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高中英语必修(一)各单元短语Unit11. add upadd up toadd to2. be concerned about /for be concerned to do sth as far as I am concerned3. go through4. set/write/put down5. a series of6. suffer from7. be/get tired of8. get along/on with9. be good to do10. join in/take part in11. be/get /grow crazy about12. stay awake13. give light14. happen to do 15. have trouble with sb/sth16. have trouble/difficulty(in) doing sth17. communicate with sb18. take/follow ones adviceask for ones advice19. express ones feeling and thoughts20. lend a helping hand21. come to/into power22. show interest in / be interested inUnit 21. ones native language2. at present3. make (good/full) use of4. play a part/role in5. under the command of6. be based on7. take the road to8. change over time9. without a second thought10. build up11. keep fit/healthy12. fight illness and disease13. make jokes on sb14. take note oftake notestake notes of15. request sb to do sthat sbs request=at the request of sb16. a (great) number ofthe number of17. ask directions to18. practice doing sth19. whetheror20. make sensemake sense of21. make sure (that) +句子make sure ofUnit 11. 把。加起来合、总计达。增添/加(气氛、色彩等)2. 关心/挂念一心想做就我个人而言3. 经历/受;通过;仔细检查4. 写/记下5. 一系列。;一连串。6. 遭受;患。病7. 对。厌烦8. 与。相处;(工作、生活)进展9. 乐于助人10. 参加(活动)11. 对。狂热/ 热衷12. 熬夜;不睡觉13. 发出光亮14. 碰巧做。15. 与某人/ 在某方面有麻烦16. 做。有困难17. 与某人交流(沟通)18. 接受某人的建议向某人征求意见19. 表达某人的思想和情感20. 伸出援助之手21. 上台;当权22. 对。感兴趣 Unit 21. 本国(族)语2. 目前,现在3. (充分)利用4. 在。扮演角色;参与。5. 在。的指挥下6. 以。为依据7. 走。之路8. 随着时间改变9. 不假思索10. 建/树立;锻炼11. 保持健康12. 预防疾病13. 开某人的玩笑14. 注意。记笔记把。记下来15. 请求某人做某事应某人的要求/请求16. 许多/大量。的数量17. 打听。的方向18. 练习做。19. 是。还是。;不管。还是。20. 讲得通;有意思弄懂。的意思21. 确保/信。把。弄清楚Unit31. prefer to dorather than doprefer (doing) sth to (doing)sthprefer sb to do sth2. means of transport3. persuade sb to do sth/ into doing sth4. be determined to do sth5. make up ones mind to do sth6. ones attitude towards/ to7. in ones view/opinion8. fill in the form9. spend a holiday10. in ones daily life11. dream about (doing) sth12. graduate from college13. feel like doing sth14. in the setting sun15. can hardly/not wait to do sth16. for company17. be about to do sth when18. be fond of sth/doing sth19. follow the route of20. flow throughflow to21. find sb doing sth22. There is no need to do sthIts no good/use/pleasure doing sthUnit41. right away/right now/at once2. burst into tears/ burst out crying3. be/lie in ruins4. be shocked st5. do damage/harm to6. judging from/by7. congratulations to sb on sth8. find/take shelter from the rain in9. think little of10. send sb to do sth11. be trapped underbe rescued from12. be of (great)use /importance/ value13. make up14. take turns to do sth15. in honour of16. express thanks to sb17. raise/ collect money18. have a conversation with sb19. be proud of/ take pride in20. a letter of invitation21. get injured22. give milk23. It seems as ifUnit 31. 宁愿做。而不愿做。喜欢。胜过。宁愿某人干某事2. 交通工具3. 说服某人做某事4. 决心做某事5. 下决心做某事6. 某人对。的态度7. 在某人看来8. 填表9. 度假10. 在日常生活中11. 梦想(做)某事12. 大学毕业13. 想要做14. 在落日下15. 迫不及待做某事16. 陪/作伴17. 刚要。这时。18. 喜欢某物/做某事19. 沿着。的路线走20. 流过。流向。21. 发现某人正在做某事22. 没有必要做某事做某事是没有好处/用处/乐趣的Unit41. 立刻;马上2. 突然大哭起来3. 成为废墟4. 对。很震惊5. 对。有损害6. 由。判断7. 因某事向某人表示祝贺8. 在。避雨9. 没把。当回事10. 派某人做某事11. 被困在。之下被从。中救出来12. (很)有用/重要/有价值13. 组成;虚构;化妆;弥补14. 轮流做。15. 为纪念/庆祝16. 向某人表示谢意17. 筹款18. 与某人对话19. 以。为自豪20. 邀请函/信21. 受伤22. 产奶23. 似乎好像。Unit51. be of high(good) quality2. be mean with/about sth3. be mean to sb4. be active in5. devote oneself to sth/doing sth6. devote sth to sth7. be devoted to sb8. a man of high principle9. against ones principle10. under the guidance of sb11. be/become out of work12. be under attack13. blow up14. be equal to 15. be in trouble16. be willing to do sth17. turn to sb ( for help)18. lose heart19. escape / flee doing sth20. beg for sth21. beg (of) sb to do sth22. come to/into power23. be sentenced to24. as a matter of fact/ in fact/ actually25. be generous of sb to do sth26. easy-going27. a blanket of snow28. in ones opinion/view29. offer guidance to sb30. be/become hopeful about31. achieve ones dream of32. be in prison/be put into prison 33. imagine doing sth34. study for35. feel good about oneself36. take/ show sb around37. sth come back to sb38. past the exam(s)39. to ones understanding40. get the correct papers41. fight against42. fight for43. land on the moon44. in a peaceful way45. go to sb for adviceUnit 51. 高质量2. 在。方面很吝啬/小气3. 对某人很小气/吝啬4. 在。方面很积极/ 活跃5. 献身于。6. 把。用在。;专心于。7. 对某人很忠诚;深爱某人8. 有高度原则的人9. 违反某人的原则10. 在某人的指导下11. 失业12. 遭到攻击13. 爆炸;(使)充气14. 与。相等;胜任。15. 处于麻烦/ 困境/ 危险中16. 乐意做某事17. 向某人求助18. 失去信心、勇气19. 逃避做某事20. 乞讨/求。21. 祈求某人做某事22. 上台;当权23. 被判处。24. 事实上25. 某人做。很大方/慷慨26. 随和的;宽容的27. 一片白雪28. 就某人个人而言29. 向某人提供指导30. 对。抱有希望31. 实现。梦想32. 入狱/被投进监狱33. 想象做某事34. 为。而学习35. 自我感觉良好36. 带某人参观。37. 。浮现在某人眼前/脑海38. 通过考试39. 在某人看来40. 得到恰当的证件41. 同。作斗争;抗击42. 为了。而斗争/而战43. 登上月球44. 用和平的方式45. 向某人征求意见/寻求帮助


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