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小学六年级英语第五单元测试题青云山小学一、读音标找单词,并用线连起来。/sAd/ /b C:d / /ANgri/ /taid/ /spraiz/angry sad tired surprise bored二、根据图片写出表示感受的单词。_ _ _ _ _三、英汉互译。1.feel bored _ 2.play chess _3.all day _ 4.win a football game _5.出去玩_ 6.帮助我爷爷_7.一件专门给你的礼物_ 8.闻到美味的面条汤_四、单项选择。( )1. Today we won a basketball game . Now I feel _.A. sad B. happy C. hungry( )2.Whats the matter ? _.A. Nothing B. No problem C. No matter( )3.What time do you get up ?_.A. At six B. In five C. On six( )4. I fell _ the bed . I feel angry .A. from B. off C. to( )5. Hes playing _ CDs .A. to B. in C. ( )6.Whats_ the box ? Its a beautiful watch .A. of B. in C. to( )7. What are you thinking _?A. about B. in C. on( )8. Are you _ bored ?A. feel B. feeling C. feels五、图文匹配。1. Today I helped my uncle on the farm . Now I feel tired .2. I can smell some nice noodle soup . I feel hungry .3. You are eating an apple . You are happy.4.Im going to make my father a surprise cake on his birthday .六、仿照例句转换句型。例:He is feeling sorry . Is he feeling sorry ?1. I am feeling angry . 2. They were feeling happy ._ _3. She was feeling surprised ._例:I Helped my mother .Did you help your mother ?4. I won a chess game . 5. I lost my bag ._ _七、情景交际。( )1.当冷饮店的服务员想知道顾客想喝些什么时,应问:A. You want tea . B. What would you like ? C. Hello !( )2. 当服务员想知道顾客是否需要买东西时,应说:A. Can I help you ? B. Hello ! C. Thank you .( )3.当你想知道这件上衣多少钱时,应问:A. How many are there ? B. How much is it ?C. Its ten yuan .( )4.当你想知道你的同学是否喜欢音乐时,应说: A. Do you listen to music ? B. Do you like singing?C. Do you like music ?( )5.你帮妈妈干了一天的活,妈妈问你有什么感受,你应说:A. I feel sad . B. I feel tired . C. I feel angry.八、请用所给的词语将句子补充完整。(只填标号)A. skipping B. morning exercises C. at 3 oclock D. near E. What time1. _ do you get up ?2. I have Music _ .3. Lets take my _ rope .4. Our house is very _ the school . 5. They dont do _ here .九、看图表,判断下列句子与其内容是()否()相等。( )1. Vicky has got milk and fish . Now she feels happy.( )2. Time for lunch . There is fish . Tom is happy , but Alice is sad .( )3. Mark is hungry . He wants to eat rice .( )4. Kathy is bored because she is eating noodles .( )5. Vicky and Kathy dont like milk .参考答案一、略二、1.sad 2.miss 3.hungry 4.surprise 5.angry三、1.感到无聊的 2.下象棋 3.一整天 4.赢得一场足球赛5.go out to play 6.help my grandfather7.a present just for you 8.smell some 四、B A A B C B A B五、1B 2C 3D 4A六1、Are you feeling angry ? 2、Were they feeling happy ?3、Was she feeling surprised ?4、Did you win a chess game ?5、Did you lose your bag ?七、B A B C B八、E C A D B九、

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