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平山小学四年级英语期末复习试题一、根据所给的汉字,在句子的空格中填上适当的单词,将句子补充完整。1、Put your (铅笔) on your (桌子)2、Mike is a (学生) He likes reading (书)3、Welcome to my (学校) We have 23 (教室)4、Come and meet my parents . This is my (妈妈)and this my (爸爸)5、Id like some (米饭)and (鸡肉)for dinner.6、I have a friend. He is a (书包)7、Look , this my (卧室)8、There are two (故事书)on the desk.9、My brother is (瘦的),he likes (画画)二、根据上下文的意思将所给的句子安排在对话中的适当位置。A、How many people are there in your family?B、Yes, it is.C、Whats your father?D、Whats in your hand?E、No,she isnt.A:Hello, Chen Jie . B: Guess.A: Is it a photo? B: Its a photo of my family.A:Your family photo? B: There 3.My parents and me. Look, this is my father.A:You father is tall and strong. B:Hes a teacher . Hes a P.E.(体育) teacher.A: Cool . Is your mother a teacher , too? B: She is a nurse.A:Wow, she looks beautiful. B:Thank you.三、在方框内选择适当的句子把对话补充完整。(将序号填在横线上)A、Where is your bedroom? B、Is this your bedroom?C、How many rooms are there in your home? D、Eight. E、Wow,its very big and nice.A: This a photo of my home. B: A: A:Look,this is the living room.B: B: A:No, it isnt. Its my brothers bedroom.B: A: Look, its here.四、在方框内选择适当的句子把对话补充完整。(将序号填在横线上)A. What is she? B. Who is he? C. Who is she?D. What is your uncle? E. How many people are there in your family?F. Is he your father? G. Is this your mother?A: Look, this is my family photo. B: Oh,how nice! A: There are five. B: A: Shes my mother . B: A: No,he isnt. B: A: Hes my uncle. B:He looks strong. A: Hes a baseball player. B:Cool!五、根据短文内容判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。 My name is Li Hua. There are four people in my family. My father is a doctor. He looks strong. He liks football. My mother is a teacher. She has long hair and big eyes . She doesnt like sports, she likes music . My little sister is pretty. Shes only two .She often plays with the cat .Im a boy. Im a student.Im tall and thin. I like playing computer game. I have a happy family.( )1、My father is a teacher. ( ) 2、My mother likes sports.( )3、I am thin. ( )4、My sister likes playing with the cat.( )5、There are five people in my family.Amy is my best friend .Shes a nice girl . Shes ten. Shes tall and quiet. She has Long hair and a small mouth. She has big eyes and a small nose. She likes music. computer games and painting. She likes books,too. She has fifty story-books.She is a good student .I like Her very much.( )1、Amy is my sister. ( )2、Amy is not quiet。 ( )3、Amy has 15 story-books. ( )4、Amy likes painting and books. ( )5、Amy has long hair and a small nose.

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