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沪教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)_ is it?Its about thirty minutes bus ride.A . How farB . How longC . How oftenD . How soon2. (2分)My brother doesnt wear a coat. He often _ a white Tshirt. A . puts onB . wearC . put onD . wears3. (2分)Its raining _ and people can _ go out. A . hardly; hardB . hard; hardlyC . hard; hardD . hardly; hardly4. (2分)Diana is a good student. She _Chinese, English, history and art. A . does good atB . does well atC . is good atD . do well in5. (2分)She _ from China. A . isB . amC . are6. (2分)There is _bridge over the river. A . an 110-metre-longB . a 110-metre-longC . 110 metre longD . 110-metres-long7. (2分)Could I use your bike for a while. Sam?_. Im not using it.A . I have no ideaB . Sure, go aheadC . No. you cantD . Never mind!8. (2分)Peter wants to know if you will have the talent show on the square tomorrow.Yes. But if it _ well have it in our classroom instead.A . will rainB . rainedC . is rainingD . rains9. (2分)When did Jane train a music teacher?At the age of five. She music very much at that time.A . being; likedB . being; likesC . to be; likedD . to be; likes10. (2分)If itrain tomorrow, Well go on a trip.A . isntB . doesntC . wont二、 语法选择 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Im a cook in a restaurant. One day, I went for a walk when suddenly I saw smoke. I went closer to 1what was happening. It came from a house. At that time I saw the firemen rushing into the 2and I ran to 3to one of them. I asked him if there was someone inside.He replied that there was a whole family. My heart missed a beat(跳动) because I realized(意识到) that the family was4. And it was5for them to run away from the inside.I asked if there was an extra (多余的) uniform for firemen. He said “6”,and I quickly wore it and went in with three more 7. As I went inside, it was so hot that I felt as if I was melting (熔化).I passed by the living room and saw the curtains (窗帘) 8. When the firemen tried to 9the fire, I found the people. They 10themselves behind the curtains. One of them was unlucky 11he was seriously burnt. I helped them out of the burning house 12. Finally we were safe from the danger and the firemen put out the fire 13. The officer of the firemen 14e for my courage(勇气) to help those people.That night I 15not sleep because of all the excitement. Even now I am still proud that I saved the people who were in danger. Ill never regret(后悔) what I did.(1)A . draw B . see C . look D . notice (2)A . station B . restaurant C . supermarket D . house (3)A . say B . tell C . talk D . speak (4)A . out of danger B . safe C . in danger D . in dangerous (5)A . simple B . important C . normal D . difficult (6)A . OK B . Yes C . No problem D . No way (7)A . firemen B . cooks C . customers D . doctors (8)A . lost B . watered C . burning D . flying (9)A . put up B . put out C . put off D . put away (10)A . enjoyed B . hid C . hit D . saw (11)A . because B . before C . if D . though (12)A . suddenly B . quietly C . politely D . quickly (13)A . brave B . bravely C . excited D . excitedly (14)A . called B . thanked C . asked D . found (15)A . would B . should C . might D . could 三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分) Jim Smith was a poor boy. One day he was very cold and1. He came to a house and asked a young2only for a glass of water. But the lady was so 3that she gave him a large glass of hot milk. Jim drank it and then asked, “4should I pay you?” “You dont need to pay.” She replied. Jim 5her from the bottom of his heart. Years later, Jim became a 6. One day, a woman was sent to his hospital. She was seriously ill. He recognized her at once and decided to 7to save her life. The operation was successful, but the cost was high. After looking at the womans bill, Jim wrote 8on it. When the woman received the bill, she didnt dare to look at it.9, something on the side of the bill caught her attention. She began to10the following words: Paid in full with one glass of milk.(1)A . hot B . hungry C . cool D . strong (2)A . woman B . man C . husband D . waiter (3)A . angry B . beautiful C . lucky D . kind (4)A . When B . Where C . How much D . Why (5)A . thanked B . forgot C . missed D . understood (6)A . teacher B . worker C . doctor D . driver (7)A . say hello B . do his best C . give away D . get back (8)A . anything B . everything C . nothing D . something (9)A . However B . Whenever C . Especially D . Hardly (10)A . write B . remember C . read D . guess 四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)13. (8分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。While we are still children, most of us live at home with our parents, more or less peacefully. But as we become teenagers, things change, and we begin to grow apart from our parents. This means we are almost ready to leave the house where we grew up and make a new home of our own.All humans must do this, but they dont all do it in the same way. If, for instance, you belong to a primitive tribe (原始部落) ,then as you grew up, youd learn the skills you needed as an adult-how to catch fish, how to keep the house and look after children. You would be ready to marry in your early teens and you would build a house and live near your family in the village.This seems a very old way of life, but it is what humans have been used to through hundreds of years. And it is what we are still used to in the 21st century, for man hasnt changed in the short time since he became civilized(文明的). But could you leave home and look after yourself during the teen years? Most people would not do very well. Why? Because although man hasnt changed very much, the society he lives in has changed greatly, which means that we have to learn more and more before we are ready to leave our parents shelter( 居所 ) and live alone.However, sometimes it is very frustrating to live at parents home. Parents can be very upset about late nights, criticizing friends and always saying that we are noisy and dirty. But we still need our emotional (情感的) shelter till we finish our studies, and that is why we usually stay in our parents home until we feel grown up enough to deal with living alone.(1)When does the relationship with parents start changing? A . When we are children.B . When we become teenagers.C . When we are alone.D . When we get married.(2)For most teenagers of the 21st century, making a new home of their own may be _. A . difficultB . unimportantC . impossibleD . quite easy(3)Why must we know more to be able to live alone? A . Because we are becoming less talented.B . Because our society has changed a lot.C . Because not enough is taught in our schools.D . Because man has never really been civilized.(4)From the passage, we know living at parents home when we become teenagers _. A . is always pleasantB . must be very excitingC . makes us feel lonelyD . may be annoying14. (6分)Want to save money when travelling by train?Here are some ways:Day ReturnsThis ticket can save you up to 45 on the standard fare(费用). You have to travel after the rush hour period MondayFriday, but can travel at any time on Saturday or Sunday.Big City SaversThese are special low-priced tickets on certain trains. You have to book in advance(提前)at the latest by 16:00 the day before you travel. Its first come, first served.Weekend ReturnsWeekend Returns are available(有售)for most trips over 60 miles. Go on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, and return the same weekend on Saturday or Sunday, and save up to 35 on the standard fare.Monthly ReturnsThese are available for most trips over 65 miles. Go any day and return within a month. Monthly returns save you up to 25 on the standard fare.Family Rail CardFor 20 pounds this rail card allows you to take a second adult and up to 4 children for only 3 pounds each when you buy single or return tickets. You can travel as often as you like until the card becomes out of date.(1)How many ways does the writer tell us to save money when travelling by train?A . Five.B . Four.C . Three.D . Six.(2)Big City Savers are special low-priced tickets ontrains.A . certainB . returnC . weekendD . all(3)Monthly Returns save you up toon the standard fare.A . 45B . 35C . 25D . 6515. (8分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。Mooncake Box Recycling (回收利用) ActivityPeople in Beijing throw away about two million mooncake boxes every year. These boxes weigh up to 750 tons and can fill up about a hundred 50-meter-long swimming pools. They are going to become garbage (垃圾).Lets have a green Mid-Autumn Festival this year!Bring your mooncake boxes.Show that you care!Date: September 28, 2014 October 14, 2014Time: 9:00 am 9:00 pmCollection point: Sunshine Shopping CenterPlease keep the mooncake boxes clean.We will sell all mooncake boxes to recycling companies.We will hold a tree-planting activity with the money collected.Save Our Earth (Beijing)An organization for environmental protectionTelephone: 2123 1234Website: www.saveourearth.orgE-mail: infosaveourearth.org(1)How many mooncake boxes do people in Beijing throw away every year? A . About 1,000,000.B . About 1,500,000.C . About 2,000,000.D . About 1,300,000.(2)How long will the Mooncake Box Recycling Activity last? A . For one week.B . For half a month.C . For 17 days.D . For one month.(3)Who will buy the mooncake boxes? A . Recycling companies.B . Mooncake factories.C . Mooncake box companies.D . Sunshine Shopping Center.(4)Which organization holds this activity? A . Green Mid-Autumn Festival.B . Save Our Earth (Beijing).C . Save Ourselves (Beijing).D . Save Our Earth (Chengdu).16. (10分)任务型阅读If youre away from home, feeling a bit blue or searching for some comfort, the Danes have a solution. Its called “hygge”. Coming from Danish culture, but popularized by the British in 2016, hygge is much more than just a word, its becoming a feeling around the world.The hygge refers to the sense of happiness you get when your family is gathered together at new year or Christmas. It is all about the pleasant feelings of home: the smell of your mothers cooking, your partners arm around your shoulder and so on.Hygge is an antidote(良药) to stress. You know when youve got it, a gentle warmth starts spreading through your body. Another important part of hygge is that it has nothing to do with modern technology. Its a period time to relax your tired mind and eyes. So, put down that smartphone and turn off the computer.You should also know that hygge is not about healthy eating or more exercise. In fact, its just the opposite. Youre supposed to be lost in what you like: enjoy sweet snacks and calorie-laden cakes freely.Let yourself be carried on a wave of nostalgia(怀旧) back to your birthplace, and remember the childhood songs of your distant youth with a smile. If it helps, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sleep with one of your favorite books (not a pill or e-reader).If Denmark seems too far, then think of old Beijing with its hutong and courtyard houses. Picture yourself sit around a traditional stove with your loved ones, eating dumplings and chatting about the old days. Let yourself drift back in time to a period where everything is relaxing, and there is no need to reply to any e-mails or text messages. They did not exist(存在) back then.Now youve really understood hygge without even having to set foot in Copenhagen.An Antidote to _HyggeOrigin (起源)Hygge came from Danish culture.It was _with the British in 2016.What hygge isYou will feel pleased_your family members around.You dont_to use modern technology like a cellphone or computer.You can eat whatever you like without_about daily exercise.What people can do_feeling stressedYou can remind _of the sweet memories of childhood and relax yourself by reading books that you like _.If Denmark seems too far, let yourself think of old things and chat about the old days when _or text messages didnt exist.Its not _for you to go to Copenhagen as you have known hygge well.五、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(每空限填一词) (共6题;共10分)17. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)He often leaves his homework at home. How _(粗心) he is!(2)I have many musical instruments. I can play the _(小提琴).(3)Is there anything interesting in todays _(报纸)?(4)Now he gets up early in the morning and never _(猛冲) to school.(5)Theyre _(筹集) money for this poor girl.18. (1分)I see no light and hear no sound _ the wind that far away. (除之外) 19. (1分)Im not going to tell you about it because its a p_conversation. 20. (1分)Bob_(几乎不)ever eats junk food. 21. (1分)Fruits and vegetables are h_ food. You can eat a lot. 22. (1分)Can you e_ to me how to do this maths problem? 六、 完成句子 (共7题;共14分)23. (2分)篮球不是偶然被发明的。 Basketball _ _ by accident.24. (1分)中国的北方人喜欢吃饺子。People_China like eating jiaozi25. (4分)你的电话号码是多少,Kate?_ _ _ _,Kate?26. (2分)杰克很懒,每天无所事事,所以他很穷。 Jack is very lazy. He _ _ every day, so he is poor.27. (2分)Tom Sawyer,_the famous_,Mark Twain.著名美国作家马克吐温写的汤姆索耶历险记。28. (2分)在这家服装店,你可以更便宜地买到衣服In this clothes store, you can buy clothes_29. (1分)不要在阅览室里听音乐。_in the reading room七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)书面表达(20分)80-100词。 Please write your opinion about housework for kids. You must write a passage including(包含) the following things: Do you do housework in your home?What can you do to help with house-cleaning ?What do your parents or family members feel about doing housework?Think of a topic(标题) for your passage.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 语法选择 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12-1、四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、16-1、五、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(每空限填一词) (共6题;共10分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、六、 完成句子 (共7题;共14分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30-1、


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