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授 课 教 案课程名称:英语教学理论及方法院 (系): 外语学院 专 业: 英语 授课年级: 055-6 教师姓名: 孙忠琪 职 称: 副教授 哈尔滨学院编制哈尔滨学院授课教案课程编号06014001课程名称英语教学理论及方法授课专业英语授课对象(年级)055-6授课教师孙忠琪职称副教授课程类型必修课大学通修课();专业基础课( );专业课( )选修课通识教育课( );专业限定选修课();专业任意选修课( )授课时间 2007年春季学期教材名称英语教学法教程编 者王蔷出版社高等教育出版社课程教学总学时数72学时学分数4学分学时分配课堂讲授1/3学时;实践教学2/3学时多媒体授课的课时比例 30%考核方式考试:笔试()口试()机试()考查()其他( )教学目标 本课程力求体现以学生为主体的教育思想,从学生的学习经历和认知基础出发,通过反思、讨论、探究和实践,启发学生的思维,发挥学生的创造能力,帮助他们构建新的认识和理念,培养他们分析问题和解决问题的能力。我们的主要目的是提供一个思考的探索研究的园地,一个小小的资源中心,为学生和教师进行教学探索和教学方法与技巧的创新打基础。我们认为,教师的教育教学能力就在于能够依据自己的环境、特定的教学条件和学生的需求以及语言教学的规律,对教学方法和技巧进行选择和再创造。部门认证注:表中( )选项请打“”项目内容备注课程内容提要第一章重点讨论语言观和语言学习惯,优秀英语教师的基本素质以及如何成为一名优秀的英语教师。第二章着重讨论交际教学的思想并介绍一些 教学的基本概念和交际教学活动。第三章的重点是备课与写教案,旨在为下面的学习和分阶段备课及写教案打基础。第四章讨论课堂管理的方法。第五、六、七章是语音、语法和词汇打搅学,属于语言知识的教学方法与技巧。第八、九、十、十一章是听、说、读、写四项技能的教学。第十二章是综合语言技能的教学。第十三章是关于教学评价的讨论。最后一章,即第十四章是有教材的评价与使用的指导。重点难点分析一名合格的英语教师,不仅要具备扎实的语言基本功,掌握必要的语言基本知识和基本技能,具有较强的语言交际能力,而且还要掌握一定的教育理论和教学基本技能,既能够根据实际需要选择并运用恰当的教学方法和技巧,具备课堂管理的能力与评价的能力,同时具有驾驭教材的能力。而这些能力的形成都基于我们对语言的认识和对语言学习过程的认识。联系实际学生根据每个单元的教学内容进行课上教学实践,总结,然后再实践。通过反复操练熟练掌握教学中各个环节的教学基本功。主要参考书Abbott, G. & Wingard , P. (1981). The Teaching of English as an International Language. London and Glasgow: Collins ELTAnderson, A. & Lynch, T. (1988) Listening. Oxford: Oxford University PressBrown, G. & Yule, G. (1983) Teaching the Spoken Language : An Approach Based on the Analysis of Conversational English. Cambridge 章 序名 称Unit 1 Language Learning周 次第 1 周至第 2 周授课时间2007年 3月 5 日至2007年3 月16 日教学目的要求教学目的:了解语言教学的相关问题教学要求:掌握语言教学的基本原理教学重点语言观、语言学习观 教学难点语言学习观教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In this unit we are going to discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching. We are going to discuss five questions in particular:1. How do we learn languages?2. what are the common views on language?3. what are the common views on language learning?日程 及 课时 分配节 序内 容学 时1-2To present some general matters about language learning and teaching.23-4To discuss how to be a good language teacher. 2复习思考题1.How can one become a good language teacher?2.What are the qualities of a good language teacher? 章 序名 称Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Activities周 次第 3 周至第 5 周授课时间2007年 3月19 日至2007年4 月 6日教学目的要求教学目的:交际教学法在教学中的实践教学要求:掌握交际教学法的教学方法教学重点语言的实际使用和传统教学法、语言能力的培养教学难点语言技能的形成教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In this unit we are going to discuss one of the most important trends in scond/foreign language teaching in the past three decades, that is, the practice of communicative language teachin (CLT). Focus on the following:1. Language use in real life vs. traditional pedagogy2. communicative competence3. the implementation of lanuage skills4. communicative activities日程 及 课时 分配节 序内 容学 时1-2To discuss one of the most important trends in second/foreign language teaching in the past three decades23-4To dicuss communicative language teaching 25-6To conduct communicative activities 2复习思考题1. How to conduct communicative activities in the English classroom?2. What are the relationship between language use in real life and traditional pedagogy?章 序名 称Unit 3 Lesson Planning周 次第 6 周至第 8 周授课时间2007年4 月 9 日至2007年4 月27 日教学目的要求 教学目的:学习教案的写作方法教学要求:掌握教案的写作方法教学重点写好教案的原则、教案的组成教学难点宏观教案和微观教案教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In this unit, we are going to look at one of the most important components of language teacherswork, leson planning. Focus on the following1. Why is lesson planning necessary?2. what are the principles for good lesson planning?3. what are macro planning and micro planning?4. what are the components of a lesson plan?日程 及课时分配节 序内 容学 时1-2To discuss how to draw up lesson planning23-4To practice writing lesson planning 25-6To discuss good lesson planning written by students 2复习思考题1. Which planning do we often make, macro planning or micro planning? Why?2. What are the components of a lesson plan?章 序名 称Unit 4 Classroom Management周 次第 9 周至第 10 周授课时间2007年4 月30 日至2007年5月18 日教学目的要求教学目的:学习有效的课堂管理方法教学要求:掌握有效的课堂管理方法教学重点教师的作用教学难点课堂纪律教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In this unit ,we are going to dicuss how language teachers can manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently. Focus on the following:1. What roles do teachers play in the classroom?1. What are the different ways for student grouping?3. How can we maintain discipline in the classroom?日程 及 课时 分配节 序内 容学 时1-2To discuss how language teachers can manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently.23-4To practice managing the classroom2复习思考题1.How can we maintain discipline in the classroom?2. What do you think the teacher does when he/she is a controller, an assessor, an organizer, a prompter, a participant and a resource-provider respectively?章 序名 称Unit 5-7 Teaching Pronunciation/Grammar/Vocabulary周 次第 11 周至第 17 周授课时间2007年5月21 日至2007年7 月6 日教学目的要求教学目的:了解语音教学的教学过程; 了解语法教学的教学过程;了解词汇教学的教学过程教学要求:掌握语音教学的教学方法; 掌握词汇教学的教学方法;掌握语法教学的教学方法 教学重点语音的组成、语音练习 语法演练方法、语法练习词汇和词汇积累、词汇的巩固教学难点语音练习、语调和重音; 语法演练方法; 词汇的巩固教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In Units 5-7, we are going to teach pronunciation/grammar/vocabulary, about the teaching of language knowledge.Focus on the following:Pronunciation: 1. What role does pronunciation play in languagelearning?2. What is the goal of teaching pronunciation?3. What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach?Grammar:1. The role of grammar in ELT.2. Methods for grammar presentation.3. Methods for grammar practice.Vocabulary:1. Assumptions about bocabulary and vocabulary building.2. methods for presenting new vocabulary items.3. ways to consolidate bocabulary.日程 及 课时 分配节 序内 容学 时1-6To teach pronunciation and students practice67-10To teach grammar and students practice 411-14To teach vocabulary and students practice 4复习思考题Pronunciation:1.How can teachers help the students to practice pronunciation?2.If we should not require native-like pronunciation, What should be our realistic goals?Grammar:1.What do you think about the belief that teaching grammar is less important for children than for adults?2. Which method do you like better, deductive method or inductive method?Vocabulary:1.Can words be taught and learned most effectively in groups of words which are related to each other in meaning?2.How to present the word “grumble”?章 序名 称Unit 8-11 Teaching Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing周 次第 1 周至第 12 周授课时间2007年8 月27日至2007年11 月23 日教学目的要求教学目的:了解听力技能的教学过程;了解口语技能的训练过程;了解阅读技能的教学过程;了解写作技能的教学过程;教学要求:掌握听力技能的教学方法;掌握口语技能的教学方法;掌握阅读技能的教学方法;掌握写作技能的教学方法;教学重点听力训练过程的特点、听力教学的原则口语的特点、口语练习的设置阅读理解的技巧、阅读教学的原则交际写作法、写作的难点教学难点听力教学的原则口语练习的设置阅读理解的技巧交际写作法教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In Units 8-11 we are going to discuss how to teach listenting ,speaking, reading,writing.Focus on the following:Listening:1. Why is listenign so difficult for students?2. What do we listen to in everyday life?3. What are the characteristics of the listening process?Speaking:1. What are the characteristics of spoken language?2. What are principles for designing speaking activities?3. How can we use group work in speaking activities?Reading:1. How do people read?2. what do people read?3. What are the skills involved in reading?Writing:1. The nature of writing in reality2. A commucative approach to writing.3. Problems in wrting tasks in existing textbooks日程及课时分配节 序内 容学 时1-6To teach listening and the students practice67-12To teach speaking and the students practice613-18To teach reading and the students practice619-24To teach writing and the students practice6复习思考题Unit 81.What are the common activities in teaching listening?2.What are the principles of teaching listening?Unit 91. 1.What are the common activities in teaching speaking?2. What are the principles of teaching speaking?Unit 101. 1.What are the common activities in teaching reading?2.What are the principles of teaching reading?Unit 111. What are the common activities in teaching writing?2. What are the principles of teaching writing?章 序名 称Unit 12 Integrated Skills周 次第 13 周至第 14 周授课时间2007年11月26日至2007年12月7 日教学目的要求教学目的:学习听、说、读、写四种技能的综合运用教学方法教学要求:掌握听、说、读、写四种技能的综合运用方法教学重点四项基本技能的综合、如何综合四项基本技能?教学难点如何综合四项基本技能教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In this unit we look at how we can integrate the four language skills. In particular we are going to discuss the following aspects:1. Why should we integrate the four skills?2. How can we integrate the four skills?3. What are the implications for teaching?4. What are the limitations of integrating the four skills?日程 及 课时 分配节 序内 容学 时1-2To teach how to integrate the four language skills.23-4To practice integrating the four language skills.2复习思考题1.How can we integrate the four skills?2. What are the limitations of integrating the four skills?章 序名 称Unit 13 Assessment in Language Teaching周 次第 15 周至第 16 周授课时间2007年12月10日至2007年12月21 日教学目的要求 教学重点:四项基本技能的综合、如何综合四项基本技能?教学难点:如何综合四项基本技能教学重点标准评价、测试评价教学难点测试评价教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In this unit, we are going to discuss how to conduct assessment in language teachin. Mainly talk about the following:1. assessment purposes2. assessment metnods3. Assessment criteria4. Assessment principles5. testing in language assessment日程 及 课时 分配节 序内 容学 时1-2To teach how to conduct asessment in language teaching.23-4To practice conducting assessment in language teaching 2复习思考题1.What do you think are the purposes of assessment?2.Besides testing, what are the other methods that can be to gather information about the knowledge and performance of language learners?章 序名 称Unit 14 Evaluating and Adapting Textbooks周 次第 17 周至第 18 周授课时间2007年12 月24 日至2008年1 月4 日教学目的要求教学目的:怎样进行课本评价教学要求:掌握课本评价的基本方法 教学重点教材的评估、教材的使用教学难点教材的使用教学场所环境教室授 课方 式课堂讲授( ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( )课时分配课堂讲授1/3,实践2/3教 学方 法讲授,实践教学手段网络教学( ); 多媒体( )教 学用 具 粉笔 录音机 CD 与教学相关的实物教学内容提要备 注In this unit, we will discuss some basic things about textbook evaluation,selection and adaptation. Focus on the following.1. Wh and what do teachers evaluate and adapt?2. How do teachers evaluate textbooks?3. How do teachers select textbooks?4. How do teachers adapt textbooks?日程 及 课时 分配节 序内 容学 时1-2To discuss some basic things about textbook evaluation, selection and adaptation.23-4To practice how to evaluate,select and adapt textbook. 2复习思考题1.How do teachers adapt textbooks?2.Did you particularly like or dislike any of the materials you have ever used? W


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