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牛津英语 高一第一学期课件无精打采001 为你提供Chapter3. Places of interest Reading 一、 章节分析(Reading section )(一)综述本章节通过介绍了四个旅游景点,向学生展示了祖国的大好河山和悠久的文化历史,向学生提供了介绍某一个地点可展开的角度(如地理、历史、文化、景致的描述等),为培养学生的文物保护和环境保护意识提供了一个教育平台。本课的任务有两个:1 对课文进行整体阅读,培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,概括中心)等阅读能力,掌握描述用语。2 通过阅读培养民族自尊心和自豪感,激发对祖国的热爱,及保护文物和环境的意识。(二)阅读目标(Reading Target)教学目标1 知识目标了解文中介绍的景点的人文、地理;学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。阅读准备(收集相关资料)、略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息)、细读(分析篇章结构,概括中心)等是高中学生必须具备的阅读技能。3 情感目标激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱和对悠久文化历史的自豪感。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,达到教学效果。(四)阅读重点和难点(Language Focus and Difficult Points)1 词汇学习1) 核心词汇l arrangel chainl structurel constructionl preservel historicl monumentl magnificentl peakl viewl sceneryl landscape2) 拓展词汇l urgentl collectionl reflection3) 词组和短语l a group of 20 tourists l rise and fall l twist and turn l take shape l be fascinated by 2. 句型学习祈使句+ and will二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 pre-reading 这是课文的导入部分,建议教师在组织教学时应努力调动学生学习积极性,激发学生参与、学习的兴趣。根据课文主题,组织学生之间的交流。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1 。2 while-reading 通过扫读和针对每个部分的提问(事实性问题、推想性问题、延伸性问题等)使学生理解课文内容具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2。3 post-reading 通过读后活动,让学生熟练应用语言知识和结构,变输入为输出;通过列举出旅游时不文明的行为(划刻、乱扔垃圾等),引发学生的深层思考和保护文物及环境的意识。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接3。 链接1说明:课前热身活动,组织学生之间的交流、采访,对旅游给人的益处有一个全面的认识; 通过Reading A 的选择题,对中国目前的旅游现状有粗略的了解; Reading B (Scanning)的阅读练习能很快进入本单元的学习。Step One An interviewThe students can move around the classroom and interview several classmates and see who has been to the most places, and the person who has been to the most places will list all the places he has been to.Step Two A discussion. The advantages and disadvantages of travel (broaden ones experience, expand ones horizons, create jobs, stimulate economic; cause pollution, do manage to the relics, etc)Step Three Reading A P38 链接2说明:通过扫读获取有关信息;以问答的形式,帮助学生理解语句语段,提高学生的阅读理解能力和培养学生的阅读技巧。Step One. Scanning Reading B.Step Two. Reading Comprehension仔细阅读每个部分,提问与回答Great WallQuestions:Why do people describe the Great Wall as a dragon? (Because it rises and falls, twists and turns along the hill-tops of mountain chains.How long did it take to build the Great Wall? ( About 200 years)If you visit Beijing, will you pay a special visit to the Great Wall? (Yes, a famous section called Badaling is 85 kilometres north of Beijing.)Is it necessary to preserve the Great Wall? (Yes, it is a historic monument.)Are you proud of the Great Wall? What do you think of it? (It is said that it is the only man-made structure which can be seen from space. Although Yang Liwei, the first Chinese astronaut circling the earth said that he didnt see it, it should be considered as the sign of China, a proof of Chinese peoples hard work and wisdom.Shanghai MuseumDoes the structure of Shanghai Museum have any special meaning? (Yes, it has a square base and a circular top. And according to Chinese legend, that is the structure of the universe Chinese.)What is the Shanghai Museum famous for? (Its famous for its collections of ancient Chinese bronze, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy.)Look at Picture A, a picture of the Shanghai Museum taken at night, what do you think of the building? (Its magnificent.)The Peak in Hong KongHow can tourists get to the Peak? (By taking a peak tram.)When was the Peak Tram open to the public? (In 1888.)How long does it take to get to the Peak if you take Peak Tram? (About 7 minutes).Where can you find the terminus if you want to visit the Peak? (Walk for about five minutes from the Bank of China Building, and you will find the lower terminus.)Standing on the Peak, what will you see? (Enjoy a superb view of HongKong).The Lijiang River in GuilinWhat is the usual means of transportation when visiting Lijiang River? (By boat)Whats the feature of Lijiang River? (Oddly-shaped hills and peaks along the river and their reflections in the clear water.)What can be scenery along the Lijiang River compared to? (It can be compared to a beautiful landscape painting.)链接3说明: 通过读后讨论活动,让学生熟练应用语言知识和结构,变输入为输出;通过列举出旅游时不文明的行为(划刻、乱扔垃圾等),引发学生的深层思考和保护文物及环境的意识。Step One If you are given a chance to have a look at one of the four places of interest, which one would you like to see? Why?Step Two Have you ever been to the four places? Can you give an account of your experience or your feeling while seeing the wonderful structure and beautiful scenery?Step Three While visiting those four places of interest, have you noticed some peoples behaviour which are not quite good? So can you list some Dos and Donts while you go on a trip?Chapter3.Places of interest Listening, speaking, using English, writing 一章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 本章节是语言运用部分,通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。针对高一新生情况using language 的任务是培养学生如何正确有效的使用字典,为以后的学习打下基础。(二)目标Listening :1 帮助学生通过抓关键词培养其听力理解能力2 听说结合,提高听力教学效果。Using English 1 帮助学生如何有效的使用电话号簿。2 培养学生自习自研能力。Writing 1 模仿课文写作 My Favourite Place of Interest2 尝试同伴批改,合作学习。3 教师批阅、评价终稿。Speaking 1 帮助学生学会做陈述,培养他们的交际习惯。2 鼓励学生在陈述中动脑,动口,学会如何评价他人。(三)重点和难点Listening 培养学生抓关键词汇:by plane/car/bus 根据内容判断情感: liked/dislikedUsing English 了解电话号簿的功能,学会如何能有效地运用查找信息。Writing 根据课文的题材、结合自己的亲身经历写出Places of interest 并能采用同伴批改。.Speaking 通过陈述介绍Places of interest,学会、习惯做陈述和听陈述及如何评价。 二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Listening 一材料的整合:将课本第42页和第56页的听力材料整合。两份材料都是培养学生抓关键词汇的能力。二建议把听和说相结合。通过教师与学生或学生与学生的对话,表演,引入要听的新的单词,强化学生可理解性输入。l Pre-listening 在听之前,扫清在听力材料中出现的困难词汇(这里主要是地图中出现的地名),创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务,提高听的效果. l While-listening诱发兴趣,增强听的动力。l Post-listening 通过延伸性问题,培养学生想象、评价的能力。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1。Using English 要求学生利用书上的第49页至51页的电话号簿的信息处理生活中的实际问题。T49Writing鉴于这个章节的主题,建议将写作与说这两个部分整和:向全班做My favourite place of interest的任务产生了学生写作的需求,对Reading的掌握使学生具备了一定的写作水平,并结合自己的亲身经历,学生能完成写作任务;建议学生从内容和语法的角度同伴批改,让每一个学生都成为批改着,评价的参与者,这样不仅可以提高学生的学习积极性,在改正同学的错误的同时,自身水平也得到的提高。最后,教师批阅,评价终稿。见网页Speaking 课本中出现的Speak up (Talk time) 内容与本课的主题关系不紧密, Speak up (Giving a short talk), 与主题有关联,但操练机械,调动不起学生的兴趣.故建议结合写作,以My favourite place of interest为主题向全班做陈述,具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2。同上链接1Listening 建议将课本第42页和第 56页上的两个听力材料整合。1 建议听说结合,在交际的基础上,引入听的内容,在听的同时,要求学生掌握表达旅行方式和表达喜好的基本句型。 建议材料的整合:将课本第42页和第 56页的听力材料整合。两份材料都是培养学生抓关键词汇的能力。Pre-listening(1) There are a lot of beautiful cities to see in Europe. But do you know how to pronounce the cities correctly? And do you know which country each city belongs to? (2) Hong Kong is a metropolis, receiving tourists from all over the world. What do they think of the city? What is their likes and dislikes?Post-listening(3) If you were the woman, how would you feel after the tour? (tired, exhausted, worn-out)(4) Ask the students to repeat in complete sentences about each tourists likes and dislikes, and state the reasons if possible. 链接2Writing and Speaking建议根据课文的阅读主题,将写作和说两项技能整和:1 学生任务:1) 明确结合自身旅游经历,模仿课文写作My favourite place of interest2) 同伴互相批改,从内容和语法的角度批改3) 做陈述4) 认真听陈述,发表意见和点评。2 教师任务:1) 指导学生写作和批改2) 亲自批改3) 给予学生陈述必要的指导:语音语调,陈述的姿态和仪表等4) 参与、分享学生的体验,做点评(指出语音语调上的优缺点、。附部分学生的习作与网页。 Chapter3.Places of interest Language 一、章节分析(language section ) (一)综述本章节主要语法-过去完成时。在初中阶段是曾接触了过去完成时,但只要求理解。本课要求在此基础上巩固掌握和运用过去完成时。可适当接触将来完成时。(二)语法目标 学习过去完成时的结构、语法含义。(三)教学法 口语情景教学法( 教师创设情景,学生主要通过口语训练达到对语言知识的掌握)(四)重点和难点过去完成时的语法含义二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Revision and Presentation 以现在完成时引出过去完成时的结构和含义。具体处理这部分内容的建议见衔接1。Practicel 口头听说操练句型l 课本第43页练习 A和第44页练习B具体处理这部分内容的建议见衔接2。T43Productionl 根据情景编对话。具体处理这部分内容的建议见衔接3。链接1说明:这是关于过去完成时的引入。以听说问答的形式从现在完成时着手,引出过去完成时的结构和含义,向部分同学呈现将来完成时。Step One T: When did you begin to learn English? S: I began to learn English when I was in Grade 3/ about 7 years ago.T: So you have learned English since you were in Grade 3/ 7 years ago. Or you have learned English for about 7 years. That is to say, you had learned English for 6 years by the end of last year. And by the time you graduate from senior high school, you will have learned English for 9 years.Step Two T: Ever since you came into senior high school, you have mastered a lot of new words, about 80 in Chapter One, about 50 in Chapter Two, and you will master another 50 in Chapter Three. We had learned about 130 new words before we began to learn Chapter Three last week.And we will have learned 180 new words by the time we finish Chapter Three next week. 链接2说明:这是关于过去完成时的操练。第一部分以听说问答的形式进行,刺激学生关注时态的结构形式和意义(awareness);第二部分完成课本第43至45页 的练习A和B,在meaningful drills 中强化语言结构和对语法意义的理解, 做到从accuracy到fluency的转化。Step One AwarenessQuestions for Oral PracticeWrite the following questions on sheets of paper, give them to half of the students and let them work with other students in pairs.Examples:Student A: What did Tom tell you about John? (catch a bad cold)Student B: He told me that John had caught a bad cold.1. What did Linda tell you a moment ago? (buy a bicycle)2. What did they say just now? (finish their homework)3. What did Susan tell Rebecca in the letter? (be in London for five days)4. What else did you learn from the letter? (already visit many old buildings)5. What did David tell you yesterday? (lose his dictionary)Step Two Meaningful drills Language Exercise A &B on textbook P43-45链接3说明:这是关于过去完成时的应用。向学生提供若干情景提示,让学生形成应答,正确、熟练应用过去完成时的语言结构和语法含义。Situational DialogueTopics:1. If one of your classmates didnt go to see the film with you, talk about it with your partner.2. Talk with your partner about one of your friends whose English is very good.3. If you receive a letter from your friend in Beijing, talk about it with your partner.Chapter3.Places of interest More places to visit (More Language Input )二、 章节分析(Reading section )(一)综述本章节通过介绍一些有代表性的旅游景点,拓宽学生的知识面,增加描述性语言的输入,激发学生的人文意识和民族自豪感。本课的任务有两个:1 对课文进行整体阅读,提供文章结构的框架,培养学生略读(获取大意)、扫读(整理有关信息、分析篇章结构)等阅读能力,提高阅读效率和阅读理解能力。2 通过了解在文化、历史、宗教等方面有代表性的旅游名胜,提高培养学生的文化素养,培养民族自尊和自豪感。(二)阅读目标教学目标1 知识目标对景点的大致了解,学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标培养学生的阅读技巧和提高学生的阅读理解能力:略读(获取大意)、跳读(整理有关信息分析篇章结构)、猜测词义等是高中学生必须具备的阅读技能。 3 情感目标激发学生对祖国悠久文化历史和和大好河山的自豪感, (三)教学方法通过任务型教学法组织教学。(四) 阅读重点和难点3. 词汇学习1) 核心词汇l guardl figurel style l seat l audience l single l vegetarianl overnightl mercy2) 拓展词汇l warriorl pottery l statue l goddess3) 词组和短语l be locatedl in memory ofl be famous for 4. 句型学习l Its believed thatl In front of the Hall stands 5. 语法学习完全倒装三、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考4 Pre-task 通过形式多样的交际活动,激活相关背景知识,突出主题。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1。见网页5 Task cycle 这是本课的主体部分,也是老师要处理的重点,通过培养学生的阅读技巧、获取信息的能力达到提高学生的阅读理解能力的目的。 Skimming要求学生带着问题快速通读全文,了解文章的大意。 Scanning要求学生分段阅读,针对各段内容,寻找相关信息完成表格,达到理解课文的目的。 Planning 准备将相关信息以正确的结构和清晰的语言向全班展示。 Report 请若干同学向全班简要汇报,对相关信息进行比较,接触更多的口头和书面语。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2。6 language focus l 猜测词义 完成练习A1l 掌握重点搭配、词汇和句形型。 ( sth. be available to sb, in memory of, In front of the hall stands, It is believed that)理这部分内容的建议见链接3。课本P55课件链接1说明:本部分内容的处理是为学生提供有益的输入,帮助他们熟悉话题,应用学过的语言结构,达到复习的目的。分享旅游经历,加强学生沟通能力,拓宽学生沟通渠道 。Step One 结合学生的写作,请1-2位同学介绍他们的一次旅游经历或一个旅游景点。 Step Two 展示更多景点图片引出任务主题。 (见网页) 链接2说明:本部分建议采用skills-based 和 text-based 结合的教学策略,以任务驱动贯穿阅读的全过程,提高学生阅读理解能力,培养学生的阅读技巧。如果将这部分教材处理成单纯的讲授课,那么就很难达到提高学生阅读能力的目标。Step One Skimming -to get the general idea of the material Skim the passage to get the general idea of the passage.Question: How many places of interest are included in the text?And what are they? Step Two Scanning - to get certain facts Scan the passage to find facts to fill in the table. More places to visitLocationHistoryFunction or SignificanceUnique characteristics or features1Terracotta warriors5 kilometres east of Xian, Lintong County2,000 yearsGuarded the Qin Shihuang Tombthousands of, on-site museum2Sun Yat-sen Memorial HallGuangzhouAbout 80 years built in memory ofin the style of,not a single pillar3Po Lin MonasteryHong Kong/34-metre-high giant BuddhaVegetarian meals and overnight stay, watch sun rise4Kuan Im TempleMacau600 years most popular temple,Italian explorer Marco Polo among the 18 Luohan statuesStep Three Planning-to have a deep understanding of the material. Ask students to piece up the information and get prepared to give report about a particular place of interest in oral English. The students are encouraged to use sentence structures different from those in the text.Step four Report -to deepen their understanding of material by listening and speaking.Ask some students to present their report about one particular place of interest to the whole class, the rest are encourage to complete some missing information 链接3说明:这是词汇知识和阅读能力的拓展部分,要求学生在对课文的理解和掌握的基础上,学会从上下文中猜测词义;分析重点句型、词组搭配和词汇,给学生创设情景,帮助学生操练并掌握词。Step One Exercise A1: Find the meanings of words according to contextStep Two Analysis and practiceBrief explanation and analysis on some key structures, give some specific situations, and the students shall put these structures into practical use by paraphrasing.1 in memory of do sth in memory of sb do sth to be in memory of sb1) Abraham Lincoln is a great president in American history because he prevented the southern states from breaking away from the Untied States. So the Americans built a memorial after he died. The Americans built a memorial in memory of Abraham Lincoln.2) Lei Feng was a PLA man. He served people heart and soul and did a lot of good deeds. So we set aside a special day, March 5 to do good deeds. We set aside March 5 in memory of Lei Feng.2 sth be available to sb: sth can be got or used1) We can get all kinds of information on the Internet. All kinds of information are available on the Internet. 2) Students can borrow any of the books on the shelves in our school library. All the books on the shelves are available in our school library. 3) You call on Mr. Smith, the general manager of a large company only to be told that he is attending an important meeting. What will his secretary say to you?Sorry, but Mr Smith is not available now.4) When I needed help that day, there was nobody around to whom I can turn. When I needed help that day, nobody was available.3 People believe that Its believed that 1) People in the 17th century believed that the earth was flat, but now they know it is round. It was believed that the earth was flat in the 17th century but now its believed that it is round. 2) People all over the world believe that music is a common language for all. Its believed that music is a common language for all.4 In front of the Hall stands a statue. 用简笔画的方法呈现画面,请同学造句1).In the center of TiAnmen Square stands a monument to heroes in war. 2) On the top of the hill stands a tall tree 3) At the bottom of the hill lies a small village. 4) In the middle of the lake exists an island.


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