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湖南省怀化市溆浦县江维中学高中英语必修一:unit 2教材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 Sporting events板块:Welcome to the unit课堂设计指导思想: 这个单元的主题是学生感兴趣的体育赛事,师生之间通过各种有关于体育运动项目的讨论,从而来调动学生的学习主动性,激发他们用英语思维表达的能力,同时通过运动员的品质来向学生展示不服输的体育精神。Teaching aims: 1. Get students to talk about different sports events.2. Help students understand the spirit of sports.3. Train students to think in English.Teaching procedures: Step 1 BrainstormRaise three questions related to sports: Do you like sports? What sports can you play? What sports do you know? Who is your favorite sportsperson?【设计说明】体育是很多人都热衷的项目,通过这三个问题的设置很好的把学生融入这个话题讨论中,让学生有话可说。Step 2 Picture discussionAllow students 5 minutes to look at the six pictures and exchange the ideas with partners. After that, ask students to talk about the boxing and Chinese Kongfu.【设计说明】通过图片让学生说出他们所知道的相关的信息。乒乓球是我国的强项,跳水和体操都是富有美感的体育项目,比较中国功夫和外国拳击的力道。通过这一系列的活动,让学生更多的参与到“体育”中来。Step 3 DiscussionAsk students to express the idea to the questions: How often do you play sport? What sports do you usually play? Why do you think sport is so popular?【设计说明】通过学生的讨论来了解他们平时的运动项目和时间,以及他们所感兴趣的体育项目,才而可以知道他们怎么才能活动好,身体好,学习好。牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 Sporting events板块:Reading 2课堂设计指导思想: 本课时是语言点的操练,通过用我们身边的例子结合词汇的用法来给学生以不同形式的展现。同时在语言点讲解中坚持以复习学过的知识再结合新的讲解相结合,让学生能做到温故而知新。Teaching aims:4. Get students to know the usage of the introduced words.5. Get students to make up sentences with the newly learned words.6. Help students learn how to express one meaning in different forms.Teaching procedures: Step 1 DelightThe usage of the word delight.【设计说明】先介绍这词的用法,再给学生情景让学生根据所给的句型完成句子。Step 2 CompeteAsk students to translate the sentence given by the teacher.【设计说明】通过熟悉的人物来造句让学生有想表达的意愿。Step 3 SeparateCompare the usage of separate and divide.【设计说明】通过和divide来比较,能更好理解该词的含义用法。Step 4 HonourFill in blanks with the correct forms of the honour.【设计说明】简单的语境设置,检测学生对所学内容语义层面的掌握。Step 5 Side by sideIntroduce the similar phrases.【设计说明】 通过选词让学生完成填空练习能检查学生在具体语境中的语言运用能力。Step 6 LightShow students the picture of Beijing Olympic torch.【设计说明】 让学生根据所给图片表达意思。Step 7 RecognizeShow different meanings of the word, and then ask students to translate into Chinese.【设计说明】一词多义是比较难掌握的,让学生在不同的语境中猜测词义是阅读的一个重要的部分。Step 8 RecordIntroduce more phrases of the word.【设计说明】复习以前学过的record。Step 9 AbsenceShow them example of one of their classmates.【设计说明】通过他们熟悉的事例得出的句子能让人印象深刻。Step 10 AttemptUse different ways to express the same idea.【设计说明】 让学生熟悉多种表达能帮助他们提高作文应变能力。Step 11 HomeworkAsk Ss to write a short story containing all the words learned in this section. 【设计说明】通过家庭作业再次巩固所学内容。U2 重点词汇讲解1. delighted adj. pleased; showing delight高兴的,愉快的搭配be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事be delighted at/with 对很高兴be delighted that 很高兴1) Id be absolutely delighted to come. 我非常乐意过来。2) Im delighted at your success. 对你的成功我感到很高兴。3) She was delighted that you could stay with her. 你能留下来陪她,她很高兴。单词积累delight v.& n.使高兴;高兴,快乐delightful adj.令人愉快的delightfully adv.高兴地,快乐地拓展take delight in 以为乐delight in sth./doing sth. 以为乐;喜欢做某事with delight 高兴地to ones delight=to the delight of sb. 使某人感到高兴的是2. Significance n.重要性,重要意义be of great/little significancea matter/ speech of great/ little significance重大的/无关紧要的事/演讲1) I do not think this case is really of great significance.我认为这个案例没有太大的意义。拓展significant adj. 意味深长的a significant speech 意味深长的演说2) Davis was one of the most significant musicians of the last century.戴维斯是上世纪最为重要的音乐家之一。3. compete vi.比赛,竞争搭配compete in 在中比赛/竞争1) Will you compete in the race? 你参加赛跑了吗?compete for为而比赛/竞争2) The two teams will compete for the championship.这两个队将争夺冠军。Compete against/with与竞争/比赛3) He is going to compete against/ with his old rival.他将与老对手竞争。单词积累competitor n.竞争者competition n.竞争,比赛competitive adj.竞争性的,比赛性的4. honour n.尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣honourable adj. 光荣的,可敬的,高尚的in honour of 纪念,向表示敬意1) They held a party in honour of the model workers.他们举行了一场晚会来向劳模们表示敬意。2)He wrote a book in honour of his soldiers.他写了一本书来纪念他的士兵们。链接have the honour of doing sth. 很荣幸能够做某事do sb. honour/ do honour to sb. 向某人致敬it would be an honour 那将是一种荣幸In memory of 纪念In favor of 支持,赞成In search of 寻找In need of 需要In the hope of 怀着希望In praise of 歌颂In face of 面对5. excite vt. 使兴奋,使激动1) His speech excited us very much.他的演讲使我们非常兴奋。单词累积exciting adj. 令人兴奋的excited adj. 兴奋的excitedly adv. 兴奋地excitement n. 兴奋,激动辨析 excited 与 exciting(1) excited描述的对象常常指人,但有时也可以用来描述与人有关的事物,如:look(表情), expression等。1) She looked at him with an excited expression.她面带激动的表情望着他。(2) exciting意为“令人兴奋的”,常用来指物。1) This is an exciting film. 这是一部令人激动的影片。6. Lead the way 领先1) It is a country that has always led the way in its conservation policies.这个国家在自然资源保护政策方面一直走在前列。单词积累lead vt.领导,率领,带领,引导; n.领导,榜样,引导,带头,领先leader n.领袖;首领,指挥者leadership n.领导拓展lead to sth.导致;造成 (=cause)lead to (prep.)doing 导致做lead sb. to+引某人到under the leadership of 在的领导下7. hang on (在逆境中)坚持1) He hung on until the rope broke.他紧握着绳子, 直到绳子断了。2) Although we are beaten, we must hang on.尽管我们失败了, 我们还得坚持下去。拓展hang back畏缩不前, 迟疑hang round聚集在.附近; 徘徊, 闲荡hang up挂断电话8. attempt n.努力;尝试;企图;vt. ( 常与to do连用)尝试;企图1) An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.一名宇航员将试着离开停着的宇宙飞船然后再回到里面去。2) She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她试着做饭。拓展make an attempt at 打算;试图make an attempt to do 打算;试图make an attempt on 攻击,袭击make an attempt on sb.s life 谋害某人的性命attempted murder/robbery/suicide 谋杀/抢劫/自杀未遂e.g. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _.A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire(B)9. transport v.&n. 运输,运送;运输工具1) They transport goods by lorry. 他们用卡车运载货物。2) Londons public transport system is among the finest in the world.伦敦的公共交通是世界一流的。3) My car is being repaired, so Ive no transport to the concert.我的车正在修理,所以我没有去音乐会的代步工具。提示trans- 横穿,进入另一处或状态transatlantic adj. 横穿大西洋的transplant v. 移植;移栽10. association n. 协会,社团;关联;联想1) The association meets four times a year. 这个协会每年召开4次会议。2) He developed a close association with the university.他与那所大学建立了密切的联系。拓展in association with 与联合结交, 有关联associate v. 联合; 由联想到, 把联系起来be associated with与相关联11. power n. 力量;能量;影响力;权力 v. 为(装置)提供动力,供能1) The party had been in power for eight years.该党派执政八年。2)The car is powered by a fuel-injected 3.0-litre engine.这辆汽车靠3升的喷射燃料引擎供能。搭配Be in power当权beyond ones power 超出某人的能力exercise ones power行使权利abuse ones power滥用职权单词积累Powerful adj. 强大的,强有力的Powerless adj. 无能为力的;无影响力的;无权力的12. remove v. 移走; 去掉,去除; 脱(衣);免除,解除 1) He removed the picture and put it in the drawer.他把画取下来, 放到抽屉里。2) They removed him from his position.他们撤销了他的职务。搭配remove sb./sth. from sth. 从移开3) Remove the cloth from the table.把桌上的桌布拿走单词积累Removal n. 移动,搬走,去掉Remover n. 清除剂13. make way for给让路, 让位于1) Films have made way for TV.电影已经让位于电视。2) Please make way for the blind.请给盲人让路。链接make ones way to 前进;行进give way to 向妥协,屈服make room for 给腾处地方3) The car broke down, and I had to make my way on foot.汽车坏了,我不得不步行前进。4) Move along and make room for me.请挪一下给我腾点地方。e.g. Alltheautomobilesinthestreetmust_afireengine. A.makewaytoB.makewayfor C.maketheirwayforD.maketheirwayto(B)14. tie v. 系, 拴, 绑; 束缚, 限制; 打成平局n. 领带, 领结; 关系,联系;平局,相同的票数 1) Her hands were tied behind her back.她两手被绑在背后。2) I wont tie you too strictly.我不想太严格地约束你。3) We tied our opposing team.我们和对方(球)队打成平局。4) For work, you should wear a collar and tie.上班要穿正式服装。搭配tie to把系到上1) They tied Max to a chair. 他们把马克思绑到椅子上。tie up系紧,扎好2) Tie up your shoelaces before you trip over them.把鞋带系好,免得被绊倒。finish/ end/ result in a tie以平局结束3) The game finished in a tie. 比赛以平局结束。练习一、首字母填空完成句子1. Hes really d_ with his new CD player. 2. She r_ the dirty dishes from the table. 3. The research showed an a_ between diet and various diseases. 4. I do not think this case is really of great s_.5. A bus t_ us from the airport to the city. 6. He c_ with a number of other candidates. 7. The match ended in a t_. 8. I had the h_ of presenting the awards at the ceremony.9. The new government will come into p_ next month. 10. He made an a_ to take a medical degree.二、根据中文填空完成句子1. 你能不能把书挪一挪,好有放食物的地方?Could you move your books to _ _ _ the food? 2. 这座纪念碑是为纪念那位将军而建的。The monument was built _ _ _ the general.3. 总统有权否决议案The president has the _ to veto bills. 4. 她把绳子牢牢地系在一棵树上。She _ the rope securely_ a tree. 5. 孩子们被逗得高兴地大笑。The children were made to laugh _ _.6. 外国人总是把中国和长城联系在一起。Foreigners always _ China _ the Great Wall. 7. 她把桌上的脏盘子都端走了。She _ the dirty dishes _ the table. 8. 因为有小男孩带路,我们豪不费劲地找到了那个房子。With the boy _ _ _,we had no difficulty finding the house.9. 我将努力回答你的所有问题。I will _ _ answer all your questions.10.那两队要争当冠军。The two teams will _ _ the championship.三、选词语填空完成句子Lead the way., in honour of, come to public attention, compete in, make way forbe associated with, make contributions to, attempt to do sth., be of little significancebe delighted to1. The prisoners _ escape, but failed.2. Tomorrow we will hold a party _ my sisters birthday.3. How many runners will be _ the marathon?4. You _ and well follow.5. Einstein, who discovered the theory of relativity, _ great _ science.6. His social problems _ _ _ heavy drinking.7. She _ the first time she acted in a film.8. The proposals they put forward at the meeting _ _ _ _. 9. I _ _ _ see my old friends again.10.I do not think it is a good idea to give up the environment to _ economic development.四、用所给词语编写故事(起码要用上8个)excite, hang on, delight, compete, tie, significance, honor, attempt, lead the way Key :一、1. delighted 2. removed 3. association 4. significance 5. transported 6. competed 7. tie 8. honour 9. power 10. attempt二、1. make way for 2. in honour of 3. power 4.tied to 5. with delight6. associate with 7. removed from 8. leading the way 9. attempt to 10. compete for三、1. attempted to 2. in honor of 3. competing in 4. lead the way 5. made contributions to 6. were associated with 7. came to public attention 8. were of little significance 9. was delighted to 10. make way for四、Jane and I watched an exciting game-the Super Bowl yesterday. It was a great honor to be there, sitting side by side with the mayor of our city. So many people attempted to watch the game so that the ticket for the game was pretty expensive. Although the ticket cost me much money, I was delighted. I watched with delight. The two teams hung on to compete in the final match. After the fierce competition, the match ended in a tie.The Super Bowl is very different from the football we know. However, the more you know about it, the better you will like it.The Super Bowl is held every January in the USA. Many famous teams take part in the game and compete for the champion, which is of great significance to their career. Each year the Super Bowl is played in a different American city to ensure that the game is fair. This year, Houston, which is a city leading the way in basketball, hosted the game. To my delight, the Super Bowl is broadcast on TV all over the world every year, so I can enjoy it at home.牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 Sporting events板块:Word power课堂设计指导思想: 合成词是两个或者几个词拼起来的,有时可根据其组合猜测其中的意思,所以掌握合成词的构成对词汇量的扩大及阅读水平的提高有很大的帮助。在本课时里,通过介绍到练习来巩固对合成词的理解。Teaching aims: 7. Help students know what the compound word is.8. Help students guess the meaning of the compound words.9. Introduce some sports events of different categories to students Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-inShow students the picture of Liu Xiang, and then ask them to say anything they know about Liu xiang.【设计说明】对刘翔大家很熟悉,所以学生有很多可以谈论。Step 2 Structure of the compound wordAsk students to look at the formation of the compound word as well as introduce more examples of the compound words.【设计说明】通过图表向学生展示什么是合成词, 同时给学生更多的合成词例子。Step 3 Sporting eventsAsk students what they know about the sporting events in the Olympics.【设计说明】通过回顾奥运会的夺牌项目,帮助学生在体育赛事中找到合成词。Step 4 Match each sentence with the sport picturedLet students match sentences with sports.【设计说明】 图片帮助学生更好的理解其中的含义。Step 5 Put the Olympic events into the correct categoriesClassify the words of the sporting events in different categories. 【设计说明】通过词汇的分类内化学生分类记忆词汇的策略。牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 Sporting events板块:Grammar and usage课堂设计指导思想:通过对情态动词的各种基本功能的解释,帮助学生理解情态的作用,让他们能更好的去理解各种表达的含义,同时配以相对应的练习,来进一步对他们的所学进行检查。Teaching aims: 10. Get to know about the Modal verbs with different functions.11. Help students compare similar modal verbs.12. Learn to use modal verbs with exercises.Teaching procedures:Step 1 IntroductionIntroduce the basic functions of modal verbs.【设计说明】给学生展示情态动词的基本功能目的在于让他们有个明确的认识在什么情况下会用到情态动词。Step 2 Detailed explanationExplain the different functions in detail: ability, obligation, certainty, permission, make requests, make suggestions, make offers and give advice.【设计说明】通过细致多角度多方法的介绍帮助学生掌握重点难点。Step 3 Different tenseAsk students the form or the meaning of the words in red.【设计说明】通过句子的理解得之情态动词和不同的时态相联系来表达。Step 4 Other pairsLet students recall the expressions they use and then check.【设计说明】 情态动词之间的比较能更加加深对他们的理解。Step 5 ConsolidationSelect several multiple choices to check whether they grasp the rules well or not.【设计说明】 通过练习来帮助学生找到学习中的难点和弱点。Step 6 HomeworkAsk Ss to finish the related homework in the work book.【设计说明】通过家庭作业再次巩固所学内容。情态动词A. 特征特征情态动词有一定词义,但不完全,不能单独作谓语,须和不带to的动词不定式(ought等除外)一起构成合成谓语;情态动词没有人称和数的变化;情态动词表示可能,能力,允诺,命令,愿望,敢于等情态。B. 基本形式原形过去式cancouldmaymightmustmust (or: had to)ought toought towillwouldshallshouldneedneededdaredaredC. 情态动词和否定词not连用时的简略形式情态动词not简略形式例句can notcantHe cant ski.他不会滑雪。could notcouldntI couldnt speak English fluently then.那时候我不能流利地讲英语。must notmustntYou mustnt think only of yourselves.你们不能只想自己。should notshouldntWe shouldnt be so careless.我们不应当这样粗心大意。ought tooughtntThere oughtnt to be much noise in a library.图书馆里不该喧闹。will notwontI wont do so.我不愿这样做。would notwouldntHe wouldnt go to bed before he finished his homework.他在完成作业以前不愿睡觉。shall notshantYou shant leave your post.你不得离开岗位。need notneedntYou neednt go there alone.你不必单独去那里。dare notdarentShe darent swim in a river.她不敢在江河游泳。D. 情态动词的用法can /could 的用法:用法例句表示能力1. My daughter can speak three languages quite well: Chinese France and English. 我女儿能流利地讲三种语言:中文、法文和英文。2. Because he was tired, he couldnt swim across the river.因为累了,他不能游过河。表示表示可能性1. If we dont have a guide, we can lose our way in the forest假如没有向导,我们有可能在森林里迷路。2. We have just bought 50kg of rice. We cant be in short of food. 我们刚买了50公斤大米,我们不可能缺粮。表示请求,命令,惊讶等1. Can you lend me your bike? 你能将自行车借给我吗?2. You can bring the calculator tomorrow. 明天你们要带计算器来。3. How can he be so rude? 他怎能这样无礼?Could用于疑问句中表示请求,语气比较委婉,但肯定回答时要用can,而不用could.1. -Could you lend me your book? 把你的书借给我好吗?-Certainly, I can. 当然可以。2. Could you let me have your pass? 看看你的通行证好吗?说明can 和be able to都可以表示能力,但它们的过去式在意义上有点差别,could偏重于表示某人过去有某种能力,但并不明确表示某人干了某事,而was/were able to 则表示过去某人有能力干某事,实际上干了某事。另外,be able to 有更多的时态形式。如:1. I was able to (managed to) finish my homework in an hour.我终于在1小时内做完家庭作业了。2. Chuck has been able to realize that friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take. 查克能够明白这样的道理:友谊就是感情,我们既要得到关爱,又须给与别人同样多的关爱。may/might的用法:用法例句表示允许和请求当might代替may时,在语气上更委婉1. You may use my camera. 你可以用我的摄像机。2. May /Might I come in? 我可以进来吗?表示可能性1. She may not be free today. 今天她可能没有空。2. He might come to see you this evening. 今晚他可能来看你。用在由so that或in order that引导目的状语从句中1. She saved her money in order that she might buy a watch.为了买块手表,她节省钱。2. I am saving my money so that I may go to Australia next winter.我正在攒钱,以便明年冬天到澳大利亚去。表示祝愿1. May you have a good time.2. May you succeed.表示让步Try as he may, he cannot find her.表示建议(和as well连用)1. We may as well stay where we are.2. You may as well consult a dictionary.must 的用法:用法例句表示必须,必要,mustnt (must not) 表示禁止,不准1. You must come to school early enough for the morning class. 你必须早晨到校上早读课。2. You mustnt talk to your father like that. 你不能那样对你父亲讲话。表示主语的肯定推测, “一定”“准是”,比may肯定得多1. The lady cant be only 30. She must be 50. 那位女士不可只有30岁。她肯定50岁了。2. The old man must be our history teacher. 那位老夫子肯定是我们的历史老师。后面加动词不定式的完成式表示对过去事物的推测Mike speaks Chinese very well. He must have studied Chinese before. 迈克的汉语很棒,他以前肯定学过汉语的后面加动词不定式的进行式表示对现在进行事物的推测She must be waiting for us.她一定在等着我们。表示推测的否定和疑问结构不能用must须用can1. The door is locked; she cannot be at home.门锁了,她一定不在家。2. Can the news be true?这消息可能是真的吗?说明must 和have to 都可以表示必须,但must 着重说话人的主观看法,而have to强调客观需要。 另外,have to 有多种时态形式。如:1. We must learn at least a foreign language well. 我们必须学好至少一门外语。2. Mother was ill, so I had to look after her at home. 母亲病了,我得在家照顾她。will/would的用法:用法例句用干各种人称,表示意愿、意志或决心1. I will do anything my country asks me to do.我决心做祖国需要我做的任何事。2. Xiao Hong said that she would help me with my maths. 小红说她愿意帮助我学习数学。用于第二人称的疑问句,表示征求对方的意见或向对方的请求。Would 比will更委婉客气些1. Will you give this note to Tom as soon as he comes back? 汤姆一回来,你把便条给他,好吗?2. Would you mind explaining it again?请你能再解释一遍好吗?will表示现在的某种倾向或习惯。 Would 表示过去习惯发生的动作1. Fish will die without water. 没有水鱼就会死。2. They will have a party every Saturday evening.他们总会在周六晚上举行晚会。3. He would go for a walk every evening when he stayed at the hotel. 当他位住在旅馆的那段时间,他有每天傍晚散步的习惯。Would like“愿意,要”1. I would like to hear your opinions.我愿意听听你的意见。2. Would you like to have a chat with me?你愿不愿意和我一起聊天?Would rather “宁愿,较喜欢”1. I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.我宁可呆在家里也不愿意去看电影。2. He would rather have tea.他喜欢茶。3. I would rather not go to the concert.我宁愿不去参加音乐会。说明would 和used to 都表示过去的习惯,但used to 表示这种习惯现在已停止,used to 后面可用状态动词或动作动词,而would后只能用动作动词。1. I used to smoke heavily, but I dont any more. 我过去烟瘾很重,但现在不抽了。2. He would go to see

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