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教 师 教 案课程名称:英语翻译理论与实践1英文名称:Translation Theories and Practice 1课程编号:课程类别:专业基础课学分:2总 学 时:32理论学时:32实验学时:0授课班级: 使用教材:英汉互译实践与技巧(第三版)任课教师:职 称:所在单位:院系(部处)系教 务 处 制教案填写说明教案按每一大节课进行编写,其进度应与授课计划相同。教案可以是打印稿也可以是手写稿。有关部分填写要求如下:1、课程类别(封面):包括公共课、学科基础课、专业基础课、专业方向课、实践性教学环节、实验课、专业任选课、公选课。2、课堂教学目的及要求:本大节课(本次课)的教学目的及要求。3、课堂教学重点及难点:指根据教学大纲要求,确定课堂教学知识信息的重点、难点。4、教学过程:这是整个教案的主体部分,既体现出教学活动的逻辑程序,又要划分出若干环节或步骤,并考虑到它们的时间分配、具体方法的应用,相互间的衔接、过渡,以及教学过程与板书的协调等等,充分反映教师教学设计思想,体现教师的教学经验和风格。5、教学方法及手段:指举例讲解、多媒体讲解、模型讲解、实物讲解、挂图讲解、音像讲解等。6、课后作业与思考题:指本大节课(本次课)结束后需要布置的作业与思考题。7、课后小结:课后自我总结分析是对课程教学中教学环节的设计、教学重点难点的把握、教学方法的应用、师生双边活动的设计及教学效果等情况的总结与分析,为以后的教学提供经验与参考。第1次课学时教 师 教 案授课章节Unit 1 Introduction: Translation & Translation Techniques授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目的及要求Master the basic translation theories and techniques: Part IV (P.4-13).课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the criteria of translation, and relevant translation techniques: literal translation & free translation.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段I. Important Role of Translation.II. Nature and Scope of Translation.III. Principles or Criteria of Translation: A debate among 3 groups of the students about faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance 信达雅 first, and the comment on it and summing-up.IV. Literal Translation & Free Translation.V. Translation Techniques.VI. Additional Points:1. The definition of translation.2. Other translation techniques in general.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I Review todays work.II Preview English-Chinese Translation:Proverbs in Latin American TalkIII Preview Chinese-English Translation: 翻译的定义.IV Prepare Reflections and Practice.课后小结授课教师签名:2012年9月4日注:每项页面大小可根据实际情况自行添减Teaching Notes A Brief Introduction to Translation翻译概论 作为第一讲,有必要向学生简要全面介绍一下教材的内容和特点、该课程的具体要求以及学习方法。英汉互译实践与技巧是清华大学优秀教材,该教材内容丰富、新颖,具有很高的权威性。编者许建平现为清华大学外语系教授、硕士研究生导师,在翻译理论和实践方面造诣很深,在国内翻译界具有很高的威望。引导学生阅读前言和目录部分。该课程是一门实践性很强的课程。除了学习和掌握翻译的基本原理以外,翻译实践占有相当大的比重。具体地说,翻译练习由两部分组成,一部分是课后的英译汉练习,另一部分是老师课外挑选的翻译材料。翻译是一项艰苦的脑力劳动,学好翻译需要付出艰苦的努力,绝无捷径可走。对照阅读是一种一举多得的学习方法。1. 翻译的定义学习一门新的学科,首先必须有一个科学的定义。翻译是一个包罗万象、博大精深的技艺,至今也没有一个统一规范、举世公认的定义。我们只能综合各种不同的定义来把握翻译的本质。The Definition of The Oxford English Dictionary: To turn from one language into another.The Definition of Websters Third New International Dictionary of the English Language: To turn into ones own or another language.Eugene A. Nida:Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.张今:翻译是两个语言社会(language-community)之间的交际过程和交际工具,它的目的是促进本语言社会的政治、经济和(或)文化进步,它的任务是要把原作中包含的现实世界的逻辑影响映像或艺术映像完好无损地从一种语言移注到另一种语言中去。孙致礼:翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想感情、传播文化知、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。2. 翻译的分类按语言分类:语内翻译(Intralingual Translation);语际翻译(Interlingual Translation)。按活动形式分类:笔译(Translation);口译(Oral Interpretation):连续传译(Consecutive Translation)和同声传译(Simultaneous Translation)。按翻译材料的文体分类:应用文体翻译;科技文体翻译;论述文体翻译;新闻文体翻译;艺术文体(诗歌)翻译。其中的诗歌(Poetry)类文体如:Original:静夜思李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。Translation:In The Quiet NightBy Li BaiSo bright a gleam on the foot of my bedCould there have been a frost already?Lifting myself to look, I found that it was Moonlight.Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.按处理方式分类:全译;节译;摘译;编译;译述。3. 翻译的标准中国传统翻译理论:严复:信达雅天演论译例言(1898);傅雷:“神似” 说:“以效果而论,翻译应该象临画一样,所求不在形似而在神似。”(高老头重译本序)。钱钟书“化境”:文学的最高标准是“化”。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于化境了。十七世纪有人赞美这种造诣的翻译,比为原作的投胎转世,躯壳换了一个,而精神姿致依然故我。西方翻译理论:l. George Campbell: The first thing is to give a just representation of the sense of the original. The second thing is, to convey into his version, as much as possible, in a consistency with the genius of the language which he writes, the authors spirit and manner. The third and last thing is, to take care, the version have at least, so far the quality of an original performance, as to appear natural and easy.2 Alexander F. Tytler:That the Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. That the Translation should have all the ease of original composition. (A. F. Tytler: Essay on the Principles of Translation 1790 )译者必备的业务素质:(1)扎实的英语基础;(2) 扎实的汉语基础;(3) 广阔的知识面(to know something of everything and everything of something)杂家;(4) 高效迅捷查阅资料和文献检索的能力;(5) 合理的翻译策略;(6)认真负责的学风;(7) 充沛的体力和脑力。4. 课堂翻译练习:(1) One can never see too many summer sunrises on the Mississippi River.(2) He has been wedded to translation.(3) The secretary and accountant of the company was present.(4) Byrons father, by is first marriage, had a daughter, Augusta, Byrons half-sister.(5) The old man said, They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are.(6) We would like to build a color-blind society where all man can have equal opportunity.第2次课学时教 师 教 案授课章节Unit 1 Introduction: Translation & Translation Techniques (Continued)授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目的及要求I. Complete Practical Translation Training from P.2 to 4.II. Finish all the exercises in Reflections and Practice (P.13-15).课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the translation techniques, especially literal translation and free translation.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段IPractical Translation Training: 1. EnglishChinese Translation (P.2-3): 1). Notes and Explanations.2). Ask 6 students to interpret (1 paragraph for each).3). Check and comment. 2. ChineseEnglish Translation (P.4).1). Ask 3 students to write their translations on the blackboard (3 sentences for each).2). Check and explain.II. Reflections and Practice I to III (P.13-15):1. Discussions No. 1, 5 and 6 on P.13.2. English sentence interpretation (P.13-14).III. Make a comparison between the English word “send” and the corresponding Chinese character “送”, trying to have a thorough command of them.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I. Preview Unit 2 Diction.II. Do English-Chinese Translation: Of Studies (P.247-248) & Chinese-English Translation: 清华大学文科(P.263-264).III. Do Assignment One: No. 2, 3 and 4 in Exercise One on P.13 as homework.课后小结授课教师签名:2012年9月11日注:每项页面大小可根据实际情况自行添减Teaching NotesUnit 1 Introduction: Translation & Translation Techniques直译与意译等1. 直译与意译在谈到直译和意译时,人们常常用英文词语literal translation 和free translation。此时人们关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真;而意译则认为语言有不同的文化内涵和表达形式,当形式成为翻译的障碍时,就要采取意译。直译和意译之争的靶心是意义和形式的得失问题。在中国的翻译史上,赞成直译和意译的均有人在,初期佛典翻译中的文质说,唐代玄奘的“求真”与“喻俗”,近代有严复的“信达雅”及鲁迅的“宁信而不顺”与赵景深的“宁顺而不信”等,都是从直译和意译的角度来探讨翻译的原则。1.1 直译 (Literal Translation)英、汉语的结构有相同的一面,汉译时可照译,即直译。直译既忠实原文内容,又符合原文的结构形式。直译有不少优点,例如能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。但是,直译具有一定的局限性。例如译文有时冗长罗唆,晦涩难懂,有时不能正确传达原文意义,有时甚至事与愿违。Literal translation is where the forms of the original are retained as much as possible, even if those forms are not the most natural forms to preserve the original meaning. Literal translation is sometimes called word-for-word translation (as opposed to thought-for- thought translation). A more accurate, but less well-known, label for this approach is formal equivalence translation. Because literal translation focuses on forms of language, it sometimes misses some of the meaning of those forms, since meaning is found not only in the forms of individual words, but also in relationships among words, phrases, idiomatic uses of words, and influences of speaker-hearer, cultural, and historical contexts. Words often have different meanings in different contexts, but a literal translation often does not account for these differences. So literal translation often is not the most accurate form of translation.直译的五大误区: 否定句型中的直译误区:英语中有一些不同的否定句型,其中有一些句型不能完全采用直译法进行翻译,否则,就会造成误译,甚至与原意背道而驰,下列几种否定句型值得注意:A. 部分否定句型,这种句型不同于汉语的思维形式。I do not know all of them.误:对他们我都不认识。正:对他们我不是个个都认识。All the answers are not right.误:所有答案都不对。正:答案并非全对。Every body wouldnt like it.误:每个人都不会喜欢它。正:并不是每上人都会喜欢它。B. 单一否定中的部分句型:It is a long lane that had no turning.误:那是一条没有弯的长巷。正:无论多长的巷也有弯的地方(路必有弯,事必有变)。It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.误:聪明人从不犯错误。正:无论怎样聪明的人也难免犯错误。We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.误:我们不能过高地估计现代科学的价值。正:对现代科学的价值无论如何重视也不过分。It was not until years afterwards that he heard of Semmelweis.误:没过几年他就听到了Semmelweis的消息。正:直到数年之后他才听到Semmelweis 的消息。 长句直译的误区:在较长的英语句子中存在着比较复杂的关系,很难按原则顺序用一句汉语表达出来,这就要根据英文句子的特点和内在联系进行意译,不能直译的长句主要有三种处理方法。A. 根据句子内在的逻辑关系和汉语的表达习惯进行翻译。例如:There are advantages to underground life, too, and something to be said for imaging whole cities, even mankind generally, moving downward, of having the outermost mile of the Earths crust honeycombed with passage and structure, like a gigantic ant hill.这是一个倒装句,表示设想条件与结果关系,按这一关系来译比直译好,家似的建筑物,一座座城市都迁入地下,甚至全人类都迁入地下生活,这也会给人类带来很多好处。The chances are that the dwellers of the new caves would see more greenery, under ecologically healthier conditions, than dwellers of surface cities do today.这个句子并不复杂,但不好译。这个句子有三层关系,比较、条件和结果,按这种逻辑关系翻译就十分省事。“同今天地面城市里的居民相比,新洞穴里的居民如果在比较健康的生态环境中生活,会有更多的机会见到青枝绿叶。”B. 有些长句需要直译与意译结合,顺译与递译结合,需要综合处理。But a broader and more generous, certainly more philosophical, view is held by those scientists who claim .that the evidence of a war instinct in men is incomplete and misleading, and that man does have within him the power of abolishing war. 这个句子的主句部分可以意译,从句部分可直译。“有些科学家的观点更开阔,更富有普遍性和哲理性。他们指出,有关人类战争本能的证据尚不完全,而且容易引起误解,事实上,人类自身具有消除战争的能力。”It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astonishing enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences, which she bears unto this day.这个句子虽长,结构不复杂,如果进行直译,其译文将十分逊色,如果进行综合处理,译文将有声有色地传达原文的神韵。“那里的人们富于大无畏的开创精神,建立庞大的企业,敢冒风险,势如破竹,一干到底,不顾及成本,因此为加利福尼亚赢得了声誉。”C. 由于有些句型不同于汉语的思维方式,常常需要进行倒译。Textile finishes have in general become a no-no in todays market place ,thanks to many reasons ,says a representative of fiber producer.一位纤维厂家代表说,由于许多原因,纺织物整理剂在今天的市场上已经到无人的问津的地步。How much easier, how much more satisfying it is for you who can see to grasp quickly the essential qualities of another person by watching the subtleties of expression, the quiver of a muscle, the flutter of a hand.比较起来,你们这些有视觉的人,通过观察表情的微妙变化,肌肉的颤动和手势来迅速把握别人的基本品质,则是何等容易,何等满意啊! 修辞句型中的误区:同汉语一样,英语写作中大量运用修辞手段,其中有不少辞格类似于汉语相同辞格的表达方式,因此可以直译。但有一些英语辞格却很难用直译方式表达清楚,即便是同一辞格,由于处于不同场合,有的能直译,有的则不能直译。下列几种情况有时不宜直译:A. 比喻:有的比喻可以直译,有的则不能,这往往取决于汉语的表达习惯例如:At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes.如果把stunning ,porcelain-faced woman 译作“一位迷人的陶瓷般脸蛋的妇女”就显得粗俗滑稽,但是不是作者的本意。这时意译就比较好。“在通往餐厅的门口有一位妇女,涂脂抹粉、细皮嫩肉、身着和服、十分迷人,她叫我脱下鞋子。”The girl is a dead shot.这位姑娘是神枪手。(不能译作死射手)After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands on slippery grounds.他的上部小说失败之后,声誉一落千丈。(不能译为“站在滑动的场地上了”)B. 有些借喻不能直译He went west by stage coach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevadas Washoe Region.误:他乘公共马车到了西部,患了瓦肖地区的金银发烧流行病。正:他乘公共马车到了西部,卷入了淘金热和淘银热。The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.误:古老的小日本漂游在灰棕色的钢筋混凝土摩天大楼之间的引入景象是和服与超短裙之间的不断斗争的象征。正:式样古老小巧的日本房屋像小船一般,漂游在灰棕色的钢筋混凝土摩天大楼之间,这引人注目的景象象征着旧传统和新发展之间的不断斗争。C. 引典。如果是尽人皆知的典故。可以直译,不必加说明,如果多数人不知道,最好是意译,或者直译加注释。He met his Waterloo.句中meet ones Waterloo是成语典故,由 拿破仑在Waterloo遇到惨败而来,所以要意译。“他吃了大败仗”I asked whether for him,the arch anti-communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon.句中bowing down in the House of Rimmon 是成语典故,表示表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同的政治主张,这是口是心非。Rimmon是大马士革人所崇拜的神。House of Rimmon借指英国的下院。如果将这个典故直译,表达不出原意。“我问道,作为头号反共人物(邱吉尔),他这样做是否言行不一,口是心非。” 习语成语中的误区:英语中有丰富的习语成语,增强了语言的表达能力。其中大部分可以直译,或用汉语中相应的习语套用。 例如:the open door policy开放政策,the cold war 冷战,to fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁,at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟。但是还有一些习语成语必须意译才能表达出其正确含义。例如:She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.她长生在富贵之家。Youre talking through your had again.你又在胡说八道了。You should keep your nose out of here. 你别管闲事。Good to begin well, better to end well.要善始善终。 词汇翻译中的误区:有些词汇在某些场合下具有了新义,如果直译就会曲解原意。所以,要根据语言环境确定具体词义。英语中词义的发展变化十分常见。He is the last its roses and thorns.他最不配干这件事。Every life has its roses and thorns.人生有苦有甜。The wedding, which Heyward still remembered with pride ,was attended by a whos who of Boston Society.赫华德仍然记得,参加婚礼的人中有波士顿的一位社会名流,这使他感到十分得意。从上述例句可以看出,有些词在某些场合或结构中具有特殊的意义,例如the last, whos who,有的词用其比喻的意义,如roses and thorns ,有的词在特殊场合与句型中词义发生了递转,如yes, no,有的词义有了引伸或发展。总而言之,一个词的具体意义要依其所处的场合、条件、意识和句型而定,不可捕风捉影。直译与意译各有所长、要用其所长。进行直译时要防止进入误区,在有误区的地方要采用意译,使直译与意译相互补充,只有这样才能取得比较理想的效果。1.2 意译 (Free Translation)英、汉这两种语言之间还有许多差别,如完整照译,势必出现“英化汉语”,这时就需要意译。意译是在忠实原文内容的前提下,摆脱原文结构的束缚,使译文符合汉语的规范。直译”与“死译”、“意译”与“乱译”(“胡译”)的区别:“直译”不等于“死译”,“意译”也不等于“乱译”(“胡译”)。试比较:(1) 直译与死译:原文结构与汉语的结构是一致的,照译即可。但如果原文结构与汉语的不一致,仍然采取直译的方法,就成为“死译”了。如:A. In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line. 在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线。(直译)B. The earth acts like a big magnet地球作用着像一块大磁铁。(死译)C. Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon. 锰有同样的影响在强度的钢上像硅。(死译)B,C两个例子既不忠实原意,又不符合汉语的表达方式。因此,必须运用“词类转换”、“成分转换”、“词(语)序调整”等手段使译文通顺。B,C两句应分别译为:“地球的作用像一块大磁铁。”及“锰像硅一样会影响钢的强度。”(2) 意译和乱译(胡译):只有在正确理解原文的基础上,运用相应的翻译方法以调整原文结构,用规范的汉语加以表达,这才真正做到“意译”。如果把“意译”理解为凭主观臆想来理解原文,可以不分析原文结构,只看词面意义,自己编造句子,势必造成“乱译”(胡译)。如:It is easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules. Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in.气体是很容易压缩的,这正是压缩分子之间距离的根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它的容器。(乱译)例句中的“乱译”是由主观臆想(不正确选择词义、任意转换成分)造成的。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通的,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间的距离”,两者是一回事。Matter应作“事情”、“问题”解。将will expand任意转换为时间状语,致使不符合原义。Will expand and fill应译为“会扩张并充满”。综上所述,原译文可改为“气体很容易压缩,那只不过是缩小分子之间的距离而已。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,因为气体会扩张并充满任何盛放它的容器。”就翻译方法而论,总的来说,应该直译法和意译法相结合。第3次课学时教 师 教 案授课章节Unit 2 Diction授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目的及要求I. I. Master the context in translation, the correspondence between English and Chinese at word level, & major meaning-discriminating methods of English words.II. Master the 8 major techniques of translating a given English word, and diction in Chinese-English translation.课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the context in translation, the correspondence between English and Chinese, & the 8 major techniques of translating given English words.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段I The context and unit in translation: No context, no translation. For example, “Ill finish it.”II. Correspondence between English and Chinese at word level: 1. Word-for-word correspondence; 2.One word with multiple equivalents of the same meaning; 3. One word with several equivalents of different meanings; 4. Equivalents interwoven with one another; 5. Words without equivalents.III. Major methods of discriminating the Original Meaning of an English word: Judging from 1. The word formation, 2. The references, 3. The context and collocation, and 4. The different branches of learning and specialties.IV. 8 major techniques of translating a given English word: 1. Deduction; 2.Transplant; 3.Extension; 4. Substitution; 5. Explanation; 6. Combination 7. Transliteration; 8. Pictographic TranslationV Diction in Chinese-English translation:VI. Additional Points: 1.Major word formation; and 2. Some more meaning-discriminating skills for English words in translation.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I. Review todays work.II. Prepare Practical Translation and Reflections and Practice.课后小结授课教师签名:2012年9月18日注:每项页面大小可根据实际情况自行添减第4次课学时教 师 教 案授课章节Unit 2 Diction (Continued)授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目的及要求I. Complete Practical Translation Training from P. 18-21.II. Finish all the exercises in Reflections and Practice (P.31-33).课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the equivalence in translation at word level, the major methods of discriminating the original meaning of English words and the 8 major techniques of translating given English words.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段IComplete Practical Translation Training: 1. EnglishChinese Translation (P. 18-19). 1). Notes and explanations2). Ask 7 students to interpret 7 paragraphs.3). Check and comment.4). Discussion if needed. 2. ChineseEnglish Translation (P.19-21).1). Ask 4 students to write their translations on the blackboard (1 sentences for each).2). Check and explain.II. Reflections and Practice I to III (P. 31-33):1. Discussing the 5 questions on P. 31.2. English sentence interpretation (P. 31-32).3. Chinese phrase translation (P.32-33).III. 4 Additional points to the translation techniques in Unit 2: 1. Amplification 3.3, P.201; 2. Omission, 3.4; 3. Conversion, 3.5, P.201; 4. Inversion, 3.6. Journal of SWFU, 1989.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I. Preview Unit 3 Amplification.II. Do English-Chinese Translation: Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg Address (P.248-9) & Chinese-English Translation:杭州风光(P.264-5).课后小结授课教师签名:2012年9月25日注:每项页面大小可根据实际情况自行添减第5次课学时教 师 教 案授课章节Unit 5 Conversion授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目的及要求1. Master Conversion in English-Chinese Translation (P. 62-67).2. Master Conversion in Chinese-English Translation (P. 67-69).课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the conversion in English-Chinese translation and the conversion in Chinese-English translation.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段I. Warming-up the parts of speech in English. II. Conversion in English-Chinese Translation (P. 62-67):1. Converting into Verbs.2. Converting into Nouns.3. Converting into Adjectives.4. Converting into Adverbs.5. Conversion of Sentence Elements.III. Conversion Chinese-English Translation (P. 67-69):1. Converting Verbs into Other Parts Speech.2. Conversion between Other Parts of Speech.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I. Preview Practical Translation Training.II. Prepare Reflections and Practice.III. Do English-Chinese Translation: Words! Words! Words! (P. 251 -252) & Chinese-English Translation: 荷塘 (P.265-256).课后小结授课教师签名:2012年10月9日注:每项页面大小可根据实际情况自行添减第6次课学时教 师 教 案授课章节Unit 5 Conversion (Continued)授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目的及要求1. Master Conversion in English-Chinese Translation.2. Master Conversion in Chinese-English Translation.课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the conversion in English-Chinese translation and the conversion in Chinese-English translation.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段IDo Practical Translation Training: Enchantment of the South Sea Island and 泼水节(60-62). 1. Notes and Explanations2. Ask 5 students to do the English-Chinese Translation, and 1 to do the Chinese-English translation (1 paragraph for each).3. Check and explain.4. Discussion if needed.II. Reflections and Practice I to IV by using the techniques of conversion (P. 69-71):1. Discussing the 5 questions.2. English-Chinese sentence interpretation.3. Chinese-English Sentence translation.4. English-Chinese interpretation of idiomatical expressions.III. Additional Points (See Additional Teaching Notes). Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I. Preview Unit 6 Restructuring.II. Do Assignment Three (No 1-5 in Teaching Notes) as homework.课后小结授课教师签名:2012年10月16日

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