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目录 章节复习 Unit4Where smyschoolbag Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball Unit6Doyoulikebananas Unit4Where smyschoolbag 根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列单词1 在哪里 2 桌子 3 床 4 椅子 5 书桌 6 在 下 7 他 她 它 们的 8 在 上 基础知识梳理 重点单词 Unit4 基础知识梳理 where table bed chair desk under their on 9 知道 10 收音机 11 模型 12 hat 13 tape 14 tidy 15 but 16 always 17 everywhere 18 think 19 clock Unit4 基础知识梳理 know radio model 帽子 磁带 录音带 整洁的 但是 总是 到处 处处 想 思考 时钟 20 head 21 our 22 sofa Unit4 基础知识梳理 头 我们的 沙发 根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列短语1 在书包里 2 在床上 3 在椅子下 4 英语课本 5 在沙发上 6 在桌子下面 7 onthedesk 8 modelplane 9 tapeplayer 重点短语 Unit4 基础知识梳理 in the schoolbag on the bed under the chair English book on the sofa under the table 在书桌上 飞机模型 录音机 10 inthebookcase Unit4 基础知识梳理 在书架上 根据汉语意思完成英语句子1 书包在哪儿 在桌子下面 theschoolbag It s thetable 2 地图在哪儿 我认为在你爷爷奶奶的房间 themap Ithinkit s your room 重点句型 Unit4 基础知识梳理 Where s under Where s in grandparents 3 你的书在哪儿 它们在椅子上 yourbooks Theyare thechair 4 钥匙在书架上 Thekeys thebookcase Unit4 基础知识梳理 Where are on are in 能力提升训练 Unit4 能力提升训练 词汇专练 A 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1 W ismyschoolbag It so thechair 2 Mykeysareu thebed 3 Whereismyclock Sorry Idon tk 4 Thebooksareintheb here n nder now ookcase B 根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子1 Hereis 我的房间 2 My 英语课本 isonthedesk 3 Herhatis 在她头上 4 His 电脑 isonthebed 5 Wherearethe 磁带 Unit4 能力提升训练 my room English book on her head computer tapes 单项选择 1 thisabag Yes A is it sB Is it sC Is itisD is itis 2 Isthisaruler It sapencil A Yes IamB Yes itisC No itisn tD No I mnot Unit4 能力提升训练 C C 3 Whereare arenearthecomputer A thebooks TheyB books TheyC thebook ItD books It 4 Themodelplaneis thechair A inB onC atD of Unit4 能力提升训练 A B 5 Where stheCD Sorry A IcanB I mnotC itisn tD Idon tknow 6 Whereisthefootball A It sunderthedeskB It sinthepencilboxC It sintheeraserD It sbig Unit4 能力提升训练 D A 7 Isthat eraser No it s ruler A an aB a anC an anD a a 8 Areyourtapesinthebookcase A Yes IamB No Idon tknowC Yes theyareD No itisn t Unit4 能力提升训练 A C 9 ismypen It soverthere A WhatB WhereC HowD Who 10 Youareverynice 漂亮 A No I mnotniceB ThankyouC Sorry Idon tD Yes I mnice Unit4 能力提升训练 B B 句型专练1 Thewatchis 对画线部分提问 thewatch 2 Herhatisonthechair 改为否定句 Herhat thechair 3 Thesearemybooks 改为一般疑问句 yourbooks 4 Thebaseballisonthesofa 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 thebaseball thesofa it Unit4 能力提升训练 on the table Where is isn t on Are these Is on No isn t 5 根据答语写出上句 Mykeysareinthedesk Unit4 能力提升训练 Where are your keys 根据首字母提示补全对话A Excuseme Kate W 1 ismyEnglishbook B Itiso 2 thesofa A Andwherearethekeys B T 3 areinthebookcase A Ismycomputerg 4 onthetable B N 5 iti 6 It sunderthebed A OK Where smywatch I 7 itinyourschoolbag B Y 8 itis H 9 youare A T 10 you B That sOK Unit4 能力提升训练 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit4 能力提升训练 Where on They game No isn t Is Yes Here Thank 阅读理解AThisisapencilbox It sred It sonthedesk Look Thisisapencil It sblack Andthisisaneraser It sorangeandwhite They reboth 都 inthepencilbox Thisisaruler It sblue It snexttothepencilbox Thatisapen It syellow It sinthedrawer 抽屉 Where smymathbook Oh it sthere underthechair Unit4 能力提升训练 1 Thepencilboxis A yellowB blackC red 2 Theruleris A intheschoolbagB inthebookcaseC nexttothepencilbox 3 inthepencilbox A ApencilisB AneraserisC Apencilandaneraserare Unit4 能力提升训练 C C C 4 The isblue A penB rulerC pencilbox 5 Whereismymathbook A Underthechair B Onthedesk C Sorry Idon tknow Unit4 能力提升训练 B A 根据短文内容 按照要求完成下列任务 6 请选出文中没有提到的物品 Unit4 能力提升训练 A 7 请将 A 处的句子改为单数句 8 请将 B 句改为一般疑问句 并作出肯定回答 9 WhereisLinda salarmclock 10 请将画线句子翻译成汉语 Unit4 能力提升训练 The key is on the table too Is the watch on the dresser Yes it is The alarm clock is on the table 笔记本也在书架上 书面表达新的学校 新的生活 请写一篇短文 描述你的学校生活 要求60词左右 要点提示 1 8 30上课 4 30下课 2 上午三节课 下午两节课 3 下课后在学校有许多课外活动 Onepossibleversion MySchoolLife Unit4 能力提升训练 Myschoollifestartsat8 30a m andendsat4 30p m Therearethreelessonsinthemorningandtwointheafternoon Weneedn tdoalotofhomework Wecandoafter schoolactivitiesforoneandahalfhourseveryday Besidesthat myschoollookslikeabiggarden Therearemanykindsofflowersaroundthebuildings Theteachersherearekindandhelpful Ilovemyschool MyschoolmatesandIstudyhappilyhere Unit4 能力提升训练 Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball 根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列单词1 有 2 排球 3 篮球 4 无聊的 5 困难的 6 听起来好像 7 有趣的 8 运动 基础知识梳理 重点单词 Unit5 基础知识梳理 have volleyball basketball boring difficult sound interesting fun sport 9 我们 10 迟到 11 注视 观看 12 tennis 13 ping pong 14 class 15 same 16 love 17 let 18 fun 19 play Unit5 基础知识梳理 we late watch 网球 乒乓球 班级 一节 课 相同的 爱 喜爱 允许 让 有趣的 玩 打 球 20 great 21 easy 22 only Unit5 基础知识梳理 美妙的 伟大的 容易的 不费力的 只 仅仅 1 打篮球 2 看电视 3 打排球 4 听起来很有趣 5 去同一所学校 6 Let sgo 7 letsb dosth 8 playtennis 9 ping pongbat 10 playcomputergames 重点短语 Unit5 基础知识梳理 play basketball watch TV play volleyball sound interesting go to the same school 我们走吧 让 使 某人做某事 打网球 乒乓球拍 玩电子游戏 根据汉语意思完成英语句子1 你有乒乓球吗 是的 我有 you aping pongball Yes I 2 让我们打篮球吧 Let s 3 我们有许多排球 Wehavemany 重点句型 Unit5 基础知识梳理 Do have do play basketball volleyballs 4 她有足球吗 不 她没有 she asoccerball she 5 那听起来很有趣 That Unit5 基础知识梳理 Does have No doesn t sounds interesting 能力提升训练 Unit5 能力提升训练 词汇专练 A 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1 Doyouh abasketball Yes Ido 2 Let splayv 3 Mathisveryd Idon tlikeit 4 Thisisani game 5 Mysisterw TVeveryday B 根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子 ave olleyball ifficult nteresting atches 1 Ionlywatchsports 在电视上 2 Socceris 对我来说很容易 3 让我们 playtennis 4 Doyou 打篮球 everyday 5 Ihavea 乒乓球拍 C 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1 Sonia have asportscollection 2 Let s play soccer 3 That sound relaxing 4 Heonlywatches they onTV 5 Wehavethree baseball Unit5 能力提升训练 on TV easy for me Let us play basketball ping pong bat has play sounds them baseballs 单项选择 1 LiMing likebasketball helikesfootball A don t butB doesn t orC doesn t butD doesn t and 2 Let s tennis Thatsoundsgood A playB toplayC playingD Unit5 能力提升训练 C A 3 Doyoulikesoccer A Idon tlikeB IlikeitC Yes IdoD No Ido 4 yourbrother agreatsportscollection A Do haveB Does haveC Does hasD Do have Unit5 能力提升训练 C B 5 Ann TVeveryday A watchesB watchC looksD sees 6 Mycousindoesn tlikebaseball Hethinksitis A funB boringC interestingD good 7 Iliketowatchbasketballgames TV A onB atC inD to 8 We football Weplayfootballeveryday A likeB likesC don tlikeD doesn tlike Unit5 能力提升训练 A B A A 句型专练1 Ihaveacomputer 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 you acomputer I 2 Tomhasabasketball 改为否定句 Tom abasketball 3 Myfatherplayssportseveryday 改为一般疑问句 yourfather sportseveryday 4 DoesBillhaveasoccerball 作否定回答 No 5 Weplaytennis 变成由Let开头的祈使句 tennis Unit5 能力提升训练 Do have No don t doesn t have Does play he doesn t Let s play 补全对话 有两项多余 Unit5 能力提升训练 A Let swatchTV B Thatsoundsinteresting C Let swatchthevideos D Ihaveabasketball E Let splaytennis F Wherearethey G ButIthinkAlanhasone A Let splaycomputergames B 1 B Doyouhaveacomputer A No Idon t B ButIhavesomevideotapes 2 C A No it sboring 3 E Ihaveatennisballandatennisracket 拍 B Great 4 F A Inmydrawer Doyouhaveatennisracket B No Idon t 5 G A OK Let sgoandaskhim Unit5 能力提升训练 完形填空Lookattheboy Heis 1 goodfriend Heis 2 Englishboy 3 nameisTom 4 twelve My 5 isSally 6 aChinesegirl I meleven Tom 7 asmallsportscollection Hehas 8 tennisracket threebasketballs andfivebaseballs butIonly 9 asoccerball TomandIboth 都 10 sportseveryday Unit5 能力提升训练 1 A hisB herC yourD my 2 A aB anC theD 3 A HisB SheC HerD She s 4 A SheB She sC HerD He s 5 A nameB bookC friendD bag Unit5 能力提升训练 D B A D A 6 A IB I mC SheD She s 7 A haveB hasC doesn thaveD don thave 8 A oneB twoC threeD four 9 A hasB haveC doesn thaveD don thave 10 A playsB playC playingD toplay Unit5 能力提升训练 B B A B B 任务型阅读UncleWanglikessportsverymuch Helovessoccerball basketball baseball tennisandmore Heplaysbaseballandbasketballverywell HelikestowatchthesportsgamesonTV Heplayssportseveryday Hehasasmallsportscollection Hehas12tennisrackets 10baseballs 3basketballsandasoccerball 根据短文内容判断正 T 误 F T 1 UncleWanglikessportsverymuch F 2 Heplaysbaseballandtennisverywell T 3 HelikestowatchthesportsgamesonTV F 4 Hedoesn tplaysportseveryday Unit5 能力提升训练 F 5 Hehas10tennisrackets 12baseballs 3basketballsandasoccerball Unit5 能力提升训练 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 听力部分一键下载 http 听力原文 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 Q What sthat 2 W Isthatboyyourcousin M Yes heis HisnameisMike Q IsMiketheboy scousin 3 M Jenny arethesepens W No Theyarepencils Q Whatarethese 4 M Ann isthatyourpencilboxinthelibrary W No itisn t Mypencilboxisblue Q WhatcolorisAnn spencilbox 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 5 W Look Alan Thatisanicegirl Issheyoursister M No She smyfriend Gina Q Whoisthenicegirl 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 听对话或独白回答问题请听下面的对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项 听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题 每段对话或独白读两遍 听一段对话 回答第6至10小题 W Look thisisaphotoofmyfamily M Oh Aretheseyourparents W No they remygrandparents Thesearemyparents Thisismyfather HisnameisJack Andthisismymother HernameisMary 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 M So thisisyourgrandfather W Yes itis HisnameisNick Andthesearemycousins MikeandBob M Isthisyoursister W No that smyaunt HernameisLinda M Isee Thereareeightpeopleinit W Youareright 听一段独白 回答第11至15小题 Hereisaphotoofaroom It saniceroom Abookcase abed adeskandachairareintheroom 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 Somebooksareinthebookcase Apencilboxisonthedesk Twopensandtworulersareinthepencilbox Aschoolbagisonthechair What sunderthechair It sahat Andit sawhiteandblackhat 听对话 完成表格请听下面一段对话 根据对话内容完成表格 每个空格不超过3个单词 听对话前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容 对话读两遍 W Bob lookatthisphoto Isthisyourgrandfather M Yes hisnameisTom W Isthisyourfather Jack 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 M No heisn t He smyuncle Jim W Theseare M Oh Thisismymother Alice Andthatismyaunt Cindy W Istheboyyourbrother M Yes He sNick 阶段综合测试卷一 Units1 5 Unit6Doyoulikebananas 根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列单词1 喜欢 2 香蕉 3 汉堡包 4 西红柿 5 橙子 6 冰激凌 7 沙拉 8 梨 基础知识梳理 重点单词 Unit6 基础知识梳理 like banana hamburger tomato orange ice cream salad pear 9 吃 饮 10 食物 11 鸡蛋 12 苹果 13 chicken 14 breakfast 15 lunch 16 dinner 17 fruit 18 vegetable 19 eat Unit6 基础知识梳理 have food egg apple 鸡肉 早餐 午餐 晚餐 正餐 水果 蔬菜 吃 20 question 21 star 22 healthy 23 fat 24 habit Unit6 基础知识梳理 问题 星星 明星 健康的 肥的 肥胖的 习惯 根据汉语提示翻译下列短语1 排球明星 2 健康的食物 3 饮食习惯 4 吃早餐 5 吃午餐 重点短语 Unit6 基础知识梳理 volleyball star healthy food eating habit eat breakfast eat lunch 根据汉语意思完成英语句子1 你喜欢香蕉吗 不 不喜欢 you I 2 让我们吃冰激凌吧 ice cream 3 他们不喜欢鸡肉 They chicken 重点句型 Unit6 基础知识梳理 Do like bananas No don t Let s eat don t like 4 排球明星辛迪喜欢吃健康的食物 VolleyballstarCindy healthyfood 5 就早餐而言 汤姆喜欢鸡蛋 橙子和香蕉 Tomlikeseggs orangesandbananas 6 我妹妹不喜欢西红柿 Mysister tomatoes Unit6 基础知识梳理 likes to eat For breakfast doesn t like 能力提升训练 Unit6 能力提升训练 词汇专练 A 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1 Ihavehamburgersforb 2 Potatoes tomatoesandcarrotsarev 3 CaiYilinismyfavoritesingings 4 Sheeats 健康的 foodeveryday 5 Mybrotherdoesn tlike 草莓 reakfast egetables tar healthy strawberries B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1 Therearemany tomato inthebasket 2 Doyoulikethese apple 3 She have ice creamfordessert 4 Lotsofchildrenlike play soccer 5 Chicken be verydelicious Unit6 能力提升训练 tomatoes apples has playing is C 词形变化1 tomato 复数 2 like 三单 3 potato 复数 4 eat 三单 5 strawberry 复数 6 have 三单 7 want 三单 8 health 形容词 Unit6 能力提升训练 tomatoes likes potatoes eats strawberries has wants healthy 单项选择 1 Let shaveoranges A That ssoundgoodB ThatsoundgoodC That ssoundsgoodD Thatsoundsgood 2 Doesyoursonlikecarrots A Yes shedoesB Yes heisC No hedoesn tD No shedoesn t Unit6 能力提升训练 D C 3 Hehas eggand hamburger A an anB a aC an aD a an 4 Thereisa shop Itsellsbananas apples pearsandoranges A vegetableB foodC fruitD drink Unit6 能力提升训练 C C 5 Let s now A togotohomeB togohomeC gotohomeD gohome 6 What shehave dinner A do inB does forC is atD can to 7 Thereissome onthetable A tomatoB eggC chickenD banana Unit6 能力提升训练 D B C 8 yourmother carrots A Do eatB Is eatC Does eatD Are eat 9 Mysister Englishverymuch A likeB likingC islikeD likes 10 Herparents lunchathome A doesn thaveB haven tC hasn tD don thave Unit6 能力提升训练 C D D 11 doesLucylike Tomatoes A HowB WhatC WhereD Why 12 AuntLilikes bananas A eatB eatingC eatsD eatting Unit6 能力提升训练 B B 句型专练1 Lindalikesbananasandapples 改为否定句 Linda bananas apples 2 Iliketomatoes 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 liketomatoes I 3 Shehaschickenforlunch 改为否定句 She chickenforlunch 4 DoesTomlikeeggsforbreakfast 作否定回答 Unit6 能力提升训练 doesn t like or Do you Yes do doesn t have No he doesn t 5 Shelikesoranges 改为一般疑问句 she oranges 6 Billhaseggs and applesforbreakfast 对画线部分提问 Bill forbreakfast 从 栏中找出与 栏中相对应的句子 D 1 Doyoulikeoranges C 2 Whatdoesheeatforbreakfast E 3 Doesyoursisterlikepears B 4 Let splaytennis A 5 Whatkindoffooddoyoulike Unit6 能力提升训练 Does like What does have A Ilikehamburgers B Thatsoundsinteresting C Twoeggsandsomechicken D No Idon t E No shedoesn t Unit6 能力提升训练 任务型阅读AMynameisJimGreen I mfromEngland Ilikesalad orangesandice cream IlikeChinesefood too ButIdon tlikepearsorbananas MysisterKatelikespears hamburgersandice creamverymuch Butshedoesn tlikesalad MyfatherandmotherlikeFrenchfries 薯条 andChinesefood buttheydon tlikeice cream 根据短文内容填写表格 Unit6 能力提升训练 Unit6 能力提升训练 oranges ice cream bananas ice cream hamburgers BMynameisMike IcomefromEngland NowIliveinChinawithmyparents IlikeChinaandChinesefood Ihavebreakfastathome Ihaveanegg somebreadandriceforbreakfast Idon tlikedrinkingmilk Ihavelunchatschool Thelunchinourschoolisdelicious Icaneatdifferentfoodforlunch Ieatrice meatandvegetables SometimesIhavenoodlesanddumplings Afterschool Ihavedinnerwithmyparents Sometimeswegoouttohavedinners Weusuallyhavechicken vegetablesandfruit Unit6 能力提升训练 根据短文内容判断正 T 误 F F 6 MikelivesinEnglandwithhisparents F 7 Forbreakfast Mikehasanegg anappleandporridge 粥 T 8 Hehaslunchatschool F 9 Hehasrice meatandvegetablesforluncheveryday T 10 Sometimestheyhavedinnersinarestaurant 书面表达健康的饮食对我们很重要 请根据下表中的信息 向你的英国笔友Amanda介绍一下你一日三餐的饮食情况 短文不少于60词 Unit6 能力提升训练 Unit6 能力提升训练 Onepossibleversion DearAmanda I mgladtotellyouwhatIeateveryday Inordertokeephealthy Ieatlotsofhealthyfood Forbreakfast Ilikeeggsandmilk Forlunch Iliketomatoes carrotsandrice Fordinner Ilikebread saladandporridge Fruitisimportantforourhealth Ilikebananas apples orangesandsoon Whatdoyouliketoeateveryday Hopetoreadyoure mailsoon Yours YangXue Unit6 能力提升训练

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