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Unit 1 My names Gina知识整理动词be(is,am,are)的用法:我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。如:I am fine.我很好。 How are you? 你好吗? It is an orange.它是一个橙子。【必背短语】my name your name his name her name first name last name=family name telephone number=phone number ID card your map middle school in China 【交际用语】1、 询问名字的日常用语:-Whats your name? -My name is Gina. -Whats his name? -His names Tony. -Whats her name? ? -Her names Mary. -Whats your/his/her last name?你/他/她 ? -My/His/her last name is Li.我/他/她 。-Whats your/his/her first name?你的/他的/她的 ?-My/His/her first name is Mingming.我的/他的/她的 。2、 英语国家人的姓名与中国人有三点不同:英美人的名字通常有男女之分,不可混用,如:Rose,Mary等为女名;Mike,John,Tom等为男名。中国人名按汉语拼音来拼写,姓在前,名在后,但要分开,大写姓和名的首字母。英语国家是姓在后,名在前。如:Li Junya李俊雅,Zhuge Kongming诸葛孔明,Jim Smith吉姆史密斯。英美人的全名通常有三部分,即:名、中间名和姓。书写时,各部分首字母要大写并有间隔。他们有中间名但不常用,我们则没有中间名。如:Ronald Wilson Reagan (罗纳德威尔逊里根) First name:Ronald Middle name:Wilson Last name / family name:Reagan四、形容词性物主代词my,your, his, her是形容词性物主代词,它是用来表示人或物的所属,通常修饰名词。表示”某人的”如:my pen your name his key her orange 五、自我介绍的日常用语:Im Gina. My name is Gina. 六、见面后的客套用语:Nice to meet you. 回答很简单:“Nice to meet you, . ”七、询问对方电请号码的日常用语:-Whats your /his/her telephone number? 你的/他的/她的 ?-Its 281-9176. 它是281-9176。练习一用am, is, are填空 1. I _ Peter Hunt. 2. My name _Bill. 3. I _twelve. 4. My family name_White. 5. Her name _Gina. 6.your phone number _22335. 7 . _you Tom? 8. It _my book.二用英语完成下列算式 1. six +one =_ 2. _ -two = two 3. _-five= five 4. _+two = ten 5. five-three=_6. nine-six=_ 7. five+four=_ 8. _+eight=nine 9. _+three=nine 10. five+five=_ 三根据句意和首字母提示完成句中的单词 1. Her n is Gina. 2. What is his jacket ? -Its yellow. 3. Im Lucy . N to meet you. 4. Mikes f name is Eric . 5. Whats her t number ? Its 733-2910. 6. My school ID c is lost . 7. I have m friends at school . 8. P sit down , Miss Green. 四完成对话 (1) ? His name is Peter (2) ? My phone number is 555-8906 (3) ? My last name is Green. (4) ? My first name is Dale. (5) ? Her name is Alice.五将下列句子翻译成英语(注意字母的大小写)1. 我叫珍妮,你叫什么名字? 2. 她的名字叫玛丽。 3. 他的名字叫托尼。 4. 你的电话号码是什么? Unit 2 This is my sister知识整理【重点词汇】grandfather称祖父,grandmother叫祖母,father父mother母,brother兄弟来称呼,sister姐或妹,parent父或母,uncle伯、舅、叔,aunt姨、婶、姑,daughter女儿son儿子,friend 朋友、友人picture 不仅指照片,也可指画,画像,图片等 【必背短语和句型】arent=are not (复数形式)my family/friend/brothers family tree Nice to meet you. I see. Have a good day. You, too my family photo = a photo of my family In my family in the picture in the first picture in the next picture the name ofmy dog This is my friend Jane. That is my grandfather. These are my brothers. Those are my parents. Are those/these your parents? 那些/这些是 ?Yes, they are. /No, Who is she? She is my sister. Who is he? He is my brother. Who are they? They are my grandparents. Here are two nice photos of my family. 。【知识点讲解】一指示代词1.this/these是近指代词,指时间或空间上较近的人或事物;that/those是远指代词,指时间或空间上较远的人或事物。(注意thats是that is的缩写形式,this is是不能缩写的)如:This is my friend Jane. That is my grandfather. These are my brothers. Those are my parents. 2.this,that,these,those和冠词(a,an,the)及形容词性物主代词(his,her,its,my等)合不来,它们不能连用。3.在回答主语是these 或those的一般疑问句时,不直接用this,that,these,those,通常用it/they来代替问句中的these或those做主语,以避免重复。如:Is this your pen? 这是 ?Yes, .No, Are those/these your parents? 那些/这些是 ?Yes, /No, 4.this,that常放在单数名词前面, 如 this book that friend these,those常放在复数名词前。如:these books those friends 5.this is常用于电话用语中的自我介绍。that常用于询问并指代对方,用thatit,不用you。如:Hello,is that Li Ming?喂,你是李明吗?Yes,this is Li Ming.是的,我是李明。6.向第三者介绍旁边的熟人时,常用This is/These are.;向第三者介绍距离较远的熟人时,常用That is/ Those are.。These are my brothers. Those are my parents. 二同位语 This is my friend Jane. 。在此句中,Jane是my friend的同位语,我的朋友my friend和Jane是同一个人。三Here倒装句:Here + is(are)+主语(名词或名词短语)Here are two nice photos of my family. 。这是由here引起的倒装句型,主语是单数,用动词is,主语是复数用动词are。如:Here is a pencil. 。Here are some apples for you. 。

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