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reviewofunit6 besuretodo确定做某事你确定要离开你女朋友 Areyousuretoleaveyourgirlfriend beimportanttosb 对 重要这笔钱对我很重要 Theamountofmoneyisimportanttome beimportantforsb todo 做某事对某人很重要赚钱对我来讲很重要 Itisimportantformetomakemoney unfortunatelyadv 不幸运地unluckilyfortunatelyadv 幸运地luckilythough although作连词虽然 尽管放在句子中间 句首 不能和but连用虽然很晚了 但他还在工作Thoughitwasverylate hewentonworking 史密斯先生虽然年轻 却做得很好 Mr Smith thoughhewasyoung diditverywell 1 Iprefermusicthathasgreatlyrics P44 我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐 prefer是及物动词 意为 宁愿 更喜欢 相当于likebetter Whichdoyou likebetter riceorbread 你比较喜欢哪一样 米饭还是面包 句型拓展 prefer doing sth to doing sth表示 宁愿 而不愿 或 比起 更喜欢 I pears anyotherfruit 我喜欢梨胜过其他的水果 Mygrandma awalkto infrontoftheTV 我奶奶宁愿去散步而不愿看电视 prefertodosth ratherthandosth表示 宁愿做 而不愿做 Mybrother hishomework tothezoo 我的弟弟宁愿做作业而不愿去动物园 讲解 1 prefer动词更喜欢宁愿prefersth 更喜欢某事IpreferEnglish 我更喜欢英语 preferdoing todo宁愿做某事Iprefer 我宁愿坐着 prefersthtosth 同 相比更喜欢 Ipreferdogstocats 与猫相比我更喜欢狗 preferdoingtodoing宁愿做某事而不愿做某事Ipreferwalkingtositting 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着 2 ThemusicremindsmeofBraziliandancemusic P46 这音乐使我回想起巴西的舞蹈音乐 remindsbofsb sth表示 使某人回想起某人 某物 Thissong 这首歌曲使我想起了中国 Thankyou themeetingIhavetoattend 谢谢你提醒我去开那个必须参加的会 3 Whatdoyouthinkofit P46 你认为它怎么样 thinkof和what连用 表示 觉得 怎样 认为 如何 常用来询问对方对某人或某一事物的看法 感受 印象如何 相当于Howdoyoulike doyou thestory doyou thestory 你觉得这个故事怎么样 what think of How like 定语从句 1 Themanisaworker 2 Themanisspeakingatthemeeting 合并句子 Themanwhoisspeakingatthemeetingisaworker 定语从句 概念 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子 Attributiveclause Maryisabeautifulgirl Maryisagirlwhohaslonghair 形容词作定语 句子作定语 修饰girl 叫做定语从句 Maryisagirl Maryhaslonghair 合并为一个句子 Maryisagirlwhohaslonghair 先行词 关系词 定语从句 Maryisagirlwhohaslonghair 关系代词 关系副词 which who whom whose that Where when 定语从句的用法 当先行词是物时 用which或that引导 Thesearethetreeswhichwereplantedlastyear 当先行词是人时 用who whom whose that引导 who whom whose that用法区别 who作定语从句的主语或宾语 Themanwhoisspeakingatthemeetingisaworker Themanisaworker Themanisspeakingatthemeeting 分解 作主语 Whom作定语从句的宾语 Thewomanwhomtheywantedtovisitisateacher Thewomanisateacher Theywantedtovisitthewoman 分解 作宾语 whose作定语从句的定语 Iknowthegirlwhosemotherisateacher 分解 Iknowthegirl Thegirl smotherisateacher 作定语 that可以作定语从句的主语和宾语 注意 关系代词作动词宾语时可省略 Thewoman whom that theywantedtovisitisateacher 下列情况只能用that 序数词或最高级adj修饰先行词时 TomisthecleverestboythatIhaveeverknown all everything nobody等不定代词作先行词时 Everythingthatwesawinthisfilmwastrue Exercise 1 Ihaveafriend likeslisteningtoclassicalmusic who that which that whose 3 Theman legbrokeinamatchusedtobeafootballplayer 2 YesterdayEmilywaswearingthenewdress Igaveher 4 Myparentsliveinahouse ismorethan100yearsold 5 Theboywith Johnspokeismybrother which that whom 6 Kevinisreadingabook istoodifficultforhim which that 7 Isthereanything youwanttobuyinthetown 8 All wecandoistostudyhard 9 Thefirstone standsupisalittleboy that that that 1 IlikemusicthatIcandance A withB toC alongD on2 Someofherfamousphotosaredisplayinthisexhibition A onB inC atD about3 JoevisitLondonlastyear A didB realC wasD goesto4 Mathsdoesn tmeatall A interestingB interestC interestedD interests5 Iwanttobuyabookradio A fromB toC forD about 单项选择 B A A B D 6 Isingingtodancing A likeB enjoyC loveD prefer7 Hehasafriendwhothepianoverywell A playB playingC playsD played8 It stoolate Igohomenow ormyparentswillbeangrywithme A havetoB haveC mayD can9 Thoughitwaslate hewentonwithhiswork A butB andC soD 10 Wewillhaveaholidayaftertheexam twomonthB two monthC two monthsD twomonths C D B D A 11 Don tworry Thereiswithyourbaby somethingwrongB nothingwrongC anythingseriousD somethingserious12 Isawhimfootballontheplaygroundyesterday A playB toplayC playedD plays13 Hedidn tgotothecinema hewenttothepark A WhileB IfC InsteadD Either14 Ilikesweetfood Icecreammeverywell A fitB fitsC suitD suits15 TheboyTVallday hedidnothing keepwatchingB kepttowatchC keepswatchingD keptwatching B A D D C Thankyou Bye bye


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