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教材同步复习 第一部分 Grade7Book2 Units7 9 中考考点 精讲 2 3 活学巧练1 wastheweatherlastSunday Itwassunny Theskywasblue A HowB WhatC WhenD Where2 Whatwilltheweatherbeliketomorrow A Yes IlikeitB ItwillbecloudyC Idon tminditD That sit A B 4 3 HowistheweatherinCanadathesedays It s Wecanmakesnowmen A rainyB foggyC snowyD windy4 Whatwastheweatherlikeyesterday Itwas Unluckily Ileftmyumbrellaintheoffice A foggyB snowyC windyD rainy C D 5 6 活学巧练5 Look Thebirdsareflying theriver A crossB throughC acrossD over6 Theblindmanwalked thestreetwiththehelpofakindboy A acrossB overC crossD through7 Thesunshinegetsintotheroom thewindow Andmyroombeesbrightandfortable A overB throughC acrossD cross D A B 7 over through across8 Thereisastonebridge theriver 9 Theyran theroadwithoutstopping 10 Wewalk thewoodstopickupmushroomseveryAugust over across through 8 9 活学巧练11 Monadoesn tlikemakingspeeches Shefeelsnervouswhilespeaking herclassmates A infrontB infrontofC intheendD inthefrontof12 Mr Whitelivesinahousewithabiggarden it 在 前面 13 Welikesitting thecinema 在 的前面 B infrontof inthefrontof 10 11 12 活学巧练14 Howmuchdidthephone Thesameasyousaid eighthundreddollars A spendB costC payD take15 Beforestamps peopledidn t fortheletterstheysent butforthelettertheyreceived A payB takeC spendD cost B A 13 16 WhatdidyoudolastSundaymorning I twohours books A took toreadB spend toreadC cost readD spent reading17 Ittakesmehalfanhour playingthepiano Howaboutyou Iusuallyspend20minutes it A practicing onB topractice inC topractice onD practicing in D C 14 15 易混句型 Whatbe am is are sb like 则常用于询问某人的性格或人品等 答语常为kind friendly strict及shy等表示性格或人品的形容词 eg What shelike 他是个什么样的人 He sfriendlyandkind 他既友好又善良 16 活学巧练18 Whatdoesyourcousinlooklike A HewearsapairofblueshoesB HeisveryfriendlytoothersC HeistallandthinD HeisfromCanada19 Canyoutellme Sure he stallandofmediumbuild andhascurlyblondhair A whatTomlookslikeB whatdoesyourbrotherlooklikeC who syourbrotherD whatMr Greenlikes C A 17 20 He swarm heartedandhelpful A WhatdoesPeterlookslikeB WhatdoesPeterlikeC Who sPeterD WhatisPeterlike D 18 19 eg Iunderstandlittleofhisspeech 他的演讲我几乎听不懂 Heknowsalittleofeverything 他什么都懂一点儿 Therearefewboysplayingontheplayground 操场上几乎没有男孩在玩耍 Thereareafewboysplayingontheplayground 操场上有几个男孩在玩耍 20 活学巧练21 Hurryup Themovieisbeginning Don tworry Thereisstill timeleft A littleB alittleC fewD afew22 Thegirlinpurpleisnewhere so peopleknowher A fewB afewC littleD alittle B A 21 23 Idon tunderstandthestorybecausethereare newwordsinit A afewB fewC littleD alittle24 Thereis paper Canyoulendmesomelittle Ofcourse Hereyouare A fewB afewC littleD alittle A C 22 23 24 活学巧练25 Idon tlikethisbag Pleaseshowme one A othersB theothersC anotherD theother26 WhichofthetwoT shirtswouldyouliketochoose Both Icangiveonetomybrotherandleave tomyself A theotherB othersC theothersD another C A 25 27 SomepeopleliketostayathomeonSundays but liketogotothecinema A anotherB theotherC theothersD others28 Somestudentsinourclassarereading Somearewriting and arediscussingthemathproblems A otherB otherC othersD theother29 That sallfortoday sclass Arethereany questions A anotherB otherC othersD theother D C B 26


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