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初一英语(下)复习专项训练-完成句子Unit 1 Topic 11.你通常如何上学?_ _you usually go to school?2.我总是坐公共汽车上学.I _come to school_ _.I_ _ _ _to school.3.他有时步行去公园.He usually _ _the park.He usually _ _ the park _ _.4.我们想了解美国学生的学校生活.We want to _ _the school life of American students.5.他们在上学期间很少外出吃饭. They seldom _ _on school days.6.你们在空闲时干什么?What do you do _ _ _ _?7.你们多久一次进行球赛?_ _do you _ball games?8.我们一个星期进行两次球赛.We _ball games _ _ _.9.放学后,她经常和同学们踢足球.She often _ _with her classmates _ _.10.美国学生学校生活与我们的不一样.The school life of American students _ _ _ours.Topic 211.玛丽现在在干什么? 她此刻在宿舍打扫卫生.What _ Mary_ now ? She _ _the dormitory _ _ _. 12.我可以借这本书多久?_ _ can I _ the book?13.你必须准时归还这本书.You must _the book _ _.You must _the book _ _ _.14.我可以借你的自行车用吗?May I_ your bike _you?15.你在找什么?What _ you _ _?16.我们的课室在学校的中心位置.Our classrooms _ _ _ _ _ the school.17. 教师办公室在我们班的课室的隔壁.The teachers office is _ _our classroom.18.学生食堂在学校的后面.The dining hall is _ _ _ _the school.19.实验室在课室和体育馆之间The lab is _the classroom _gym.20.在小红的右边有一个足球.There is a football _ Xiao Hongs _.Topic 3.21.今天是星期几?What _is it _?22.什么时候开始上课? _ _ _the class _?23.你每星期有几节英语课? _ _ English _ do you _ every week? 24.他们在课室解决数学问题.They _ _ _math problems in the classroom.25.你认为数学怎样? 有时时候很难又无聊,因此我很不喜欢._ do you _ _math?Sometimes its _ and _,so I dont like it very much.26.你最喜欢哪一科? 我最喜欢历史科._ _do you _ _?/Whats your _ _?I_ history _. / History is _ _ _.27.我的教师对我很友善.My teacher _ _ _ me.28.我能从电视上学到英语.I can _English _ TV.29.感谢你的辛勤劳动.Thank you _ _ _ _.Unit 6 Topic 130.你的书房有电脑吗?_ _ a computer in your_ ?31.为什么不到楼上去看一看呢?_ _go upstairs and _ _ _?32.床底下有鞋子吗?_ _ _shoes _the bed?33.房子前面有什么?_ _ _ _the house?34.我喜欢在客厅看电视.I _ _ TV in the living room.35.我很高兴收到你的来信.Im very glad to _ a letter _ you.Topic 236.你的家是什么样?_ your home_?37.我听到小明在课室唱歌.I _Xiao Ming _ songs in the classroom.38.音乐很优美,但恐怕太大声了.The music is very _, but _ _ its too loud.39.我们学校离超市不远.Our school is _ _ _the supermarket.40.你家靠近商店吗?Is your home _ _shops?41.我的自行车坏了.My bike _ _.There is _ _ _my bike.42.我会马上找人来检查.Ill _someone _check it _ _.43.城市交通繁忙,生活费用大.The traffic is_ and the cost of living is_ in the city.Topic 344.打扰一下,请问去书店怎样走?Excuse me ,_ _ _ _ _ the bookstore?45.往这条街走到尽头,你会发现就在你的左边._ _this street _ _ _,and youll find it _ _ _.46.书店在学校对面.The bookstore is _ _ the school.47.图书馆在新华街和中山路的拐角处.The library is _ _ _ _Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road.48.你需要乘坐11路公共汽车然后在新华大厦换乘18路公共汔车。You _ _ _bus No.11,then you should _ _ the No.18 bus at Xinhua Building.49.离这里大约有10公里远。Its about ten kilometers _ _from here.50.每年有许多人在交通事故中受伤或丧生。Every year many people _ _or _ _ _ in traffic accidents.51.在中国大部分地方,我们靠右行驶。In most parts of China, we _ _ _ _ _ the road. Unit 7 Topic152.你什么时候出生? When _you _?53.你计划怎样庆祝你的生日?How _you _ _celebrate it?54.今天是几月几日?What_ _ _ today?55.我们用电脑来干什么?What do we _ computer _?Topic 256.五岁时,她画画得很好。She could draw very well_ _ _ _./She could draw very well _ _ _ _ _.57.小明擅长踢足球。Xiao Ming _ _ _ _soccerTopic 3.58.昨天晚上朱迪向她父亲撒谎。Judy _ _ _ to her father yesterday.59.最后汤姆向老师说出了真相。At last Tom _ the teacher _ _.60.在生日聚会上,康康默默地许了个愿,然后一口气吹灭了蜡烛。At the party, Kangkang_ _ _ _, and then he _ the candles _ in one breath.61.你受伤了吗?_you _ _?62. 在生日聚会上,我们大家都玩得很开心。At the party, everyone of us_ _ _ _. At the party,everyone of us_ _.63.在生日聚会上, 玛丽娅发生了什么事?What _ _Maria at the party?Unit 8 Topic 164.今天的天气怎么样?_the weather _ today?_ _the weather today?65.春天是放风筝的好季节。Spring is a good _ _ _kites.66.下雪时,地面一片白色,我们可以堆雪人。When it snows, the ground _ _ _, and we can _ _.67.你最喜欢哪个季节?_ _do you _ _?68.以前我喜欢冬天,但现在我最喜欢夏天。I _winter _, but now I _ summer_.69.昨天整天阴天,但没有下雨。Yesterday it _ _ _ _, but it_ _.初一英语(下)复习专项训练-完成句子70.你觉得今天的天气怎样?天气挺暖和的。_ the weather? Its _.71.如果你计划去度假,你最好了解那里的天气。If you _ _ _ _ your holidays, you _ _ _the weather there.72.春天万物复苏。In winter everything _ _ _ _.73. 秋天是收获的季节,农民们忘于收割。_is the harvest season, and the farmers _ _ _.74.冬天从十二月持续到二月。Winter _ _December _ February.75.我希望和父母聚在一起。I hope to _ _ _ my parents.Topic 276.我希望到全国旅游并拍照。I wish to _ _ the country and _ _.77.昆明的天气全年总是晴朗。The weather in Kunming is always fine_ _ _ _.78.在日本,你进某人的家时,应该脱下鞋子。In Japan ,when you _someones home ,you should _ _your shoes.79.在印度尼西亚,你不能用脚指着任何东西。In Indonesia, you mustnt _ _anything _your foot.80.在泰国,不要摸小孩的头。Dont _in Thailand.81.请用双手递东西给长者。Please _something _old people _ _ _82.四川食物与广东食物很不同。Sichuan food _very _ _Guangdong food.83.前天我参观了在纽约的唐人街。I _Chinatown in New York _ _ _ _.84. 请代我向你的父母问好。Please_.Topic385.人们在元宵节这一天吃元宵来祈求好运。People eat sweet dumplings _ _ _on Lantern Festival.86.孩子们在睡觉前把长筒袜子挂在床尾。Children _ _stockings _ _ _ _ their beds before they go to bed.87.在端午节期间,人们享受了一个三天的假期。People enjoy _ _ _holiday during Gragon Boat Festival.88.我喜欢篮球、足球等等。I like basket, football _ _ _.89.我通常乘地铁上学。 I usually _ _ _to school.90.我可以向你借支钢笔吗?May I _ a pen _you?91.我家住在街道的尽头。I live _ _ _ _ the street.92.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 The early bird_ _ _.93.街的拐角处有一家书店。There is a bookshop_ _ _ _ .94.去地那儿你要坐12路公共汔车。You _ _ _the No.12 bus to get there.95.我们班有五十四个学生。_ _ 54 students in our class.96.该轮到你做游戏了。Its _ _ _ _ _.97.她出生在四月。 She _ _ in April.98.你打算怎样庆祝生日?How do you_ _celebrate your birthday?99.夏天有时雨下得很大。Sometimes it _ _ in summer.100.工人们在工厂忙于制造小汔车。The workers_ _ _cars in the factory.101.离这不远有一家银行。There is a bank _ _ _here.102我听不见你的话,线路很差。I cant _ _.The line_ _.103.在书店和电话亭的中间有一所学校。There is a school _the bookstore_the phone box.104.沿着这条路往下走,你可以看到图书馆就在你的右边。Go_the road,youllsee the library_your_.105.他昨天从马上摔下来受伤了。He _ _from the horse and _ _ yesterday.106.我直到妈妈回来了才去睡觉。I_go to bed _my mother came back.107.我弟弟一点也不喜欢肉。My brother _like meat _ _.108.在学校,我们每天都过得愉快。We _ _ _ _at school every day.109.吉姆八岁时不会骑自行车。Jim _ _ _ _when he was eight.110.珍妮五岁时画画得非常好。Jenny _ _very well_ _ _ _ _.111. 杰夫的电脑出了毛病。There is _ _ _Jeffs computer.112.你最好了解那个国家的风俗。You _ _ _ the customs of the country.113.不同的国家有不同的风俗。_countries have _ _.114.请不要摸我的鼻子。_ _ _ _ _ _,please.115. 在你进入我的房间之前,请你先脱掉帽子。Please _ _your hat before you _my room.116.有些父母忙于赚钱,没有时间照顾自己的孩子。Some parents_ _ _ _,and they have no time _ _ _their children.117.请把这些书收起来。Please _ _ these books .118.我喜欢在书房玩电脑。I_ _ on the computer in the study.119.她经常收到父母的来信。She often _ _ _ her parents.120.她是个什么样的人?_ _she _?121.我看见他在书房里看书。I _him _a book in the study.122.课桌上没有书。 _on the desk.123.你家离学校有多远?_ _is your home _the school?124.红灯亮时,你要等侯。_ _ _ _when the lights are red.125.刚才谁打电话给你?Who called you _ _ _?126.我们用这个房间来开会。We _this room _ _ _.127.对于布朗夫人来说,那将是一个惊喜。That would be a _ _Mrs. Brown.128.使我惊奇的是,他英语说得那么好。_ _ _,he can speak English so well.129.在她妈妈的帮助下,珍妮会写很多单词。_ _ _ _,Jenny could write many words.130.你怎么能欺骗我呢?How could you _ _ me ?131.你为什么不对我说实话呢?Why didnt you _ _ _ _?132.我们亲手做了卡片.。 We _the cards_ _.133.我可以借这本书多久? _ _can I_ them?134.你必须按时归还它们。 You _ _ them _ _.135.李雷吃午饭的时间到了。Its _ _ Li Lei to have lunch.136.打扰了,请问去邮局走哪一条路? Excuse me, Which is _ _ _ the post office?137.这双鞋很好。 _ _ _ shoes _ nice.138. 我的书与你的不同。 My book _ _ _ yours.139.他们忙于读书。 They are _ _.140.请把书还他? Please _ the book _ _.141.我正在找一所学校,这附近有吗?Im_ _a school. Are there any_ _?142.我女儿吉他弹得好。My daughter can_ _ _well.143.你的腿出什么毛病了?_ _ _ your leg?144.在我家的前面有一个操场。Theres a playground _ _ _my house.145. 你能告诉我从动物园去公园的路吗?Can you tell me the way_the zoo _the park?146.你的礼物是什么形状? Whats the _ _your present?147. 恐怕我不能和你一起去游泳。I_ _I cant go swimming with you.148.我能向你借一把雨伞吗? May I _ an umbrella _ you?149. 冬天里我们可以堆雪人。 We can _ _ in winter.150. 他望着天空默默地许了个愿。 He looked at the sky silently, and _ a_.151.他擅长英语。 He is _ _ English.152. 别担心,我能站起来走路。 _ _, I can stand up and walk.句型转换.1. There are some teachers in the teachers room. (改为否定句)There _ _ teachers in the teachers room.2. Put it on the shelf. (改为否定句)_ _ it on the shelf.3. Where is the school? (改为同义句)_ can I _ _ the school?4. Mike, our computer is broken. (改为同义句)Mike, our computer _ _.There is _ _ with our computer, Mike.5. Keep walking, and youll find it. (改为同义句)Keep walking, and you _ _ _.6. What do you think of your school? (改为同义句)_ do you _ your school?7. They usually go to the library on foot. (改为同义句) They usually _ _ the library.8. We play the piano twice a week. (就划线部分提问)_ _ do you play the piano?9. He usually goes to Beijing by sea. (就划线部分提问)_ _ He usually go to Beijing?10. 10. I dont like this motorcycle because its too old. (就划线部分提问)_ _ you like this motorcycle?11. They were born in a town in Beijing. (改成一般疑问句)_ they _ in a town in Beijing?12. It was July 7th, 2006 yesterday. (对画线部分提问)_ was the _ yesterday?13. The computer is about 35 centimeters wide. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is the computer?14. What shape is your present? (改为同义句)_ _ _ of your present?15. We use the MP3 to listen to the music. (对画线部分提问)_ do we use the MP3 _ ?16. The twins(双胞胎) are good at playing soccer.(改为同义句)The twins _ _ _ playing soccer.17. He can draw pictures. (对画线部分提问) _ can he _?18. Li Fang could swim when she was six years old.(改为同义句)Li Fang could swim at the _ _ six.19. Could you skate when you were five?(作否定回答)_20. Bill can swim.(用jump 改为选择疑问句)_ Bill swim _ jump?21. It will be cloudy tomorrow. (就划线部分提问)_the weather _ tomorrow?22. Which season is your favorite? (改为同义句)Which season _ you like _?23. He likes winter.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ winter?24. He speaks Japanese, _ _?( 反意疑问句)25. Its a good season for climbing mountains in fall.(改为同义句)Its a good season _ _ mountains in fall.


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