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Unit 1A Working CommunityTeaching Objectives(教学目的)Students will be able to1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text2. master the key language points and grammatical structures3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Teaching procedures(教学步骤)1. Pre-reading activity (Period1)a. Introduction to the author b. Information related to the textc. Pre-reading questions2.While-reading activity(Periods2-5)a. The organization of the textb. Detailed reading-study of the language points3. Post-reading activity (Period6-8)a. Speaking Activityb. Writing Practicec. Have students finish the exercisesPeriod 1Pre-reading activity1. Background Informationa. Introduction to the Author Ellen Goodman is a Pulitzer-prize-winning columnist, author, speaker, and commentator who refuses to call herself a pundit. Ellen has long been a chronicler of social change in America, especially the womens movement and its effects on our public and private lives. She frequently pens newspaper columns on such topics as feminism, child rearing, divorce, alternative lifestyles, and gardening. Although Goodman once appealed principally to women, her essays now interest readers of both sexes who are, in the words of New York Times critic John Leonard, “full of gratitude for having been introduces to a witty and civilized human being in a vulgar and self-pitying decade.”b. Information Related to the Text Ethnic Identity refers to ones sense of belonging to an ethnic group and the part of ones thinking, perceptions, feelings, and behavior that is due to ethnic group membership. The ethnic group tends to be one in which the individual claims heritage. Ethnic identity is separate from ones personal identity as an individual, although the two may reciprocally influence each other. There are 4 major components of ethnic identity, that is, ethnic awareness (understanding of ones own and other groups), ethnic self-identification (label used for ones own group), ethnic attitudes (feelings about ones own and other group) and ethnic behaviors (behavior patterns specific to an ethnic group).Kaffeeklatsch is a German phrase translating literally as “coffee chat”. This is the type of casual conversation, small talk and especially gossip enjoyed by people who meet in the afternoon for a cup of coffee. Kaffeeklatsch is also used to describe such a gathering itself. Several student newspapers, journals and arts councils utilize the term as a means of describing the informally hosted meetings of influential members at coffee shops and cafes near their home university. It is occasionally used in a more specific and derogatory sense to mean a group of people who waste time talking rather than doing. 咖啡会(一种非正式聚会)c. Pre-reading QuestionsLead-in questionsPurposes:1. To present key words and phrases related to working community2. To encourage students to think about the theme of the coming text, i.e. the rapidly changing society and the change of the concept “community” 3. To arouse students interest in the topic of the coming text4. To develop students skill in predicting the main idea of the textSteps:1. The teacher can divide the class into groups of 4/5.2. Students can be given 2-3 minutes to discuss the following questions. What does community mean to you in China?How do you define community in your life?In what ways are communities important to society?3. Each group should have a reporter to report the result of their discussion to the whole class.Methodology:1. The purpose of pre-reading activity is to arouse students interests in the topic of the text and prepare them to read the text actively. It may be very easy for your students to give a definition to community geographically, but to define it socially is more difficult. If you encourage students to think carefully about the change of the concept, they will probably hit upon the central idea and the main purpose of the coming article. 2In order to get the whole class involved, group work is recommended. If time permits, you can ask each group to report to the class what they have discussed. Period 2-5While-reading activitya. The organization of the text The Gist of the ArticleThe author of this article mainly argues that Peoples jobs or professions have made them become members of certain communities. In the past few years, people have transferred the major portion of their lives from home to office. Thus the sense of community has shifted from neighborhood to workplace. In modern society, people are busy with their work and spend most part of their time in their workplaces. The towns where they are living become the places only for sleeping. The afternoon gathering for friends to have a casual conversation and to sip coffee, which was popular in the fifties, has also been enjoyed by people in the eighties during their break at work. The sense of community has not only shifted from our neighborhood to our workplace, but also stretched to the profession we enter. The immigrant grandparents came to America with their original ethnic identities. They assumed they had something in common with people from their native countries and they tried to seek out their connections with their old countries. When people move from place to place to have different professions, they seem to identify themselves with their professions. The shifting identity makes the author uncomfortable.Text Outline1. Introduction (Para. 14)Everyone of us belongs to a certain community owing to our professions.2. Body (Para. 512)1) Our sense of community has changed from the neighborhood to the workplace. (Para. 510)A. In the past, the community to which we belonged was decided by our neighborhoods.(Para. 5)B. At present, a large part of our daily lives are transformed from home to office, the workplace becomes our neighborhood. (Para. 610)2) As our sense of community has changed from the neighborhood to the workplace, our sense of identity has shifted from ethnicity to our profession.(Para. 1112)3. Conclusion (Para. 13 14)The shifting sense of community and identity makes it hard for us to separate ourselves from our professionsb. Detailed reading-study of the language pointsDetailed reading of the textPurposes:1. To help students draw important facts of each paragraph2. To help students identify and remove the source of difficulty in understanding the text3. To help students actively interact with the text and develop strategies to work out the meaning of the text4. To give students practice in note-takinglanguage points:1. mind you:also take this fact into account 尽管如此;应该考虑到e.g.Ive heard theyre getting divorced. Mind you, Im not surprisedthey were always arguing.He spends a lot of time in bed now; mind you, he is 93!2. a chunk of:a fairly large amount of something 相当大的量e.g.Ive already written a fairly large chunk of the article.The car repairs took a chunk of his salary.3. transfer to :move sth from one place to anothere.g.How can I transfer money from my bank to his?The patient was transferred to another hospital.4. shmoose:talk casually and friendly, esp. in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection 闲谈;闲聊e.g.The men were sitting in the cafe and shmoosing.5. assume:think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it 假设 e.g.Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.It is reasonable to assume that economy will continue to improve.6. have sth in common with sb / sth:(of people) have the same interests, ideas, etc as sb else or (of things or places) have the same features or characteristics, etc 与有共同之处e.g.He has nothing in common with Jane.The two cultures have a lot in common.7. replace. with / by.:take the place of sth with sth; to use sth instead of sth else 用替换e.g.Weve replaced the old adding machine with / by a computer.Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.8. disruptive:causing problems, noise, etc so that sth can not continue normally 破坏性的e.g.She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.The strike was disruptive to transport services.Methodology: When working through the text, you can, besides explanation and paraphrase (refer to “Detailed Explanation of the Text in the teachers book), use the technique of asking questions to develop students understanding. Make sure students always keep their text open when they answer the questions. The purpose of asking questions is to make students actively interact with the text and develop their strategies to derive the meaning from the text. At the same time, they can become aware of the way language is used to convey meaning. There is a close connection between answering questions and developing understanding. At the start, three types of questions should be designed for this purpose. First, straightforward questions need to be asked to draw students attention to important facts in the text and to ensure they understand the literal meaning of the factsThe second type of questions should be used to develop students skills of tackling difficult sentencesA third type should make students recognize grammatical and lexical features that play a crucial part in the interpretation of the text When students answer your questions they should also practice taking notes. Period 6-8Post-reading activity a. Speaking ActivityExercise VII on page. 8b. Writing PracticeExercise IX on page. 8 c. Have students finish the exercises

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