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外研版小学英语六年级上第一、二模块练习题一、 短语1.how big_ 2.长城_3.visit China_ 4.在东边_5.want to do sth_ 6. send an email to_ 7.思念中国_ 8. lots of_ 9 .看_ 10.中国舞蹈_ 二、单项选择。1 What a big map _America!A. of B.about C.at2 There postcards _great. A.was B.is C.are3 Qingdao is _the east of China. A.to B.in C.on4 There is a Great Wall_China.A. on B.in C.at5Is there a cat under the chair? _.A. Yes,there is . B.Yes,it is. C.Yes,there are .6 He often helps _with _English.A. her her B she her C her she 7 There _ a car and lots of buses on the streets.A. is B are C will8 _ a bird. _name is Polly.A. Its Its B Its Its C Its Its 9 _ you want to go to Chinatown?A. Are B Does C Do10 _is this girl?A. Whose B What C Who三、完成句子1. Amy _ _(正在参观)China. 2. Its (一张。的照片)the Great Wall. 3. Xinjiang is_ _ _ _(在。的西部) China. 4. _ _ _ _ _ _(多么大的一张美国地图啊)!5. These _(明信片) are very beautiful. 6. How big is_(纽约)?7.Its got about eight _(百万)people. 8. The Great Wall is about six_(千) seven hundred_(公里). 四、按要求改写句子1. It is a big map of America. ( 改为感叹句)_ a big map of America it is!2. You are a teacher. (改为一般疑问句)_3. He is a driver. (改为否定句)_4. Its 2700 kilometers. (就划线提问)_ _ is it?5.We went to school by bus yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)_五、连词成句。1、me tell more about Great Wall the (.)_2、in there a is New Chinatown York (.) _ 3、a map big what America of (.) _ 4、lots there of are there Chinese restaurant (.) _ 5、is how it long (?) _

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