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灵活运用高级表达方式提高高考英语书面表达得分近年来,高考英语书面表达评分标准规定。考生必须使用比较高级的表达方式方能获取高分,而不少考生只会用结构简单的句子来表达文意,写出来的文章得分就低。因此,同学们应在平时的书面表达训练中多练习使用高级表达方式,才能在高考英语书面表达中获得高分。 一、什么是高级表达方式 一般说来,如果一篇书面表达通篇都是单一的主谓宾结构的简单句,表达效果就比较差。各种复合句、特殊句式(倒装句、强调句、感叹句、such as列举句型等)和带过渡性插入语的句子通常难度大、语境逻辑强、表达效果好,是普遍认可的高级表达方式,也是高考英语书面表达是否能获取高分的重要依据同学们在写英语书面表达时应根据表达需要有选择地使用这些高级表达方式。 二、掌握简单表达方式转化高级表达方式的方法 简单表达方式可以转化成高级表达方式,而且转换难度也不是很大,因为高级表达方式也是在简单表达方式的基础上构成的。下面介绍几种将简单表达方式转化为高级表达方式的方法。 1将两个简单句合并为一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句。 which在非限制性定语从句中代表主句内容,从句可由两个简单句之一改造而成。 例1:最近许多中学生乱花钱,关于这一点不同的人有不同的看法。 简单句:Recently many middle school students spend their money on unnecessary things. Different people have different opinions about it. 高级表达方式:Recently many middle school students spend their money on unnecessary things, about which different people have different opinions. 例2:许多男孩学抽烟,这对身体有危害。 简单句:Many boys learn to smoke. It does harm to their health. 高级表达方式:Many boys learn to smoke, which does harm to their health. 2在表达观点的陈述句前加过渡性插入语。 一些表达观点的陈述句前加上in my opinion, from my point of view, personally speaking, as far as I know, as far as Im concerned, as we all know, as is known to all等插入语之后往往使句式更丰满,逻辑更严密,说理更充分,从而增强了文章的表达效果。 例1:简单句:We should not spend too much time in surfing the Internet. 我们不应该花太多时间上网。 高级表达方式:In my opinion, we should not spend too much time in surfing the Internet. 我认为我们不应该花太多时间上网。 例2:简单句:Taking exercise does good to our health. 锻炼对健康有好处。 高级表达方式:As we all knowAs is known to all, taking exercise does good to our health. 众所周知,锻炼对健康有好处。 例3:简单句:Mary is an honest and kind girl. 玛丽是一个诚实善良的女孩。 高级表达方式:As far as I know, Mary is an honest and kind girl. 就我所知,玛丽是一个诚实善良的女孩。 3在两个简单句之间加上过渡性词汇。 为使两个简单句之间逻辑更严密,过渡更自然,可在其间加上过渡性词汇。 例1:雨下得很大,我们只好呆在旅馆里。 简单句:It rained heavily. We had to stay at the hotel. 高级表达方式:It rained heavily; as a result, we had to stay at the hotel. 例2:我买了一些时装,又去看了一个精彩的演出。 简单句:I bought some fashionable clothes. I went to see a wonderful performance. 高级表达方式:I bought some fashionable clothes; besideswhats more, I went to see a wonderful performance. 例3:我在火车站迷了路,天也渐渐地暗了。 简单句:I was lost at the station. It was getting dark. 高级表达方式:I was lost at the station; whats worse, it was getting dark. 4将两个简单句合并为并列句。 两个简单句分别表达会令句子读起来缺乏连贯性和逻辑性,而加上并列连词改造成并列句后逻辑严密得多,句式也高级得多。 例1:这道题太难了,我解不出来。 简单句:This problem is too difficult. I cant work it out. 高级表达方式:This problem is too difficult so I cant work it out. 例2:我想买这辆自行车,却没有足够的钱。 简单句:I want to buy this bike. I dont have enough money. 高级表达方式:I want to buy this bike, but I dont have enough money. 5将两个简单句合并为复合句。 两个简单句加上从属连词可合并成主从复合句,这是增强语境逻辑、提升表达档次的好方法。 例1:我没有带钱。没能看成那场电影。 简单句:I didnt take any money. I couldnt see that film. 高级表达方式:Because I didnt take any money, I couldnt see the film. 例2:你不早点出发就不能及时到达。 简单句:You dont start early. You cant get there in time. 高级表达方式:If you dont start early, you cant get there in time. 6将陈述句改为感叹句。 陈述句结构平凡、语调平缓,而转换为感叹句后句式变新颖,语气变强烈,表达档次明显得到提升。 例1:陈述句:To prevent the pollution is veryimportant防止污染很重要。 高级表达方式:How important it is to prevent the pollution! 防止污染多重要啊! 例2:陈述句:She is a clever girl她是一个聪明的女孩。 高级表达方式:what a clever girl she is! 她是一个多么聪明的女孩啊! 7将陈述句改为倒装句。 陈述句改成倒装句后结构新颖、情感浓烈,表达效果明显增强。 例1:直到太阳落山我们才离开那个村庄。 陈述句:We didnt leave the village until the sun set. 高级表达方式:Not until the sun set did we leave the mountain village. 例2:那时我几乎不懂英语的重要性。 陈述句:I could hardly understand the importance of English at that time. 高级表达方式:Hardly could I understand the importance of English at that time. 8将简单句改为强调句。 简单句改为强调句后语气更强烈、感情更充沛,是不可多得的高级表达方式。 例l:抽烟对他的身体造成了伤害。 简单句:Smoking did great harm to his health. 高级表达方式:It was smoking that did great harm to his health. 例2:我们的钱是父母辛苦挣来的。 简单句:Our money is earned through hard work by our parents. 高级表达方式:It is through hard work that our money is earned by our parents. 9将一般性列举句子改为such as列举句型。 一般性列举句子只起到罗列事实的作用,而such as列举句型除具有列举功能之外,其对称的结构也能增强表达效果。 例1:晚会上将有唱歌、跳舞、做游戏等节目。 一般性列举句子:The party will include singing, dancing and playing games. 高级表达方式:There will be a few programs at the party, such as singing, dancing and playing games. 例2:我们将参观长城、颐和园、紫禁城等名胜古迹。 一般性列举句子:The places of interest we will visit are the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City, etc。 高级表达方式:We will visit several places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City. 三、增强使用高级表达方式的意识 掌握了简单表达方式转化高级表达方式的方法,并不意味着在写作时一定能用上,只有增强使用高级表达方式的意识,养成使用高级表达方式的习惯,才能确保在写作时自然贴切地用上。

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