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京 四 中 高考英语作文巧应对书面表达是高考试卷中的压轴题,是用来测试考生的英语表达能力,看其是否能够运用学过的英语知识和掌握的技能进行思想交流。书面表达是高中生学习英语应该掌握的一项基本技能,高考英语科说明对学生的书面表达能力做了明确的规定:“要求考生根据所给的情景和要求,包括目的、对象、时间、内容等,写一篇100个单词的书面材料,要切中题意,文理通顺,语言准确、得当”。 高考英语书面表达的考点:综观历年高考的试卷,可以看出书面表达都是采用指导性写作的形式。其题材和体裁多属于趋向当代社会热点、焦点以及与日常交际、日常学习生活有关的记叙文、说明文、应用文等。写作的形式主要是应用文,如写故事、写信、日记、通知、介绍、看图或图表表达。试题突出考查学生实际运用语言的能力。现时感强,情景逼真,易于动笔。 高考书面表达的评分原则:总分为25分,按5个档次给分。评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。第五档(21-25分),要求覆盖所有内容要点;应用较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,主要是为了尽量使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所至;具备较强的语言运用能力;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,完全达到了预期的协作目的。词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。拼写和标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 书面表达的基本策略: 分析所给材料:认真审题,通读试题的每一个字,观察所给的每一副图,包括全部附加文字(中文和英文)。要特别注意高考书面表达试题中的“注意”一项。这是命题人对考试提出的具体的答题要求。注意并确立作文的中心思想,确定文体,即确定试题是要求写一篇说明文、记叙文、议论文还是应用文。还要确定文章是以第几人称的口吻写,文章应采用哪种时态。如:假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Dick听说中国的中小学生正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。请你根据下表提供的信息,写一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。周末活动(减负前)周末活动(减负后)白天:上课、做作业白天:参观博物馆、学习电脑、绘画等晚上:做作业晚上:看新闻、读书、看报就寝时间:11:30就寝时间:10:00注意:词数100左右开头已为你写好。分析:通过审题,我们可以确定应以第一人称的口吻来说明中小学生在减负前后的变化。减负前的活动应用过去时态,减负后的活动应采用现在时态。 列出提纲:书面表达的评分依据之一是内容要点。所以在审题、弄清题意的基础上,应逐个完整地把内容要点列出来。学会列提纲是进行书面表达的一个重要步骤。纲举目张,表达起来就会得心应手。编拟提纲要全面、具体、明确、恰当。 写草稿:确定文章如何开头和结尾。通常可采用开门见山的方式开头方式,一些常见的开门见山的方式如下:Seeing from the diagram, we can see what has happened to the forests of the USA in the last 370 years.There is a public opinion that Now there is a growing opinion that Recently the problem has been brought into focus.This story is rare.Last night played computer games and went to bed very late.文章结尾时可采取重申要点、抒情感叹把文章推向高潮,也可用一些名言、警句作为文章的结尾。比如:Its very clear that more “Great Green Walls” are needed to save the land not only in China, but also all over the world.Such are my three roommates. In spite of the different characters, we get on well with each other. Our dormitory has become our common home.Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.No one can cheat you out of success but yourselves.确定好开头和结尾之后,应用自己熟悉的句型和词汇把列出的要点扩展成句,遇到不熟的词语注意要灵活变通。此时,一定要根据要点去写,题目要求的内容都应该写进去,保证内容的完整性。其他细节,虽然相关,也不宜多写。对于与内容无关的内容不可随意发挥,更不可为了表现英语水平默写文不对题的句子,画蛇添足。在扩展成句的时候,最好加上定语从句、状语从句和非谓语动词。整个文章最好能用上一两个强调句型、一两个虚拟语气的句子,还要加上适当的连词词语。写草稿时,注意要在每行句子之间留出空间,以便利于对草稿进行修改。 修改草稿:根据词数的要求,适当加入一些表示递进、转折、因果、选择等关系的关联词,从而使文章有整体性、连贯性。常见的过渡词如下:表示附加:and/ in addition 另外/ furthermore 而且/ moreover此外/ besides此外/ not onlybut also不但而且/ also也,同样/ as well as也/even甚至比如:Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.The price is too high, and moreover the house isnt in a suitable position.The students around us began to shout and cheer at the top of their voices. We also shouted as loudly as we could.I was afraid to speak in public, even in class.It is an important holiday in the USA as well as in other western countries.表示时间顺序:now现在/ at present目前,现在/ recently最近/ afterwards后来,然后/ after that在之后/ after a while过了一会儿/ in a few days几天之后/ at first最初,开始的时候/ in the beginning最初,开始/ to begin with以开始/ later后来/ next其次,然后/ finally最后, 最终/ immediately立即,一就/ soon不久,很快/ suddenly突然/ all of a sudden突然/ at that moment在那时/ as soon as一就/ the moment一就/ from now on从现在起/ from then on从那时起/ at the same time同时/ meanwhile同时/ till直到/ notuntil直到才/ before在以前,之后才表示肯定:obviously明显地,显然/ certainly当然/ of course当然/ undoubtedly毋庸置疑地,的确地/ plainly明白地,显然如:That is plainly wrong.They think if you are not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one.表示条件:if/ unless/ provided that以为条件,假如/ so that/ onthecondition(that)以为条件/as(so) longas只要,如果/ orelse否则的话如:We will go to the beach today provided that it doesnt rain.We will renew the contract next year on the condition that we make money on the deal.我们明年继续签合同,条件是我们必须赢利。So long as it does not rain, we can have a picnic.只要不下雨,我们就可以去野餐。Take care of your car or else youll have problems.照看好你的车,要不然你会遇到麻烦的。表示结果:as a result结果/ thus因而,如此/ so/ therefore因此,所以/ consequently从而,因此/ It follows that /eventually最终如:She lost a lot of weight and consequently feels better.她体重减少了好多,因而感觉好多了。He plays the piano every day and therefore plays well.他每天练习钢琴,因此弹得不差。表示举例:forinstance例如/ forexample例如/like比如/ suchas比如/ in particular尤其/namely即是/ some,some,others / takefor example以为例如:Communicating with other people by telephone is convenient, speedy and direct. For example, if you are seriously ill, you can dial 120 to ask for help right away.It not only costs a lot of money, but also brings us danger at times. For instance it can cause a big fire.I thought the whole meal was good, but the soup in particular was delicious.我觉得整顿饭都不错,但汤尤其好喝。表示转折对比:but/ however然而/yet/ instead/ ontheotherhand在另一方面/onthecontrary相反地/though/differentfrom与不同/incontrastto与对比,对照/despite/inspiteof不顾/whereas然而,但是/unlike/nevertheless然而/notonlybutalso/ yearsagotoday/theformerthelatter前者,后者/thennow,/ thefirstwhereasthesecond/ oncenow/ontheonehandontheotherhand 如:Even though one was a great man, he should never forget his teacher.Nowadays, high technology is the main feature of what is called “knowledge-based economy” in contrast to the earlier “agricultural economy”. 表示总结归纳:in conclusion/in summary/ lastly/ in short简而言之/ in a word总之/in brief简言之/as has been stated /on the whole大体上,总的看来/generally speaking一般说来表示强调:in deed真正,的确/ in fact/ surely/ certainly/ no doubt/ without any doubt/ trulyobviously明显地/ above all首要的是表示原因:because/ because of/ since/now that既然/ as由于/ thanks to/due to/ owing to由于/the reason why表示目的for this reason/ for this purpose/ so that/ in order to/ so as to 采用灵活多变的句式:改变句子的开头方式,不要一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语、状语。可把状语置于句首,或用分词做状语等。如:Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys are among the goods.Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news.Hearing the bad news, the young man couldnt help crying.在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从复合句、分词短语等。如:I went to bed at 11:00.It was not until 11:00 that I could go to bed.We celebrated her birthday in a nice restaurant.It was in a nice restaurant that we celebrated her birthday.We had to attend classes and do endless homework.What we could do was (to) attend classes and do endless homework.There was always so much homework. I felt hopeless.I felt hopeless with so much homework to do.He went out and didnt say a word.He went out without saying a word.Its impolite to sit in the chair and your feet to point at others.Its impolite to sit in the chair with your feet pointing at others.He was satisfied with the result, so he decided to go on with a new experiment.Satisfied with the result, he decided to go on with a new experiment.I have never had so much fun before.Never before have I had so much fun.We can achieve our goal in this way.Only in this way can we achieve our goal.通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力:如:原文:We had a shot rest. Then we began to play happily. We sang and danced. Some told stories. Some played chess.修改后:After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and playing chess.原文:We like this reform very much. It makes our life colorful .修改后:We love this reform, which makes our life colorful.提升词汇,增加文采,多用习语:原文:A new railway is being built in my hometown.修改后:A new railway is under construction in my hometown.原文:My father usually smokes a cigarette after supper.修改后:My father has got into the habit of smoking a cigarette after supper.原文:A week ago I learnt that an English contest would be held. Most of my classmates wanted to join in it. But I didnt know what to do as I was afraid to speak in public.修改后:News came that English contest would be held. I was hesitating while most of my classmates entered for it. I was afraid to speak in public, even in class. Sometimes I couldnt make myself heard because my voice sounded so low.原文:I gathered all my strength and walked faster.修改后:I gathered all my strength and sped up my steps.避免汉式英语:要运用所学的各种句型和词汇,尽量避免汉式的英语。如:你在这么急的流水中游泳是很危险的。误:You are dangerous to swim in such a swift current.正:Its dangerous for you to swim in such a swift current.因为交通堵塞,他花了三个小时到达了机场。误:Because of the traffic jam, he spent three hours getting to the airport.正:It took him three hours to get to the airport because of the traffic jam. 检查复核:修改文章后,应再通读全文,检查以下内容:字数是否与题目要求的相符;内容要点是否全面;单词拼写是否正确;标点符号十分合适;时态是否正确以及主谓是否一致。 几种常见文体的写作技巧:记叙文记叙文是以记人叙事为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式的文体。记叙文的常见形式有新闻报道、故事、传记、人物介绍等。第一,写记叙文时,要注意把六要素(人物、时间、地点、事件、原因、结果)交代清。根据题目的具体要求,当然也可以省略其中的某个要素。第二,学会恰当地安排写作顺序。记叙文的常见写作顺序是以事件发生的时间先后为线索,进行叙述。有时也可采用“倒叙”或“插叙”的方法。第三,正确把握文章的时态。在表现事件、行为之间的时间先后关系时,可以用“一般时态”为基点,瞻前顾后,采用相应的时态。例如,报道、日记、故事之类的文章,通常是记叙过去发生的事,因此,“时间立足点”常用“一般过去时”,以此为基点,“瞻前”是“过去完成时”,“顾后”是“过去将来时”。如果是叙述当前的事件或自然、社会现象,通常用“一般现在时”为“时间立足点”,“瞻前”视其影响用“一般过去时”或“现在完成时”,“顾后”则是“一般将来时”。当然,有的记叙文内容较多,时间跨度大,所需的时态也随之多变。总之,在下笔之前一定要综观全局,找准文章要点的时间立足点,从而引出各种相应事件的时态。说明文说明文是一种应用性很强的文体。它是对事物的类别、性质、特征、状态、功能等进行解释,以及对事物的发生、发展、消亡过程进行解说的文章。说明文的目的是让读者有所知,给读者提供知识,使之了解客观世界,掌握解决问题的办法。常见的说明文有:导游词、内容提要、说明书等。第一,抓住事物的特征,做有目的的具体解说。注意只需把事物解释清楚,不要抒发个人情感。第二,说明的过程要讲究层次和条理。有层次的说明文有助于读者理解。第三,合理安排说明文的写作顺序。我们可以按照时间顺序进行说明;按照空间位置进行说明;先讲道理、后举例子;先举事例、后讲道理;把同类或不同类的事物加以比较;使用数据进行说明等等。应用文日记: 日记是用来叙述一天中发生的有意义事件的文体。第一,注意日记的格式:一般是左上角写当天的日期,右上角写当天的天气情况(cloudy/ clear/ windy/ rainy/ fine/ snowy)。日期通常采用两种写法:一种是按“月、日、年”顺序;另一种是按“日、月、年”的顺序。注意要在年份之前有一个逗号,而且月份通常可用缩写词( 如:Jan., Feb., Mar.等)。如果需要写星期,可将其写在日期的前面或后面。如:Monday, May15th, 2008或May15th, 2008, Monday第二,抓准日记的时态:日记记叙的时间通常是在当天的下午或晚上,因此所用的时态多为过去时态。但应灵活掌握,如果日记叙述天气、描写景色或为了描写生动,也可用现在时。第三,日记一般按事情发生的先后顺序记述,所以常需借助一些表示先后顺序的词语,如at first, then, later on, afterwards, finally, at last等。一定要注意句与句、段与段之间的连接和过渡,适当使用一些过渡词语使其连接紧凑、过渡自然。第四,确立日记的中心要点,尽量突出主题,可以通过对某个细节、某个侧面的描写来突出主题,千万不要写成一个流水帐。书信:在书面表达试题中,书信通常都是私人信件,在这种题目的提示中一般包括:收信人的姓名和地址;寄信人的姓名及其与收信人的关系;寄信人的地址(有时可略去);写信的时间和写信的内容。第一,在书面表达试题中,最主要的部分应当是书信的内容。不能采用简单地翻译法,也不能漫无边际地胡扯,要围绕主题,推敲文字,使文字写得连贯流畅。第二,注意英文书信的格式。信头。包括写信人的地址和写信日期。先写地址,后写时间。信头写在右上角,其顺序为:第一行是门牌和路名,或邮政信箱、楼房名称等。第二行是市(县)、省(州、郡)名。称呼。通常以Dear或My dear开头。给亲属写信时,可在Dear后面加上亲属关系的词,如Dear Mum, My dear daughter. 给小辈或熟悉的人写信时,可在Dear后面直接加上他/她的名字即可,如Dear Jack, My dear Tom.正文。这是主体部分。尽量做到语言准确得体,能表情达意,行文流畅,字迹清楚。结束语和谦称。结束语应写在正文下方一至两行,常见的结束语有:Best wishes!/ Good luck to you!/ Wishing you success!/ Give my best regards to 谦称一般写在结束语的下方,第一个字母要大写。写给机关单位或不相识的人一般用:yours truly/ yours faithfully/ yours sincerely等;写给年长者、教师或上级用:yours respectfully/ respectfully yours等;写给相识的人或一般朋友用:yours sincerely/ sincerely yours;写给亲属或挚友用:yours/ yours ever/ your loving son等。签名。通常写在谦称下面一至两行的位置上。 看图作文。看图作文比文字材料作文更具有直观性和抽象性。提供作文用的图画可能是单副画,也可能是组画或连环画,还可能是图表。看图作文成功的关键是认真分析画面的内容及其内在的联系,揭示画面的内在涵义,紧扣主题,并依次展开全文的撰写。第一,读图:仔细观察画面内容,注意图中的环境条件、人物位置、人物活动、人物表情、空间结构以及图中附加的中、英文文字。根据图画提供的信息,弄清图画的内在涵义,逻辑关系或事物发展的过程。第二,提炼出主题:如果题目中已给出了标题或关键词,要结合此标题和关键词,并结合图画的内在涵义,提炼出主题。第三,列要点:根据提炼出的主题,再次观察画面,并对其中的细节进行筛选。要紧紧抓住与主题关系最密切、最能表现主题的细节或信息,并依次列出行文的要点,也就是“得分点”。第四,拓展成文:根据要点,使用确切的句型、词汇、精炼的语句,依据适当的逻辑关系、时间或空间顺序,层次分明、重点突出地完成全文的撰写。实例分析:根据所给图画写一篇文章,题目为“Digging a well”分析:如图所示,挖井人在留下深深的几个坑后,毫无收获地离去。读图时应注意到他挖的几个坑下面均有水,而他却半途而废,浅浅地挖了最后一个坑后失望地离开了。画面向我们揭示了:做任何事情都应坚持不懈,否则永远不可能成功的。要点如下:说明画面的内容进一步分析画面,指出挖井人失败的原因点名主题。范文如下:Digging a wellFailing to find the water, the worker, with a cigarette in his mouth and a spade in his hand, is leaving the holes he has dug. The five holes are of different depth, but none is deep enough to reach the water.We can see that there is a great deal of water beneath the holes. If he continues to dig into the earth, he is sure to succeed. Actually the fourth hole is quite near to the water with only a few inches to break through. He failed all because of his lack of patience and perseverance.A task, no matter how difficult it is, can be fulfiled provided that one holds to it with firmness, patience and perseverance. As the proverb says, “Dripping water wears through rock, constant effort brings success.”


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