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1.some 肯定句 already肯定句 and肯定句 too肯定/疑问句 any 否定/疑问句 yet否定/疑问句 or否定/疑问句 either否定句1.good well 都有“好”之意 good是形容词 well 是副词2. many much 都是“大量的”many+可数名词复数much+不可数名词3. too many too much much too 大量的 没有many too词组 too many+可数名词复数 too much+不可数名词 much too+形容词、副词4.each every 都有“每一个的”意思 each 可以和of连用 every指三者以上的每一个,不能和of连用 both指两者都 all大于等于三者 eithe指两者中的任意一个neither指两者中的一个也没有 none指三者中的一个也没有5.otheranotherothersthe other 与 elseother +名词复数 another+名词单数 others=other+名词复数 泛指the other 特指 常用于one.the other的句型中 else=other+物6. find 找的结果 see看的结果 hear听的结果 Look for 找的动作 look at看的动作listen to听的动作7.and-with 和 的意思 and能做并列主语 with不能做并列主语8.hopewish 希望 hope不能加人在加to do,而wish可以.hope to do=wish to do hope +that从句 =wish+that从句9.because-because of 因为 because+句子 because of+短语10arriveget to reach 到达 arrive 不及物,到达某地要加介词in/at in+大地方 at+小地方 11.interesting moving amazing surprising amazing(修饰物)interested moved amazed surprised amazed (修饰人)eg:We are moved at the moving film.12.pay spend cost take 这四个词都有花费的意思 Sb pay some money for sth.(人做主语,结构是pay.for)Sb spent some money on sth 或 sb spend some money (in) doing sth(人做主语,结构为spend on/spend in dong) Sth cost sb some money.(物做主语)It takes sb some time/money to do sth(形式主语it)Eg:我花了五元钱买这本书.( 注意时态用过去时)I paid five yuan for the book. The book cost me five yuan.I spent fiveyuan on the book=I spent five yuan (in) buying the book.It took me five yuan to buy the book 13.cross .across. crossing. through .over(常区别across.through与over)across 指在物体的表面穿过 through指在物体的空间穿过over指崇山峻岭上穿过cross是动词 across是介词 crossing是名词14.in front of (没有范围) in the front of (有一定的范围限制) 在前面 Eg:He sat in the front of the bus. The bus 形成一定的范围He sat in front of me.(无范围)15.leave 与forget (忘记) leave+物+地点 forget+物不能加地点 16.beautiful handsome (漂亮的)beautiful指女性 handsome指男性17.in hospital in the hostipal (在医院) 这类词有很多,加the不加the不一样In hospital 指生病住院 in the hospital指在医院工作或去探视18.at table (在吃饭=having meals) at the table 在座子旁边仅指位置19.bring.take.carry.fetch 都有“携带”的意思20bring指带来 take指带走 fetch指去取回来 carry指搬运重物21say-speak-tell-talk说,讲Say指说的内容 speak+语言 talk指谈话 tell讲故事或真理22Stop to do stop doing 停止做某事 (类似的词也很多)Stop to do 指停止一件事情去做另一件事情 stop doing指停止正在做的事情23.put onwearindressPut on 指穿的动作 wear指穿的状态 in是介词in+颜色 dress+人 24.ago-before 从前 ago是过去时的标志 before是完成时的标志25.fewlittlea fewa littleFew 表示否定+可数名词复数 a few表示肯定+可数名词复数Little表示否定+不可数名词复数 a little表示肯定+不可数名词复数26.wholeall 整个的 whole用在the之后 all用在the之前27 illsick 有病的 都可以做表语,但ill不能做定语 sick可以28.win-beat 赢,获胜 win+比赛项目 beat+人29.tooto so thatnot enough 太以至于.30.borrow-lend 借 borrow指借入,常用于borrow sth from sb lend指借出 lend sth to sb31.aloneloely 单独的alone单独并不孤独 lonely单独还有情感上的孤独32.such-so 如此 Such+名词 so+形容词/副词 so+形+a/an+名= such+a/an+形+名so+many/much/few/little+形+名such+形+不可数名词/可数名词复数 33.except-beside 除了,除之外except 指在整体中除去一部分 beside指除之外还有34.true-real 真实的 true指正确与错误 real指真假35.forget to do与forget doing remember todo与remember doing Forget to do事情没有做就忘了 forget doing指做完了忘了36. used to do-be used to dobe used to doingbe used forused to +动原 指过去常常做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事be used to+动原是被动形式=be used for doing sth 被用于做某事37.look up- look atlook outlook afterlook aslook38.put upput awayput onput off39.be made ofbe made from-be made inbe made bybe made into-be made up ofbe made of有.构成 能看出原材料来(衣服类的全部用be made of)be made from有.构成 看不出原材料be made into被制成.be made in+地点be made by+人be made up of有.组成40.in the way-on the way- by theway in the way挡道,妨碍on the way在的路上 by theway顺便问一下41.hundred-thousandmillionbillion 有具体数字时不加s不加of 无具体数字时加s加ofEg:八百个学生eight hundred students好几百学生 hundreds of students42.five years old-five-year-old 五岁 43.be good forbe good atbe good for对有益 be good at 擅长=do well in44.some timesome timessometimesometimessome tome指一段时间 some times指许多次 once twice的累加sometime指将来某时 sometimes指有时=at times45.fartherfurther olderelder farther指距离上的远近 further指程度上的 older 纯指年龄上大小 elder含指长幼辈份关系46.sound, voice ,noise.sound指自然界各种各样的声音 voice指人的嗓音 noise指噪音47.a number of,the number of a number of许多 谓语动词用复数 the number of.的总数,谓语动词用单数48.none no one nothing none(强调有多少) 与all是反义词用how many提问 nothing 与 no one强调没有 nothing指物what提问 no one指人用who提问49.fast quick fast指速度快,形副同形 quick指时间上快 副词是quickly50.join join in take part injoin sb join in+党派,团体 take part in+大型的活动,运动51.living alive live lively52put on put off put away put down 53. look at look after look up look as

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