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Aims:1、Understand the new words:athlete,cheetah,cyclist,concorde,the fastest car,the fastest train。2、Read and guess your answers。(I think the correct answer is a/b/c,I dont think so,I think its a/c/a),Listen and find out who is right。Focus:Listen and find out who is right。Difficult:Talk in class。(I think the correct answer is a/b/c,I dont think so,I think its a/c/a)Things: cards,CAI,Recorder,Tape。Steps:Step1:Warm upT:Now ,lets warm up。Sing a song :School party。(CAI P1)T:In this class,lets go on to learn about time。Step2:Read and guess your answers。1、Read the words。A、(CAI P2)athleteT:He is an athlete。He is running。He is a top athlete。Who is your favourite athlete?Ss:Liu Xiang,Yao Ming,.(CAI)Read after me :athlete, athlete, athlete, athleteB、cheetahT:Its a cheetah。The cheetah is the fastest animal on land。Read the word(CAI)C、cyclistT:How do you go to school this morning?S:I go to school on foot。But the others go to school by bike。Read the word(CAI)D、the fastest car,the fastest train,concordeT:How do you go to Shanghai?How do you go to Beijing?S:I go there by plane,I go there by train。T;You can go there by ship/car/plane。Look at the picture:Read the words:the fastest car,the fastest train,concorde 。Step3:1、Guess the next one。(CAI)猜对的给小组加分。2、Find out your picture。Step4:T:Do you know?In one minute,How many metres can a top athlete run?Read after me:metre,米,1 metre,2metres,200metres。Kilometer,千米,1 kilometre,2 kilometres,8 kilometres。(CAI)P9 T:Which is the correct answer?You can choose one。You can say:I think the correct answer is a/b/c。Read after me,(I think the correct answer is a/b/c。)If you dont agree,You can say:I dont think so,I think its b/a/c。Read after me,( I dont think so,I think its b/a/c。)T:Now ,In groups,Open your books at page 43。Choose one,everybody。Then write down the answers on your papers。由组长统一答案,派代表发言。Step4:Now,Lets match。please,listen to the question。NO。1,T:In one minute,a top athlete can run aboutA。 B。 C。T:Group1,Which is the correct answer?S:I think the correct answer is 。Group2:I dont think so,I think its 。Group3。Group4。Now,Lets have a look。(CAI)(哪组对了就加分)NO2。NO3。NO4NO6Say all together:1、In one minute。6、In one minute。Step5:How about you?In one minute。Lets play games:1、How many English words can you write?S1:I can write-English words in one minute。S2:I can write-English words in one minute。S3:。T:How many animals can you draw?In one minute。Ready go。S1:I can draw-animals in one minute。S2:I can draw-animals in one minute。S3:I can。Step6:The end (CAI)T:In one minute,We can do some things。So we must know the value of time。板书:TimeI think the correct answer is a/b/c。I dont think so ,I think its b/a/c。Time 课后反思这是剑桥少儿英语六年级上学期UnitTime中的第、节内容,这节课的目标是、懂得个新单词,、读和猜正确的答案,(懂得问题的句子的意思,会用句子表达自己的意思:I think the correct answer is a/b/c,I dont think so,I think its b/c/a,本节课的重点是找出正确的答案,难点是和同学交流,用句子表达( think the correct answer is a/b/c,I dont think so,I think its b/c/a),在本节课自己做了多媒体课件,使课堂更加生动课的开始以学生唱很有气氛也和本节课内容的气氛一致的歌曲“school party”,然后出示课件进入本节课的单词的学习与复习,在出示单词的同时渗透下面题目的句子,以便他们能明白句子的意思,复习了单词的读法后,通过几个游戏巩固和调动兴趣,一个游戏是多媒体展示猜下一张是什么单词,另一个是藏单词卡片找一找。接着进入本节课的难点内容,猜猜每题的正确答案,一分钟里,最快的运动员、猎豹、最快的自行车、超音速客机、最快的小汽车赛车、最快的火车,他们分别能有多远,先教学生怎么表达,带读I think the correct answer is a/b/c,表示不同意别人的意见就说:I dont think so,I think its b/c/a,让学生在小组长的带领下说自己的意见,由小组长综合大家的意见,再进行小组汇报派代表发表意见,选择正确的答案,猜对的加一分,各组发表看法后,看课件,猜对的有掌声和跳舞的星星,猜错了的有鼓声,然后根据正确答案把句子完整的说一遍,他们在一分钟里能有多远。再最后分钟做了个游戏,同学们在一分钟里能写多少个单词、一分钟里能画多少个动物,再用上节课学的句子表达,I can write-English words in one minute, I can drow-animals in one minute,刚好铃声响起,在课件里展示一分钟我们可以做很多事,因此我们要珍惜时间(We can do some things,so we must know the value of time)。.在这节课里我做了课件,在单词之间进行了链接,每个单词里放了几张图,放几张图的目的一个是在放的过程中产生动画而且有一个最快的,和本节课内容相关,便与介绍与题目句子相关的话,显得自然,和下面内容有衔接,另一个是为了设置不同的链接,每张图都链接了不同的图片。在每张图里设置了链接,我可以自由的到我要到的地方,因为学生的话会出现不可预见性,不至于在过程中突然找不到要到的地方。此外,本课也存在着许多的不足。如:教师和学生间的交流还不够深入,教师指导性语言过多;在让学生小组讨论时,学生讨论的气氛不够热烈,都很小声的在说Book 1 Unit 5The days of the week 教学目标知识与能力目标:1、能熟练认读单词Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday。听录音,勾出孩子们喜欢的一天。2、会用句子Whats your favourite day ? (Friday.)问答,学生能听懂孩子们谈论他们喜欢的一天,并理解其语境大概意思。3、了解听音技巧。过程与方法目标:让学生在活动中整体提高认知水平,在实践中充分发挥他们的各项智能特征,在完成任务的过程中,不断感受成功的乐趣和喜悦。促进学生积极、主动的参与英语学习的过程,培养学生运用语言的创造能力,为英语交际打下良好基础。情感与态度目标:培养学生注意观察、认真模仿的良好习惯和主动竞争的意识;激发学生学习应用的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信心,并培养学生形成自主、认真的学习态度。 教材分析 The days of the week一单元主要是围绕星期类单词展开活动,本课的核心是让学生学会运用句子Whats your favourite day ? (Friday.)问答,并在真实的情景中恰当的进行口语交际。教学方法整堂课通过创设情景,让学生在具体的情景中学习新单词、新句型,然后再运用于语言交流中,使整个教学源于生活又用于生活,创设真实而生动的生活场景,使学生学得有趣、学得有用,从而体验到成功的快乐。具体运用了以下几种方法:情景教学法、全身反应法、交际法、听说法、游戏法、多媒体教学法、任务型教学。教学重难点1、重点:熟练认读单词 Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday。2、听录音,勾出孩子们喜欢的一天。会用句子Whats your favourite day ? (Friday.)问答,学生能听懂孩子们谈论他们喜欢的一天,并理解其语境大概意思。3、了解听音技巧。教学准备:CAI、课文歌曲磁带、录音机、单词卡。教学过程:Step 1、Warming-up1、Greeting.T:Good morning ,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning.T:How are you today?Ss:Fine,thank you ,how are you?T:Very well ,thanks.Step 2.Presentation1、(CAI)Lets say a chant :What can you see? 2人领舞。2、看已经摆出的卡片:Look, how many numbers can you see ? Whats your favourite number?将7个卡片反过来,然后CAI彩图,再问How many days can you see ?引出7.Lets count. 1day ,2 days,3 days,4 days ,5 days,6 days,7 days。引出7 days 板书课题其中一词week。拿出A week = 7daysHow many days are there in a week ? There are seven days in a week.Today we will continue to learn Unit 5.拿出课题,The days of theweek 。教,跟读。3、导入新课教师:(CAI出示日历)T:Boys and girls ,whats this?S:(日历)T:Yes.What day isittoday?(寻找今天是星期几) 4、师:Oh!Today is Thursday!Do you like Thursday ?Lets have a match.拿出7个缩写。引出小组评价机制:奖励天数。Sun. Sat. Fri. Wed.Thur.等。依次7个单词。复习读,分升降调,高低声。5、Lets enjoy a song. Sunday,Monday,Tuesday.6、操练句子,再Play a game.游戏“摘星星”Whats your favourite day ?把黑板上的星期卡片装饰上星星,到前面来摘下自己喜欢的一天的单词,摘完之后,全班拍手提问:“Whats your favourite day ?”该同学高举自己的卡片回答,回答正确。5、转盘游戏。读得好的人上来,控制鼠标。全班问What is your favourite day ?他一人答。Step 3.Practice1、现在,我们来看看,四个英国小朋友,认识人名。拍名字游戏。2、猜猜他们最喜欢的一天。准备听音,提问,听音前,注意什么?3、Open your books,turn to page 45, lets listen :tick what are their favourite day.放录音前。2、放两遍录音。3、和老师一起核对。4、听音技巧:看Tips:1、听之前,迅速浏览所听的全部内容,做到心中有数。2、遇到听不懂或听不清的地方,应立即跳过,不管他究竟是什么意思,暂且听听下面的内容,集中精力抓住关键词语。做到不慌,不急躁,保持平和心态。3、一般来说,短文中的个别生词不会影响全文的理解来源。在以后的课堂出现的听音,或是考试中的听力,大家都应该记住。 6、Now I want to know what is your favourite day ?出示,问学生后,统计在图上。Can you practice like me ?小组活动。Whats your favourite day ?组长带领,小组展示,*,what is your favourite day? Step 4. consolidation1、Most of us like Saturday and Sunday. You know thats weekend.CAI: weekdays2、Whats Xiaoxins favourite day ?Whats Jerrys favourite day ? 3.其实这七天,在西方国家,是有来历的。课后了解。4、总结小组评价。Group * is the winner.Step 5. Home workMake a survey.


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