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2013年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.教学案 人教新目标版Section A第一课时一、 课前预习A查出下列单词的中文意思,并抄写五遍prefer (_) _lyric (_) _gentle (_) _dislike (_) _remind (_) _heart (_) _string (_) _B 从方框中选择单词的适当形式填空(其中有两个词是多余的) prefer, recent, lyric, music, loudly, heart, dislike1) You should learn the new words by your _, they are very important.2) The Greens enjoy music that has great _.3) Dr. Lee _ classical music to pop music.4) I _ the people who are not polite.5) I cant hear you clearly. Could you speak _?二、 重点讲解及课堂练习重点单词,词组A prefer v. 更喜爱;更喜欢 1) prefer A to B 句式 比起B,更喜欢A 例:I prefer tea to coffee.比起咖啡,我更喜欢喝茶。 I like tea better than coffee. (同义句) (prefer=like better)2) prefer to do sth. (+ rather than do sth.) 宁愿做(而不愿做) 例:I prefer to watch TV at home. 我宁愿在家看电视。 I prefer to take a train to Beijing rather than fly there. 我宁愿乘火车去北京也不愿意乘飞机去那里。3) prefer doing to doing 喜欢干而不喜欢干 例:My brother prefers playing games to doing homework. 我弟弟宁愿玩游戏也不愿意做作业。B remind v. 提醒;使记起1) remind sb. of sb./ sth. 提醒某人某事;使某人回想起某人(某事) 例:This picture reminds me of my childhood. 这张照片使我记起我的童年。2) remind sb. (not) to do sth. 提醒某人(不)去做某事 例:Mother often reminds me not to be late for school.妈妈常提醒我上学不要迟到。3) remind sb. + 宾语从句. 提醒某人 例:I reminded him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。自我测评1) My grandmother prefers _ (live) in the countryside.2) On Sundays I prefers _ (watch) TV to _(do) homework.3) The girl prefers _ (make) dishes by herself rather than _ (ask) her mother for help.4) That story reminded me _ my past life.5) They prefer _ in bed rather than _ horses.6) A to lie, to ride B lying, riding C to lie, ride D lying, ride7) 他的话让我想起了我的妈妈。_ _8) 医生提醒这位老人按时吃药。_9) 请提醒我带上相机。Please _ me _ _ my camera.疑难句子 I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢可以随之跳舞的音乐。 此句中含有一个that引导的定语从句。定语从句基本知识:引导词 功能 实 例that 指 物A plane is a machine that can fly. 指 人The girl that we saw yesterday was Jims sister. which 指 物The silk which is produced in Hangzhou sells well. who 指 人The songs which he sang were very popular. whose 指 人I like the girl whose hair is long. 指 物Look at the building whose windows face to the south.例句中的斜线黑体字部分为定语从句。划线部分为定语从句所修饰的词。句型的变化:(将两个有关联的句子合并成一个含有定语从句的句子)1) I read the book. The book was written by Lu Xun. I read the book thatwhich was written by Lu Xun.2) He helped the boy. The boy was hurt in a match. He helped the boy whothat was hurt in a match.3) Sally called her brother. Her brothers coat was left at home. Sally called her brother whose coat was left at home.4) Workers are building the bridge. The bridge is the biggest in ChinaWorkers are building the bridge _.(请自己动手完成后面的部分)自我测评根据句意,用that, who, whose 或which 填空。1) A person _ works in a library is a librarian.2) The houses _ were sold last week were too expensive.3) The child _ mother has left him is crying loudly.4) This is the second book _ I borrowed from the school library.5) The game _ they played was difficult to understand.6) This is the watch _ my mother bought for me on my 14th birthday.7) I dont know the man _ is standing at the gate of our school.三、 课后复习题(家庭作业)1) What does it remind you _?A / B at C of D to2) I prefer musci that _ great lyrics.A have B has C with D and3) Some children were dancing _ music while the singer was singing.A of B on C to D with 4) I prefer _ to _, so I usually wear green clothes.A red / green B green / red C red / yellow D yellow / green5) With the money _ he had saved, he went on with his study.A what B that C who D whose6) My mother likes reading better than watching TV. (写出同义句)My mother _ reading _ watching TV.7) I am reading a book. It is about a robbery. (合并成含定语从句的句子)_8) I hate the people. They talk much but do little. (同上)_第二课时一、 课前预习A根据首字母填写单词1) He p_ fish to meat.2) The picture r_ me of my school days.3) How important is keeping h_ to you!4) I like music that I can sing a_ with.5) I prefer groups that play quiet and g_ songs.6) She likes music that she can d_ to.B用that, which, who, whose 填空1) I love music _ I can sing along with.2) We talked about the things and persons _ we saw then.3) Do you know the girl _ mother is a doctor?4) This is the hardest lesson _ we have learned.C 阅读课文第46页3a部分,并完成课本布置的任务。二、 疑难讲解及课堂练习 1) The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.这个音乐使我想起了巴西舞曲。 music 是不可数名词,常用a piece of music 表示一支乐曲。 musician 音乐家 (通常用cian结尾的词表示 “在方面有造诣的人”,如magician, physician) remind sb. of sth. to do sth. 上一课时所学习的词组短语。 表示 “使某人想起某事 提醒某人去做某事” 2) I listened to one called Heart Strings. 我听了一张叫做Heart Strings 的CD。 called 被叫做 用过去分词做形容词,表示被动的意义。 同类的词还有named 例:I met a man called Zhou Jian. 我碰到一个叫做周健的人。 We reached a village named Gum Tree. 我们到达了一个叫做 “桉树”的村庄。 拓展 原句中的过去分词可以同意转换成一个含有被动语态结构的定语从句。 例:I listened to one that is called Heart Strings. I met a man who is called Zhou Jian. (请自己动手试试将上面的第三句改成含定语从句的句子。)自我测评1) Beethoven is a famous _ (music).2) That photo reminds me _ my school days.A off B of C for D in3) They passed a bridge _ Zhuhai Bridge.A to call B call C calls D called4) I like the movie which is named Spiderman.(同意转换)I like the movie _.5) - _ do you _ the book?- I think it is very interesting. I like it very much.A How think B How think of C What like D What think of三、 课后复习题(家庭作业) 1) The _ (visit) all found it hard _ (go) across the river in a small boat. 2) Look, all the runners _ (stand) at the _ (start) line. 3) John is _ (interest) in foreign languages. He is now learning French _ (he). 4) Dont feel _ (worry) about your child. The whole class would be _ (friend) to the new classmates. 5) Take exercise every day, and youll keep _ (health). 6) Lucy is an _ (America) girl with oriental (东方的) features. 7) I dont know the man _ came into the room. A who B where C which D whom 8) The picture _ has a house and flowers is the one I like best. A who B which C where D whose 9)Tom prefers _ to school by bike to _. A going walking B to go walk C to go walking D going walk 10)Do you know the girl _ name is Lucy? A who B that C whose D where 11)He prefers to work rather than _ without doing anything. A sit B sitting C to sit D sits 12) I love music that I can _ (跟唱). 13) The old song _ (使我想起) the old times. 14) I prefer groups who _ (演奏) different kinds of music. 15) What _(种类的音乐) do you like? Section B 一、 课前预习A查出下列单词,并抄写照片,相片 _ _活力,力量 _ _显示,暗示 _ _无论什么 _ _特点,特征 _ _下沉,沉没 _ _最近的 _ _展览,陈列 _ _使感兴趣 _ _B 用方框中的单词的正确形式填空二、 疑难讲解及课堂练习1) I like writers who explain things well.I love movies that are about monsters.这两个句子中都含有定语从句,请根据你所学的知识,把句中的定语从句部分划出来。请分别说出这两个句子的中文意思。请试着翻译下列句子:我喜欢有糖果在里面的月饼。_他认识那个从北京来的男人。_任务 请找一找第48页3a的三段文字中共有多少个含定语从句的句子。并试着将它们翻译成中文。2) Amy Kim is one of the best known Chinese photographers in the world today, and some of her most famous photos are on display in this exhibition.埃米金是当今世界上最有名气的中国摄影师,这次展览会上有一部分她最出名的照片展出。the best known 最有名的 well-known 相当于famouson display 展览,陈列 相当于on showon +名词 常用来表状态。 类似的短语有:on duty 值日on watch 放哨 on business 出差 on fire 着火 on sale 出售3) The few city photographs are less successful. 这几幅城市照片并不很成功。“less+多音节形容词”也可以构成比较级,表示 “不如,不像” 反义词组为 “more+多音节形容词或副词”例:This movie is less interesting than that one. 这部电影不如那部有趣。 This movie is more interesting than that one. 这部电影比那部有趣。4) Whatever you do, dont miss this exhibition.不管你要做什么,千万别错过了这次展览会。whatever 相当于 no matter what , “无论什么” 的意思类似的还有 whenever = no matter when 无论何时 wherever = no matter where 无论何地 whoever = no matter who 无论何人 however = no matter how 无论怎样例:Whatever he does, he always tries to do it well.无论做什么事,他总是力求做好。 Wherever you go, you must be in good manners.无论你到哪里,你必须讲礼貌。 5) It does have a few good features, though. 尽管它确实有一些好的故事情节。此处的助动词does用来表示强调,用于加强语气,“确实,的确”之意。例:The boy does have a red coat. 那个男孩的确有一件红色外套。though 在此做副词,相当于however ,位于句末。例:I have a bit of cold. Its nothing much, though. 我有点感冒,不过并不严重自我测评1) Do you know the man _ has two daughters?A who B when C and D but2) Have you ever been to the place _ she used to live?A When B that C to D where3) I think Chinese is _ (interest) than math, so I like math better.4) _(when) you start, you must tell me first!5) Even _ I dont know him, I say hello to him.三、 课后复习题(家庭作业)1) What did you _ (建议) to the headmaster?2) This pair of shoes _ (适合) you very much.3) Many children are _ in the _ movie.A interested interested B interested interestingC interesting interesting D interesting interested4) Eating too much _ your health.A is good for B is good at C is bad for D are bad for5) Parents often tell their children to _ the Internet caf.A stay away from B put awayC run away from D take away6) Would you mind _ (turn) off the radio? Its too noisy.7) Would you mind _ (I) smoking here?8) This is the most interesting movie _ I have ever seen.A that B who C where D which9) That man with _ our teacher talked just now is my father.A that B who C whom D whose10) Kate sings very well. Julia sings very well, too. (写出同义句)Kate sings _ _ _ Julia11) Its a beautiful day. (改为感叹句)_ _ _ day it is!12) This story is very interesting, but that one is boring.(写出同义句)That story is _ _ interesting _ this one.That story is _interesting _ this one.Self Check 1. page 49 单元自我检测1 cant stand 不能忍受:I cant stand hot weather. 我不能忍受热天气。 preferto比起更喜欢:I prefer coffee to tea. 比起咖啡我更喜欢茶。 请同学们根据所学的知识正确完成练习1中的题。2. 练习2 e-mail 中的重点难点句子 1) although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai.虽然我不得不诚实地说我更喜欢上海。to be honest 诚实地(说),老实说 2) Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to.我的绝大多数朋友喜欢他们可以随之跳舞的响亮的音乐。(请用横线划出句中所含有的定语从句) 3)so the concert suited me just fine. 所以这个音乐会对我刚好合适。 suit sb. fine 合某人的意,对某人很合适 4) Im not sure what to expect because Ive never seen an Indian film before. 我不肯定能期待什么因为我以前从来没看过印度电影。 自我测评:1) I _ pop music, I like classical music better.A cant stand B dont stand C isnt standing D stand2) He _ basketball _ football. I often play basketball with him.A prefers and B prefers to C prefers at D prefers with 3) To be _, I like Zhuhai best.A truth B honest C kind D friendly 4) Does the shirt _ you fine?A fit B keep C hold D suit5) How I _ (期待) to have a long holiday!6) I am lucky to be here for my six-month English _ (课程)Reading一、课前预习A查出下列单词并抄写五遍实际上 _ _增加,增大 _ _实验室 _ _饼干 _ _癌症 _ _油炸,油煎 _ _危险,风险 _ _主要的,首要的 _ _B 请使用方框中的单词或词组的正确形式填空 be bad for, tasty, stay away from, itself, actually, vegetarian, shock 1) Henry is a _, he never eats meat.2) Sleeping too long _ your health, you should take more exercise.3) _, I dont like pizza at all.4) That cat is too fat to get out of the cage(笼子) by _.5) I advise you to _ Jim, he is a bad boy.6) That news _ me so much! I cant believe it!7) Those cakes are very _, we all like eating them.二、疑难句子从page50课文中找到下列句子,并翻译成中文。(注意黑体字部分)1) A group of young people got together to discuss this question.2) Cola tastes better than water, for example.3) But I prefer not to eat too much food that is fried, like.4) And I stay away from sugar, you do too, dont you?5) And I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health.6) Did you know that its been found in laboratory testing that some types of oil are really bad for us?7) Its not at all good for our health.8) I prefer to only eat food that I like, but isnt it important to eat food thats healthy, even if you dont like it?(可以小组讨论,然后与老师一起核对答案。) 三、第六单元综合复习题 1) They have never seen the film. (完成反意疑问句)They have never seen the film, _ _? 2) Tom likes gentle music very much. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ music _ Tom _ very much? 3) Jack spends much money on books _ he is not so rich. A though B when C if D because 4) Dont make me _ this or that. I am too busy! A to do B do C doing D done 5) I have become _ in reading books. A interest B interested C interesting D interests 6) I listened to a CD _ Heart Strings recently. A calls B names C name D with the name of 7) Bad luck, I had my purse _.-Im sorry to hear that. A steal B to steal C stole D stolen 8) Later she became a great _ (music). 9) She prefers food that _ (taste) good. 10) The song _ (remind) me of my hometown.- 9 -

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