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Module1 HobbiesUnit1 听说课一、 学习目标1. 谈谈你自己的爱好?你的父母、亲友、朋友的爱好又如何?2. 运用已学的时态询问别人的爱好;3. 运用“W”开头疑问词及how进行问答;二、 学习重难点能够熟练交流自己及其他人的爱好三、 学习过程(一).课前自助学习1.同桌间进行词汇的英汉互译和拼写。2.根据句意完成单词1.)I like listening to music because it brings me great e_.2)Would you like to enter that s_high school,Linda?3)The little girl showed me her doll_(collect).4)His mum has no _(兴趣)in his hobbies.5)Your room is u_.You must clean it up.6)Its difficult_(remember)so many words.7)He wants to be a_(职业的)basketball player like Yao Ming.8)Alice, you are so c_, where did you learn to draw like that?9)The boys like all kinds of _(activity).10)Its_(remember)to learn English well.(二)、听力训练 、完成听力练习1.听材料一完成a12. 听材料一完成a4,再听一遍,将文中不明白的地方标出3. 听材料一完成a6(三)展示听力结果,并将画出的部分展示给小组成员,小组解决。三 精讲点拨1.Which hobby do you think takes up the least space? (Unit1. P2)takes up 表示 “占据时间或空间”.如:The piano takes up too much room.钢琴占据了太多的空间。2.ILL tidy up the table and chairs. (Unit1. P2)tidy up表示“整理,收拾”。如:Tidy yourself up before you go out. 外出前要整理仪容。When are you going to tidy your room up? 你打算什么时候整理自己的房间?3.I have a collectiong of dolls. (Unit1. P2)注意在表示“收集某东西”时可以用动词collect, 也可以用have a collection of4. Do you really? (Unit1. P2)此句是根据上下文的省略。完整的句子应是;Do you really collect bus tickets and train tickets?5.I often listened to him play the violin. (Unit1. P2)短语listen to 与某些感官动词,如see,hear,look at, watch, feel 还有let,have,make等词,后面可以接不带to的动词不定式,表示听到、看到、听见、感觉到、让某人做某事。如:I saw her walk into the hall.Dont let him go away.当play后面接表示乐器的名词时,需要在该名词前加上定冠词the ,当play后面接表示球类的名词时,不需要在该名词前加定冠词the,如:Play the piano play the violin play basketball play football五,达标测试 从方框中选择合适的短语天空,完成句子:As a result as well as tidy up look after such as come outAs well be interested in not onlybut also find out1. In spring ,many flowers_.2. My sister made many mistakes in the exam,_,She couldnt pass it .3. He can speak English and he can speak French_.4. We have many subjects to learn,_History,Chemistry,Science and so on.5. _Lily_Daming went to see the film.6._animals is not a easy thing .7.We must_the truth of the matter.8._the girls_outdoor sports.9.Boys and girls,please_the classroom after the party.10.You should take notes_listen.六 反馈拓展用你所学介绍你的父母及好友的兴趣爱好Unit2 读写课一、 学习目标1谈谈你有什么特别的爱好?你的父母、亲友、同学又如何?2试举例说明同学的爱好;3 运用“W”开头疑问词及how进行问答;二、学习重难点 语言知识点的把握及应用三、课前自主学习(一)复习Unit1的有关知识点(组长检查)(二)自主学习1.完成a12.快速阅读课文,找出文章的main idea.3.再读课文,完成a3并且找出有问题的单词或词组 (三)交流合作、组内交流出现的问题(四)学生展示,将问题展示到黑板上,能解决的问题进行组间解决四、精讲点拨1.such as 用来列举同类中的几个事物,“例如、。像这种的”。如:I visited several cities such as Beijing,Huangzhou,and Jinnan.I have such things as iron,silver,and gold我有铁、银和金这一类东西。2. for example”例如”用来举例说明,一般是一个例子。Id like to keep a petfor example, a dog. 我想要饲养宠物,譬如说养条狗3.as well as 表示“也,还,而且”、如:We all want to visit Beijing as well as Jinan.Tom as well as Lucy goes to the cinema.I like playing basketball as well as football.4.Imagine 后面可以跟that 引导的句子,其中that可省略,也可以跟sth/ doing sth. Can you imagine (that)he is cleaning the floor? I didnimagine becoming a writer in my childhood.5.come out 的意思是“出版”还有“出来、结果是、传出等”的意思。When did the new book come out ?新书什么时候出版?The moon has come out .月亮已经出来了。The answer to the queston came out wrong.这道题的答案结果是错了。6. as a result. 表示后面的句子和前面的句子在意思上构成因果关系,前面是因,后面是果。He got up late, and as a result, he was late for school.他起床晚了,结果是上学迟到了。7.spend可以用于结构:spend sth. On sth“花费时间或金钱等在某事上”。如:I spent 20 yuan on the book.spendin doing sth. “花费时间或金钱做某事”并且in可省略。如:He spent 25 minute(in )cleaning the floor.7. maybemaybe“或许、大概”是副词,可用于句首或句末。如:Maybe it will rain tomorrow.明天或许会下雨。He is 23,maybe.他大概23岁了。may be “可能”是是情态动词may + be如:The story may be true.这故事也许是真的。四、 达标测试翻译句子。1. 什么使你对足球感兴趣?2. 他们已经收拾了教室。3. 你的书占了太多的地方。4. 我喜欢诸如茶、桔子汁之类的饮料5. 这本小说1996年出版6. 他犯了大错,结果丢了工作。六 课外拓展补全对话A:Hello,Lucy,where are you going?B:Im going to have my piano lesson.A:_1B:Yes, I am.I am interested in playing the piano.A: _2B:I started playing at the age of five.A:Five? _3B:My father taught me at home .What would you like to do in your free time?A:_4B:Collecting stamps? There are so many stamps at my home.A:Shall I have a look some day?B: _5Unit3 语法课一学习目标1能熟练运用已学的时态谈谈你的特别爱好?2.熟练掌握Language practice3掌握句子的基本句型(P146-P147);二学习重难点掌握句子的基本句型(P146-P147)学习过程三学习过程(一).课前自助学习1.组长带领组员复习检查前面所学知识点。2.自主预习句子的基本结构(二).互助交流课上先将自己的研究成果与组员分享、解决部分问题(三)展示疑难四精讲点拨 基本句型:英语中千变万化的句子归根结底都是由以下五种基本句型组合、扩展、变化而来的:1.主语+系动词+表语( S+V+P)例如:John is busy.The plan sounds good.This is where I work.2. 主语+谓语( S+V)例如:I work.The telephone rang.His father might have died.注:这种结构中的谓语动词是不及物动词,状语并非结构上不可缺少的成分,但在某种情况下,需要加状语,这就引出了下列句型:主语+谓语+状语(S+V+adverbial)例如:The meeting lasted for two hours.We walked for five miles.This box weighs five kilos.They will be flying to London.3. 主语+谓语+宾语(S+V+O)例如:She studies English.She is reading a novel.He is doing morning exercises.注:这种结构一般不需要状语即可表达完整的意思。但在某些情况下,状语必不可少,这就引出了下列句型:主语+谓语+宾语+状语(S+V+O+adverbial)例如:He put the vase on the table.Jim brought his suitcases upstairs.Ill take Marry to the stationThey treated him kindly. 5. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+IO+DO)例如:My mother made me a new dress.She made hersdlf a new dress.My father bought me a novel.Pass me the salt .please.5. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(S+V+OC)例如:We have proved him wrong.What make you think so ?She found the child fast asleep.I called him a fool.6.There be +主语+状语(there be+S+ adverbial)例如:There is a book on the table.There are many books in the schoolbag.五、 达标测试1.aWhen I hear that song, I feel happy. bThat music always makes_2. aHe found a wallet.The wallet was lying on the road. bHe found_.3. aWhen my mother has too much housework. I often help her. bI often help_.4. aParents often say.”Children should be polite.”bParents often ask_.六课外拓展Write a short passage about one of your fantastic experiences. You may choose one topic from the above discussion. Such as sport、book/film,food, technology,etc.You should tell us What, Where, When, How, Why, and How you do it.


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