牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习(1)D卷.doc

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牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习(1)D卷.doc_第1页
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牛津版(深圳广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习(1)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The film is _and we will be _in it. A . interested, interestB . interesting, interestC . interested, interestedD . interesting, interested2. (2分)Why did you come back so early today?The English party was _ till next Friday.A . put upB . put offC . put outD . put down3. (2分)Bob, you look blue. Dont make any decision, _ when youre in a bad mood. OK, I wont. Thanks.A . exactlyB . probablyC . especiallyD . generally4. (2分)When I got home, I saw the light . But nobody was in. A . inB . onC . atD . up5. (2分)I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer.Is that a _? Im sure Ill get the bike.A . chanceB . trickC . promiseD . treat6. (2分)She wants to be famous as a movie star.A . be famous forB . be good forC . be known as7. (2分)When a baby is _, it comes out of its mothers body at the beginning of its life. A . fedB . bornC . taught8. (2分)Im busy now. I have _ to do. A . anything importantB . something importantC . important anything9. (2分) people in the world are sending and receiving e-mails every day. A . Millions ofB . Many millions ofC . Several million ofD . Several millions10. (2分)He is such a famous man in this town. If you want to know something about him, you can ask _ here. A . anybodyB . somebodyC . nobodyD . everybody11. (2分)The giraffes like to eat.A . leafB . leafsC . leavesD . meat12. (2分)They walked home last night because they couldnt to take a taxi.A . affordB . buyC . allow13. (2分)There are some ants on the rock.They are so tiny that I cant see them easily.A . smartB . smallC . special14. (2分)A big class is usually 3 or 4 groups at our school.A . fallen intoB . divided intoC . added intoD . run into15. (2分)I have homework to do and Jim has books to read. A . much; muchB . much; manyC . many; manyD . many; much二、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)“One tree cant make a forest” tells us no one would be heroes _ (with) his friends.三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式每空限填一词.When I was 18,my family left China. And a year later, we made our way to New York. Unluckily, my father _(失败)to find a job, so I had to help support my family. I looked through the want ads every morning and later had an _(面试)for a job at Waterbury Hospital Health Centre. There I was told my work would _(包括)sweeping floors. I smiled and remembered my fathers advice.Take pride in what you do,”my lather said, whether youre a _(老板)or are sweeping floors.”So even if my job was the lowest, I was_(激动的)to do it. Each morning, I _(想象)all the patients not being able to eat if I wasnt there to clean the plates and bowls. Once_(早饭)was made, I cleaned toilets, swept floors and did some other dirty work. I wanted people to say That young man sure does a nice job,_(尽管)I was dead tired.Through _(十一)jobs Ive ever held, my fathers_(明智的)words have stayed with me. Ive swept floors,and Ive been the manager. I think Dad would be proud.四、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)完形填空Should children do chores?People1that children as young as 18 months can help with chores.When people say to those children.“Just look at the paper,”2will pick it up.Some parents think childhood(重年)is just for playing,3they dont ask their children to do chores.Other parents have a different opinion,but they still give their children no chores.They say,“I know its not fight.but its4to do it by myself!”Most parents believe that chores are a way of5children responsibility(责任),anyway.Children learn to help,share and care about others by doing chores.Things like taking care of a pet or a baby and helping make meals are some 6 of helping others.Well.I think there are some other very good7for children to do chores:To feel good:Doing chores helps children8that theyre part of the team.They feel happier when they do something meaningful for the family.To learn skills (技巧):Children will learn9to cook,clean and do other things in the house.These life skills will serve them well throughout(贯穿整个时期)their lives.All in all,its good10children to grow up doing chores.So start to help your parents with the chores.Act now!(1)A . hope B . find C . wonder D . advise (2)A . I B . he C . we D . they (3)A . if B . so C . because D . although (4)A . cooler B . luckier C . quicker D . funnier (5)A . making B . teaching C . reading D . lending (6)A . examples B . messages C . preparations D . programs (7)A . steps B . steps C . reasons D . resolutions (8)A . decide B . imagine C . disagree D . understand (9)A . why B . when C . how D . what (10)A . for B . of C . with D . through 五、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)19. (8分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。DThe weekend is usually a period(一段) of time for resting. But todays Chinese students can hardly rest during the weekend.According to (根据) a survey, 25% of the Grade 8 students in Beijing have classes at the weekend. Over 38% of the middle school students have less than eight hours sleep each night because of the hard study. And this isnt only in Beijing. Nan Weitong is a Grade 7 student in Hubei. The 13-year-old girl has to get up at 6: 30 am on Saturday. Then she has a whole day of classes. On Sunday, she has extra(额外的) classes for math and English. But Nan Weitong doesnt complain(抱怨). She says her classmates all work very hard.However, some students are much luckier. They dont have to go to school on weekends.Zhang Qian, a Grade 9 student from Jinan, is one of them. And shes a top student. During the weekend, she usually gets up at 8: 00 am. Then she spends some time doing her homework. After that, she is free to go shopping or watch TV. Zhang Qian said her mother once wanted her to try extra classes. But my teacher said it was unnecessary. I didnt need to push myself too much. Learning well at school is enough, Zhang Qian said. I feel pretty lucky.(1)There are of the Grade 8 students in Beijing have classes at the weekend.A . 25%B . 38%C . 50%D . 75%(2)Over 38% of middle school students have less than eight hours sleep each night because of .A . watching TVB . playing computer gamesC . doing houseworkD . studying(3)During the weekend, Zhang Qian often after doing her homework.A . goes to extra classesB . goes shoppingC . watches TVD . both B and C(4)Zhang Qian feels lucky because .A . she gets some moneyB . she can join the art clubC . she doesnt need to have extra classesD . she doesnt need to go shopping(5)How many students are mentioned in this passage?A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.20. (10分) Ma Yan is not really a writer. But this 15-year-old girl has written a book that has moved many people around the world. “Ma Yans Diary” tells us about Mas life. She lives in a poor village called Zhangjiashu in Tongxin, Ningxia, and she has no money to go to school. But she is brave and has a strong desire(欲望)to go to school.Her mother gave her diary to a French reporter, Pierre Haski when he went to Zhangjisshu in 2001. Now, it has been published(出版) in France Italy, Germany, Japan and China.Ma is now a Junior Three student at Yuwang Middle School in Tongxin. Before this, she had to leave school twice. When she had to stop going to school the first time, her mum told her there was no money for her to go to school. She worked for 21 days and saved 13 yuan. With this money, she went back to school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school but her two brothers could stay.“I want to study,” Ma wrote in her diary. “Why can boys study but girls cant? It would be wonderful if I could stay at school forever.”Ma loves school so much because she wants to have a better life.“My parents work hard in the fields but they are still poor. They have no knowledge. Most girls in my village leave school early and get married young. I dont want that kind of life,” Ma said.After her story became known, many French student sent money to her. Mas dream is the same as ever. She hopes to go to Tsinghua University and become a reporter. “Then , I can find poor kids like me and help them, ” she said.(1)Which of the following can describe Ma Yans character(性格)best?A . BraveB . PrettyC . Lucky.D . Poor.(2)Now you can find “Ma Yans Diary”in all the following countries except (除了)_.A . GermanyB . BritainC . JapanD . France(3)Which of the following is the main(主要的) reason for Ma Yans Diary to be published?A . Her mother gave her enough money to publish the book.B . She wrote about the poor life in her village.C . She is very good at writing.D . Her diary was read by a French reporter.(4)Which is the reason for her leaving school for the second time?A . She had to help her mother do some housework.B . Her brothers studied better than she did.C . Girls were not equally treated(平等对待)in their village.D . She didnt study hard.(5)Ma Yan wants to study because she wants to _.A . teach her parents knowledgeB . get more money for her study in Tsinghua UniversityC . become more famousD . get more knowledge to change her own life六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)书面表达请你根据下面的中文提示介绍(introduce)一下你的好朋友Jane。1). 14 岁,来自美国。2). 热爱音乐,擅长于跳舞和打乒乓球。3). 喜欢动物,最喜欢熊猫,因为它们很可爱。4). 现在她在中国学习。她每天乘坐校车去上学。新学校有很多规则,上课不能吃东西,也不能迟到等等(and so on)。她认为这些规则对我们有帮助,所以她遵守一切规则。5). 我觉得我们应该向她学习。注意:( 1 )不得出现真实的信息。( 2 )必须包括以上所有提示,要求意思连贯,语句通顺;( 3 ) 可适当发挥。60词左右。I have a good friend named Jane. Let me introduce her. She第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)17-1、四、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)18-1、五、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)21-1、


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