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Chapter7 Nobody Wins (Part II)Reading 一、 章节分析(Reading section )(一)综述本单元的阅读部分是前面一个单元的故事的后半部分。讲的是Captain King如何巧妙地击伤怪物Gork,成功地逃离山洞,回到了地球。在对第一部分了解的基础上,学生们对于故事的发展和结局充满着期待,所以,教师应充分利用学生的兴趣,充分发挥他们的想象,在情节的不断推进和阅读的不断深入中教授。本课的任务有两个:1 学生通过对课文的学习,掌握一些核心词汇。2 通过学习课文,了解故事的情节如何展开,如何阅读,为speaking和writing部分做准备。(二)阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标掌握阅读方法,进一步提高阅读的能力。3 情感目标鼓励学生充分发挥想象能力,激起学生探询宇宙奥秘的兴趣。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点1 词汇学习1) 核心词汇 aim, attack, attract, escape, interrupt, damage, trick, search, hold, whisper, feel,freedom, safety, figure, fear, painting, row, rubber, speed, opening,free, silly, weak, immediately, eventually, silently, exactly, maybe, nearby, towards,someone, somebody, something, anybody, no one, nobody 2)拓展词汇 crew, laser, torch, beam, panic, snore, roar, light-producing, , prisoner, notice-board, stool 3)词组和短语lie down, fall asleep, escape from, moments later, be out of., wake up, aim.at.go out, have a bad dream, by this time, at a time, feel ones back, make sure, done for,get inside., climb into., get free, get back to., happen to sb., no longer, at once,weigh less, weigh more2句型学习The simple past tense to develop a story.教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading 1进行宇宙知识的小竞赛,引入一些知识背景的介绍,同时激发学生们对外部空间探求的兴趣。2先通过复习或学生小品表演出故事的上半部,然后Brainstorm让学生说出船长和船员们面临那些困难,将如何解决,鼓励学生大胆提出自己的设想。二十一世纪英文报网站及英文报牛津英语教学参考While-reading 这是本课的重点部分。1 快速阅读课文,抓住主要线索。(Skim)2 听课文录音,通过讨论与再次阅读全文,围绕着“胜利逃亡”领略故事的发展。(Read for information)3精读达到掌握细节。(Read for details)4讨论,与同学分享见解。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1 链接2 PPTPost-reading 1分成两大组,根据课文内容,设计问题和回答。一类是Yes-or-No questions,一类是Wh-questions。2给出关键词,让学生复述课文。3 指导学生完成课文后的P94-95Ex C、Ex D、Ex E。4 推荐学生阅读补充材料:链接3 链接4链接1说明:Reading 1的教案提供Teaching content: Chapter 7 Oxford English 8ATeaching Aim: 1. Reading skills: Skim, read for information, read for details and read for guessing meanings.2. Discuss with classmates and share the information3. Listen for the information4. Go through the reading “Nobody wins(II)” Language Focus:1. The simple past tense to develop a story2. Asking “wh-” questions to find out the specific informationLanguage Skills Listening: Listen for specific information Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements, commands and respond appropriately Speaking Maintain an interaction by replying Use appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to convey intended meanings and feelingsReading Skim a text to obtain a general impression and ideas Identify the plot of the story Using visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an known word and a complete expressionWriting Gather and share information and ideas by discussionTeaching method: task-based methodTeaching Aids: Multi-mediaTeaching procedures:Step 1. Pre-chapter activities1. Games about the information of space. Use the symbols of the planets of the solar system to have a quiz about the knowledge of space. Have a contest to be an astronaut with the quiz about the space information.2. Review the first part of the reading “Nobody wins”. Review the plots of “Nobody wins (I )” Discuss the trouble Captain King and his crew are facing. Discuss the way to escape. Step 2. Reading section1. Skim the reading material to obtain its main idea 2. Read for information: Listen to the passage and work out the plots of “Nobody wins (II )” Work in pairs to work out the way they find to solve the trouble they are facing. Read the passage again and try to list Captain Kings escaping plan.3. Read for details: Practice 1: What do these pronouns refer to? Practice 2: What is wrong with these sentences? Practice 3: What is wrong with the picture?4. Class discussion: What do you think of Captain King? Give your reason. Homework1. The exercise on page 94-952. Prepare five questions based on the passage “Nobody wins ( II)”3. Prepare to retell the passage with the help of the plots given感谢新华初级中学夏丽勤老师提供的Reading1的教案和多媒体课件!链接2说明:Reading 1的PPT处理链接3说明:拓展阅读材料Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words:(本材料选自九年级英语统编教材)Flying SaucersIn 1947, an American (1) p_ said that when he was flying in the sky he had seen nine strange things. They looked like saucers. Then newspapers (2) r_ his story. After that, all over the world, more people said they had seen these (3) s_ things. But people could not decide on what the things were or (4) w_ they came from. They (5) c_ them UFOs.In 1973, two (5) f_ said that when they were fishing by a river they had seen a UFO. It looked like an egg. They were three (6) f_ like men in it. They had no eyes and their mouths were long and narrow. Their noses and ears were straight.(7) P_ some people made a mistake. But pilots and astronauts do not make mistakes of this kind. Captain Ed Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, said in 1974 that he had seen these flying saucers. He said these things were (8) v_ the earth from other worlds in space.There are many stories (9) a_ UFOs. (10) N_ knows whether they are true or not.链接4说明:本课核心词汇、拓展词汇、重点词组、句式列表1. After his supper of kangaroo soup, Cork lay down on his bed and almost immediately fell asleep.晚餐吃过袋鼠汤后,格克躺在床上,几乎立刻就睡着了。supper与dinner意思相同,前者为美式英语,而后者是英式英语。lie down是“躺下”的意思。Lie这个词是个多义词。它可以解释为“躺,卧”,此时是个不规则动词,过去式为lay,过去分词为lain;还可以解释为“说谎”,此时是个规则动词,过去式和过去分词均为lied。它的现在分词形式为lying。此外,它还可以作名词,意为“谎话”,“谎言”。如:She lay down on the beach and went to sleep.她躺在长凳是,睡着了。(作不规则动词)She lied that she had a date in the afternoon.她谎称她下午有个约会。(作规则动词)I have had enough of your lies.我听够你的谎话了。(作名词)副词immediately意为“立即;马上”,与at once、right now、right away和without delay意思相近。此外,immediately还可以作连接词用,表示“一 就”的意思,与as soon as的意思和用法一致。如:I told him immediately he came.他一来我就告诉他了。这句话同样可以改写为I told him as soon as he came.它的形容词形式是immediate(直接的,紧接的,立即的)。fall asleep是“入睡,睡着”的意思。形容词asleep是“睡着的;熟睡的”的意思。又如:Is the baby still asleep? 这个婴儿还在睡觉吗?它的反义词是awake(醒着的)。Asleep与sleepy的词形相近,使用时应避免混肴。有两个形容词性的派生词asleep与sleepy。前者表示“睡着的”、“熟睡的”,而后者表示“困乏的,想睡觉的”。两者意思上区别很大,不可混肴。go to bed,go to sleep与fall asleep的意思颇为相近,区别简述如下:go to bed表示“去睡觉”。go to sleep与fall asleep同义,都表示“入睡”、“睡着”。2. Because it was in a plastic case, the magnet could not attract it.因为它被装在塑料盒子里,所以磁铁没能将它吸走。 动词attract是“吸引”的意思。如:Last nights concert was able to attract a big crowd.昨晚的音乐吸引很多人。Attract a .吸引人的;引人入胜的。如:She wear very attractive clothes.她穿着非常漂亮的衣服。attraction n.吸引力;吸引人的事物。如:Purple Mount is one of the attractions in Nanjing.紫金山是南京的名胜之一。3 Were too weak to open the door.我们的力气太小,是打不开门的。形容词wear是“虚弱的”,“不牢固的”的意思。如:She was weak after her illness.她病后很虚弱。Weak的反义词是strong (强壮的,强大的)。tooto是“太以至于不能”的意思。如:The boy was too weak to carry that suitcase.那个小男孩太弱了,扛不动那只箱子。4Moments later, we were all out of the cage.片刻之后,我们都从笼子里出来了。 Moments later是after her illness.即 “过了一会儿,片刻之后”的意思。 It looked pretty fine at first. But moments later, it started to rain. 起初,天色看起来非常好,但没过多久就开始下雨了。5I aimed the torch at his eye and pressed the button. The laser beam hit the eye. The eye went out.我将激光电筒对准他的眼睛。激光束射中了他的眼睛,他的眼睛就这样瞎了。 Aimat是“将对准”的意思。如:aim a pistol at sb. 把手枪瞄准某人。go out是“熄灭”,“瞎掉”,“失明”的意思。如:Her eyes went out because of an accident.他的双眼因为一起事故而失明。The wind blew and the candle went out.风吹起来了,蜡烛熄灭了。6By this time ,I had joined my crew among the kangaroos. 这时,我已经和我的队员们一样躲在袋鼠中间了。 本例是过去完成时的句子。By this time是“到这时为止”的意思,“by+过去某一点的时间”可以表示“到为止”的意思,常常用于过去完成时中。过去完成时表现的是在过去的某个时刻之前已经完成的事物或行为。在上句中,this time指的是“到格克的朋友门认为他是在做恶梦的时候”。从句子中看,他们完成组织工作是在这个事件之前,由于这个事件已经是在过去,而组织工作的完成是发生在“过去的过去”,因而要使用过去完成时。过去完成时的基本结构是“助动词had+动词的过去分词”。又如:By the end of last year, the boy had already learned 3,000 English words.到去年为止,这个男孩已经学会了3000个英语单词。7Youre finished, all of you.你完蛋了,你们统统完蛋了。 本例中的finished是过去分词作形容词用,意为“完蛋了”,“完结了”的意思。与下文中的done for意思相近8As they hopped through the narrow opening, one at a time, he felt their backs with his hands to make sure we were not on them .当他们(袋鼠们)一次一只从狭窄的门缝跳出去的时候,他就会用手抚摸他们的背脊,确定我们不在上面。 Opening 为名词,意为“口,孔,缝,洞”。是由动词open 派生而来。 One at a time 在这里表示“一次一只”的意思。这种类似的表达方式还有: The boy ran upstairs ,three steps at a time .这个男孩一路跑上楼去,一步三级。 Make sure 是“确定”,“确信”的意思,后面常常加从句,如: you must make sure that the lecturer will come on time . 你必须确定那位演说家会准时到达。 Sure 和 certain 的意思中都含“确信的”的意思。 Sure 强调“主观上确信无疑”,如: Im sure you dont mean it.我相信你是无意的。 Certain 指“有充分根据或理由而相信的”,如: this letter made me certain of his innocence .这封信使我相信他是无辜的。9. Were done for.我们死定了。 Dong for 与前文中的 finished (完蛋了) 意思相近,又如: Those fish will be done for if we dont feed them today. 如果我们今天还不喂那些鱼的话,他们就将全部死光。10. “dont panic, Peters,” I said , “we cant get out on the kangaroos but we can get out them”“不要害怕,彼得斯,”我知道,“我们不能骑在袋鼠身上出去,但可以躲在袋鼠身体了里出去啊” panic是动词,意为“害怕”、“惊恐” ,近义词为fear(害怕,畏惧)。如 The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.枪炮声使群众惊慌失措。11.a few moments later, he hopped though the door to freedom.不一会儿,他就跳出大门获得了自由。freedom是名词,意为自由。 如The prisoner wished to be free again. 这个囚犯希望重新获得自由。12“Thats how we all got free,” said Captain King, “and back to our ship and, eventually, back to the safety of the earth.” “我们就这样逃了出来,”金船长说,“接着回到飞船上,最后安全地返回地球。”eventually与at last, finally意思相近,即“最后”,“终于”。如:Eventually, they got to the destination with all clothes wet.终于,他们浑身湿透的到了目的地。13Maybe hes still in his cave-looking for Nobody. 可能他还在山洞里继续找着他的“无人”吧。 副词maybe与perhaps和possibly意思相近,即“大概,或许”又如:Its clouding up. Maybe itll rain this afternoon.天阴了,今天下午也许有雨。14Everyone laughed except a figure in the captains garden. 所有人都笑了,除了船长家花园里的一个人影。 figure是个多义词,在本文中意为“人影,人形”在Chapter4中,我们也学习过figure,它还可以用来表示“数字”。


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