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Unit 1 New words1. take place 发生,举行(有计划,有安排)happen; occur; come about (偶然)发生break out (战争,疾病等)爆发When will the sports meeting _?The accident _ all of a sudden.A war _ between the two countries.How did it come about that he had another accident?take ones place= take the place of= replace sb.2. harvest n. 收获(指动作U.);收获季节the harvest time/ season 收成 C.,成果There was a large orange harvest last year.这新药是三十年研究的成果。The new medicine is the harvest of thirty years research.vt. 收获,收割Try to harvest the rice before the rain.3. starve (使)饿死;饿得要死vThousands of people are starving.starve to death 挨饿,饿死I am starving!Nowadays, some girls are starving themselves to lose weight.starve for sth. vi.=be starved of渴望获得The homeless children are starving for food.These children are starved of affection.4. origin起源;由来;起因- original- originallythe origin of life The particular custom has its origins in western countries. There are many English words of French origin. 许多的英语单词有相同的起源。 Many English words are of the same origin.5. religious- religion region n. 6. be in memory of 为了纪念。=in honor ofThe statues were built in memory of three famous alumni.7. feast n.节日,盛宴 hold/ give/ offer a feast to sb.a festival feast When will the wedding feast be held?Christmas is the most important feast for Christians.a feast for the eyes 大饱眼福feast ones eyes on sth. 尽情欣赏,一饱眼福She feasted her eyes on the beauty of the valley.vi. 享用美食 vt. 款待,宴请(某人)She feasted her guests with delicious foods.8. have belief in= believe I dont have much belief in his words.I have much/great belief in his honesty.beyond belief 难以置信,不可思议I find his behavior beyond belief. 9. dress up 盛装打扮,化装打扮Children love dressing up in Halloween.10. play a trick on= play tricks on sb. 搞恶作剧;开玩笑Id been tricked and I felt stupid.=laugh at/ make fun of/ play jokes on取笑,开玩笑11. arrival n. 到达 on/ upon ones arrival at/ in 某人一到达On/Upon your arrival at school, give me a call please.We gave Peter a warm welcome on his arrival.We apologize for the late arrival of the train.来到的人或物品 C. The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats. new arrivalsarrive: 最后一个到达的人付饭钱。 The last one _ pays the meal.12. gain 获得,增加; 从中受益;(钟表)走快gain full marks/ experience/ power/ strength/ weight/ five kilosMy watch gains two minutes every 24 hours.No pains, no gains.13. gain/ win independence frombe independent of/from India gained independence from Britain in 1947.Now India is independent from Britain.14. gathervi. 聚集A crowd gathered to see what was happening.The clouds gathered in the distance. vt. 使。聚集;收集The student gathered a lot of information about the hero.A rolling stone gathers no moss.vt. 收割= harvest gather corn/ fruit15. awardvt. award sb sth (for) = award sth to sb He was awarded the first prize. n. 奖品,奖项,奖金, 助学金 She was given a gold medal as an award.16. admire sb./sth. (for ) 钦佩,羡慕 = admiration 羡慕,钦佩nI really admire your courage/ honesty/ poems.you for your17. clothing (总称)衣服 U +单数谓语动词 a piece of clothing= an article of clothing 一件衣服clothes:统指身上的衣服,不于具体数字连用,但可与several/some/many连用,谓语动词用复数cloth 布 U;“特殊用途的布”可用复数clothesthe high cost of food, _ and shelterThe waiter dried the glass with a dirty _.The _ she wears are made by herself.18. permission 允许,许可 ask sb for permission 请求某人的允许 without/ with ones permission 经/未经某人的许可 give sb permission 允许某人你认为我应该马上就做还是首先请求妈妈的允许。Do you think I should do it immediately or ask for mothers permission first?未经允许不准复制这篇文章。You mustnt copy the article without permission.19. keep ones word 说话算数;履行诺言 他是一个值得信任的人。他经常说话算数。He is a man worth trusting. He always keeps his word. break ones word 失信 Im sorry that I broke my word yesterday. beyond ones word 无法用语言表达 have words with 与吵架 in a word 一句话,总而言之20. hold ones breath 屏息 Hold your breath and count to forty. be out of breath 上气不接下气 take a deep breath=breathe deeply 深呼吸 She was out of breath when she finished running the 800-meter race.21. apologize 道歉,辩白vi apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉She apologized to him for stepping on his toes. apology 道歉nmake an apology to sb for sth因某事向某人道歉22. drown 淹没,溺死,淹死 He drowned his sadness in wine. He jumped into to the river to rescue the _ girl. (drowning) drown oneself in= be drowned in 埋头于,沉溺于他沉溺于工作。He drowned himself in work.23. remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事 The movie reminded him of his campus life. remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事 remind sb that She always remind me_the door before going out. (to lock)She reminded me that I_ the door. (had locked)

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