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人教版2020届九年级下学期英语4月月考试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)- Have you seen _ film Where Are We Going, Dad?- Yes. Its _ interesting film.A . a; theB . the; anC . a; an2. (2分)What do your parents do? They _ farmers.A . are allB . are bothC . all areD . both are3. (2分) amazing news we were told!A . What aB . What anC . What4. (2分)I have a sore back. You should _ down and rest. A . to lieB . lyingC . lieD . lied5. (2分)Jim was watching a late night film_ the television went blank.A . whileB . sinceC . untilD . when6. (2分)If you cant remember these numbers, A . think of themB . look after themC . pick them upD . write them down7. (2分)When shall we meet again next week?_ day is possible. Im free the whole week.A . EitherB . NeitherC . EveryD . Any8. (2分)My uncle enjoys TV after supper. A . watchingB . watchesC . watchedD . to watch9. (2分)What did you say just now?I asked you _ after Candy became famous.A . how life was differentB . how life different wasC . how was life different10. (2分)Look,its the most beautiful park_ Ive ever visited before.Really?How I wish to go to see it for myself!A . thatB . whichC . whomD . who11. (2分)I used to spend much time _ TV at home.A . watchB . watchingC . to watchD . watches12. (2分)Where are you from?Im from England, _ Im English.A . andB . butC . ofD . to13. (2分)Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning, ? No. Because he had a fever. A . hadnt heB . had heC . didnt heD . did he14. (2分)That tennis ball is one of _.A . Jane fathersB . Janes fathersC . Jane fathersD . Janes fathers15. (2分)What a nice party! Thank you for inviting us. _. See you.A . For pleasure.B . Not so nice.C . With pleasure.D . It was a pleasure.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意然后在每小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Today some people call Amsterdam the City of Bicycles because it is a city which is flat and convenient(方便)for bicycles.In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans1an idea . They believed that it would be better for everybody if only bicycles were allowed in the city centre. They were2that this would help to save energy, reduce pollution and provide free public transport. The group painted hundreds of bicycles3and placed them in public places around Amsterdam for people to use.4was allowed to take them and use them for short journeys, whether he was a local or a foreigner, Wherever someone finished a journey, they would5the bike there for someone else to use. The problem was that it didnt work-thieves took all the bicycles6 weeks!7,more than thirty years later, the white bike is back in town-this time with a computer chip(芯片)to8 its every move! To take a bicycle, you have to put a special card inside. The new White bike is not white any more but is an unusual9with bright colours. The bikes are parked at special parking places and people who want to use them have to take them to another place that has enough room.There is already less traffic in central Amsterdam, 10 both locals and tourists have been using the white bikes. Thanks to the good ideas of lots of people, like the cycling fans in the 1960s, many people around the world have been enjoying city centre streets without cars for many years.(1)A . stole B . had C . affected D . dropped (2)A . thoughtful B . helpful C . hopeful D . thankful (3)A . black B . brown C . blue D . white (4)A . Anyone B . Everyone C . No one D . Someone (5)A . take B . leave C . carry D . send (6)A . with B . for C . without D . within (7)A . However B . Instead C . Therefore D . Though (8)A . make B . mark C . record D . describe (9)A . design B . idea C . size D . experiment (10)A . so B . because C . but D . while 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17. (10分) My name is Chen Lan. My home is in Gulangyu. Do you know it? It is in Xiamen. It is near the sea(海). Gulangyu is a small place,but it is very nice and clean. There are no cars,no buses. People only walk. So it is very quiet.Our house is in the middle of Gulangyu. Behind our house there is a big old tree. My grandfather tells me that the tree is very,very old. There are many birds in the tree. We call it a “bird tree”. Our house is near the sea. The sea is big and blue. There are a lot of fish in the sea. After school,I go there and catch(捉) fish with my friends. It is very interesting. I like fish and I like catching fish.(1)Chen Lan is from _.A . JiangsuB . ZhejiangC . HunanD . Xiamen(2)What does Gulangyu have no in this passage?A . The cars and buses.B . The fish.C . Her parents.D . Her friends.(3)What is behind our house?A . a riverB . a seaC . an old treeD . fish(4)How is the sea?A . smallB . bigC . blueD . B and C(5)Why do they call the tree a “bird tree”?A . Because it is like a bird.B . Because it is very old.C . Because there are many birds in it.D . Because they like it.18. (8分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DAlmost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart. They will, in a lifetime, push the shopping carts many miles, but few will knowor even think to askwho it was that invented them.Sylvan N. Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937. At that time he was in the supermarket business. Every day he would see shoppers lugging groceries around in baskets they had to carry.One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting baskets on wheels. To create the first shopping cart, Goldman used folding chairs. He out one basket on the seat, and he raised the chair by putting wheels under the legs. The wheeled baskets would make shopping much easier for his customers, and would help to attract more business.On June 4, 1937, Goldmans first carts were ready for use in his market. He was terribly excited on the morning of that day as customers began arriving. He couldnt wait to see them using his invention. However, Goldman was disappointed. Most shoppers gave the carts a long look, but hardly anybody would give them a try. After a while, Goldman decided to ask customers why they werent using his carts.Dont you think this arm is strong enough to carry a shopping basket? one shopper replied.Goldman wasnt beaten yet. He knew his carts would be a great success if only he could persuade people to give them a try. To this end, Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market and pretend they were shopping! Seeing this, the real customers gradually began copying the phony customers.As Goldman had hoped, the carts were soon attracting larger and larger numbers of customers to his market. Not only did more people comethose who came bought more. With larger, easier-to-handle baskets, customers unconsciously bought a greater number of items than before.Todays shopping carts are five times larger than Goldmans original model. Perhaps thats one reason Americans today spend more than five times as much money on food each year as they did before 1937before the coming of the shopping cart.(1)Who invented the shopping carts?A . Some shoppers.B . A supermarket assistant.C . The phony customers.D . An American supermarket owner.(2)Why did Goldman hire people to push carts around his market?A . Because he wanted to sell more shopping carts.B . Because he needed more customers to buy groceries.C . Because he wanted people to use the shopping carts.D . Because he hoped to help shoppers carry their groceries.(3)The right order of the following is _.a. Many shoppers began to use the shopping carts.b. Goldman invented the shopping carts.c. Goldman paid some people for using the shopping carts.d. Few shoppers would like to use the shopping carts.A . b-d-c-aB . b-a-d-cC . a-d-c-bD . a-b-d-c(4)Whats the best title of the passage?A . How to Cheat CustomersB . Goldman and His Shopping CartsC . How to Use the Shopping CartsD . The Purpose of Goldmans Invention19. (6分) My five brothers, my sister and I lived in Toronto with our parents. My father worked in a factory, and my mother stayed at home. Each year my father would dress up as Santa Claus and go through the streets sharing joy and candies with the children there. He loved it as much as they did!But around Christmas in 1970, my father was out of work. In fact, there was no money for Christmas and my parents werent sure how theyd provide for us.That Christmas Eve, however, as usual, my father left the house dressed as Santa Claus. He knew that even though our Christmas would be hard, he could not make the other kids in the neighborhood disappointed.As my father left the house and went downstairs, another Santa Claus was walking up, with a great bag of gifts for us! He said nothing, only smiled a sweet smile at my father, and wished him a merry Christmas. The jolly man handed the bag and walked away down the block.We never knew who showed us great kindness on the snowy Christmas night. We do know, however, that without him we would have had nothing under the tree. His kindness gave my parents hope and showed us in a very real way the true meaning of Christmas.Our family has never forgotten this kind stranger and his generosity(慷慨). Each year we tell the story of the mysterious(神秘的) Santa Claus and try to repay his gifts by giving help to others in need.(1)According to the passage, the writers father is _on Christmas.A . braveB . lonelyC . seriousD . generous(2)The underlined word “jolly” in the passage probably means “_”.A . handsomeB . strongC . happyD . silly(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . The family showed thanks to the Santa Claus and helped others in need.B . The bag from the other Santa Claus was filled with gifts and moneyC . Santa Claus that helped the family lived a rich life in the same community.D . The writers father arranged another Santa Claus to take the place of him.20. (8分)阅读理解Everyone has eaten instant noodles(方便面). It is very easy to cook it instantly by putting the noodles into the boiling water and adding in ingredient packets, together with other food like eggs or vegetables. However, have you ever wondered whether this is the correct way of cooking it?When you first take out the noodles from the packaging, you will notice that the noodles are joined together nicely as a piece. In order to make the noodles joined together nicely side by side, it needs some form of wax coating(石蜡涂层)to achieve an attractive instant noodles in front of us.However, researches have shown that the layer of wax coating on the noodles is quite harmful to our body and we should not eat it too often. It is advisable to have a break of 2-3 days before we start to eat another packet of instant noodles as our body need about 3 days to clear that layer of wax coating away from our body system. Do you know the danger of having too much wax coating stored in our stomach? It will lead to CANCER.There are two keys points to take note while preparing instant noodles: (1) Wash the instant noodles with warm water first, stir it and pour away the water containing the wax coating. (2) Repeat Step 1 and try to stir the noodles again to wash away the wax coating on the noodles before cooking it in a new pot of water.Hope this article will help you when you choose to eat instant noodles.(1)The function of the wax coating in the instant noodles is to _ . A . make the noodles more delicious and tastyB . make it easier to cook for the consumersC . make the instant noodles healthier and more attractive to the consumersD . make the noodles joined in a piece and avoid them sticking together(2)What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about? A . The hidden dangers of the instant noodles.B . The way of how our body clears the wax coating.C . How to cook instant noodles.D . Researches on advantages of the wax coating.(3)What does the underlined word containing mean? A . 去除B . 包含C . 储存D . 需要(4)What is the purpose of the writer to write the passage? A . To tell us the dangers of instant noodles.B . To tell us how to cook instant noodles.C . To tell us something about the layer of wax coating on the noodles.D . To tell us how to eat instant noodles safely and healthily.四、 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共37分)21. (1分)Those young men are _(士兵). 22. (10分)单词拼写:请根据题中空格后的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 (1)What are your p_ for 1o years form now? (2)I think science is the most b_. (3)Red is l_ color in China. (4)There will be a football match _(今晚)。 (5)My family was poor in the past. I had no _(机会)to go to college. (6)I was s_ to hear the news. (7)She said she would bring some drinks and s_ to my home. (8)If someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a m_. (9)The man got the _(令人失望的)news from the teacher. (10)Lets make a _(决定) who can go to Beijing with the officer. 23. (1分)Its a secret between us, and dont tell it to a_else. 24. (1分)People from Shandong love to eat _(烙饼). 25. (10分)用所给单词的正确形式填空(1)He refused _ (do) the housework.(2)She _(explanation) the reason for being late.(3)The bird in the cage has beautiful_ (feather).(4)We need several different _ (knife) to make paper cutting.(5)Im very pleased _ (see) you.(6)I am very_ (frighten) with snakes. Dont let me see them.(7)The plane landed on the _ (land) site three hours ago.(8)There is something _ (write) on this piece of paper.(9)Our teacher asked us not _ (talk) to each other in class.(10)I heard a man _ (speak) outside the house at that time, but I didnt know who he was.26. (1分)Shen Nong noticed that the _ (leaf) in water produced a pleasant smell. 27. (1分)She can teach_ (her) English. 28. (1分)Mr Li is busy. He has few chances_(play) with his daughter. 29. (1分)Its time _ (go) and play games. 30. (10分)语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Mrs. Wilson, the wife of a rich man,_(invite)some of her friends to lunch. She was trying a new way to cook fish and she was very pleased with _(her) when the fish was ready. As the fish was very hot, she put it near the _(open) window to cool for a few minutes. Five minutes later, when she came back for it, she was _(surprise)to find the neighbors cat at the fish. She was in time to stop the cat_it was too late. That afternoon every one enjoyed the fish. They talked and laughed _four oclock.After the guests left, Mrs. Wilson felt tired _happy. She was sitting down in a chair near the window when she saw the neighbors cat dead in her garden. She was sure the fish was bad. What _(will) happen to her friends? She at once telephoned the family doctor for help. The doctor asked each guest _(meet)him. Once again Mrs. Wilson was alone in her chair still tired but no longer happy. Just then the telephone rang. It was her neighbor, “Oh, Mrs. Wilson,” he cried.” My cat is dead. She was killed_someone in a car and put in your garden.”五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)请认真阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填入适当的单词(注意:每空1个单词)。Over the last few centuries, there have been many changes in our lives.To start with, people were not able to travel such a long distance in such a short time in the past. Planes were not very popular at that time because they used to be a very expensive way to travel. Nowadays, we have fast, comfortable cars, and more and more people can travel by plane.Secondly, in the past, people had to work much harder because they did not have the tools that we have today. Today, most of the difficult and dangerous work is done by computers and machines.Thirdly, in the past, the living conditionswere not as good as they are now. There were no bathrooms or running water in many houses, and many people could not buy things like fridges, TV sets or washing machines. Now, most families have several of these things.Finally, nowadays, more and more people have the chance to get a good education. In the past, there were fewer schools and the quality of education was much poorer. Also, it is much easier to find the educational materials that you need on the Internet now.The scientific and technological development in the world is amazing. Life now is much faster and busier than it used to be. And we are still creating new things to make our lives better and easier.Title:_in our livesIn the pastTodayTransportationPeople couldnt travel very far in a short time. Planes were not so popular.People have fast cars; more people can travel by _WorkPeople worked much _The difficult work can be done by computers and machines._conditionsPeople couldnt live as comfortably as we do now.People can buy many things like fridges, TV sets or washing machines.EducationThere were fewer schools. They had _quality of education.More and more people have the chance to get a good education.六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)32. (1分)There are a lot of great people in history. Most of them are true _ (英雄). 七、 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上 (共5题;共10分)33. (1分)他进入房问后把毛衣脱了。(take off)_34. (2分)彼得和艾伦都是说英语的学生。Peter and Alan are _35. (3分)课后,我和朋友打了两个小时的篮球。 _ class, I play basketball _ my friends _ two hours.36. (3分)虽然我已经到处都找过了,还是找不到我的钥匙I cant find my keys_I_already_them everywhere37. (1分)王叔叔喜欢讲笑话让我们笑。(tell jokes)_八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分)下面是你对面那所中学的示意图,图中的数字表示你参观的顺序(从主楼出发), 中文提示是你在参观时的所见所闻。请你以此写一篇短文向其他同学介绍你们参观的情况。 注意:词数:80词左右;生词:喷泉fountain;做实验do experiments;报告lecture;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。参观地点学生活动实验楼做实验报告厅听报告艺术中心练钢琴操场提足球Dear classmates,May I have your attention, please?Yesterday I paid a visit to a middle school with my classmates. 第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共37分)21-1、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、22-6、22-7、22-8、22-9、22-10、23-1、24-1、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、25-6、25-7、25-8、25-9、25-10、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)31-1、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)32-1、七、 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上 (共5题;共10分)33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)38-1、

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