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美联英语提供:美联英语:高考英语重点词语分解2小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-011.ask / inquire / questionask:问(ask sb sth或ask sth of sb);请求(ask sb to do sth);要,索取(ask for sth)。例如:例60:May I ask you some questions?例61:Why did he ask you to come again?例62:Did he ask for anything?inquire:问,询问。它与ask同义,但是比较正式的用语;与into连用时,表示“查究,调查”的意思。例如:例63:I have inquired of him whether he could help me. (我已经问过他能否帮我。)例64:We must inquire into the matter. (look into,我们必须调查此事。)question:提问,质问,审问,怀疑。例如:例65:At first the girls read a chapter from their books, and then the teacher began to question them.例66:I question whether he was once questioned by the police.(我怀疑他是否曾被警方审问过。)12.be about to do sth / be to do sthbe about to do:即将,正要做不加任何时间短语。例如:例67:We were about to start when suddenly it began to rain.be to do:计划,约定;应该。例如:例68:We are to start tomorrow.例69:What is to be done next?(下一步做什么?)13.be careful of / be careful withbe careful of:小心,当心,留神,注意。例如:例70:The public were warned to be careful of rats. (公众被警告要当心老鼠。)be careful with:细心,注意。指细心地处理或对付某人或某事。例如:例71:Youd better be careful with your work / pronunciation. (你得注意你的工作/发音。)14.be familiar with / be familiar tobe familiar with:对熟悉。例如:例72:Most of us are familiar with the pop star.例73:John was very familiar with this kind of situation.be familiar to:对来说是熟悉的;为所熟知。例如:例74:The pop star is familiar to most of us.例75:This kind of situation was all too familiar to John. (=very familiar)15.be known for / be known as / be known tobe known for:因而出名。例如:例76:Our town is known for its stones.be known as:作为而出名。例如:例77:The town is known as a stone town.be known to:被知晓,了解。例如:例78:The hot spring city is known to every one of them.16.be made of ( from / out of ) / be made into / be made up / be made up ofbe made of:由制成。用于由产品可以看出原材料。例如:例79:The desk is made of wood.be made from:由制成。用于由产品看不出原材料。例如:例80:Paper is made from wood.be made out of:由制成。例如:例81:The desk / Paper is made out of wood.be made into:制成例如:例82:Wood can be made into desks / paper.be made up:由编成。例如:例83:Dont believe him; the whole story was made up. (别信他的,整个过程都是捏造的。)be made up of (=consist of):由组成。例如:例84:This desk is made up of / consists of twelve pieces of wood.17.be tired of / be tired from / be tired outbe / get tired of:对厌倦。例如:例85:I am really tired of your words! (你的话我听腻了!)be tired from:因疲倦。例如:例86:I was so tired from climbing the hill that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. (我爬山太累了,所以头一碰枕头/一躺下就睡着了。)be tired out:筋疲力尽。相当于be worn out。例如:例87:We were tired out when we climbed over the high mountain.18.believe / believe in / depend onbelieve:相信(指信某人的言语);认为(相当于be sure)。例如:例88:Dont believe him; hes lying. (别听他的,他在说谎。)例89:I believe theyll succeed in the end.believe in:信任(指胜任某人);信仰(指信仰真理、主张、宗教等)。例如:例90:Dont believe in him; hes always lying. (不可信任他,他老说谎。)例91:I believe what she said, but I dont believe in her. (我相信她所说的,但我不信任她。)例92:We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.(我们得工作,最重要的是我们得信任自己。)例93:Most of them believe in God.depend on:信任(相当于believe in或trust);依靠(相当于live on);取决于。例如:例94:He is a man to depend on / believe in / trust. (他是个可信任的人。)例95:Do you still depend on / live on your parents? (你还靠父母吗?)例96:Everything depends on the weather tomorrow. (一切取决于明天的天气。)19.borrow / lendborrow:借,借用。指借入,不带双宾语。结构:borrow sth from sb。例如:例97:Can I borrow your pen?例98:He borrows money from me frequently.lend:把借给。指借出,可带双宾。结构:lend sb sth =lend sth to sb。例如:例99:Could you lend me your pen?例100:Will you lend your bike to me?20.bring / take / fetch / get / carrybring:带来。例如:例101:Bring the book here tomorrow.take:拿走。例如:例102:Dont take the magazines out of the reading-room.fetch:去拿来。例如:例103:Go downstairs and fetch me some water.get:去拿来。与fetch同义,但较口语化。例如:例104:She got him a good doctor. (她为他请来了一位好医生。)carry:携带。指随身携带,如捧、抱、扛、运等。例如:例105:He carried a bag of rice on his shoulder.例106:He often carries a pocket dictionary when he goes out.(他出门时经常带着一本袖珍词典。)美联英语:www.meten.com小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0

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