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八年级英语重点归纳 1、 also,too,either和as well的用法区别1) too放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开。e.g: I am a student, too.我也是一名学生。2)either在否定句中使用,但是放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开。e.g: Lucy doesnt go to the party, either.露西也没有去参加派对。3) also则放在系动词be之后,实义动词之前。e.g: I am also a student.我也是一名学生。Li Ming also takes part in a ceremony.李明也参加了仪式。4) as well 用在肯定句中,放在句子末尾。e.g: Tony speaks Japanese as well.托尼也会说日语。再举个例子:She has knowledge and experience as well.她既有知识,又有经验。总之,too是肯定句中的“也”,either则是否定句中的“也”, 放的位置都在句子末尾;also则是放在句中的“也”;aswell是放在句末的“也”。2、 give与bring的区别give:vt.& vi.给予;赠送;作出vt.供给;产生;举办;(为购买某物或做某事而)支付vi.(物体)塌下;让步n.伸展性,弹性第三人称单数:gives过去式:gave过去分词:given现在分词:givingbring:vt.带来,引来;促使,引起;提供;导致第三人称单数:brings过去式:brought过去分词:brought现在分词:bringing3、 in frontof和in the frontof的区别in front of就是指在某物的前方。 in the front of是指在某物的内部靠前的地方。There is a tree in front of the classroom.教室的前面有一棵树There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.教室的前面有一个黑板4、 in the end,by the end of,at the end of的区别in the end不能带of in the end=at last=finally,意为“最后,最终”。by the end of意为“到(为止)”。at the end of意为“在的末端/终点/尽头”。at the end与of连用一般说来,at the end of用于表示具体事物或场所的场合,它也可以用来表示比喻意。例: The school is situated at the end of the street 该校位于这条街的尽头。 Well have an exam in English at the end of January 一月底我们要参加英语考试。 They were at the end of their patience 他们忍无可忍。 简:at the end of在时间或地点的尽头 in the end of in the end后面不能加of,表示最后,比如说一件事的最后等 on the end of表示在某个物品的端头,不如说在桌子的另一端头。by the end,是指在最后的关头,最后一刻。 in the end ,是指在最后的那一段时间里。 to the end & at the end :都可以表示在最后,但是“to the end 可以单独使用,也就是用作短语”,而“at the end ”则不可以单独使用,但是后面若加上“of”只可使用。如:To the end ,she went to school. At the end of the year, he came homein the end,翻译成“到最后”或者“最后”,可以直接说“in the end, we won the game”这样at the end一般是具体指什么东西的最后,比如说at the end of the year这样by the end就是指到这个时间点为止by the end of the last shoot然后怎样怎样。意思说,一直到那个时候(就是by the end后面接的时间),还有什么动作一直持续着。 by the end到/在最后,表示到那时候,常常可以根据语境、时态看出。by.the end of后一般跟完成时态 如:By the end of 2170, people _will have established_cities and industries. He will have turned 30 by the end of this year.in the end在最后,一般表示结果,强调的就是结果。如:I was saved in the end 我最后获救了。at last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。 At last , he passed the exam . 最后他终于通过了考试。(可用in the end代替) finally 指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来引出最后一项内容 finally 在意义上与用法上与at last 有共同之处,但也有不同。finally 既可指时间位置(相当于at last和in the end),也可指时间的先后顺序。 eg. Finally Id like to thank you all for your coming . 最后我要感谢诸位的光临。(不能用at last)5、take place与happenhappen to do 表示碰巧做某事这个都可以表示“发生”的意思 不同的是take place 和happen 表示发生的时候 无被动形式。 1)take place 一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如: Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years. The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing. (2)happen一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如: What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened. I happened to see him on my way home. = It happened that I saw him on my way home即将发生;即将到来If something is coming up, it is about to happen or take place.Plan your activities so that you are rested and refreshed when something important is coming up.做好日常规划,这样一旦发生大事,才能够从容不迫。


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