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上海高考英语重点词汇A1. abandon vt 放弃; 抛弃 give orders to ship 下令弃船; all hope 放弃一切希望 syn. desert / give up 2. ability n. a man of / have the to do sth 3. aboard adv 在船(飞机/车)上 go / All .请上船/登机 prep 在船(飞机/车)上 be the ship / the plane 4. about adv. be to do I was to leave when it began to rain. how / what / set doing = set out to do5. abroad adv 国外go for further study / at home and abroad国内外/ from home and abroad来自海内外6. absent adj absent friends 不在场的朋友 be from ant be present at, absent-minded心不在焉的 7. absence n 不在,缺席 during / in ones / after an absence of three months在离开三个月之后8. absorb vt 吸收; 接受 heat / oxygen / knowledge/ ones attention be ed in ones book埋头读书9. abstract adj 抽象的 an painting ant. concrete n. 摘要,梗概 an of a lecture 10. accept v 接受;认可 sth (as sth) sb as ones life-long companion把作为终身伴侣 an ed fact公认的事实 acceptable adj 可接受的 be to sb Is the proposal to you?11. access n 接近的机会;享用权 to sth / sb have to a good library, the president / The place is easy of . 路很容易走 Buses provide easy to the place. 通路the (=way) to the house be (in)accessible to the public12. accompany vt a. 陪伴, 陪同 sb to the police station b. 伴奏 Whos going to him on the piano? c. 伴随 be ied with / by Strong winds are often ied with heavy rain. 13. accomplish vt 实行; 完成 a goal, ones purpose, a task达到目的, 完成任务 nothing一事无成 accomplish, work, perform wonders n. accomplishment 14. account vi说明(原因等) for sth His illness s for his absence./There is no ing for tastes.人各有所好。 占 for 45 percent n. 帐户, 叙述 open an with a bank / give me an of sth on of sth因为/ on no 决不可 / take of sth; take sth into = take sth into considerstion 考虑15. accuse vt 指责 sb of cheating, theft 谴责某人欺诈、控告某人偷窃 syn. charge sb with sth 16. accustomed adj. 适应了的; 习惯的 be /become / get / grow (=used) to sth / doing习惯于 17. achieve vt 完成, 实现; 达到, 得到 success, ones ambition, ones purpose获得成功 / 实现抱负 vi. I d only half of what Id hoped to do. achievement C 成就; 成绩 make remarkable s18. acquire vt 取得, 学到 knowledge / skills / a good reputation a good knowledge of English 19. act vi 行动; 做,做事; 表演 vt 扮演(角色) act on / upon照行动; 对起作用 act as interpreter / catch sb in the act of doing sth 发现某人正在做 n. 行为, 动作; 法令; 条例 an act of kindness =a kind act action n take / put a plan into 将计划付诸实施 out of / in (不)在运转 Actions speak louder than words. 20. active adj. be in sth, take an part in, live / lead a full and life21. adapt vt, vi (使) 适应, (使) 适合adapt (oneself) to sth She ed (herself) to the climate. 适应新环境 sth for sb 改编 books ed for the college students 22. add v. add to / add to / add up / add up to n. addition in / in to 23. address n 演说,讲话; 地址; 住址; 通信处 make / deliver an (=speech) vt向发表演说; 在(信封)上写姓名地址 sb on the subject / the meeting / be ed to (us at ) our old home / sb as 24. adequate adj. 足够的, 适当的eat an breakfast / The supply is not to the demand / take measures 25. adjust vt 调整,调节 ones watch / the focus of a camera v (使)适合 adjust (sth/oneself) to sth adj. adjustable n adjustment 26. admire sb for sth 赞赏, 钦佩 I admire him for his success in business.27. admit vt 使进入; 承认 admit sb into / to sth be ted to Fudan University / Each ticket admits two people to the party. admission n准许进入; 入场费; 录用 admission (to/into sth) Admission freeadmit (to) sth / doing sth ones guilt, a mistake / (to) being wrong / that I was wrong / having stolen the car28. adopt vt采纳; 通过, 批准; 收养 an orphan/ adopted son / a name取名, a custom随俗, an idea29. advance v. 前进,向前移动,促进 advance two miles n. 前进; 进步 in advance (of sth) 预先; 事先Let me know in . advanced adj 先进的 have ideas / classes 提高班 advancement U 进步30. advantage C 优势 take of sth / sb / to sbs 对某人有利 / have / gain / get / win an over sb 胜过/have the of sb 比某人强 / s and disadvantages of city life The disadvantages outweigh (超过) the s 31. advertise vt 为做广告, 登广告 a concert, a job, ones house, a product, ones servicesvi. for a new secretary on TV / in a newspaper 刊登广告聘请 n. advertisement = advert / ad put an on TV / in a newspaper for sb / sth32. advise sth / doing sth / sb to do sth / sb on sth / sb against doing sth / that sb (should) do sth n. adviceU a good piece of / follow / take ones 33. affect vt. 影响;(在感情方面)打动, 震动 ones health / be affected /moved to tears; n. affection U,C 喜爱, 慈爱 have an affection (for/towards sb/sth) 34. afford vt. 提供, 买得起 (can, could / be able to) sth / to do / sb to do (to take) a taxi / the time,I cant to lose my job.舍不得丢掉这份工作 / sb sth TV s (=offers) us pleasure. 35. afraid adj. be of (doing) sth cf: be fraid to do sth36. against prep. Are you for or the plan? / the law / ones will / the current逆水lean against a tree/ protect plants against frost / stood out clearly against the snow 在雪的衬托下37. agree v. with a. with sb/what sb days b. Your words must your actions. c.The food doesnt me. to the plan , suggestion / on the date , price of sth / to do sth 38. agreeable adj. be to the ear, to the taste n. agreement arrive at / reach / come to an 39. aggressive adj. She a good student. Shes always . / Boys are often more than girls.40. ahead of 在前面; 胜过 be of the age 在时代的前头 / time = schedule 提前41. aid U, C 帮助; 辅助物 with the aid of a friend /go,come to ones aid / in aid of / first 急救teaching aids / visual aids / hearing aid / vt 帮助 aid sb in doing / with sth / to do sth42. aim vi. at sb / sth a. He ed at the lion. b. He ed at becoming (=ed to become) a doctor. vt. a. ones gun at sb / sth b. My remarks were not ed at (针对) you. n a. take at = at b. Whats your in life? achieve / miss ones c. high力争上游43. alert adj 警觉的, 警惕的, 机警的 be to sth an listener, mind / be to possible dangers vt 使警觉/ 警惕 sb to sth the staff to the crisis facing the company n. on the (for /against sth)44. alive adj catch , bury sb / The lake is with (=be full of) fish. / the greatest writer alive45. allow vt. sb to do / doing I dont smoking / you to smoke. / sb in / out / up the patient up 46. almost (used before no, nobody, none, nothing, never) but, not / pretty nearly47. alone adj. 仅仅; 单独的adv. 单独地 leave / let let 更不用说 Time will tell. 日久自明。 48. alternative adj & n 供选择的; 抉择; 供选择的东西 find alternative means of transport /have no alternative (=choice) but to do49. amaze vt 使惊异 be d at / by the change in his appearance / to do / that We were amazed / It amazed her that he was still alive. n. amazement look at at sb in 50. ambition U, C filled with to become famous, rich, powerful / realize / achieve /fulfill ones s51. among prep the last to leave / the best students52. amount n数量; 总数; 总计; 共达 a large of work, money v. to sth / add up to / total sth53. amuse vt. 逗乐,逗笑; 给提供娱乐 be d at / by sth / We were d to learn thatn. amusement to ones 54. analysis n. pl. analyses an of the situation / through above vt. analyze a sentence55. anger a burst of anger/ filled with anger at / speak in anger / be angry with sb for (doing) sth 因做了而生气 / be at, about因.而生气 be at/ about the delay56. announce vt. 宣布; 通告 sth to sb / It is announced that n. announcement announcer 57. annoy vt. 使烦恼; 打扰 be / get ed (with sb) (at / about sth); be ed to do / be ed that58. annual adj. 每年的 event, meeting, report, income / enjoy an growth of 5 % n. 年刊59. answer v. (sb) back反驳; 顶嘴 / for 对负责 / the door应门 / the telephonen ( to sb / sth) 回答,答复 / in answer (to sth) 作为回应60. anxious adj. 焦虑的; 急切的; 渴望的 be about ,for / be to do / be for sb to do / be thatbe about ones health / be for ones safety / too to meet you / be for you to succeed61. anyhow=anyway 无论如何; 不管怎样Anyhow/Anyway, you can try. 至少你可以试试。62. apart adv 分开; 分隔开 keep oneself from other people / take sth /tell, know A and B apart from except for; in addition to (sth)63. apologize vi. to sb for sth = make an apology to sb for sth / say sorry to sb for sth64. apparent adj. 显然的 = obvious be to sb / It became apparent that she was going to die. 65. appeal vi a. to sb for sth / to do sth to sb for help / sb not to panic b. She ed to a higher court. c. to sb = attract Football s to people of all ages. n. a. make an to sb for sth b. reject ones 驳回上诉 c. The new fashion soon lost its .66. appear vi 出现; 显得; 好像 appear + adj / appeared as if, though / that There s to have been a mistake= It s that there has been a mistake. Dont judge by appearances 勿以貌取人67. appetite n (1) U stimulate ones / lose ones / have a good C 欲望 have an for sth 爱好68. apply a. for a job, post, passport b. apply what we have learned to future work c. apply sth to sth 涂 apply the glue to both surfaces n. application a. (to sb)(for sth) 申请 make an to sb for help /fill in an form b. application (to sth) 应用 have important in the field of medicine 69. appoint a. 任命 sb sth, sb to sth, sb as / to be sth, sb to do sth sb mayor, sb to the post of sales manager, sb as / to be president of the club, sb to act as secretary b.约定 a time for the meeting / to meet, at the ed time n. appointment adj a. make an with sb, have an with sb, keep / break an b.任命pleased with the of John as chairman of the Students Union70. appreciate vt欣赏; 感谢 works of art / ones timely help / hearing from you again / Id it very much if youd / ones kindness in doing sth / show appreciation of good music 对音乐有欣赏能力 express ones appreciation of your services 真诚地感谢你的服务/ show ones for ones help 71. approach v. 接近 The car is ing. / Christmas is ing. / find sb difficult to n. easy / difficult of 平易近人的 / 难于接近的 / a new approach to language teaching 方法72. approve vt 批准; 赞成 an anti-pollution law 批准反污染法 vi 赞成 of the plan / I of your trying to earn some money, but please dont neglect your studies. n. approval ant. disapprove / approval 73. area n. a. 地区mountainous b. 领域the of finance c. 面积cover an of of 100square metres74. argue vi. 争辩, 辩论 with sb(about /over sth) (for /against sth) / that for the right to strike / argue sb into / out of doing sth = persuade sb to do /not to do sth 75. arise (arose, arisen) vi. He arose (=rose)from his seat. A new problem / difficulty has arisen. 76. arouse vt. 唤醒 sb from sth wake sb from sleep / 引起 arouse ones interest / ones enthusiasm 77. arrange vt 安排 sth / to do / for sb to do / that marrage / for sb to attend the meeting n. arrangement make s for sth / make s to do / make s for sb to do sth78. artificial adj. 人工的, 人造的; 仿真的 flowers, light, pearl, smile, fibre cf: false teeth / hair79. ashamed adj. 惭愧的, 羞耻的; 难为情的 be of sth / sb / oneself / be to do sth / be that He felt ashamed of having done so little work./ Im ashamed to ask for help.80. ask v. ask for / ask about = inquire about / ask after sb 81. asleep adj. fall / go to sleep / feel sleepy / be fast, sound ant. be wide awake82. aspect n. look at every of the problem / positive and negetive s of city life83. associate vt 结合在一起 A with B Red is d with danger. vi. with sb 与交往 n. association a. 联合,联盟association football 英式足球 football b. 协会 a womens 84. assemble v. All the students (were) d in the hall.85. assess vt. 估价, 对进行评估 / 评价 the value of the house at $60,000 / a school 86. assign vt. a. 布置/分配 homework / a task to sb b. 指派/指定 sb to do n. assignment 87. assist v. sb in (doing) sth / sb with sth / sb to do sth n. assistance request assistant 88. assume vt 假定 a. a statement to be correct / Its d that b. 承担 office / a responsibility89. assure vt 使(某人)相信 sb of sth / sb that I you of his honesty / that hes honest. cf: ensure90. astonish vt. be ed at sth / to do sth / that cf: surprise / amaze / shock n. astonishment to ones 91. attach vt 连接; 使依附 A to B the wire to the radio / The school is ed to the Normal College.这所学校附属于该师范学院。 importance to sth 重视, 认为.重要 vi 附属92. attack vt. a. the enemy / a city vi. at dawn b.抨击 government policy c. be ed with a disease d. 腐蚀 Acid s metal. n. make / launch an on / upon 向发动进攻, heart 心脏病突发 93. attempt vt 企图; 试图; 试图做 an escape / to escape n. make an attempt to escape / at escapingDont the impossible. 不要试图做不可能的事。94. attend vi 专心; 照顾 to sb /sth to ones work / (to) the wounded vt 照看; 出席 a ceremony 95. attention U 注意; 注意力 call sbs to sth引起某人注意 / pay to sth / catch sbs , eyedraw, attract ones / bring sth to sbs / give ones to / devote ones to /stand at 96. attitude n. 态度; 看法 to / towards sth97. attract vt. 吸引; 引起 ones attention, interest n. attraction tourist s adj. attractive 98. a large, small audience / an audience of 5 hundred99. available adj. a. use all means b. The book is in any bookstore. c.The ticket is for a week.d. if I am not e. be to sb This kind of imformation is to you on the Internet. 100. avenge vt. 为报仇 ones friend / oneself on sb为自己向报仇 She d herself on her fathers killers.101. average adj. 中等的; 平等的; 平均的 n 平均; 平均数 an student with an intellect / of height /(well) above / below average / on (the) average 102. avoid vt. doing sth try to making mistakes 103. await vt. = wait for sb / ones answer 104. awake adj. 醒着的be wide, fully / stay / keep sb / Are you fully awake to the danger youre in? v. (awoke, awoken) 醒; 弄醒; 引起 to sth 领悟到; 意识到 to the dangers / the opportunities105. awaken vt 唤醒 a. be ed by the frightening noise b. 使意识到 sb to a sense of responsibility 醒来,叫/吵醒wake (up) / waken / awake / awaken,但awake / awaken多用比喻,waken / awaken多用被动, awake主要用作形容词106. award n. win /get the first (= prize) vt. sb sth (for sth) sb a prize / a medal / a scholarshipcf: reward sb with sth (for sth)107. aware adj. be of sth / that be of the danger syn. be conscious of sth / that 108. awful adj. 非常的; 糟透了的 weather / an accident, experience adj. awfully hot / sorry109. awkward adj. an boy / an question / find oneself in an situation 发现自己处于尴尬的局面B1. badly adv. 严重地; 厉害地 need, want / in need of repair/ badly off潦倒 ant. be well off2. balance n. keep, upset , destroy, disturb the of nature / a well - d diet / keep ones / provide a between work and play3. barber n. at the s / the tailors / the doctors / the butchers / the chemists / the dentists / my uncles 4. ban vt 禁止 sth / doing / sb from (doing) sth (= prohibit) sb from smoking = forbid sb to smoke n. on sth / sb put a ban on the import of alcohol5. bare adj. hands / feet / a wall , hill 光秃秃山/ go out with ones head 不带帽 / a room of furniture 6. bargain n. 特价商品; 交易 pick up good s / a bad, good bargain吃亏的交易/上算的交易 vi 讨价还价 (with sb)(about /over /for sth) about prices 7. barrier n. language / a (= obstacle) to success 8. basis n. (pl. bases) 基础; 前提 the economic / on the basis of 以为基础,在前提下 vt. base sth on 9. bear vt. a. 忍受 sth / to do / doing I cant the pain / to be laughed at / being laughed at.b. 承担 a heavy burden / the cost / the expense / the responsibility c. 承受 The ice is too thin to your weight. d. 标有What s the Red Cross must never be attacked.e. 生育 His wife has borne (him) two children. f. bear / keep sth in mind 10. beat v & n. sb in the face, on the nose / sb at chess 在棋上打败 / about the bush 旁敲侧击/ feel my heart fast / the drum 打鼓 / No difficulty can him. / the record / times 打拍子 11. before prep long / long / It will be, was + time before cf: It when / that / since 12. beg v. 乞求; 恳求 from sb; for sth (from /of sb); beg sth of sb; sb to do sthbeg for money from passers-by / beg a favour of sb / beg sb not to take any risks /I beg your pardon / go ging / reduce sb to ging n. beggar 13. behave vi. well, strangely, badly / oneself / a well -d child 14. begin v. with Knowledge s with practice./ to with 首先 / Well began is half done. 15. beginning n. at the of / from the (very) / from to end16. behind prep the times落后时代 / fall others 落后于人/ leave / stay after school / schedule / run out from the door / close the door you 随手关门17. believe v. it or not / sb to be honest / in sb / ones eyes / I so, not / Seeing is ing. / Its generally d that n. belief have in syn. believe in / trust (in) / have trust in 18. belt n. Fasten your seat / safty belt. 19. bend vt. 使弯曲 vi.弯曲 the wire up, down, forward / bend ones mind to sth专心于某事物/ down and pick it up / over ones desk n弯曲; 弯角; (道路)转弯处 a slight, sharp, sudden 20. benefit 有益于; 得益; 利益 v. = be beneficial to / do good to His advice ed us.=We ed from / by his advice. vi. from / by n for the of sb为了利益, be of to (= be beneficial to ) the people 21. beneficial 有益的 be to sth / sb22. best do / try ones best; hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,作最坏的打算。/ as best one can 尽力而为 / to the best of ones ability, power尽最大努力 / make the best of / to the best of ones knowledge 尽自己所能知道的/ look ones best / the seller 23. bet vi & vt. 打赌 on sth 对打赌 ($50) on the horse / He bet me ten dollars that John would come/ on Johns coming. / 我敢肯定 I bet that (= I am sure) he wont come. n. make a on sth 24. better be better off 境况好转 / Better late than never. / for better (or) for worse 同甘共苦,祸福与共 / know better than to do 很明白(而不至于) You know better than to trust her. / had / no than 25. beyond adv 在更远处prep. (空间) 在的那一边; 远于; (时间)迟于; (范围) 超出 compare / praise / sbs power / description / repair不能修理 / hope 没有希望 / go / The book is me. 我看不懂.26. bind (bound, bound) vt 使粘合; 捆绑; 束捆 the soil / bind up a wound包扎伤口27. bird n. A in the hand is worth two in the bush. / kill two s with one stone / a s eye view 鸟瞰图, 全景28. bit n a bit of / bit by bit / do ones bit尽自己的一份力量 / not a bit / quite a bit 29. bitterly adv. 难以忍受地 be punished adj. bitter taste / Bitter pills may have wholesome effect.30. blame vt 责怪 (sb) be to blame He is to for the failure. / blame sb for sth / blame sth on sb / Bad workmen often blame their tools. n. lay / put the blame on / upon sb for sth把某事归咎于某人31. blind adj. 失明的be blind in the right eye / go blind / be blind to ones faults / turn a eye to sth No one is so as those who will not see. vt.使失明 blind oneself in both eyes n. blindness瞎32. block n. a of 一块 vt. 封堵, 阻止The road is ed. / prevent the water pipe from being ed 33. bloom n. 开花 come into bloom / in (full) bloom vi. 开花 The roses in spring.34. blow v. ones hat off / out a candle / up the bridge / The bomb blew up. n. a heavy to sb 35. board n. on / go on 上船(机/车) / go on the train / notice / of directors 董事会 / a ing school 寄宿制学校 / a ing card 登记卡36. boast v自吹自擂 vt 有(引以为荣的事物) (about /of sth); that about his childrens success / of ones learning n. make a of ones ability37. book vt a table / a seat / a room a seat for tonights concert / The hotel is fully booked up.订满38. bore vt. be d to death / be d with = be tired of / be sick of / be fed up with39. born adj. be in a poor family / be of poor par

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