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单选题。1 -Where is the canteen? ( ) -_.A. Its an English book. B. Its on the second floor. C. Its beautiful.2 -How many _ are there in your class? -Forty.A. student B. apple C. boys3 The canteen is _ the first floor.-A. in B. on C. at4-Oh! Your school is beautiful! -_.A. Yes. B. Good! C. Thank you!5 This _ my computer.A. is B. are C. be6 There are two_, ten _ in our classroom.A. fan, lights B. fans, light C. fans, lights7 We can watch TV in the _ room.A. TV B. art C. computer8 -Is that the library?-_.A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, you can.9 Lets go _ have a look!A. too B. and C. or10 -_?-Its nine oclock.A. What colour is it? B. What is this? C. What time is it?11 Hurry up! Its time _ school.A. to B. at C. for12 Its 7 oclock. Its time_ get up.A.to B. at C. for13 Its twelve oclock. Its time for_.A.breakfast B. lunch C. dinner14 Its 6:30 a.m. Its time for_. A.breakfast B. lunch C. dinner15 Its 4:20. Its time _ P.E. class.A. for B.lunch C. dinner16 -Are these pants?-_.A. No, they are. B. Yes, these are. C. Yes, they are.17 Mom, look _ his shoes.A. to B. for C. at18 -Whose dress is it?-_.A. Its my brother. B. Its my mothers C. Its on the desk.19 I like the yellow T-shirt _ the white skirt.A. and B. for C. with 20 -Where is my skirt? -_.A. Its blue. B. its on your bed. C. its my sisters21 -_? -No, its not.A. Whose is it? B. What is it? C. Is that your T-shirt?22 -What colour is your dress? -_.A. Blue B. Good C. Yes23 Where _ my socks?A. are B. is C. be24 Where _my dress?A. are B. is C. be25 My sweater _ new.A. are B. is C. be26 My shorts _ old.A. are B. is C. be27 I have a new dress _ my birthday party.A. to B. for C. with28 Whats the weather like _ Beijing?A. in B. at C. on29 Its 31C in Sichuan. Its very _.A. cold B. rainy C. hot30 -Can I wear my _ today?-No, you cant. Its cold.A. sweater B. skirt C. jacket31 Your shoes are on your _.A. feet B. foot C. foots32 Its windy now. _.A. Lets make a showman. B. Lets watch TV. C. Lets fly kites.选出画线部分发音不同的一项。( )1. A. cake B. grape C. face D. bag( )2. A. not B. boss C. hot D. cow( )3. A. ship B. bike C. Paris D. picture( )4. A. dish B. side C. find D. right( )5. A. we B. he C. bed D. she( )6. A. pen B. bed C. desk D. coke( )7. A. like B. bike C. lie D. picture( )8. A. time B. picture C. night D. right判断画线部分的发音是对()还是错(X)。( )1. this rice ( )2. picture kite( )3. white bike ( )4. light milk( )5. nine time ( )6. cake hat( )7. cat apple ( )8. bag cat( )9. snake face ( )10. bed she( )11. we me ( )12. desk pen( )13. egg he ( )14. orange lock( )15. nose box ( )16. fox box( )17. rose home ( )18. student music( )19. cup tube ( )20. umbrella toothbrush( )21. bus cute ( )22. face hat连词成句。1. is That computer my ( . )_2. a teachers desk this Is ( ? )_3. time it What is ( ? )_4. for time Its class math ( . )_5. colour it What is ( ? )_6. T-shirt your Is this ( ? )_7. warm Its today ( . )_8. football play Lets ( . )_9. cold Is it (? )_10. much are How they ( ? )_11. is How it much ( ? )_12. are three They yuan ( . )_13. ducks Are they ( ? )_14. horses They are ( . )_15. many How are horses there ( ? )请问下面的英语单词找出正确的汉语意思。1. garden washroom gym library TV room( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. 洗手间 B. 体育馆 C. 电视房 D. 花园 E. 图书馆2. get up English class dinner breakfast ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. 晚餐 B. 英语课 C. 起床 D. 早餐 3. sweater jeans pants shorts shoes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. 牛仔裤 B. 短裤 C. 鞋子 D. 毛衣 E. 长裤4. rainy hot cloudy weather windy ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. 炎热的 B. 多云的 C. 下雨的 D. 有风的 E. 天气5. slippers cheap boots expensive sneakers ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. 帆布鞋 B. 拖鞋 C. 昂贵的 D. 便宜的 E. 靴子6. cucumber goat tomato carrot lamb ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. 西红柿 B. 山羊 C. 洋葱 D. 小羊 E. 黄瓜根据汉语意思不全所缺单词。( )1. comput_ _ 电脑 ( )25.s_irt 衬衫( )2. l_ight 灯 ( )26. s_ir_ 短裙( )3. teachers d_sk 讲台 ( )27. bl_ _ 蓝色的( )4.p_cture 照片,图画 ( )28. gr_ _n 绿色的( )5. _ne 一 ( )29. c_l_ur 颜色( )6. tw_ 二 ( )30. w_rm 温暖的( )7. thr_ _ 三 ( )31. t_d_y 今天( )8.f_ur 四 ( )32. j_ _ns牛仔裤( )9.f_v_ 五 ( )33. p_nts长裤( )10. s_x 六 ( )34. s_cks袜子( )11. s_v_n 七 ( )35. sh_ _s鞋子( )12. eig_ _ 八 ( )36. f_ _tball足球( )13. n_n_ 九 ( )37. how m_ch 多少钱( )14. t_n 十 ( )38. sm_ll 小的( )15. ch_nese 语文 ( )39. or_nge 橙子( )16. engl_sh 英语 ( )40. b_n_na 香蕉( )17. m_s_c 音乐 ( )41. _pple 苹果( )18.t_me 时间 ( )42. l_ng 长的( )19. j_ck_t 夹克衫 ( )43. sh_ _t 短的( )20. ar_ 是 ( )44. r_bb_t 兔子( )21. th_y 他(它、她)们 ( )45. d_ck 鸭子( )22. h_ _se 马 ( )46. _l_en 十一( )23. c_t 猫 ( )47. th_ _teen 十三( )24. tw_nty二十 四会单词表 (听、说、读、写)Unit1 :computer, board, fan, light, this, is, my, that, your, teachers desk, picture, wall, floor, yes, it句型:This is my computer.That is your computer.Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is.Unit2:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, what, time, its=it is, oclock, math, Chinese, English, P.E., music, for, class句型:What time is it?Its two oclock.Its 9:45. Its time for math class.Unit3:jacket, shirt, skirt, dress, T-shirt, red, blue, yellow, green, white, no, not, colour, 句型:Is this your T-shirt? No, its not.What colour is it?Its white.Unit4:warm, cold, cool, today, jeans, pants, socks, shoes, lets=let us, play, football, snowy, sunny句型:Its warm today.Lets play football.Its cool.Is it cold?Unit5:how much, big, small, long, short, apple, banana, pear, orange, watermelon, are, they句型:How much is it?Its ten yuan.How much are they?Theyre three yuan.Unit6:horse, arent=are not, cat, rabbit, pig, duck, dog, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, twenty, how many, there句型:Are they ducks?No, they arent.How many horses are there?Twelve.三会单词表(听、说、认读)Unit1:Playground, garden, teachers office, library, canteen, art room, computer room, washroom, music room, gym, TV roomUnit2:lunch, breakfast, dinner, English class, music class, P.E.class, get up, go to school, go home, go to bedUnit3:sweater, jeans, pants, socks, shoes, shortsUnit4:hot, weather, rainy, windy, cloudyUnit5:colourfull, pretty, cheap, expensive, sneakers, slippers, sandals, bootsUnit6:sheep, hen, lamb, goat, cow, tomato, cucumber, potato, onion, carrot

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