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姓名:_ 班级:_ 日期:_ 分数:_Part I Listening.(30分)一、Listen and circle.听音圈单词。(5分)二、Listen and number. 听音标号。(6分)。三、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择合适的答句。(7分)1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4._ 5._ 6. _ 7. _A. I would like some fruit. B. Its DannyC. I need a jacket.D. No! I hurt my nose. E. Its about 500 years old.F. Yes, I can.G. No, thanks!四、 Listen. Complete the dialogues.听音,补全对话,所填单词已给出。(5分)A: Are you hungry? B: Yes, I _.A: Would you like some dumplings?B: No, _ you. I _ like noodles. _ I have some soup?A: _. Here you are. thank Sure am would May 五、 Listen. Fill in the blanks.听短文,填空。(7分)Li Ming, Danny, Jenny and Mrs. Li arrive _ Beijing at 2:00_ the afternoon. Everyone _ tired and hungry. There _ many people in the Beijing Train Station. The _ are buying tickets. These children are _. There are some men, too. They are _cards.Part II Writing.(70分)一.Choose the correct answers.(6分)()1.l_ _ve A.ee B.ea C.ae D.ie()2.q_ _etA.ki B.ue C.ui D.ku()3.sl_ _ A.ow B.ou C.ae D.ew()4.c_m_raA.a.a B.e.a C.a.e D.e.e()5.pict_ _ _A.reu B.eru C.ure D.use()6.ev_ryon_A. e.eB. r.eC.i.oD. a.e二.Choose the different words. (5分)()1.A. pyjamas B. shirt C. elbow D. skirt()2.A. milk B. water C. foot D. rice()3.A. train B. plane C. foot D. cab()4.A. aunt B. uncle C. brother D. people()5.A. pencil B. shorts C. socks D. shoes三.Choose the best answers.(10分)()1.This is _banana. That is _orange.A. a, an B. a, a C. an, an()2.I see some children _loudly.A. cry B. crying C. cries()3.I want to _a gift _my mother.A. by, for B. buy, four C. buy, for()4.The tea is _hot _drink.A. too , to B. to, too C. too, too()5.This is _camera.A. JennyB. JennysC. jennys()6.We are _to the Palace Museum today. A. goB. goesC. going()7.There _many children in the park. They are playing _.A. is, happilyB. are, happyC. are, happily()8.The baby _ now.A. sleep B. sleepsC. is sleeping()9.Please _ on the train.A. not jumpB. dont jumpC. doesnt jump()10.Danny is on the train. He wants _. Jenny says, “Dont _on it.”A. run, run B.to run, to run C.to run, run四.Fill in the blanks. (8分)1.The bicycles are _.They go _.2.The girl is _.She is singing _.3.Lynn is _.She is doing her homework_.Word Listquiet, loud, quick, slow, quietly, loudly, quickly, slowly4.The cars are_.They go _on the street. 五.Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks.(5分)1.-What is he doing now? -He is _.- Is he loud?- No, hes _.2.-What is she _now? - She is _.- Is she _?- No, shes quiet.六Read and order. (6分)() Thats old.() Its about five hundred years old.() How old is the Palace Museum?() Sure!() May I have your camera?() I want to take a picture here.七.Fill in the blanks.(5分)1. Everyone wants to _ _ _ _.2. Everyone wants to _ _.3. Li Dong doesnt want to _ _ _ _.4. Mary doesnt want to _ _ _.5. Jack doesnt want to _ _ _ _, either.八.Write sentences. (10分)1.doneed we What trip for the ?_2.key find cant I my._3.tickets The are jacket the in . _4.eat would What you like to ?_5.singing woman The is behind me ._6.jump on train the Dont ._7. film in camera goes The a ._8. are the Museum Today we Palace going to ._9. see flying I men kites many ._10.cars The quickly go the on street ._九.Read and tick() or cross(). (15分)(1)Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are going on a trip to Beijing. Theyre on a train now. Looking out of the window, Jenny sees a little red school, a big brown cow and a tall green tree, but Danny doesnt see them at all. Hes hungry. He sees a banana, some chicken, dumplings and soup. He eats fast. And then (然后)he plays with a little baby behind him. Theyre quiet.()1. Danny, Jenny and Liming are on a train. ()2. Jenny sees a little pink pig and a tall green tree. ()3. Danny is thirsty .He eats fast. ()4. The baby is on the train.()5. Danny and the baby are loud. (2) Its 9:00 in the morning on Monday. The weather is cloudy. Tom is going to the train station to buy tickets. At 9:20,he arrives at the train station. He asks, “How much for one ticket from Shijiazhuang to Shanghai, please?.” “Its two hundred eighty yuan.” “I need three tickets.”Tom says. Tom wants to go on a trip with his friends. The train leaves at 7:00 in the evening on Monday and arrives at 6:00 in the morning on Tuesday, May Second.Read and tick() or cross()()1.He buys the tickets in the morning.()2.They arrive in Shanghai in the evening.Choose the best answers.()3. How is the weather on Monday?A. WindyB. CloudyC. Sunny()4.How much for the tickets?A. Two hundred eighty yuan.B. Eight hundred forty yuanC. Five hundred and sixty yuan()5.How many people will go to Shanghai?A. Three B. TwoC. OnePart I Listening.(30分)听力原文一、Listen and circle.听音圈单词。(5分)1.A: What clothes do I need?B: I need a pair of shoes.2.Danny sees a restaurant and buys a snack.3.A: Would you like some orange?B: Yes, please.4.A:Danny! Please dont jump!B: Yes, Mrs. Li, Im sorry.5.A:Who is tired and hungry?B:Im tired and hungry.二、Listen and number. 听音标号。(6分)。1.A woman is sitting behind Jenny on the train.2.Danny! Be quiet!3.A: Im drawing a picture. What are you doing? B: Im reading a book.4.Please stand beside the train.5.A: Now I am looking out the window. I see a goat. B: No. Point it, please, Jenny.6.A: Is it cool now?B: Now? No. A: Now? Yes!三、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择合适的答句。(7分)1. What clothes do you need?2. Do you hurt your arm?3. Can you fly a kite?4. How old is the Palace Museum?5. May I help you take a picture?6. What would you like?7. Who is singing loudly?四、Listen. Complete the dialogues.听音,补全对话。(5分)A: Are you hungry? B: Yes, I am .A: Would you like some dumplings?B: No, thank you. I would like noodles. May I have some soup?A: Sure. Here you are.五、 Listen. Fill in the blanks.听短文,填空。(7分)Li Ming, Danny, Jenny and Mrs. Li arrive in Beijing at 2:00 in the afternoon. Everyone is tired and hungry. There are many people in the Beijing Train Station. The women are buying tickets. These children are crying. There are some men, too. They are playing cards.

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