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初中英语重要短语及例句1)Have you got.? 你有.吗?例:Have you got a red pencil? Have you got any books about biology?2)Why dont you do.? 你为什麽不.(做事)?例:Why dont you do the homework? Why dont you eat the lunch?3)like doing/to do 喜欢做./干./.例:I like playing basketball. She likes sleeping. Do you like to fly a kite? He likes to go on a trip.4)make sb. happy 使(人)高兴例:Jim makes Mrs. Zheng very happy. She makes her friend happy. make sb. do sth. 使人作某事例:The boss makes workers work. Mrs. Zhang made students do the homework. make sb. sth. 为某人制作.(物)例:Mother makes her son model. I made him a birthday card. sb. is made to do 某人被迫去做某事例:I am made to do my homework. She is made to go home.5) give sb. sth 给(某人).(东西)例:Please give an apple. I gave his a glass of juice. give sth. to sb. 给某人.(东西)例:Please give this ruler to Jim. Jim gave a cup of coffee to me.6) ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人去做某事例:Mother asked me to buy something. Jim asks me not to play with his computer.7) encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做某事例:They think of other way to encourage prople to return books. They encourage people to plant trees.8) I guess that 我猜想.例:I guess that somebody else has borrowed it. I guess that Jim has gone home.9) let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事例:Lets go to school. Lets do the homework.10) need to do sth. 需要做某事例:I need to drink some water now. She need to have a rest.11) be afraid that 害怕.例:Im afraid that I cant help you. He is afraid that his money is lost. show sb. wh- to do 展示给某人.例:They show him how to cook. She show her sister how to make the bed. know wh- to do 知道.例:He knows how to use the computer. I know what to do next. teach sb. wh- to do 教某人做某事例:I teach my brother how to swim. She taught her student what to do. tell sb. wh- to do 告诉某人去做某事例:She tells Jim how to search on the Internet. Mother tells me how to use the fax.12) be famous for 因.而著名例: New York is famous for its tall buildings.Beijing is famous for its long history and places of intrest.13) not., either 不.也不.例:She isnt a student, either is Jim. I dont like singing, either does Jim.14) No matter wh- , you. 无论.你.例:No matter how cold it is, he takes a walk in the morning. No matter who telephones, say Im out.15) Whats the difference between.and.?(在两者)之间有什么差别?例:Whats the difference between pen and ball-pen? Whats the difference between Chinese and English? There is a difference between.and.这有.(差别)在两者之间例:There is a difference between cup and bottle. There is a difference between cap and hat.16) leave for 动身去,向出发例:We leave for Shanghai tomorrow. Do you know when he will leave for Japan?17) set off 出发例:Jim set off at 6:02 in the morning. I set off home to school.18) go on doing 继续做某事例:Jim hurt his leg, but he went on running.He nodded, smiled, and went on reading a novel.19) be proud of 以.自豪例:I am proud of being a teacher. We are proud of our great socialist motherland.20) write down 写下例:Please write down your name on it. Please kindly write down that address for me.21) all the year round 一年到头例:Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. She is happy all the year round.22) work as 从事.(工作)例:In the morning he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop. I have work as a student for nine years.23) have a day/night off 腾出.(时间)放松例:He has not had a night off for two months, but he still feels happy. She never has had a day off since I met her.24) pour.into. 向.(某处)倾倒.(某物)例:The factory was pouring waste water into the river. I poured the coke into the big bottle an hour ago.25) write.about 写.关于.(某事)例:I wrote a essay about English yesterday. She is writing sth. about her hobby.26) whenever., you. 不管什么时候,你.例:Whenever she begin speaking, you must listen to her carefully. Whenever I need help, you dont help me.27) as soon as 一.就.例:Ill call you as soon as I reached Shanghai.As soon as he was out of the room he turned back and knocked at the door again.28) Its ones duty to do. 这是某人的责任去做某事例:Its our duty to study well. Its our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. Its ones way to do. 这是某人去做.(某事)方法例:Its her way to have dinner. Its my way to sleep.29) keep.from doing 阻止某人做某事例:Parents must keep their children from playing near a river. The river smells terrible, people must be kept from throwing dirty things into it.30) make a contribution to 为.做贡献例:We must make a contribution to protecting the environment. We should make a contribution to the Four Modernizations of our country.31) The.,the. 越.越.例:The more you did, the more you learn. The more trees, the better.32) forget to do 忘记做某事例:She forgot to take the book when she left for home.She forget to play computer last Sunday.33) Id like to do 我想做某事例:Id like to eat a hundred hamburgers. Id like to play computer all the day.34) at rest 静止的 例:The machine is at rest.35) litter. about 乱丢例:She litters waste paper about anywhere.I dont litter the thing what it is waste about.36) take away 拿走例:She takes it away. I took the apple away yesterday.37) stop doing 停止做某事例:You must stop talking at once. I will stop playing in one hour. stop . from doing. 阻止某人做某事例:I stop my brother from playing computer. They stop me from talking.38) Could I.? 我能做.(某事)例:Could I sleep now? Could I play computer?39) right now 现在例:We havent got any books about math right now. She is sleeping right now. 40) speak to sb. about sth. 对.(某人)说.关于.(某事)例:I speak to my friend about computer games. He speaks to his son about English.41) as.as possible 尽可能的.例:I will speak English as much as possible. You must come back as soon as possible.42) (not).until. 直到.才.例:I didnt go home until I finish my homework. He wont go home until he feels well.43) How do you find.? 你是怎么发现.例:How do you find todays homework is very much. How do you find mouth is used to eat and drink?44) by air/sea/bus 坐飞机/船/公共汽车例:She often goes to school by bus. I never go out by air.45) take a taxi to. 坐出租车去.例:I took a taxi to my uncles home yesterday. She often takes a taxi to office.46) all kinds of 各式各样例:The library has all kinds of books. I have all kinds of toys.47) get on 上车例:I must get on the No.107 bus quickly. He is the first one to gets on the bus.48) stand up 起立例:When the teacher comes into the classroom, you must stand up. You must stand up at once.49) sound/feel/look + adj. 听起来/看起来/觉得.例:The music sounds very good. This kind of skirt looks nice and sells well.50) offer sb. sth. 为某人提供某物例:I offer my brother papers. The market offers us the food.51) practice doing 练习做某事例:I usually practice speaking English. She never practice writing Japanese.52) listen to 听.例:Listen to me carefully, boys and girls. I am listening to the music now.53) fall asleep 入睡例:As soon as he goes to bed, he falls asleep. Its too noisy, I cant fall asleep.54) wake up 醒来例:I woke up at five oclock this morning. She doesnt wake up now.55) go on a trip 做旅行例:We will go on a trip next Sunday. I went on a trip on last holidays.56) take photos 照相例:Taking photos is not allowed in the museum. I took photos when I was in America.57) How is.? .怎么样?例:How is my mother? How are you?58) There goes the bell. 铃响了59) hurry up 快一点例:Hurry up, or youll be late. Hurry up, its time to go to school.60) It takes sb. .to do. 花费(时间)做 (某事)例:It took me one day to finish the work. It took me 20 minutes to do the homework.61) pass. on to 传递某物例:He passes me on to an orange. I passed Jim on to a banana.62) take care of 照顾.例:Taking care of our environment is very important.I will take care of my little brother.63) have a meeting 开会例:We had a meeting yesterday. They are having a meeting now.64) be away 外出例:He has been away for two years.She hasnt been away from her home more than one year.65) ., too .也.例:She has a class today, I have a class, too. Im a student, he is a student, too.66) at the top of 在.顶部例:He is at the top of the building. There is a cat at the top of the house.67) in the north of 在.北部例:The Great Wall is in the north of China. There is no camel in the north of China.68) look at/for 看/寻找例:Please look at the map. Im looking for my pen.69) Could you tell me.? 你能告诉我.?例:Could you tell me how to get to the hospital? Could you tell me how much it is?70) get a chance to do 得到一个.的机会例:I get a chance to give talk for our classmates. She got a chance to go to the park.71) be interested in 对.感兴趣例:Jim is interested in flying kites. Im interested in biology.72) be like 像.例:I am like my father. He isnt like his grandfather.73) take part in 参加.例:He takes part in the football match. We all took part in the sports meeting.74) make a list 写一个条子例:I make a list before I go shopping. He made a list for leave just now.75) I like music. So does him. 我喜欢音乐,他也一样例:Jim likes walking in the open air, so does Tom.John watched the TV programme last night, so did I.76) It seems that. 这好像.例:It seems that She is very happy. It seems that he has a cold.77) feed on 喂.例:I must feed on my dog today. She has to feed on herself.78) a number of 大量的.例:He says there were a number of people that day. A number of stars are in the sky.79) Whats wrong with.? .有什么故障/怎么了例:Whats wrong with you? Whats wrong with your watch?80) get sb./sth. to do 让.(某人,某物)做.(某事)例:He gets me to do my homework. I get the computer to work.81) give up 放弃例:He gave up his job in the foreign company.The doctor told my father to give up smoking.82) have sth. to do with. 与某事有关系例:That has something to do with what we are discussing. Dont ask the question has nothing to do with the lessons. 83) not.any more 不再.(做某事)例:He doesnt smoke any more. I dont study any more.84) find sb. to be 发现某人.例:I find he to be a teacher. She found me to be a doctor yesterday.85) at the age of 在.(年龄)时例:At the age of 28, he wrote his first novel.At the age of 10, the boy an accident and lost his left arm.86) start doing 开始做.(某事)例:I started doing my homework yesterday. He never starts doing the work.87) .too.to do 太.以至于不.例:He was too tired to say a word. She was too weak to take care of her baby.88) .so.that. 太.以至于.例:He was so tired that he could not say a word. She was so weak that she couldnt take care of her baby.89) be good at 擅长于.例:Jim is good at swimming. I am good at skating.90) graduate from 从.毕业例:I graduated from Beijing University. She graduates from ShuGuang School.91) get together 聚会例:The family often gets together on the Spring Festival. They have never gotten together for six years.92) go from house to house 一家又一家例:He goes from house to house to ask for help. They went from house to house to sing this song.93) for fun 开玩笑例:Dont angry, I just say it for fun. From now you cant say anything for fun.94) on New Years Eve 在新年前夕例:Everyone is happy on New Years Eve.Families of ten get together on New Years Eve.95) at the end of 在.最后例:She is at the end of the queue.If you come here late, you must be at the end of the line.96) go to sleep 去睡觉例:As soon as he go to sleep, he falls asleep. Its too late, you must go to sleep.97) fill.with. 用.装满例:I fill the glass with orange juice. He filled the box with books yesterday.98) It is said that. 据说.例:It is said that Mr. Li has a cold. It is said that she is a good student.99) no longer 不再.例:Mr. Smith no longer lived there. I no longer sleep today.100) wake up 醒来例:The baby is sleeping, dont wake it up. You may wake him up if you make noise.101) cant wait to do 等不及去做某事例:I cant wait to have dinner, Im hungry. He cant wait to go out of the house.102) play with 和.玩例:She usually plays with her dog. He will play with his sister tomorrow morning.103) be born 出生例:I was born in Beijing. I was born in 1989.104) three quarters of 四分之三例:Three quarters of the class are girls.Three quarters of is means three fourths.105) Can I help you? 我可以帮你吗?106) How much.? .多少钱?例:How much is the pen? How much are the bananas?107) What about.? .怎么样?例:What about going fishing? What about have something to eat?108) I think so. 我这么认为 I dont think so. 我不这么认为109) on show/display 展出例:This picture has been on show. The old book is on display now.110) Why not do.? 为什么不.例:Why not do the homework by yourself? Why not drink a bottle of milk?111) Shall we.? 让我们.?例:Shall we go to the museum by bus? Shall we go?112) be covered with 覆盖着.例:The hill is covered with trees. The earth is covered with water.113) .so that. 以便例:I finished the homework in a week, so that I can have a good rest. She walks to the top of the hill, so that she has more time to have a rest.114) wash away 冲走例:A lot of trees were washed away by flood.Lets stop the flood from watering the earth away. run away 逃跑例:When he saw her, he ran away at once. That thief runs away. blow away 吹走例:The wind can flow a lot of the earth away.We must stop the wind from blowing the earth away.115) in this way 用这种方法例:You finish homework in this way computer. You cant do the work in this way.116) thousands of 成千上万的例:Thousands of bees are coming! There are thousands of people here.117) in a few years time 几年以后例:Well plant trees in a few years time.In a few years time, Ill learn much knowledge.118) in and out of class 课上课下例:He studies in and out of class. He isnt a good student, he plays in and out of class.119) fill in 填写例:Please fill in the form quickly. Dont fill in the blanks.120) tie to 系在. (某处)例:We tie the tree to the stick. Lets tie the shoes to the tree.121) far away 远例:Its five kilometers far away. Its far away from my home to school.122) there is sth. wrong with. .有点毛病例:There is nothing wrong with me. There is something wrong with the bike.123) know about 知道关于.的事例:He knows about Chinese a lot. She doesnt know about Physics.124) connect to 连接例:He made me connect to you. Jim taught me how to connect to the Internet.125) talk about 谈论关于.的话题例:They are talking about the match. You mustnt talk about me.126) without ones help 没有某人的帮助例:Without your help, I cant learn so well. Without her help, he cant get his home.127) make a telephone call to 给某人打电话例: I made a telephone call to Jim yesterday. I havent made a telephone call to my teacher.128) turn off 关闭例:When you go out, dont forget turn off the light.Dont turn off your mobile-phone.129) do sports 做运动例:I often do sports in the morning. She never do sports, so she is very fat.130) play games 玩游戏例:I often play games with my friends. Most of children like playing games.131) I wonder if. 我感到惊讶如果.例:I wonder if he died.I wonder if he has been lived, because he died three years ago.132) agree with 同意.例:I dont agree with you. All people in the room agree with Jim.133) start with 以.开始例:The play is start with the apple. You can start with these words on the paper. end with


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