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小学英语资源与评价二年级上(Book 3)参考答案Module 1Unit11 1 3 5 6 78 9 4 10 22.3. Cc Ii Uu Bb4. 1 - 2 - 35. A M V JUnit21. 4- 2- 1- 3 2. b k r f 3. 1) C 2) B 3) D 4) A4. song 歌 toy玩具 favourite喜爱的 bike自行车5. 2- 3 -4 -16. I like pens. I like bags. I like pandas.7. 略Module 2Unit 11. C A 234 like likes likes likes5. B A B B6. 3-1-2 Sam likes the shirt6-5-4 Heres a shirt for you.Unit2 1. 2. these these this this3. dress 裙子 shoe 鞋子 clothes 衣服 party 聚会4. A B B A5. She doesnt like the dress.He doesnt like the T-shirt.She likes the trousers.6 略Module 3Unit 11. new English Maths Music 2. have please new we play 3We have English in the morning.Do we have Maths in the afternoon?This girl is new.这个女孩是新来的。我们早上有英语课。我们今天下午有数学课吗?4. afternoon English5. A B AUnit 21. 2 3 4 12. Maths Art English Chinese4. 1) C 2) E 3) B 4) A 5) D5. 略6略Module 4Unit 13. 2) film 3)time 4)run 5)train4. 勾图1 勾图1 勾图2 勾图25. Whats the time ? it is6. Whats Its YesUnit21. 勾图2 勾图12. F T F3. 1) un 2) i er 3) o 4) ea 5) i4. (3) (6) (1) (2)(5) (8) (7) (4)5. 连 图2 连 图4 连 图1 连 图36. Whats the time, Mum?Is it 9 oclock?Im very hungry.Dinner time is 6 oclock.Module 5Unit 11. (1) (2) (3) (4)2B -at 8 oclock C-at 12 oclock D.at 4 oclock E -at 5 oclock F.-at 9 oclock3(1) go to school (2) have lunch (3)go to bed (4)play football (5)go home4. 连 图3 连 图4 连 图1 连 图35.(1) A (2) A (3) B (4) B (5) A6.(2) I go to school at 8 oclock. (3) I play football at 4 oclock . (4) I go to bed at 9 oclock Unit 21. 2 5 3 4 12. (1)B (2)A (3)A 3 .b f j c g k h i l d4. breakfast 早餐 late 晚的,迟的 half 半 go to school去上学5(1)选 图1 (2)选 图2 (3)选 图1 (4)选 图2 6 F F F T期中自我检测试卷1. 听一听,勾一勾。 图3 图3 图1 图32. 听一听,排一排。 2- 6- 1- 3- 5- 4- 7- 9- 83. 听音圈单词。 C A C B A4.读一读,连一连trouserplay football9 oclockdressbike5.读一读,圈一圈。likes song your swimming in6.读一读,写一写。toy song shirt small clothes7.判断句子,画笑脸或哭脸。 A B A B A B A B8. 阅读短文,选正确答案。B A C E D听力原文1. 听一听,勾一勾。I like this new dress. whats the time ?Its 11 oclock.We have English in the morning. I play football in the afternoon.2. 听一听,排一排。 I get up at 7 oclock in the morning. I have lunch at 12 school. We have science in the morning. We have Art in the afternoon. I like this black car.I go to bed at 9 oclock.This is Amys new dress. I like this new cap. We play football at school.3. 听音圈单词。I like the ABC songs. Heres a T-shirt for you. I like jigsaws. We have Science in the morning. I have dinner at 6 oclock in the afternoon.Module 6Unit 11. Sam: a b Amy: b c d Lingling: c d2. 1) A 2) A 3) B3. go swimming read books have a good weekend watch TV play football4. s: plays sings likes -es: watches goes does5. )B )D )C ) go to schoolwatch TVgo to the parkread booksUnit 2 DRUMLOP QABICEGHJSRKFLUTEVWOYEAEAZXND 3. 4. 1) Listen to CDs2) read books3) plays the drums4) play the flute5. 1) Yes, he does.2) No, he doesnt.3) Yes, she does. 4) No, she doesnt.6. dg range fx dllonkey ilk ose oodles略聚沙成塔snow + ball = snowball 雪球 school + bag = schoolbag 书包 Module 7Unit 11. 2. 1)B 2) A 3) B3. c d b a4. 1) watch 2) park 3)want 4) too 5) us)选 )选 )选 )选 6. What do you do at he weekend? I play football , too. Where do you play football? I play football at the park.Unit 21. 1)A 2)B 3)A2. basketball go Where big3你认识这些图片吗?和首字母连一连。 Pp Qq Rr 4. 1) likes 2) likes 3)likes 4)likes) ) )略聚沙成塔毛泽东 Mao Zedong / Zedong Mao雷锋 Lie Feng / Feng LieModule 8Unit 1 How do you go to school?基础过关1. 听课本第一模块录音,判断正误。T F F T2. 听课本第一模块录音,选择正确的图片。B B B A3. 请找出与其他词不同的单词并把字母填在括号内。C A C B4读一读,圈一圈。B A A5. 把句子和相应的图连起来。BAC E D6.圈一圈下面的单词。bike bus ship car train plane BikeaaeytfOwtbuslmqfPakhjdgbhdLxvbdshipsAdawryuoedNxzcarvdesEeepgtrainAeinegekld能力提升7. 读一读,画一画。略Unit 2 I go by train.基础过关1. 听课本第32页录音,选一选。B A C D2. 读一读,勾一勾。 A A BA3. 读一读,涂一涂。(略)4. 连词成句。How do you go to school?We go to Hainan on holiday.I walk to school.能力提升5. 改变或去掉一个字母,使它变成另一个你认识的单词。 what that brain-train shop-ship plant-plane Module 9Unit 1 Its winter.基础过关1听课本第32页录音,判断.正“”误“”。2. 听课本第34页录音,连一连。图1spring 图2summer图3autumn 图4-winter3. 读一读,圈一圈。 A A B A4. 读一读,选一选。5. 请找出类别与众不同的单词。 B,A,B,B6. 幸运大转盘,将字母代号填在中间的对应圆圈内。A B E G C D H FUnit 2 Its warm.基础过关1. 听课本第36页录音,选一选。I like spring. Its warm . I like summer. Its hot . I like autumn. Its cool . I like winter. Its cold . 2.听课本第37页录音,写一写。V is for vase. W is for way. Look at the X in an X-ray.3. 读一读,勾一勾。A.C.A.B4. 排列下列句子,把序号写在横线上.We wear jackets. We dont wear gloves.It is spring Its cold in winter.能力提升5. 读一读,勾一勾。Springcoat Summerglasses T-shirtAutumnsweater Wintergloves coatModule 10Unit 1 I like football.基础过关1. 听一听,选一选,填一填。 for are like hair have2. 看一看,连一连。图1present 图2sweet图3TV 图4-dinner3看一看,圈一圈。 ChinesesshEPresentChristmasEngland Chinesepresentdumplinghairsrcnswreksivdghairssbdolokoctwsefakocmqxenfnoeaarttlodrsdumpling4找出错误地方,圈出来并改正。at for on at has is firecracker-firecrackers能力提升5. 从右栏中找出左栏中问题的答语,将序号填入题前括号内DCBA6. They are dumplings . No , they arent. We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.Unit 2 We have Christmas.基础过关1. 听课本第40页录音,排序。21432. 听课本第41页录音,连一连。Yy图2 Zz图13. 看一看,选一选。A A A A B4. 判断句子与所配的图是否相符,在表格中打。Yes No No Yes No5. 你能把这些音符连成一句话吗?快来试试吧。We have Christmas trees.We have a big dinner.We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.能力提升6. 阅读对话,判断给出的句子是否正确。F F F TReview Module1. 读一读,选一选。A B C D2. 读一读,勾一勾。Maths 4 oclock go to school pig3. 给图片排序 4-3-1-5- 9-7-8-6-24. 看一看,连一连。 B A D C5. 看一看,填一填。A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-R-S6. 根据图片写单词EnglishMathsChineseScienceArtPE7.读一读,选一选。A B C A B期末自我检测试卷1.听一听,勾一勾。A A B A A2.听一听,画一画。A. 9:00. B. 3:00. C. 6:30. D. 12:00.3.听音选词。 A A B A D 4.读一读,连一连。C B A E D G F5. 读一读,选一选。C D B A6. 选字母,组成正确单词。p w er th i s7. 连词组句。What time do you go to bed?Sam doesnt like this coat.I listen to CDs at the weekend.We wear coats and gloves in winter.How do you go to school?We dont have English in the morning.8. 阅读短文,选正确答案。B A C B A听力原文1.听一听,勾一勾。My father goes to work by car. We wear sweaters in autumn.Christmas is in winter. C is for cat.We have sweets at Chinese New Year.2.听一听,画一画。A. Whats the time ?Its 9:00. B. Whats the time ? Its 3:00.C. Whats the time ?Its 6:30. D. Whats the time ?Its 12:00.3.听音选词。I like this blue dress. Thank you,dad.We have Maths in the morning. We have lunch at 11:00.We wear jackets in spring.


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