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仁爱版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次质量调研试题C卷一、 单项填空 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Jim is_ honest boy in my class. He bought me_ useful book as a birthday present. A . a, anB . an, aC . a, aD . an, an2. (2分)选出不属于同一类的词( ) A . noodlesB . milkC . beer3. (2分)Its difficult for us _ the future. A . predictingB . to predictC . predictD . Predicted4. (2分) I heard a car accident happened last night. Was anyone hurt (受伤的)? Two men got hurt. Finally, the police sent them to the hospital.A . At firstB . At the frontC . At last5. (2分)Peter, you are so interested in the space travel. Why dont you buy a model spaceship?Id like to, Ben. But I _ all my money on my books.A . spendB . have spentC . am spendingD . was spending6. (2分)Her opinion is different from , but I really agree with . A . his; herB . hers; hersC . his; hersD . him; hers7. (2分)The well is _ with a _. A . cover; coverB . covered; coverC . covers; coveredD . covers; covers8. (2分) May I speak to Jackie? Sorry, he isnt in. He _ a meeting.A . haveB . hadC . is havingD . to have9. (2分)We are_ at his_ success. A . surprised; surprisingB . surprising; surprisedC . surprising; surprisingD . surprised; surprised10. (2分)- Im going to the post office.-_ youre there , can you get me some stamps?A . AsB . WhileC . BecauseD . lf11. (2分)Id like to stay longer, Im too busy. A . andB . butC . orD . until12. (2分)This kind of car has _ seats and sells _. You cant find a second one. A . the more comfortable; wellB . the most comfortable; betterC . the most comfortable; the bestD . more comfortable; better13. (2分)Could you tell me_?Perhaps on March 8.A . when will MH370 be lostB . where MH370 was lost.C . when MH370 was lost.D . where was MH370 lost.14. (2分)English by many people around the world today.A . is spokenB . was spokenC . speakD . spoke15. (2分)Mrs. Wang doesnt mind her son soccer with his friends on weekends A . to playB . to playingC . playingD . play16. (2分)I will never forget the song _ she sang last night.A . whoB . whatC . whenD . that17. (2分)Shall I take a taxi?No, we_. Its not far from here.A . shouldntB . mustntC . neednt18. (2分)Could you tell me_?Size M.A . what time it isB . what color it isC . what shape it isD . what size it is19. (2分)This question is very ,She can answer it A . easy;easyB . easy; easilyC . easily;easilyD . easily;easy20. (2分) Does Mr Hill have a bad cold? _. He cant go to school until next week.A . I think soB . I think itC . I think notD . I dont think so二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)21. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I first moved to Melbourne, my new city seemed so big and unfriendly. One day, I decided to go to Royal Melbourne Hospital for a 1check. On the way to the hospital, I was so 2that I might have got a serious illness.Not having a car, I had to get to the hospital 3bus. However, I got on a bus by mistake that was going in the opposite 4. Finding that, I 5the bus quickly, stood on the street and didnt know what to do. I looked into the eyes of a woman who was 6past me. Surprisingly, instead of moving on, she stopped to ask if I 7get help. What a kind woman! I started to 8my situation to her, and tears started running down my face. The woman pointed to a bus stop across the street and told me that a bus would be there 9and it would take me to hospital. I wanted to thank her, but 10left.A car stopped near me 11I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. It was the woman. She returned and offered to drive me to the hospital.Such unexpected kindness from a 12was a lovely gift for me. As I got out of the car at the hospital, I felt so grateful. There was a 13on her face. That was the most beautiful smile I have ever 14. She said some nice words and told me to think positively , for all the things are 15. There is always someone who is willing to help others.(1)A . local B . harmful C . simple D . medical (2)A . tired B . happy C . worried D . excited (3)A . by B . on C . in D . for (4)A . direction B . sign C . price D . situation (5)A . got away B . got off C . got up D . got back (6)A . walking B . speaking C . looking D . working (7)A . need B . must C . should D . will (8)A . compare B . explain C . talk D . wonder (9)A . already B . once C . soon D . yet (10)A . he B . they C . we D . she (11)A . so B . while C . but D . however (12)A . neighbor B . driver C . stranger D . doctor (13)A . tear B . pain C . joke D . smile (14)A . seen B . heard C . tasted D . taken (15)A . comfortable B . possible C . thankful D . pleasant 22. (10分)通读全文, 根据短文内容理解, 选择最佳答案填空。Three small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to 1each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and are 2enough to swim deeper and further.One morning. the three fish were 3to a shallow (浅) water by a big wave (浪). A small boat was taken there, too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was right in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were 4and said they had to find a way to leave there as quickly as possible. The second largest fish 5with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much 6for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around 7. At last, the largest fish returned to the 8by jumping over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in 9his elder brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didnt follow them and still swam joyfully.Two hours later, when the 10rose up, the water in the small shallow corner dried up. The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺乏) of water.(1)A . listen to B . look after C . talk with (2)A . brave B . hated C . refused (3)A . allowed B . taken C . invited (4)A . in safety B . in doubt C . in danger (5)A . agreed B . refused C . compared (6)A . time B . food C . water (7)A . happily B . sadly C . luckily (8)A . sea B . river C . lake (9)A . telling B . joining C . taking (10)A . storm B . stars C . sun 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共65分)23. (25分) An old farmer lived with his little grandson. Every day the farmer got up early to read books.One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I want to read books just like you, but I dont understand them. What are the advantages of reading?” The grandfather said, “Take this litter basket to the river and bring me back a basket of water.” the boy did, but all the water leaked out(漏出)before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “ Youll have to walk faster next time.”This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. The boy said, “ See, Grandpa, its useless(无用的)!”“You think it is useless?” the old man said. “ Look at the basket.”The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he found that the basket was different. It was cleaner, inside and out.“Thats what happens when you read books. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read them, you will be changed, inside and out.”(1)Who did the old farmer live with?(2)What did the old farmer do every morning?(3)Did the grandson know the advantages of reading at first?(4)What did the grandfather ask his grandson to do?(5)How was the basket after the grandson took water with it?24. (18分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 Do you know that in some parts of the world, people build temporary(暂时的)hotels made of snow and blocks(大块)of ice? These are known as ice hotels.Unlike usual hotels, all the rooms in the ice hotels are made of ice. In some ice hotels, even the glasses for drinks are made of ice blocks. So they only serve cold drinks. Also, hot food is not served in the ice hotels, but guests can eat hot food at places nearby.To keep warm, guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses(床垫)and reindeer skins(驯鹿皮).There are some places in the ice hotels that are heated, such as the bathrooms. This is because, even though it is not as cold in the ice hotels as it is outdoors(在户外), indoor temperatures are still very low.Perhaps the most interesting thing about the ice hotels is that they are rebuilt every year. They can be used only during the winter months. The ice hotels melt(融化)away when spring arrives. The ice blocks used to build these hotels are from nearby rivers. So, when the ice hotels melt away, they melt back into the rivers. (1)Which of the following about the ice hotels is true? A . They are just like usual hotels.B . The glasses are made of wood.C . They serve cold drinks.D . The rooms are made of bamboo.(2)You cant see _ in the ice hotels. A . hot foodB . reindeer skinsC . sleeping bagD . mattresses(3)According to the passage, ice hotels _. A . are found everywhereB . do business in summerC . are made of glassD . are made of snow and ice(4)Why are bathrooms heated in the ice hotels? A . Guests want to eat in them.B . Indoor temperature are very low.C . Guests ask the hotels to do that.D . It is as cold indoors as it is outdoors.(5)Which of the following about the ice hotels is true? A . They are just like usual hotels.B . The glasses are made of wood.C . They serve cold drinks.D . The rooms are made of bamboo.(6)You cant see _ in the ice hotels. A . hot foodB . reindeer skinsC . sleeping bagD . mattresses(7)What happens to the ice hotels in spring? A . They melt away.B . They are rebuilt.C . They are repaired.D . They need more ice.(8)Why are bathrooms heated in the ice hotels? A . Guests want to eat in them.B . Indoor temperature are very low.C . Guests ask the hotels to do that.D . It is as cold indoors as it is outdoors.(9)What happens to the ice hotels in spring? A . They melt away.B . They are rebuilt.C . They are repaired.D . They need more ice.25. (8分)阅读理解 Every year several thousand people die in the car accidents in Great Britain, and more than one hundred thousand people are hurt.There are rules to make roads safe, but people do not always obey(遵守) the rules. They are careless. If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be much safer. How can we make roads safer? Remember this rule. In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. Cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the road. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right.Before crossing the road, stop and look at both sides. Look right and left. Then, if you are sure that the road is clear, it is safe to cross the road. If you see small children or very old people, help them to cross the road. We must teach our children to cross the road safely. We must always be a good example. Small children must not play in the street.(1)If we want to make roads safer, . A . everybody must be careful and obey the traffic rulesB . traffic should keep to the rightC . we cant cross the roads too oftenD . roads must be clear(2)If you ride a bike in Great Britain, you must ride . A . on the right side of the roadB . on the left side of the roadC . in the middle of the roadD . behind the buses(3)Which is NOT right? A . Few people die in the traffic accidents in Great Britain.B . In our country traffic keeps to the right.C . Cars, trucks and buses kill many people in Great Britain.D . Streets are not safe places for play.(4)the road is clear means that . A . there is no car or bus runningB . the road is very cleanC . the road is not noisyD . you can see very clearly on the road26. (8分)阅读理解Walt Disney worldTimes Guide & New informationOpening Hours10:00 am7:30 pmEntertainment10 am11 am12 am1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm5 pm6 pm7 pmTurtle talk with crush10:406:30Father Christmas2:453:554:355:256:107:10The Monkey King12:101:302:153:204:00AttractionsBehind the Seeds Tour10:304:30Living with the land2:006:00RestaurantTube station12:003:105:006:10Fountain view ice cream11:006:50Character Greeting timesMulan10:0012:00Snow White12:502:10Winnie The Pooh2:504:10Alice in wonderland4:506:10(1)When is Disney World open? A . At 10:30 amB . At 7:30 am.C . At 10:00 amD . At 12:00 pm(2)What entertainment can you enjoy at 7:10 pm? A . Turtle Talk with CrushB . Father ChristmasC . The Monkey KingD . Behind the Seeds Tour(3)Which character is from China? A . Winnie the PoohB . AliceC . Snow WhiteD . Mulan(4)Where can you go if you are hungry? A . Tube StadiumB . Father ChristmasC . Behind the Seeds TourD . Living with the land27. (6分)阅读理解Better think twice before choosing a password for email, online bank or shopping. Simple passwords are easy to be stolen.A password is like a key to your home. If someone steals it, hell get chances to steal something else. We use passwords everywhere in our life. We are so used to passwords that we dont pay any attention to them until we lose or forget one.A study of 28,000 passwords recently stolen from a popular website showed that people often do the easy thing. It found that 16% took a first name as a password. Another 14% used the easiest keyboard combinations such as “12345678” or QWERTY. 5% of the stolen passwords were names of television shows or stars popular with young people. 3% of the passwords expressed feelings like “I dont care,” “Whatever,” “I love you,” or their opposite, “I hate you.”Robert Graham, who did the study, advises people to choose a password that is longer than eight characters with one capital letter and one symbol.Of course, safe passwords dont mean those hard to remember. Forgetting your password is sometimes a big headache for you. Maybe, the perfect password is easy for youand hard for others.(1)The underlined word “password” in Paragraph 1 means_A . 标志B . 护照C . 密码D . 口诀(2)About 40% passwords are easily stolen because the users are_A . busyB . lazyC . stupidD . careful(3)Which of the following passwords is considered the safest?A . ZXCVBB . password56.C . wy64#0Mv.D . I hate you.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。A: Hello! May I speak to Mary?B: Speaking.A: This is Lin Tao. 1B: I am watching a soap opera at home.A: 2B: In fact, I dont mind it.A: I dont like soap operas, either. So, do you want to go to a movie?B: 3I went to the beach last weekend. It made me feel tired.A: How was your weekend?B: 4The beaches were beautiful, the food was delicious, and the people there were friendly.A: Really?I want to go there. But my parents dont.B: Dont mind 5. Just do what you like to.A: OK, I will. Bye.B: Byebye.(1)A . Where are you? B . Are you watching TV? C . Are you at home? D . What are you doing now? (2)A . Do you like them? B . What do you think of? C . What do you think of them? D . What do you like it? (3)A . Yes, I do. B . Sorry, Im afraid not. C . Yes, Id like to. D . No, I dont want to. (4)A . Fantastic. B . Its tiring. C . It was terrible. D . Just so-so. (5)A . what do they think B . where your parents are C . what they think D . how do they like 五、 阅读填空 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)根据资料信息,完成PPT演示稿。 People who are scared of heights should try not to drive over a new bridge in Guizhou. The new bridge, called the Beipanjiang Bridge, is the highest one in the world. Located near Bijie in Guizhou Province, the bridge stands 565 meters above a deep river. It connects the mountainous provinces of Guizhou and Yunnan. Just how high is the new bridge? Think of a 200-storey(层) building.Guizhou Province is already home to seven of the ten highest bridges in China. The Beipanjiang Bridge has just overtaken (超过t ) the Sidu River Bridge in Hubei Province to become the worlds highest。The building of the Beipanjiang Bridge started in 2012 and it was opened to traffic (通车) on December 29 ,2016. It cost about 100 million yuan. The Beipanjiang Bridge is part of a highway(高速公路) connecting Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province and Ruili City in Yunnan Province. The bridge is 1, 341 4 meters long and it cuts the travel time from Liupanshui in Guizhou to Xuanwei in Yunnan from around five hours to just over an hour。China is no stranger to record-breaking bridges. The second- and third-highest bridges in the world are also locateed in the country. The Beipanjiang Bridge is five meters higher than the previous(先前的)record holder.Height of the Beipanjiang Bridge: _.The name of the highest bridge before: _.Time: the Beipanjiang Bridge come into use, _.How long: it takes people to travel from Liupanshui to Xuanwei now, _.Where: the worlds third-heighest bridge, _.六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。mean fresh win information comfortable(1)People in big cities live _ than those in poor villages. (2)You can get more _ on the Internet. (3)I dont like soap operas because I think they are _. (4)We Chinese hope _ the Nobel Prize again. (5)The food in this restaurant is _ of the three 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)假如你是Bob,请根据下面的提示给你的笔友Linda写一封信。1).早上6点半起床,然后刷牙,吃早饭。2).7点钟乘公交车去上学。3).学校离家有5公里远,要花10分钟才能到达学校。4).早上8点开始上课。5).放学后,我要去弹吉他,因为我想要加入音乐俱乐部。要求:语言通顺,意思连贯,不能遗漏要点,60词左右。Dear Linda,How are you? You want to know about my school day. Now let me tell you something about it.This is my day. Its interesting. How about yours? Please write to me soon.Yours,Bob第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)21-1、22-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共65分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、24-6、24-7、24-8、24-9、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、27-1、27-2、27-3、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28-1、五、 阅读填空 (共1题;共5分)29-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、3

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