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冀教版2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册期中考试模拟试卷(3)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)We call him _. A . Uncle LiB . uncle liC . Li UncleD . li uncle2. (2分)I _ from my pen friend every two weeks.A . hearB . getC . receiveD . see3. (2分)Many old men prefer in a peaceful countryside. A . to liveB . liveingC . liveD . lived4. (2分)Wheres Tom?Sorry, I .A . am knowB . knowC . dont know5. (2分)Dont worry. There is wrong with the TV set. Its only because of power cut.A . somethingB . nothingC . anythingD . everything6. (2分)bikes are red. are blue.A . We; TheyB . Our; TheirC . Our; TheirsD . We; Their7. (2分)The man _ short hair _ young. A . has; lookB . with; lookC . has; looksD . with; looks8. (2分)Lucy wanted to be an _ when she was young.But now she doesnt like music or painting at all.A . actressB . artistC . astronaut9. (2分)Ill have a picnic with some friends in Zhongshan Park if it is _ tomorrow.A . B . C . D . 10. (2分)My brother has been under a lot of _ since he went to high school. A . attackB . controlC . stress11. (2分)They decided to the mountain. A . hikingB . on hikeC . to hikeD . not hiking12. (2分)Physics _my favourite subject when I was at school. A . isB . areC . wasD . were13. (2分)Whats the _ of the tree? Its 5.3 meters tall. A . priceB . buildC . heightD . tall14. (2分)The teachers name is John Brown. We call him _. A . Mr. BrownB . Mr. JohnC . Ms. JohnD . Ms. Brown15. (2分)Are those your penfriends?Yes, _.A . they areB . theyreC . they are notD . they arent二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)16. (10分)Improve SleepGood health needs good sleep. Going to bed before youre tired. Not eating or reading in bed. Go to bed at the same time before midnight and get up at the same time. Your body likes routine for a good nights sleep.Stay away from the FluStudies show that a cold or flu virus can live on our hands for a long time. So wash all parts of your hands often with soap and water. For more ways to prevent the spread of the flu, please call Health Line at 1800-848-1313.Oral HealthBrush your teeth twice a day and visit the dentist at least once a year. The mouth is a mirror of disease. The oral examination is not only for the health of teeth, but the whole body. For more of it, please visit www.mydr.com.au.Fit for LifeStudies have shown that many diseases have something to do with less or no physical activity. Try to do it for 30 minutes a day, 5 days or more a week. For more information, please call Health Line at 1800-438-2000.(1)If you want to get a good sleep, youd better _.A . go to bed after youre triedB . go to sleep at midnightC . follow the bedtime routineD . eat something or read in bed(2)You should visit the dentist at least once a year because_.A . the oral examination is necessaryB . you dont often brush your teethC . some diseases may be in the mirrorD . you dont have a good nights sleep(3)Studies have shown that many diseases have something to do with_.A . having no oral examinationB . washing hands with cold waterC . sleeping too late sometimesD . doing little physical activity(4)When you want to learn more about the flu, you can_.A . visit www.mydr.com.auB . call Health Line at 1800-848-1313C . visit the dentist in your placeD . call Health Line at 1800-438-200017. (10分)Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children Others are teenagers(青少年). Many are adults(成年人). Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language over the radio, on television or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own(自己的) language, Maths and English. Some people learn English because it is useful(有用的) for their work. Many people often learn English for their further studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English.(1)Many students in China _ English.A . are learningB . arent learningC . learningD . learn(2)If one wants to learn another language well, he must _.A . learn at schoolB . study by himselfC . work hardD . study on television(3)The underlined sentence 1t is difficult to answer that question, means .A . That question is not difficult to answerB . That question is not hard to answerC . It is easy to answer that questionD . It is hard to answer that question(4)Their own language means _.A . ChineseB . EnglishC . FrenchD . Japanese(5)The underlined phrase 6study by themselves means _ in Chinese.A . 和他们一起学习B . 自学C . 向他们学习D . 通过学习18. (6分)阅读理解Miss Li enjoys cooking and she often watches some cooking programs on TV.(1)You cant watch The Chefs Choice on_. A . CCTV-1B . CCTV-4C . CCTV-7D . CCTV-10(2)The Chefs Choice is shown_. A . every dayB . on weekendsC . five times a weekD . once a week(3)What food does Chef Nic introduce? A . Chinese food.B . Traditional food.C . English food.D . Food around the world.(4)Its 21:20. What program is Miss Li probably watching? A . The Chefs Choice.B . Chef Nic.C . The Taste.D . American Food.(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Xie Tingfeng is the host of The Chefs Choice.B . Famous stars often appear in The Taste.C . The Taste tries to find food for the Spring Festival.D . Chef Nic is shown three times every week.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)完形填空 Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a 1building in the 2London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He 3a lift(电梯) to go up and down. He works very hard. He 4to work early. Every day he leaves his 5and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It 6him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to 7bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station.It is about two hundred metres from8home. Usually, he catches the No. 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes 9He works in a factory about 10from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home before half past five.(1)A . tall B . short C . small (2)A . country B . town C . city (3)A . makes B . uses C . does (4)A . begins B . wants C . goes (5)A . home B . building C . office (6)A . costs B . spends C . takes (7)A . an B . a C . the (8)A . his B . he C . him (9)A . by plane B . by train C . on foot (10)A . ten meters B . ten-minutes walk C . ten minutes walk 四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)20. (1分)You can walk to the bus s_. Its not far from here. 21. (1分)The _(瓶) is empty. You can use it to carry some water 22. (1分)The film is very good. It is well w_seeing. 23. (1分)_(成功)usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. 24. (1分)Shanghai is a very big _(城市). 25. (1分)May I use your mobile phone ?_(我的) is at home.26. (1分)This is a_(图画). 27. (1分)Close your books and look at the _(黑板). 28. (1分)He bought an expensive present for her but she didnt a_ it. 29. (1分)This is his jacket and that is_ (我的) 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)You are late. All the tickets _ (sell) out an hour ago. 六、 句型转换 (共1题;共11分)31. (11分)Bobs keys are on the table.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Bobs keys?七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)补全对话A:Dad, could I go out tonight?B:_A:Im going to watch the new movie “Furious 8”.B:Oh, you study all day!_A:Although I am tired, I need to relax myself!B:HmmDo you think watching a movie is a good way for you to relax?A:Of course! But not for you! You are always watching TV plays!_B:I cant agree! Now there are so many popular TV plays, such as “Reader” and “In the name of people”.A:Really?_B:So interesting and educational! You are supposed to watch them if you are free.A:OK! I will!_B:OK! But you should come back home as soon as possible!A. Its so boring!B. Whats up?C. Who will you go with?D. Why not stay at home and have a good rest?E. Could I go to the movie now, Dad?F. Its so exciting.G. What do you think of them?八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分) 假如你是Linda,下图是你房间的照片,请写一段话描述你房间内物品的摆放位置,方便下周英语口语课交流使用。要求:不少于5句话。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)19-1、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)30-1、六、 句型转换 (共1题;共11分)31-1、七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)32-1、八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)33-1、

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