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高一英语单选题1. It is widely accepted that parents should raise their children more by _than by anything else.A. exampleB. natureC. contrastD. force2. As levels and abilities _ greatly from student to student,a teacher should adopt different teaching methods to cater to the needs of different students.A. range B. vary C. change D. switch3. In addition to his traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations _would bring about positive emotionsAwhichBwhereCwhyDas4. Recently a debate about _is real beauty has been raisedPeople are pushed to think some questions like _ is better, artificial beauty or natural oneAwhat; whichBwho; whichCwhatever; whoDwhere; which5. Many activities in the shop, _ many different types of interest, are planned _ its out-of-date goodsAadjusting to; to deposit Bcatering to; to promote Capplying to; to take to Dappealing to; to claim6. My new boss offers me a higher salary, _ I can get a considerable bonus (extra payment) at the end of the year.A. on top of that B. on top of it C. and on top of whichD. on top of which7. - How do you find Peter? - He _ be really tough at times even though hes a nice person in general.A. shall B. shouldC. canD. must8. In societies where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls _ of their mothers. A. that B. thoseC. oneD. the ones9. The silence of the library is sometimes broken by a sudden cough or the sound of pages_. A. turning B. turnedC. being turnedD. having turned10. Managers in excellent companies have a strong _ for doing things rather than talking about situations. A. opinion B. feeling C. idea D. preference11. His failure in the exam was expected. _, it was still very disappointing.A. NeverthelessB. FurthermoreC. BesidesD. Therefore12. I think you could complain, _, of course, you are happy with the way things are.A. which B. that C. unless D. where 13. The folks were delighted at the message of their relatives _ that mine explosion.A. survivedB. to surviveC. were survivingD. surviving14. I would have come earlier, but I _ that you were waiting for me. A. didnt know B. hadnt known C. would have known D. havent known 15. With your brothers help, Ive made great progress in English and I really want to do something for him _. A. in turn B. by turns C. in return D. in answer16. Duncan, _ NBA star, is one of _ few football players who are very popular to many of his Chinese fans. A. an; the B. an; a C. a; the D. the; a17. The man as well as his horse _ is crossing the river _ from Tokyo. A. which, come B. that, comes C. who, came D. who, come18. The voyages of travelers before the 17th century show that they were not _ the sea even though they didnt have modern navigational aids. A. at the expense of B. at the risk of C. in the way of D. at the mercy of 19. All of us have the desire to visit the three main temples in Athens, especially _ contains a gold and ivory statue of Athena.A. the one thatB. one thatC. the oneD. one20. - David easily gets angry at the slightest things. - So _. Its none of your business. A. new brooms sweep cleanB. keep your breath to cool your porridgeC. never offer to teach fish to swimD. no pains, no gains完形填空It was one of the happiest times of my life. I was 29 and had just received my _21_s degree,graduating with _22_ despite working two jobs and being a wife and mother. My parents and five-year-old son were among the_23_when I walked onto the stage at Ashland University to get my diploma. I was so excited and proud to be starting a teaching career and _24_ more to my familys happiness.But when I got home that evening,there was a note from my husband,_25_,“I have come to get my clothes and wont be back.” Wed been having trouble,_26_that note still came as a shock. He had _27_ our bank account. We were horribly in debt. I had quitted my previous jobs in _28_ of finding a teaching position. _29_,I was eight months pregnant.Most young women have an _30_ picture of the happy-go-lucky life theyre going to live. But no one ever sits you down and says thats not _31_ and sometimes life is just extremely ugly. It all caved in for me that night. I was embarrassed,_32_,and angry and felt I had failed.But I had my son,and I was about to _33_ a new life into the world. So _34_ my deep sadness,I had to go on. The next morning, I woke up, put my feet on the floor, took a deep breath, prepared breakfast, and basically did _35_ I always did. I used my _36_ to keep me moving. After being in the military for six years, I guess you can say I fell back on my training, like all good soldiers do in _37_ situations.And in the seven years since,Ive continued moving forward. I got a job as a kindergarten teacher,earned a masters degree in education,and watched my babies grow to 12 and _38_. I certainly have never _39_ to put them through this, but in review,Im glad it happened to me when it did. It helped me grow independent,confident,and strong things Im now hopefully implanting in (灌输) my children. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball,hands you a lemon,or knocks you for a loop (gives you a shock)But knowing how to _40_ failure can be the first step to success. This is my latest belief and strategy on how to win in the end.21. A. doctors B. mastersC. bachelors D. postgraduate22. A. achievements B. anxietiesC. troublesD. honors23. A. professors B. studentsC. audienceD. neighbours24. A. attributing B. contributingC. submitting D. distributing25. A. saying B. meaningC. expressing D. writing26. A. but B. andC. whenD. so27. A. opened B. erasedC. emptiedD. stolen28. A. honor B. termsC. search D. expectation29. A. Therefore B. NeverthelessC. BesidesD. Even30. A. exciting B. intelligentC. impressive D. ideal31. A. possibility B. factC. reality D. practice32. A. excited B. disturbedC. interestedD. scared33. A. take B. bringC. giveD. get34. A. regardless of B. except forC. in spite ofD. instead of35. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything36. A. mind B. storyC. routine D. rule37. A. rough B. toughC. presentD. dangerous38. A. seven B. eightC. nineD. ten39. A. stopped B. chosen C. turnedD. waited40. A. correspond with B. come with C. put up withD. deal with AYears ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers said, “Barbara, be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience. ” How right they were!“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is the paste that helps you hang on there when the going gets tough. It is the inner voice that whispers. “I can do it!” when others shout, “No, you cant!” It took years and years for the early work of Barbara Mc Clintock, a geneticist(遗传学家) who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medicine, to be generally accepted. Yet she didnt let up on her experiments. Work was such a deep pleasure for her that she never thought of stopping.We are all born with wide-eyed, enthusiastic wonder and it is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such youthful air, whatever then age. At 90, cellist(大提琴家) Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach. As the music flowed through his fingers, his bent shoulders would straighten and joy would reappear in his eyes. As author and poet Samuel once wrote, “Years make the skin old, but to give up enthusiasm makes the soul old.”Enthusiastic people also love what they do, regardless of money, title or power. Patricia Mcllrath, retired director of the Missouri Repertory Theater in Kansas City, was once asked where she got her enthusiasm. She replied, “My father, a lawyer, long ago told me, I never made a penny until I stopped working for money.”If we cannot do what we love as a fulltime career, we can do it as a hobby. Elizabeth Layton of Wellsville, Kan, was 68 before she began to draw. This activity ended her sadness that had troubled her for at least 30 years, and the quality of her work led one critic to say, “I am persuaded to call Layton a genius.”We cant afford to waste tears on “might-have-beens”. We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be”. We need to live each moment whole-heartedly, with all our sensesfinding pleasure in the sweet of a backyard garden, the simple picture of a six-year-old, and the beauty of a rainbow.41. The passage mainly shows us _. A. enthusiasm is the basic element of everythingB. enthusiasm helps us to succeed to a greater degreeC. enthusiasm makes us experience more lifeD. we can do nothing without enthusiasm42. From the example of the Nobel Prize winner Barbara Mc Clitock, we may find _. A. enthusiasm can encourage us in difficult timesB. enthusiastic people always get a deep pleasure from workC. you cant make any achievement if you have no enthusiasmD. enthusiastic people are sure to gain great fame in the end43. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 suggests _. A. time and tide wait for no man B. we grow old as time goes onC. people feel young with enthusiasm D. our soul becomes old with enthusiasm44. The main idea of the last paragraph is _. A. we should try heart and soul to win what we wantB. enthusiasm can give us pleasure, though we have to sweatC. we have not enough money to buy what we needD. enthusiasm with sweat is what we need BGreen Jobs,Careers and EmploymentEnergy MattersAs one of Australias leading solar energy companies,Energy Matters is trying to carry out Australias energy revolution. Were harnessing this sunburnt lands greatest natural resource to help realize our dream of making solar a reality for all Australians.We have employment prospects available in all sections of our operations from time to time. If you are enthusiastic about renewable energy in Australia,and wish to get available employment and career opportunities within our company,please apply by sending your CV and a cover letter to us at careersenergymatters.com.au. We offer a friendly working atmosphere and generous packages!Current employment and contract work available:Product Development ManagerSouth MelbourneKey ResponsibilitiesDeliver new product design projects within agreed time frames;Identify Company requirements and translate the outcomes into appropriate solutions;Oversee technical product development,evaluation and testing;Manage all aspects of quality control;andPrepare and present monthly project progress reports for senior management.Required qualificationsDiploma within mechanical/product engineering or related fields;At least six years experience in technical product development role;Outstanding analytical and problem solving skills;Experience in solar/renewable energy highly desirable;Excellent communication,presentation and interpersonal skills;andHigh degree of flexibility and adaptability.National Sales ManagerSouth MelbourneKey ResponsibilitiesTake advantage of retail sales opportunities via a mass of channels;Develop group and individual budgets,and regularly report on actual performance;Manage the relationship with an outsourced sales centre to a service level agreement;andMotivate,manage,train and develop a national sales team.Required qualificationsAt least eight years related sales/marketing experience;Relevant qualifications in technical/business areas or a related discipline;Good communication,presentation and interpersonal skills;Excellent numeracy,analytical and problem solving skills;High degree of flexibility and adaptability;andHigh computer literacy especially in Microsoft Office and ERP systems.45. This advertisement is intended for those who _.A. are enthusiastic about ecofriendly products B. support the development of renewable energyC. seek jobs in the field of renewable energy D. intend to purchase solar energy equipment46. The underlined word “harnessing” in the first paragraph probably means _.A. grasping an opportunity ofB. insisting on removingC. making good use of D. attempting to produce47. Both of the manager positions require the following EXCEPT _.A. high ability to be flexible and adaptable B. practical skills in solving problemsC. excellent computer skills D. years of relevant experience48. According to the advertisement,which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Quality control is one of the responsibilities of the product development manager.B.The national sales manager should oversee the product development and evaluation.C. Energy Matters is the largest renewable energy company in Australia.D. Applicants can get generous packages if they email their CV to Energy MattersABAAB DCACD ACDAC ABDABCDCBA ACDCD CDBCB CBABDBACA 45-48 CCCA


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