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第1讲Unit One Reading One课程名称大学英语授课日期授课班级监理3121授课地点GB302教学目的与要求Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;Read for functions of college and how to live with college roommates;Learn words and phrases related to college study and life教学设计(方法、教具、手段、内容)Step1 preparation (10 minutes) Step 2 New words learning (10 minutes) Step 3 Learning the passage: (50 minutes) Step 4 Class practice (20 minutes)Step5 assignments and conclusion(10 minutes)重点难点及解决方法Part. How to make students understand the reading text betterPart. Language study课外作业Page 11 Vocabulary and Structure参考资料1. The teaching reference book2. The dictionary课后总结任课教师 李娜 2012 年 9 月 15 日 教研室主任 年 月 日Unit One CollegeReading one: why collegeNew Words and Text: Teaching materials analysis: The Unit aims to have a variety of teaching activities about reading passage, Teaching material plays an leading role in the whole class. All the activities such as: reading new words, explaining the passage, Class practice and interact between the students and teacher depends on the passage. The lesson is an intensive classes, and it adopts the structure of previous lesson to further deepen the understanding and using ability. Objectives: Students will be able to:l Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;l Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;l Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.l Reading ActivitiesSentence Study the following language points:1 .The more you learn, the more you earn.你越早出发就会越早回来。The earlier you start, the sooner you will be back. The more they talked, the more encouraged they felt.他们谈得越多,就越受鼓舞。Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels.事实上,他越忙就越感到幸福。The more you learn, the more you earn. “learn”与“earn”押韵,读起来上口。学得越多,赚得越多。2 But college education is not only preparation for a career, it is also (or should be) preparation for life. 3 Not only Mr. Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago. (连接两个主语)I not only play tennis but also practice shooting. (连接两个谓语动词)He plays not only the piano but also the violin. (连接两个宾语)They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory. (连接两个地点状语)But college education is not only preparation for a career, it is also (or should be) preparation for life. He was not only a successful writer but the greatest poet of his time. 他不仅是一位成功的作家,而且是他那个时代最伟大的诗人。But college education is not only preparation for a career, it is also (or should be) preparation for life. Not only was I tired, I was also cold. (省去了but)我又累又冷。Not only has she been an excellent wife, she has been a better husband than Ill never be. 她不仅是一个极其出色的妻子,而且是一个我永远也做不到的好丈夫。(省去了but also)But college education is not only preparation for a career, it is also (or should be) preparation for life. Not only the mother but the children are also sick. 不仅母亲,孩子们也都病了。But college education is not only preparation for a career, it is also (or should be) preparation for life 请做下面的选择题: Not only _ a promise, but he also kept it. A. had he made B. he had made C. did he make D. he makes 【答案】C。 【解释】not only but also 连接两个分句,并且 not only 位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。Focus and difficult points: But college education is not only preparation for a career, it is also (or should be) preparation for life. 这个句子起承上启下的作用,是第二段第一句话,前半句总结第一段内容college education is preparation for a career后半句概括第二段内容college education is preparation for life。 但是大学教育不仅仅是为了职业做准备;它还应该是为人生做准备。Today, it is quite common for adults of all ages to come back to college for personal growth. Even now, it is quite common for three or four generations to live under one roof in China 即使在现在,三四代人住在一个屋檐下在中国也相当普遍。 In America, it is quite common for several friends to pay respectively for what they have had in a restaurant. 在美国,几个朋友在饭店吃饭各自付账相当普遍。Today, it is quite common for adults of all ages to come back to college for personal growth. 学生们在准备考试时感到紧张不安是十分普遍的。 It is quite common for students to become nervous when they need to prepare for their exams.Focus: Learn to use the fixed phrases, language points ,basic grammar structure and the main idea of the passage.Difficult points: The understanding and the use of the comparatively hard sentences in the reading passage and the main idea of the passage.The basis for establishment of the focus and difficult points: According to requirements of the curriculum standards, and the role of the lesson in the curriculum.The general design for whole lesson: Step1 preparation (10 minutes) Step 2 New words learning (10 minutes). Step 3 Learning the passage: (50 minutes) Step 4 Class practice (20 minutes)Step5 assignments and conclusion(10 minutes)In order to consolidate classroom learning, to give students extracurricular assignments: Complete writing and some practice. This lesson aims to give quality education, and combine materials focus, difficult points and features of English. Apply the task teaching. Reading will allow students to be trained in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere the saying goes, reach an initial goal of English communicative ability. 第2讲Unit One Exercises grammar and writing课程名称大学英语授课日期授课班级监理3121授课地点GB302教学目的与要求1. Do the exercises after the passage one. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;2. Learn the grammar, such as the word building, five main skills in translationapplication. Conduct a series of reading and writing activities related to the theme of the unit教学设计(方法、教具、手段、内容)Step 1Select the best choice according to the text. (50 minutes) Step 2 Vocabulary and structure (25minutes)Sept3.Word buildingStep 4TranslationStep5 Assignments and Conclusion (10minutes)重点难点及解决方法Difficult points: the understanding and the use of the comparatively hard words in the vocabulary and structure.The basis for establishment of the focus and difficult points: According to requirements of the curriculum standards, and the role of the lesson in the curriculum.课外作业Page 12 参考资料1. The teaching reference book2. The dictionary课后总结任课教师 李娜 2012年 9 月 15 日 教研室主任 年 月 日 Unit One CollegeExercises and grammar Objectives: Students will be able to:1. Do the exercises after the passage one. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;2. Learn the grammar, such as the word building, five main skills in translationapplication. Conduct a series of reading and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Teaching materials analysis: wage earners 工薪族those without high school degrees那些没有高中学历的人advanced academic degrees高学位skilled blue-collar workers熟练的蓝领阶层/工人business executives公司管理人员courses in their major field of study他们的专业课程elective courses选修课adults of all ages各个年龄段的成年人personal growth个人的发展receiving college education接受大学教育the rising number of Americans越来越多的美国人a bachelors degree学士学位college graduates硕士研究生a masters degree硕士学位a doctors degree (PhD)博士学位1. Grammar Practice.Form a clear concept of nouns: definitions, functions and the specific usage under some circumstances.Grammar Practice2.Grammar exercises concerning nouns3.Grammar summary of the unit4.Focus and difficult points: Focus:1.Comprehension of the text.2.Select the best choice according to the text. 3.Vocabulary and structure 4.Word building5.Translation Difficult points: the understanding and the use of the comparatively hard words in the vocabulary and structure.The basis for establishment of the focus and difficult points: According to requirements of the curriculum standards, and the role of the lesson in the curriculum.The general design Step 1) Select the best choice according to the text. (50 minutes) Step 2 Vocabulary and structure (25minutes)According to the demands of our teaching material, learn some key words and do some exercises after learning. the exercises based on our key books,.Sept3.Word building In this part ,we will tell students sth. about suffix and prefix. Word building plays an important role in English vocabulary. There are many English words coming from word building. so it is necessary for us to master the word building methods.Step 4TranslationStep5 Assignments and Conclusion (10minutes)In order to consolidate classroom learning, to give students extracurricular assignments : Complete writing and some practice. This lesson aims to give quality education, and combine materials focus, difficult points and features of English. Apply the task teaching. Listening, speaking, Reading and writing will allow students to be trained in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere the saying goes, reach an initial goal of English communicative ability. 第3讲高等学校英语应用能力考试B级辅导课程名称大学英语授课日期授课班级监理3121授课地点GB302教学目的与要求To improve their testing ability教学设计(方法、教具、手段、内容)Step1 preparation (10 minutes) Step 2 Tasks applications (50 minutes)Step 3 Grammar-use Training (20 minutes) Step 4 Class practice (15 minutes)Step5 assignments and conclusion (5 minutes)重点难点及解决方法Part. Exercises课外作业B级辅导Test One参考资料1. The teaching reference book2. The dictionary课后总结任课教师 李娜 2012年9 月 15 日 教研室主任 年 月 日Unit One College Guidance foe B Level:Teaching materials analysis: 1, status and role of the material: Modal Test Exercises:Grammar exercises concerning nounsGrammar summary of the unitChoose the appropriate one to complete each sentence.1. The audience _ told _ should not applaud until all the speech had been given.2. A. wasthey B. wereit C. wasit D. isit3. . Statistics _ a difficult course for people to understand.4. A. areB. isC. wasD. were3. Statistics _ that approximately 40 percent of all marriage in the United States end in divorce.A. show B. shows C. has shown D. are shownCorrect errors, if any, in the following sentences:1.There are many poultry in the yard.2. Its a useful equipment and I intend to have it repaired.3,The sunrise over the mountain is a charming scenery.4.He said he cannot work well in such a surrounding.5.The city has a very good transportation.6.Television is a very powerful media.7.Have you invited the Browns?8.I sent my sympathies to the relatives of the dead.9.Please tell us about your experiences in Africa.Focus: Learn the new grammar structure.Difficult points: the use of the comparatively hard sentences with new g in the listening and speaking.The basis establishment of the focus and difficult points: According to requirements of the curriculum standards, and the role of the lesson in the curriculum.The general design Step1 preparation (10 minutes) Step 2 Tasks applications (50 minutes)Step 3 Grammar-use Training (20 minutes) Step 4 Class practice (15 minutes)Step5 assignments and conclusion (5 minutes)In order to consolidate classroom learning, to give students extracurricular assignments: Complete writing and some practice. This lesson aims to give quality education, and combine materials focus, difficult points and features of English. Apply the task teaching. Listening, speaking, Reading and writing will allow students to be trained in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere the saying goes, reach an initial goal of English communicative ability. 第 4讲 Unit One Listening and speaking 课程名称大学英语授课日期授课班级监理3121授课地点GB302教学目的与要求Training the ability of listening and speaking 教学设计(方法、教具、手段、内容)Step1 preparation (15 minutes) Step 2 Tasks applications (10 minutes)Step 3 Listening Training (50 minutes)Step 4 Task applications (5 minutes)Step 5 Oral Training (18 minutes) Step6 assignments (2 minutes)重点难点及解决方法Part. How to improve the students listening ability课外作业Do some speaking &oral practices 参考资料1. The teaching reference book2. The dictionary3. Internet课后总结任课教师 李娜 2012 年 9 月15日 教研室主任 年 月 日Unit one:College Listening and Speaking:Teaching materials analysis: 1, status and role of the material: Listening and Speaking ActivitiesIdentify names, numbers and places and practice speaking skills for asking questions.Listening and Speaking Activities Vocabulary & Listening Tasks Speaking TasksAsk QuestionsDiscuss about college and college lifeVocabulary & Listening TasksSpeaking Task 1: Speaking Task 2: Talking about college and college life.Step 1: Share with the classmates your knowledge and expectation of college and college life. The following topics might help to remind you of your past.Speaking Task 2: Talking about college and college life. Step 2: Some people say that “the better college you attend, and the better major you take, the better future life you will have”. Do you believe it? Work in pairs and discuss the connection between ones college experience and future life.Focus and difficult points: Focus: Learn to use Have you ever done . . to help students understand how to go shopping correctly.Difficult points: the understanding and the use of the comparatively hard sentences in the listening and speaking.The basis for establishment of the focus and difficult points: According to requirements of the curriculum standards, and the role of the lesson in the curriculum.The general design Step1 preparation (15 minutes) a) Personal reporting. Freely choose the learned or unlearned structures for speaking practice. Create English atmosphere, active classroom atmosphere, and mobilize their enthusiasm. Meanwhile, promote the development of text preparation for the new task.b) Use cards to learn the key vocabulary and phrases in this unit. Use visual teaching, deepen the impression that memory for words, and prepare the activities of the courses to prepare. Step 2 Tasks applications (10 minutes)Through the application of form to study other past participles of verbs, further strengthening of the target language applications. Step 3 Listening Training (50 minutes) 1.Ask students to read the text for two minutes, and identify guessed words. Then read and find the answer, enhance interests. 2.Underline interesting or not interesting points in the article, and further understand the text. 3.Answer questions, and deepen the understanding of the article. Step 4 Task applications (5 minutes)According to texts, draw exercises to have dialogue practice, help students learn how to use communication, train speaking capacity. Step 5 Oral Training (18 minutes) Step6 assignments (2 minutes)Conclusion:In order to consolidate classroom learning, to give students extracurricular assignments: speaking practice. This lesson aims to give quality education, and combine materials focus, difficult points and features of English. Apply the task teaching. Listening, speaking, which will allow students to be trained in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere the saying goes, reach an initial goal of English communicative ability.


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