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Unit 一 词组短语固定搭配 。(L1)1.新学期的第一天 2.今年3. 一些新老师4.上课5. 高兴做某事6. 对我们好的锻炼 7.回到家 8. 现在我明白了 (L2)9. 你的一张好的照片10. 感觉如此窘迫 11. 放学后12. 看起来像13. 借给我你的 (L3) 14. 想要某人做某事15. 和一个同学交谈16.班里的一个新生17. 一点害怕18.写下、记下19. 散步20 . 拉小提琴21 。 梳头22起床23.再有一个问题。 (L4) 24. 一年到头25. 由。制成 (L5) 26. 一个豆荚里的两个豆子 27 。 互相28 。停止做某事29. 分道扬镳30 。他们两个31. 在。尽头32. 顺便来访33. 尽力去做某事34. 伸出。35. 达成交易 (L6)36. 站在前面 37. 准备做某事38. 弹钢琴39 。上大学 40 。 步行去学校 (L7) 41. 踢足球42. 把。介绍给。43. 很高兴去做某事44. 去看电影 45. 一场公平的竞赛 46. 相当地道和准确 二1.December is the _( twelve) month of a year .2. How many _( 班) are there in your school 3. My school is _( 大) than Jennys school .4. Whats the _( 不同) between the two schools ?5. Is this _( you ) ? No . It is _( he ) .6. I am happy _( 见到) your email .7. Is it fun _( get ) email from China ?8. Li Ming is looking at their _(照片)。9. I feel so _(难为情) 。10. Can you lend _(他们) some money ?11. I like _( go ) for walks , but I hate _(get ) out of bed sometimes .12. They stopped _( talk ) to each other and no more be friends .13. He could spend more time _( play ) basketball .14. I usually go to the gym _( 观看) games .15. He _(try) to say something , but he felt embarrassed .16. He is ready to _(介绍) someone to the class . 17. They are very good at _(sing) .18. _(walk ) to school in February is his hobby . 19 Last Saturday my mother _( buy ) a pair of jeans for me .20. I had the pleasure of _( talk ) to Mary .21. Her _( 发音) is really nature and correct .22. She invited me _( go ) the movies .三连词成句。1. classes , every , six , grade , has ,2. teachers , term , I , more , , this , have 3. year , will , my , over , the , live , family , with , following , he 4. coat , I , my , wear , to , red , like, 5. it , I , look , little , boy , like , a , in 6. photo , I , help ,take , can , you the 7. yours , me , you , can , lend ,8. question , have , I , more ,one 9. walks , I , like , also , going , for 10 . foods , I , like , different , many , to , eat 11. first , they , do , would , own, their , homework 12. sorry , good , have , dont , friends ,say 13. could , spend , more , playing , time , basketball ,he 14. exercise ,she , swim , to , like , for 15. daughter , husband , she , live , here , with , and 16. London , she , to , university , went , in 17 . doesnt . she , people , loud ,like 18 . local , Marys , work , a in , parents restaurant 19. today , we, soccer , after , played , school 20 .there , we, after , supper, will , have , school Unit 2 . 一 词组短语固定搭配 。(L9) 1. 希望做某事2. 在将来3. 擅长某事4.在两分钟之后5.回见 6.迟到 (L10) 7. 是。缩写8. 帮助。做。9. 考试10.谈论最喜欢的科目(L11) 11. 了解其它国家的人 12. 想学更多13. 非常喜欢阅读 14. 关掉灯15.打篮球16.四点在体育馆碰头 (L12) 17. 差一刻不到三点18. 三点半 19 。还没有20 半小时 (L13) 21. 寻找22. 下载一些北京的图片 23. 帮助我很大24. 跑进图书馆 25. 禁止吵闹!. (L14) 26. 擅长数学和科学 27. 了解中国文化和节日 28. 风景名胜29. 想去中国旅游 30 。 许多传统食物 (L15) 31. 作报告 32. 进行好的争论 33.使某人想起某事二1. I have _( paint) six new pictures this week .2. I hope _( see) them sometime .3. Have you _( 看到) some of his paintings .4. Are you good at _( 游泳) ?5.All our teachers make us _(学习) very hard .6. I have _(写) three English emails today .7. Whats the best way _( 学习) the language ?8. I told her _( 会见) me at six oclock .9.The _(图书管理员) help me a lot .10. I _(带) him to a restaurant a few days ago .11. You learn about different _(国家) of the world .12.Today I _(give) a talk to the class .We were happy .13.The picture always makes me _(记得) my holiday .14. We had a good discussion about how _( stay ) healthy .15. Jack put some very _(小茶叶) on the desk . Unit 3. . 二1.Jenny and Brian are _(谈论) about the holiday .2. I _( not meet ) many of them yet .3. Thanks to all of you for _( welcome ) me .4. Everyone _( 享受) this special holiday .5. She goes up stairs_( 寻找) stamps in the drawer . 6. Jenny _(pass) her card to him , then Brian reads . 7. Their _(家庭聚会) is exciting .8. Are my cousins _(来) tonight ?9. I _( 吹灭) the candles on my birthday cake yesterday .10. I like _( go ) to the National Day celebration .11. I _(笑呀笑) when I saw it .12. She turned off the lights and _( carry ) the cake into the room . 13. When it was time to say good bye , the y_( not want ) to leave .14. On _(woman ) Day ,all teachers are very happy . 15. This is my _( twenty ) birthday . 三连词成句。1. dont , good , you , it , need , be , to ,at 2.have , are , music , to , we , going , class 3. a , she , taught , us , has , lot 4. year , I , this , have , of , homework , a , lot 5. today , have , three, English , I , emails , written 6. Friday , I , math , have , exam , on , a , 7. helped , you , lot , have , me , a 8. in , we, are , favourite , about , talking , our , subject ,school 9. China , would , to , be , study , it , fun ,about 10. oclock , lets , gym , in , at , meet , four , the 11. school , I , all , in , have , the , looked , rooms ,the 12. found , have , music , any , you , Chinese ,?13. photos ,have , we, our , lots , talk , now , of ,for 14. a , in , am , I , student , school , good , 15. district , it , the ,is ,central , business , in 16. of , them , didnt , know , I any 17. things , love , and, being ,I ,seeing , a , tourist , new 18. our ,there , many , restaurants , are , Chinese , in , city 19. each , to , class, painting , brought, we , a ,20. mine , ocean , of ,was ,picture , the ,a Unit 3. 一 词组短语固定搭配 。(L17)1. 中秋节 2. 赏月 3. 不得不去工作4. 国庆庆典 5. 十月的第二个周一 (L18 ) 6. 他们中的许多人7. 迫不及待做某事 8. 离家在外 (L19) 9 。 一个服装店 10 。 如此兴奋 11 。 吹灭生日蜡烛12. 试穿这件夹克 13. 李明最喜欢的颜色 14. 浅绿色的衣服(L21) 15. 在感恩节那天 16. 给某人一个热情的拥抱 17. 像往常一样18.感恩节晚宴 19 。 为。感谢。20 。你们所有的人 (L22) 21. 制作生日贺卡 22. 最美好的祝愿 23 。 在。顶上 24 。 一切都准备就绪 (23 )25 。领取 26 。 时尚、流行 27 。 非常合身 28 。 关掉 29 做深呼吸 30 。想起你二根基括号里的提示完成句子。1. My mother has _(买) some moon cakes for me .2. I cant wait _(meet) my mother .3. He gives the jacket to Brian and Brian _(try) it on .4. _Li Ming _(讨厌) green clothes ?Yes , he does . 5. Its good _( 见到) you .6. Id like _(give) thanks to grandmother for her help .7. Thanks to all of you for _(welcome ) me . 8. Jenny and Danny are _( 制作) birthday cards for Li Ming .9. She goes upstairs _(寻找) stamps in the drawer .10 .I _(想起) you when I wear it . 11. She turned off the lights and my father _( carry ) the cake into the room .12. He stood up and _(吹灭) all candles .

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