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高一英语寒假练习卷第一卷 I.单项填空 21.You should never lose your temper with the students; _, they are only kids.A. in all B. after all C. at all D. first of all22.I was told that the stadium was well worth _.A. to visit B. to be visited C. visiting D. of being visited23.The policeman _ to be reading the newspaper. In fact, he was looking at the man near the window.A. began B. pretended C. continued D. expected24.Up to now, the poet has written eight poems, three _ are about American country life.A. of them B. in them C. of whom D. of which25.-What do you think of the movie?-, the movie isnt interesting enough, though lots of money has been spent on it.A. To be honest B. Thats to say C. Generally speaking D. Im not sure26. If you dont want to choose the thinner one, _.A. I will either B. nor will I C. either I will D. neither wont I27.One leader in England says that all the work for the London Olympics _ next year.A. has completed B. will be completed C. is completed D. will complete28.The two companies are competing _ each other to get into the Chinese market.A. to B. for C. in D. against29. Lucy is very _ about height weight, so dont mention it.A. sensitive B. common C. peaceful D. proud30. -Why is your grandma so worried?-Because she doesnt know _ his online shop.A. what to deal with B. how to do with C. what can she do with D. how to deal with31. _ time went by, a large part of my classmates could finish all the English exercises in class.A. Since B. While C. with D. As32. Linda advised him not to buy the I Phone, but he bought it _.A. anyhow B. however C. then D. totally33. -Wheres the little elephant?-Its said it _ in the hospital.A. was examined B. will be examined C. is being examined D. has been examined34. It isnt quite _ whether the Tibetan antelope is still being hunted.A. certain B. sure C. safe D. careful35. Those scientists are trying to find out when the custom first _.A. came into power B. came into being C. came true D. came out36. You shouldnt have failed the job interview. Why didnt you do _ the expert suggested?A. if B. when C. as D. because 37. The old man would appreciate _ if you could do him that favor.A. it B. one C. that D. this38. _ is well known to us all that a red light is a _ of danger .A. It; symbol(象征) B. what; mark C. It; signal D. What; sign39. The terrible traffic accident _ his careless driving.A. as a result B. resulted from C. resulted in D. as a result of40.Your parents have given you all the facts _ you can judge for yourself easily A. even if B. as if C. such that D. so thatII.完形填空 The night started as usual. Jack and Tara, our_41_, were in their small beds surrounded by toy animals. My husband Pat, and I went to sleep_42_._43_after midnight,Jack quietly touched me. “ Mommy, I want to stay with you. I promise I wont take much room(空间).” I shifted(挪)_44_to make room. My son soon fell asleep.An hour later, Tara cried and I carefully went downstairs.“ Mommy , my_45_is all stuffed up (堵住)I cant really breathe very well. Will you please_46_with me a little while?” Tara doesnt often get up at night,_47_I decided to be there for her. She soon fell asleep. I returned to my own bed. I was determined to sleep. But to my_48_, I found Jack sleeping on my side of the bed. He looked so_49_that I couldnt remove him. Quietly and carefully, I lay down between_50_and Jack.I did manage to get some sleep_51_I heard Taras voice again. I returned to_52_Tara.“Mom, please lie down with me a little bit. I had a bad dream, and Im so_53_.”“Of course, honey. It was only a dream. Mommys here and_54_is okay.” We fell asleep_55_each others arms. Even in my sleepy state,I thought of_56_these nights of merry go round (一连串的繁忙活动) will be over. _57_before I m ready,our childrens rooms will be much too_58_and empty. So it is especially on days when Im worn out (筋疲力尽) after a night on this moms merry go round that I remind_59_that these very days and nights are, in fact,“ the good old days”, ever so_60_.41 A. sons Btwins CdaughtersDstudents 42 A. downstairs Bin CoutDupstairs43 A. Sometimes BEvery time CSometimeDAnytime44A gently(轻地)Bkindly CrudelyDimpatiently45 A. nose Bmouth CheartDeye46 A. come Bstay CtalkDplay47A. even though Bso Cno matter whenDhowever48 A. joy B anger CdisappointmentDsurprise49 A. friendly Bheavy Ccontent(满足)Dsad50A. my father BTara CPat Dmy mother51A. before BwhenCafter Dwhile52A.show off Blook afterCwatch out Dtake care53A.scared(害怕) Bexciting CexcitedDscaring54A.something Banything CeverythingDnothing55A.over Bon CbyDin56A.how often Bhow soon Chow long Dhow much57A.No doubt BNo wonder CNo problemDNo worry58A.noisy Bquiet Cstill Dcalm59A.my children Bmy husband Cmy friend Dmyself60A.potential(有潜力的) BexactCprecious(珍贵的)Dprevious(先前的)III.阅读理解 A On October 12, 1987, some Chinese scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots(点)crossing the computers screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror(恐惧), they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of(除掉) by computer viruses! Obviously all these computers had been infected(感染)by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young man fond of playing tricks. They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence(才智).These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem Viruses (耶路撒冷病毒). These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack the computers by lowering the function(功能), damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of nearly all the information. We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often attack computers on Fridays and that they are spreading(传播)to a list of computers. Among the countries that suffering computer viruses are Britain, Australia, Switzerland and the U.S. But till now, how to get rid of the terrible remains a problem.61. The group of young men created the viruses to _.A. damage the computers B. test their abilityC. tell the world that they were intelligent D. play a trick on operators of the computers62. According to the passage, computer viruses seem to _.A. have been in nature for years B. exist(存在)in any computersC. be difficult to get rid of at present D. be able to be got rid of in the near future63. The most serious damage caused by the viruses is that _.A. the computers functions are lowered B. the normal programs are damagedC. almost all the information stored in the computers is goneD. the computers infected by the viruses can no longer be used64. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. Four countries found their computers were infected by viruses.B. The viruses will come to a new computer after staying in the old one for some timeC. Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the virusesD. The Jerusalem Viruses are a great harm to human health.65. What does the underlined phrase “lowering the function” mean? A. making the computer unable to work B. stopping the computers from working C. putting the computer to a lower position D. making the computer work not so wellB Animals like the lion are known as carnivorous (meat-eating) animals. They feed on smaller animals. But many other animals eat grass or plants. They are called herbivorous (plant-eating) animals.You may be surprised to learn that there are carnivorous plants as well as carnivorous animals. Plants that grow in poor soil need other food. They trap (catch by a trick) small insects (昆虫) and take their bodies as food.The pitcher plant (猪笼草) is a common carnivorous plant. This plant has a clever trap like a pitcher or jar. It even has a lid to keep out of the rain. The mouth of the pitcher is covered with something sweet like honeydew(蜜露). Insects come to the plant to feed on the honeydew. When they have eaten all that is round the mouth, they go into the pitcher to look for more. There is more honeydew deep in the pitcher and they go down to feed on it. The inner (里面的) wall of the pitcher is covered with fine hairs. These hairs point downwards so that the insects cannot climb out of the pitcher. They are trapped in it. They die there, and their bodies are taken as food by the plant.66. Animals are divided into two kinds. A. carnivorous animals and meat-eating animals B. herbivorous animals and plant-eating animals C. carnivorous animals and herbivorous animals D. meat animals and plant animals67. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Tigers, lions and other meat-eating animals are called carnivorous animals. B. Zebras, elephants and common farm animals are known as herbivorous animals. C. All plants get food only from the soil. D. It is something like honeydew in the pitcher that insects come to food on.68. From this passage, we can mainly learn that . A. Not all plants are carnivorous B. All plants are herbivorous C. Not all animals are carnivorous D. Carnivorous plants can also be found69. The text mainly talks about _. A. carnivorous animals B. herbivorous animals C. small insects D. pitcher plants70. What kind of magazine can we find the text? A. Biology B. Geography C. Physics D. Chemistry CIm sure you know the song “Happy Birthday”. But do you know who wrote the song and for whom it was written? The retired professor, Archibald A. Hill in Lousciville, USA could tell us the story. Ninety-seven years ago, two of Mr. Archibald Hills aunts, Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were asked to write some songs for a book called “Song Storied for the Sunday Morning”. Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were both kindergarten teachers then. They loved children very much and wrote many beautiful songs for the book. One of them was the famous “Good Morning to You.” The song said, “Good morning to you, good morning to you, dear children, good morning to all.” This song was very popular at that time among kindergarten children. But not many grown-ups knew it. A few years later little Archibald was born. As his aunt, Miss Patty Hill sang the song “Happy Birthday” to the melody(曲调) of “Good Morning to you” to her little nephew(侄子). She sang the song like this: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Archie! Happy birthday to you! Miss Patty Hill and her sister had never expected that this song would become so popular, but it really did. People all over the world like the song because of its simplicity in tune(曲调简单) and friendliness in words.71. Archibald A. Hill was _ _. A. English B. American C. Russian D. Australian72. Professor Archibald A. Hill was Miss Mildred Hills _. A. son B. student C. brother D. nephew73. The song “Happy Birthday” has a history of _ years. A. 97 B. more than 90 C. less than 90 D. about 9074. The sentence “it really did” means _. A. The song really became popular B. Their wish would really come true C. People all over the world like to listen to the song D. Yes, but the song didnt become popular75. Why did Miss Hiss wrote songs? A. Because they are musicians. B. Because their nephew asked them to do so. C. Because they love children. D. Because they were asked to write for a book. 第二卷 IV .单词拼写 1 . Atlanta made a _ with his father about how to choose her husband.2. Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be a_ as Olympic competitors.3. Computers have been put into space rockets and sent to e_ the Moon and Mars.4. In the school English evening, our English teacher p_ the step mother and I Cinderrella. 5. To be honest, a lot of people a_ great importance to becoming rich and famous6. Sometimes they may play to _ (行人)in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.7. The teacher walked around i_(检查)their work.8. Tell me _ (简要) what happened to the students in hospital. 9. With the help of my _brain(电脑) which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what Im all about.10. Millipede insects contains a powerful drug which _ (影响) mosquitoesV.完成句子(每空一词)1The teacher _ _ _ the classmates _ _ you to help us. (同学们和老师指望你能帮我们)2I wonder what _ _ _to protect endangered animals _ _ _.(我不知道啥事正被做以保护濒危动物不被猎杀)3Im pleased to have been _ _ _to you.(对你有帮助)4_ _ _ _ _ the house _ _my father.(毫无疑问那座房子属于我父亲)5It_ _ _ _ we meet again.(很久后我们才能再见面)VI. 书面表达野生动物的数量正在迅速减少,请结合所提供的信息,写一篇 为“Protecting Wild Animals” 的短文,倡导人们关注野生动物保护。 原因:人为捕猎;生存环境遭到破坏;环境污染。 措施: 至少两条。 注意:1.词数100左右: 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Protecting Wild Animals 高一英语寒假练习卷答案I.单项填空 21-25 BCBDA 26-30 BBDAD 31-35 DACAB 36-40 CACBD II.完形填空 41-45 BDCAA 46-50 BBDCC 51-55 ABACD 56-60 BABDCIII.阅读理解 61-65 CCCCD 66-70 CCDDA 71-75 BDDADIV .单词拼写 1. bargain 2. admitted 3. explore 4. performed 5. attach6. passers-by 7.inspecting 8. briefly 9. electronic 10. affectsV.完成句子(每空一词)1. as well as ; relies / relied on 2. is being done; from being killed3. of some help4. There is no doubt that ; belongs to5. will be long before VI. 书面表达One possible version: Protecting Wild Animals As is known to all, the number of wild animals is decreasing quickly and some of them are in danger of dying out. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, some people are still hunting wild animals for food or fur. Secondly, the habitat of wild animals is being destroyed. Lastly, serious environmental pollution also leads to wild animals dying. What should we do to help the animals? On the one hand, we should stop hunting wild animals and destroying their habitats at once. On the other hand, we must take measures to stop pollution. Only by working together can we protect wild animals better.

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