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兴隆中学2014年秋期人教版新目标英语七年级上册复习学案Unit 1.My name is Gina.Self-check一、连词成句(3*5=15)1.name,MaryGreen,is,her .2.please,name,your,is, what ?3.to,nice,you, too, meet .4.this,English,what,in,is ?5.first,is,his,name,what ?二、选择正确的答案,并写在横线上(2*8=16)1、What is _( you, your ) telephone number ? _( Its, Its ) 8233565.2、_ ( She, Her ) brother is five, and I _ ( is, am ) seven years old.3、These are _( our, we ) books, and those are _( they, their ) rulers.4、Alice is the _ ( first / family ) name of Alice King.5、What _ ( are , is ) his last name?三、单词填空(2*6=12)1、This is my room. My room _ ( 号码 ) is 2205.2、He has a nice _ ( 电话 ) at home.3、I have a big _ ( 家庭 ) of eight .4、There are 28 _ ( 男孩 ) and 26 _ ( 女孩 ) in my class.5、I can see a big _ ( 时钟 ) on the wall .四、单项选择(2*5=10)( )1、 Dad, this is my friend, Tom. _ . A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you ! C. Are you good ? D. Thank you !( )2、That is _ pen. _ pen is on the desk. A. my, Her B. I , Hers C. mine, Her D. her, I( )3、_ brother is a teacher. A. He B. She C. You D. My( )4、Is this your clock ? _ . A. Yes , it is B. Yes, I am C. No, it is D. No, its my( )5、_ is her telephone number ? A. Who B. What C. Whose D. When五、补全对话(空格上的词数不限)(2*7=14)A:Hello,Iam Alan . ?B: ,Alan. My name is Jim Smith .A: Your name is Jim, and your is Smith. Is that right ?B: Yes,yourequite right, Alan. .A: , too. Jim.B : Excuse me, ?A: My telephone number is 560 1673.六、根据短文内容完成下列表格(2*5=10) Hello, my name is Jim Moore. Nice to meet you. Jim is my first name. Moore is my family name. My telephone number is 656- 2368. I am a student. I study in No. 1 Middle School. The teachers and students in my school are very good. I like my school very much.First name: Last name: Full name: Phone number: School name 七、完成句子(横线上的词数不限)(2*6=12)1.下午好!很高兴认识你(们)。 ! .2.请问你叫什么名字?Excuseme, ?3.我叫Jenny Brown, Jenny 是我的名, Brown 是我的姓 。 My is Jenny Brown , Jenny ismy ,and Brown is my .八、阅读理解,阅后判断,对的写T,错的写F。(2*5=10)Im an English girl. My name is Kate Green. Im thirteen. I am at school. Look! My school is No.5 Middle School. Im in Class 3, Grade 1. Im in Row Two. Im No.13. At school, I have a good friend. Her name is Wu Dong. She isnt at school today. I think she is at home. My English teacher is Mrs Li. She is a good teacher. ( )1、 Kate is in Class 3, Grade 1.( )2、Kate Green is a Chinese girl.( )3、Kates good friend is a boy.( )4、Wu Dong is not at school today( )5、Mr Li is Kates English teacher.Unit 2 This is my sister (Section A)一主要教学目标是学习谈论有关家庭成员的用语,并学会询问别人的情况,介绍自己的家庭,谈论自己的情感。任务 一:向同学介绍家人目 的:1、学习家庭成员的称呼2、学习句型This is my.(这是我的).That is my.(那是我的)These are my.(这些是我的)/Those are my.(那些是我的)通过完成任务一:向同学介绍家人。学习家庭成员的称呼学习以下句型:This is my.(这是我的)./That is my.(那是我的)/These are my.(这些是我的)/Those are my.(那些是我的)建议学生带自己家人的相片2-3张(至少三代)在课堂活动中先做两人活动,拿出相片,同桌间互相介绍自己的家人。练习句型This is My./That is my./These are my./Those are my. ;四人活动:前后四人一组,互相介绍自己的家人。继续练习句型This is My./That is my./These are my./Those are my.课前预习:一单词填空1. These are my _ (父母)2. - Is that your _ (爷爷)3. My aunt and my mother are _ (姐妹)4. Tom and Sam are good _ (朋友)5. I have 20 _ (相片)巩固练习题一单项选择( )1. - Is that your brother? - No, _.A. it isnt B. he isnt C. it is D. he is ( ) 2. Look at the photo, _ my good friends. A. it is B. these are C. here is D. those is ( ) 3. We call our grandmother and grandfather _ A. granny B. grandparent C. grandparents D. grandpa ( ) 4. - Is that her father? - No, _.A. it isnt B. he isnt C. it is D. he is ( ) 5. - Is this his sister? - Yes, _.A. it isnt B. she isnt C. it is D. she is ( ) 6. - Is she his sister? - Yes, _.A. it isnt B. she isnt C. it is D. she is ( ) 7. - Is he her father? - No, _.A. it isnt B. he isnt C. it is D. he is ( ) 8. Are those his books? - Yes, _.A. they are B. those are C. they arent D. those arent ( ) 9. Are these Toms pens? - No, _.A. they are B. these are C. they arent D. these arent( ) 10. Are they your rulers? - Yes, _.A. they are B. those are C. they arent D. those arent二按要求改写句子1. This is my friend. (改为复数形式)_2. Those are his photos. (改为单数形式)_3. He is my friend. (改为一般疑问句)_4. Those are his photos. (改为否定句)_5. These are Toms parents. (改为一般疑问句,并肯定回答)_三完成句子1. 这是你的妹妹吗? 是的Is _ _ _ ?Yes, _ _.2. 那是他的爸爸吗? 不是Is _ _ _ ?No, _ _.3. 这些是Jim的兄弟吗?是的Are _ _ _ ?Yes, _ _.4. 那些是她的哥哥吗?不是Are _ _ _ ?No, _ _.6. 他是Mary的爷爷吗? 是的Is _ _ _ ?Yes, _ _.7. 她是你妈妈的妹妹吗?不是 Is _ _ _ _?Yes, _ _.8. 他们是Jim的朋友吗?是的Are _ _ _ ?Yes, _ _.Unit 2 This is my sister (Section B)一主要教学目标是学习谈论有关家庭成员的用语,并学会询问别人的情况,介绍自己的家庭,谈论自己的情感。任务 一:向同学介绍家人目 的:1、学习家庭成员的称呼2、学习句型This is my.(这是我的).That is my.(那是我的)These are my.(这些是我的)/Those are my.(那些是我的)二弄清楚各家庭成员的关系,并熟记相关单词,能用简单的句子向同学介绍自己的家谱。三语法1. 分清楚this, that, these, those的区别和用法,this 和 these 是“近指”, that 和those 是“远指”,但这种“近指”和“远指”也是相对的;these 和 those 分别是 this 和 that 的复数形式。2. 英语的可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。绝大多数名词的复数形式由在单数形式后面加-s 或 es 构成。请记住这些名词复数的构成规则:1. 一般名词的后面加 s, 如:pencil pencils , car cars2. 以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的词加 es, 如 bus buses, watchwatches 等3. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,把 y 改成 i 再加 es, 如: party parties.4. 以 f, fe 结尾的词,把f, fe改为 v 再加 es, 如:lifelives, leafleaves5. 以 o 结尾的词,表示有生命的词加 es, 如:tomato tomatoes ; 表示没生命的加 s, 如:photo photos.课前预习:一翻译短语8. 照片_ 2. 三张图片_3. 家谱 _ 4. 很多堂兄弟_5. 兄弟姐妹 _巩固练习题一根据句子意思,用 I , he , she , it 或 they 填空1. This is my daughter. _ is 13.2. My name is Tom. _ am a student.3. I have a cat. _ is white.4. These are my friends. _ are from Guangzhou.5. My brother is Paul. _ is in the classroom.二单项选择( )1. Thanks _ the photos. A. of B. for C. at D. on ( ) 2. This is the photo _ my family. A. of B. for C. at D. on ( ) 3. This is Lily. Her father is my uncle. She is my _. A. uncle B. sister C. cousin D. mother( ) 4. We call our grandmother and grandfather _ A. granny B. grandparent C. grandparents D. grandpa ( ) 5. - Is that his sister? - Yes, _.A. it isnt B. she isnt C. it is D. she is ( ) 6. - Is he his brother? - Yes, _.A. it isnt B. he isnt C. it is D. he is ( ) 7. Are those his pens? - Yes, _.A. they are B. those are C. they arent D. those arent ( ) 8. Are these your cousins? - Yes, _.A. they are B. those are C. they arent D. those arent三仿照例句,完成下列句子 Model: This is my friend. These are our friends.1. This is my cousin. _2. Is this your photo? _3. That is my book. _4. Is that his pencil? _四 按要求完成句子1. Anna is my friend. Dave is my friend, too. (合并成一个句子)Anna and Dave _ _ _.2. Those are erasers. ( 改成单数形式)_ is _ _.3. Is Mike your brother? (作肯定和否定回答)Yes, _ _. No, _ _.4. That is my uncle. (改成一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ ?五完成句子1. 这是我的家庭照。 This _2. 那些是他的朋友吗?不是 Are _? No, _3. 那她的儿子吗?是的 Is _? Yes, _4. Tom是你的堂弟吗?不是Is _? No, _5. Jim不是Tom的弟弟。 Jim _.Unit2 This is my sister(Self check)姓名 班级 学号_ 成绩_二按要求写出相应的词 (2 10 = 20)1this(反义词)_ 2these(反义词)_ 3it(复数形式)_ 4that(复数形式)_ 5photo(复数形式)_ 6picture(复数形式)_ 7cousin(复数形式)_ 8friend(复数形式)_ 9为感谢 _ 10picture (同义词) _ 三 单项选择 (2 10 = 20)( ) 1. - Is that your brother? - No, _.A. it isnt B. he isnt C. it is D. he is( ) 2. Look at the photo, _ my good friends. A. it is B. these are C. here is D. those is( )3. I have _ uncle. A. a B.an C./ D. the( )4. Here is a photo _ my family. A. to B. of C. in D.on( )5. Thanks _ your family photo. A For B FOR C for D or ( ) 6. - Is she his sister? - Yes, _.A. it isnt B. she isnt C. it is D. she is ( ) 7. - Is Tom her brother? - No, _.A. it isnt B. he isnt C. it is D. he is ( ) 8. Are those his books? - Yes, _.A. they are B. those are C. they arent D. those arent ( ) 9. Are these Toms pens? - No, _.A. they are B. these are C. they arent D. these arent( ) 10. Are they your rulers? - Yes, _.A. they are B. those are C. they arent D. those arent四:翻译下列句子 (5 6 = 30)1, 谢谢你的家庭照片。 .2, 这是我的哥哥。 my brother.3, 那些是Tom的朋友们。 _ friends.4, 他们是Tony的父母吗?是的。 they _ ? Yes, 5. 那是他的爷爷吗? 不是 that _ _ ? No, 6. 这些是她的堂兄弟们。 _ _ _ _.Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Section B重点句型:-Whats this_ English? -Its a watch.-How do you _ it? -W-A-T-C-H.-Is this your watch? -Yes, _ _.Its my watch.课前准备:一、预习新单词,翻译下列单词或短语:1.棒球 2.电脑 3.手表 4.电子游戏 5.钥匙 6.笔记本_ 7.戒指_ 8.在里面 _9.打电话 _ 10.遗失 _11.找回 12.失物招领 13.在学校_ 14.一套;一副_15.身份证_二、预习怎样写失物招领: 1、招领启事: Found: _your notebook?Please _ Mary at _2、失物启事:Lost: _My school ID card.My name is _.Please call _三、回忆Section A 部分学习的形容词性的物主代词,完成下表:人称类别单 数复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称人称yousheyou中文意思我你他它我们他们形容词性的物主代词中文意思我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他们的三、学会写英文的失物招领:英语的失物招领启事,分失物启事和招领启事两种。个人可根据需要写相应的启事。当你无意拾得别人的物品时,你可以写一封招领启事,其内容包括你拾得的物品名称,你的联系方式,以帮助别人找到丢失的物品,例如: Found: (招领启事)A set of keys. (拾得的物品)Is this your key?Please call Mary at 2235-7728 (你的联系方式)当你的物品丢失了,你可以写一封失物启事,其内容包括丢失的物品,你的姓名、联系方式等主要内容,例如: Lost: (失物启事)My school ID card. (丢失的物品)My name is Tony. (姓名)Please call me at 8785-6325. (联系方式)巩固提高练习:一、翻译下列词组:1. 我的钢笔_ 2. 老师的字典_ 3. 她的戒指_ 4. 用英语_ 5.一块橡皮_ 6. 打扰一下_ 7.那支钢笔_ 8. 这只铅笔盒_ 9.一个“U”_ 10. 失物招领处_ 11. 一本英汉字典_ 三、根据答句写出问句1. ? His name is Tom.2. ? No, it isnt . Its her baseball.3. ? P-E-N:4. ? My telephone number is 82818117.5. ? Its a ring.6. ? Its black and white.7. ? Yes, its my computer.四、单项选择:( )1Thats book.A. you B. your a C. your D. your the ( )2.Whats this in English? A. Orange B. An orange C. Its orange D. Its orange( )3.How do you spell it? .A. Yes. P-E-N B.E-R-A-S-E-R C. No D. Yes, please( )4. Is that a cat? . A. Yes, it is . B. Yes, its. C. No, it is. D. No. that is.( )5.Can you spell name?A. she B. he C. her D. it( )6. Whats that? .A. watch B. Its a watch C. Its watch D.A and C( )7. Its a pen English. A. on B. in C. at D. of( )8. Is this your quilt?No, it isnt. Its quilt.A. my B. her C. at D. of过关练习(一)一、单项选择(2*5=10)( )1、 Dad, this is my friend, Tom. _ . A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you ! C. Are you good ? D. Thank you !( )2、That is _ pen. _ pen is on the desk. A. my, Her B. I , Hers C. mine, Her D. her, I( )3、_ brother is a teacher. A. He B. She C. You D. My( )4、Is this your clock ? _ . A. Yes , it is B. Yes, I am C. No, it is D. No, its my( )5、_ is her telephone number ? A. Who B. What C. Whose D. When二、选择正确的答案,并写在横线上(2*8=16)1、What is _( you, your ) telephone number ? _( Its, Its ) 8233565.2、_ ( She, Her ) brother is five, and I _ ( is, am ) seven years old.3、These are _( our, we ) books, and those are _( they, their ) rulers.4、Alice is the _ ( first / family ) name of Alice King.5、What _ ( are , is ) his last name?三、完成句子(数字不限)4*8=321-那是什么? -是棒球。- that? - baseball. 2. 我家的电话号码是3474207。My home is 3474207.3-这是你的铅笔盒吗? -不是,是她的。 - this pencil case? ,it . Its pencil case.4. A (电脑)is useful.(有用的)5 -这是你的英语书吗? -是的。- this English ? - Yes, .6我叫Bill。你叫什么名字?I . Whats ?7. 他的直尺 一本词典 8. 她的名字 四、单向选择:3*8=24( ) 1.-Is this a pencil case? - , it isnt. A. Yes B. No C. Not D. OK( ) 2. - this? -Its a clock. A. What B. Hows C. Whats D. Is( ) 3. Is it ID card? A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 4. -Whats that? - a map. A. Thats B. This is C. Its D. Thiss( ) 5. Please Tom 495-3595. A. call, in B. say, of C. call, at D. spell, to( ) 6. - you spell it? -Yes, I can. A. Is B. Are C. How D. Can( ) 7. She is a girl. name is Jenny. A. My B. Her C. She D. His( ) 8. Is this your ? A. a car B. cars C. car D. a cars五、根据短文内容完成下列表格(2*5=10) Hello, my name is Jim Moore. Nice to meet you. Jim is my first name. Moore is my family name. My telephone number is 656- 2368. I am a student. I study in No. 1 Middle School. The teachers and students in my school are very good. I like my school very much.First name: Last name: Full name: Phone number: School name 六、完成句子(横线上的词数不限)(2*6=12)1.下午好!很高兴认识你(们)。 ! .2.请问你叫什么名字?Excuseme, ?3.我叫Jenny Brown, Jenny 是我的名, Brown 是我的姓 。 My is Jenny Brown , Jenny ismy ,and Brown is my .七、阅读理解,阅后判断,对的写T,错的写F。(2*5=10)Im an English girl. My name is Kate Green. Im thirteen. I am at school. Look! My school is No.5 Middle School. Im in Class 3, Grade 1. Im in Row Two. Im No.13. At school, I have a good friend. Her name is Wu Dong. She isnt at school today. I think she is at home. My English teacher is Mrs Li. She is a good teacher. ( )1、 Kate is in Class 3, Grade 1.( )2、Kate Green is a Chinese girl.( )3、Kates good friend is a boy.( )4、Wu Dong is not at school today( )5、Mr Li is Kates English teacher.Unit 5 . Do you have a soccer ball ? Section A重点词汇basketball , bat , ping-pong , have , let , sound , club , more , ball , tennis racket , play sports , soccer ball知识回忆-What is this/that ( in English ) ?-Its a/an .-Spell it , please ?- .重点句型1.-Do you have a soccer ball ? -Yes, I do. /No, I dont .2.-Does he have a computer ? -Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt .3.-Lets play volleyball.- That sounds good.备注1.does/doesnt 只用于第三人称单数的句子中。2.Lets do sth.(Lets +动词原形+宾语)课前预习一 词组互译1.乒乓球拍 2.play soccer 3.网球拍 4.English club 5.运动俱乐部 6.more balls 7.打篮球 8.That sounds good. 9.电脑游戏 10.watch TV 2.预习如何利用动词have来谈论物主关系.-Do you have a soccer ball ?- . / .- he a computer ?-Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt .3.预习如何提出建议。-Lets do sth.- That sounds good. / I dont have .巩固练习提高一.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.- your friends (have)many balls ? - Yes, they do .2.We (have) a volley ball club and two ping-pong clubs.3. Frank ( not have ) a Japanese car.4. she ( have ) a set of CDs.?5. Lets

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