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强化训练:there be结构专练根据汉语句子完成英文句子, 或用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. 曾有一位非常勤劳的农夫。 There was once a farmer who worked very hard. 2. 一般说来, 我作出这个决定有两个原因。Generally speaking, _there are two reasons or my decision. 3. 沿途800长的大街, 有300多家商店。Along this 800 meter street, there are more than 300 shops4. 今晚在上海体育馆将有一场中国队和韩国队之间的足球赛。 There will be a football match between China and South Korea in Shanghai Stadium this evening. 5. 已经有许多作家利用他们手中的笔同错误的事情作斗争。_There have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong. 6. 似乎每分钟都有这种笑话被克隆出来。 There seems to be a new joke cloned (clone) every minute. 7. 前门大街是步行街 (pedestrian street), 但是那里有当当车(trolley car)带你去商店、茶馆和剧院。Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take (take) you to the shops, teahouses and theatres. 8. 有许多人在观看足球赛。 There are a lot of people watching (watch) the football match. 9. 然而, 有一个错误我想指出来。However, Im afraid _there is one mistake Id like to point out10. 可能会有一个更聪明的方法来做这件事。There might be a cleverer way to do this. 11. 我完全理解我们为此事感到不快, 但是没有必要感到太难过。I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it, but theres no need to feel too sad12. 与传统课堂比起来, 毫无疑问, 在网络上学生可以得到更多的学习资源。Compared to a traditional classroom, there is no doubt that children can get more learning resources on the Net. 句子润色-简单局的高级句式简单句其实也可以不简单,若将简单句与非谓语动词短语、形容词短语、介词短语、同位语、独立主格结构等巧妙地合并在一起,不但可以表达更丰富的内容,而且也使句子变得更精彩,充分显示你在英语表达上的实力。以下各句摘自近年各省市高考写作范文的高级简单句,请欣赏、熟记、模仿:1. 同位语I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her early twenties and with interests similar to mine. 我想有一个笔友, 希望是一个二十出头且兴趣相投的女孩子。(同位语中又有两个并列的介词短语修饰)(全国)2. 形容词短语Born in American, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. 出生于美国的托马斯爱迪生是一个伟大的科学家和发明家。(湖南)3. 不定式短语In order to study well, we need to do sports. 为了学习好, 我们需要做体育运动。(辽宁)4. 现在分词短语In this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big tree, watching her babies flying away. 在这幅图中, 一个鸟妈妈呆在一棵大树的鸟巢里, 观看她的鸟仔飞走。(北京)5. 过去分词短语Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient. 与信件和公用电话相比, 手机和网络更快也更方便。(广东)6. 介词短语Instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourages us to think by ourselves. 他鼓励我们独立思考, 而不是马上告诉我们答案。(湖南)即时练习 按括号中的提示翻译下列句子。1. 我是李华, 四川的一个学生。(同位语)(全国) Im Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. 2. 与其他老师相比, 摩尔先生更注意教学方法。(用过去分词短语)(湖南) Compared with other teachers, Mr. Moore pays more attention to his way of teaching. 3. 北京动物园, 建于1906年, 有100多年的历史了。(用过去分词短语)(北京) The Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of more than 100 years. 4. 李华在公共汽车站等601公车上去学。(现在分词短语)(北京) . Li Hua was at the bus stop, waiting for Bus No. 601 to go to school. 5. 我们学生应当通过努力学习而不是考试作弊来获得好成绩。(介词短语)(福建) We students should try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations.6. 合并句子: The moon travels round the earth once every month. The moon is a natural satellite of the earth.(现在分词短语) The moon, traveling round the earth once every month, is a natural satellite of the earth. 7. 合并句子: He was well known for his expert advice. He was able to help a great number of people with their personal affairs.(过去分词短语) Well known for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their personal affairs. 句子润色-用高级结构让整个句子靓起来利用以下各招可给句子润色, 让句子靓起来。1. 使用强调句。用do, does, did强调一般时态的谓语动词; 用it is .that .强调谓语之外的各种句子成分。It was not until she took off her glasses that her father recognized her. 直到她摘下眼镜她父亲才认出她。2. 使用倒装句。Only in this way can we learn English well. 只有用这种方法我们才可以学好英语。3. 使用with的复合结构。如:With the noise going on, I couldnt go on studying. 由于那噪音的持续, 我无法继续学习。4. 使用非谓语动词。Located at the southwest corner of our school, the botanical garden has an area of 1000 square metres. 校园西南角/面积1000平方米。5. 恰当使用被动句。Above all, something must be done to stop polluting. 最重要的是, 必须釆取某些措施来阻止污染。6. 使用各类从句, 如使用“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。Therere many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world. 中国的茶叶有很多种, 其中龙井茶是世界著名的。7. “数词+名词”改用“as many as+数词+名词”。A great number of buildings were destroyed, leaving as many as 10, 000, 000 people homeless. 请多房屋被摧毁, 使多达千万的人失去家园。 介词短语与with结构强化训练根据汉语提示完成英文句子, 或用所给词的适合形式填空。1. We are sure that everything will be better with time passing by (随着时间的推移). 2. Upon arrival/On arriving (一到达), we began to work immediately. 3. After getting the work done (做完那些工作之后), we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees, and before leaving(在离开之前), we took some photos to record our green action. 4. In the process of the competition (在比赛的过程中), you should finish your speech in five minutes and try your best to express yourself in English fluently. 5. On hearing the bell (一听到铃声), students ran into the classroom as quickly as they could. 6. With the development of science and technology (随着科学和技术的发展), the world is changing every day.7. Everything done (所有的事都做完之后), they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. 用独立主格结构8. With the noise going on (由于那噪音的持续), I couldnt go on studying. with的复合结构9.With the society developing very fast (随着社会的快速发展), its quite necessary that we (should) have a good knowledge of English and computer. 非谓语动词短语和强调结构专练根据汉语提示完成英文句子, 或用所给词的适合形式填空。用非谓语动词短语1. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way (一路上有说有笑). 2. At about 1 o-clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying that she couldnt meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning 说他明天上午不能在咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)同你见面 as she has something important to attend to. 3. Taking part in English speech competition (参加英语演讲比赛)is a helpful way to learn English. 4. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure were not getting into any trouble(是为了确定我们没有卷入任何麻烦事). 5. Moved by his words (被他的话所感动), I praised him for his deeds and decided to sing a song named “Mother” (名叫“母亲”的一首歌) for the students.用强调结构或倒装句式6. It was not until at the end of 19th century that (直到19世纪末才) shooting earned its status as a sport. 7. We should be thankful to our parents because it was they that brought us into this world(因为是他们把我们带到这个世界). 8. Everyone knows that we are busy all day. Seldom do we know what is happening both at home and abroad (我们知道国内外正在发生什么).9. Only in this way can I (只有用这种方法我才能)gain more confidence. 用倒装句式10.Only because he was ill (只因为他有病了)did he not come to school. 11. Only then did I realize (只有那时, 我才认识到)that I had been wrong. it句型根据中文提示完成下列句子。12. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that (就不足为奇了)I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition. 13. As I am away from my parents, it is necessary for me to learn (对我来说有必学会)to live on my own.14. It is known to us all that (众所周知) some students cheat in examinations at school. 15. As we haven t mastered enough English words, sometimes we may find it difficult (觉得困难) to follow the teacher. 16. I think it (is) wrong to cheat in examinations (在考试中作弊是错误的)because it breaks the rules of school.

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