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小学英语资源与评价一年级上册(Book 1)答案Module 1 Unit 11 1 2、略3、 4、略 3 4 25、 1 2 16、 A B A B AUnit 21、2. 4. 3. 1 2、略 3、 4、 B A B 5、A: B: C: D:Module 2 Unit 11. 26 2 4 1 5 3 3. 4. A A A B A B5. D A B E C 6. C B A BUnit 2 F T F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.略。Module 3 Unit 11. 9 7 2 6 3 2. 7 9 110 1 5 8 4 10 4 33. 4 1 7 9 5 8 2 10 64. D B A C F E5. 6. nine ten two seven7.略。Unit 21. 2. 3. eight five three ten4. E D B A C F5. A B B6. 略。Module 4 Unit 11. red green white yellow blue black2. blue yellow red black 3. 4. 略。 5. 6. 略.unit 21. A B B C2. 蓝色 红色 两个绿球,三个黄球 橙色3. C D B F G E4. 一个粉色的球 一扇黄色的窗户5.略。6.略。Module 5 Unit 1 1. Stand up! Sit down!2. door window up down3. 21435. AABB6. BACB7. CDBAUnit 2 3. 34124. BAC6. CABCC期中自我检测答案: 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、蓝、黄、红、绿、粉、黑 7、 8、B.A.B.B 9、 期中自我检测听力原文:1. 听一听, 给图片标序号。 Hello, Im a boy. Goodbye, bird. Im a dog. Hi, my name is Panpa. Im a panda. Hello! Hi! How many? Seven. Good morning, boys. How many balls? Three.2. 听一听,与图片相符圈“ ”,不相符圈“”。 My name is Sam. Goodbye ! Bye. Hello! Hi! Im a boy. Im a bird. My name is Tweet Tweet. How many dogs? Ten dogs. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Hello, Im a panda.3. 听一听,写数字。 How many girls? Six. How many balls? Four. How many boys? Seven. How many cars? Three. How many pandas? Ten.4. 听一听,选出正确的图片。 My name is Sam. Im a boy. Im a dog. My name is Bob. Good bye. Lingling. Bye, Daming. My name is Amy. Good morning, girls. How many pandas? Five.5. 听一听,连一连。 Whats your name? Im Lingling. How many dogs? Four. Im a boy. My name is Sam. How many girls? Five. Good morning , girls.6. 听一听,涂色。 What colour is the dog? Its blue. What colour is it? Its yellow. Colour the ball red. This bird is green. What colour is the car? Its pink. What colour is it? Its black.7. 听一听,选出你听到的单词,在括号内画“ ”。 morning yes bird white girl pandaModule 6 Unit 1 1. 2 4 1 3 2. XX3. 画一把红色的椅子 画一张黄色的桌子 画一个黑色的球 画一只绿色的小鸟4. 21436. ACAAUnit 2 2. DCEBFA4. 34126. BAAB7. dog desk cat seatModule 7 Unit 1 1. 4 2 5 1 3 2. 红色 绿色 蓝色 黄色3. CAAC4. school bag ruler pen book6. 214563Unit 2 1. CEDGHABFI2. 1 2 1 24. BCDA5. AEF HJL BDI CGKModule 8 Unit 1 1. 上下上下 2左左右右3. 黄色的盒子 黑色的钢笔 绿色的书 红色的书包蓝色的门 红色的鸟 黑色的球 蓝色的风筝4. 一只狐狸连fox 一个房子连house一个风筝连kite 一个盒子连box 一只鸟连bird 一只小猫连cat5. 左 左 左 右6. 横行:2 dog 3 cat 4 red 竖行: 4 kite 5 fox 6 boxUnit 2 1. cat连图二 bird连图四 dog连图一 fox连图三2. 绿色的书 黑色的钢笔 橘黄色的猫红色的书包 黄色的盒子 蓝色的房子3. 左 右 左 右 右 左4. 颜色:A E J 数字:C G I 动物:B D F5. ACBDModule 9 Unit 11.上上上上2BBBBA3. 中间 左 右4. BEFDCA5. Xiaobao 8 Sam 6 Amy 6 Daming 7 Lingling 7Unit 2 1. 右右右右2. CBADE 3. 笑脸连happy 生日蛋糕连birthday 球连ball4. 右右中间左5. ABABAModule 10 Unit 11.2. 连图二连图四连图三连图一3. 左右右4. 中间左右5. BBAAA6. CDEBAUnit 2 1. 熊连bear 娃娃连doll气球连balloon 桌子连desk 帽子连hat 床连bed2. 3. 右左右4. BABBAB5. BCDEAReview Module 1. 1.boy 2. panda. 3. six 4. point 5. red 6. that 7. ceiling3. 7. 4. 5. 蓝、绿、黑、粉6. AABAB8. under on on in9. AABAAB10.能力提升1. tigers books cars bags desks classes glasses foxes pencil-boxes babies families butterfliesReview Module听力原文一听一听,标序号。1. This is my bed.2. The panda is black and white.3. Good morning.4. Hello Bao bao. Hi Feifei.5. That is my hat.6. Look, this is my classroom.7. The balloon is red .8. Where is Ms Smart? She is in the classroom.9. The box is white.二听一听,圈一圈1.boy 2. panda. 3. six 4. point 5. red 6. that 7. ceiling三听录音,填数字1Five pandas. 2. Nine bears 3. Six rulers 4.Two frogs.5.Seven English books. 6.Eight pencil-boxes.四听录音,录音与图片一样的打“V”,不一样的打“X”.1. The panda is on the bag. 2. Happy birthday. Thank you.3.This is a bed.4. The eraser is on the book.5.Look! Its a frog.6. The dog is in the box.五听录音,涂颜色。1.This is a blue book. 2. The bird is green.3. The cat is black.4.That is my pink schoolbag.六听一听,圈出你听到的句子。1. Im a girl. 2.Whats this? 3. Seven dogs. 4. Come to the front.5. Now, its white.期末自我检测1、A B C A A 2、 3、蓝黄橙绿红4、5、、A.B.A.A.A.B.A.B7、 8、 9、 10、红、黄、绿、橙 期末自我检测听力原文1. 听一听,选择你听到的单词,将标号写在题前括号内。 Whats this? Its a book. What colour is it? Its yellow. How many? Seven. This is my seat. Good morning, boys and girls.2. 听一听,选出你听到的图片。 Whats this? Its a bed. Hello, Im a girl. Goodbye, Feifei. Bye, Baobao. Open the door. Is it a pen? No, it isnt. Its a pencil. This is a cat. Wheres the ball? Its in the hat. Stand up, please.3. 听一听,涂一涂。 What colour is the ball? Its blue. What colour is the cat? Its yellow. This is an orange fox. This door is green. What colour is the bird? Its red.4. 听一听,将正确的图片与数字连起来。 Im a panda. Im 3. Im a girl. Im 5. How many dogs? Nine dogs. How many birds? Seven birds. How many books? Six books.5. 听音排序。 Good morning, Daming. Hi, Lingling. Wheres the cat? Its on the box. How old are you, Daming? Im six. Is it a monster? Yes, it is. Whats this? Its a green school bag. Its a white car. Whats this? Its a panda. Whats this, Amy? Its my book.

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