first if we want to eat less main food? A . SoupB . Ice creamC . SaladD . Vegetables(2)Why does eating apples make your stomach want less food? A . Because apples are delicious.B . Because apples contain a lot of fiber and water.C . Because apples are sour.D . Because apples are full of calories.(3)Which of the following may the writer disagree? A . Sitting up slowly without using your hands helps burn calories.B . Eating apples every day is good for health.C . You have to join a gym if you want to lose weight.D . It is good to walk around while talking on the mobile phone.(4)Whats the purpose of the passage? A . To give some advice on how to lose weight.B . To advise people to eat apples every day.C . To tell people how to enjoy a better life.D . To advise people to give up bad habits.(5)In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read the passage? A . ShoppingB . EducationC . FamilyD . Health23. (5分)任务型阅读I have always loved cars. After graduating from college, I got one, which I regarded as my best friend. I called it Victor. For the next three years, everything I did was connected with(与有关)Victor. I lived a happy life. But because of money problems, I had to sell Victor. Then my life broke down. Without Victor, I was like a fish out of water. Three months later, with the encouragement of my friends, I decided to start a new life. I tried and made it. Everything went well again. Losing my car made me grow up. I have learned that life wont go our way, but we can choose to be positive and make the best of it._of the carVictorTime of getting the car_from college.Reason for _the car to someone elseBecause of money problems.Feelings of losing the carLike a fish out of _.Improvement from the experienceLife wont always go our way. We should be _.五、 单词拼写 (共5题;共5分)24. (1分)The photos r _me of my good friend. 25. (1分)As a mountain _(登山者), Aron is used to taking risks. 26. (1分)People all over the country feel proud that all Chinas spacecraft have _(成功地) returned to the earth. 27. (1分)Good _to you.(运气)28. (1分)Whats your favorite sport, Coco?I beg your p_?I mean what your favorite sport is.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)假设你是海外华人李先生,回到阔别多年的故乡,请以Changes in my hometown为题,把家乡生活的巨大变化及自己的感受写在博客上,与大家分享。过去现在住 房小房子高楼,大公寓通 讯书 信手机、网络娱 乐听收音机看电视、玩电脑交 通自行车或步行自驾、地铁、公交车感 受要求:1. 文章须包括表格中的要点,可适当发挥;2. 短文连贯通顺;3. 词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Changes in my hometownGreat changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years. 第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)16-1、17-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18-1、四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共5题;共39分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、五、 单词拼写 (共5题;共5分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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